Beyond aspirin: nature's answer to arthritis, cancer & alzheimer's disease, 2000, 323 pages, thomas m. newmark, paul schulick, hohm press, 2000, ebook
Beyond aspirin: nature's answer to arthritis, cancer & Alzheimer's disease, Thomas M. Newmark, PaulSchulick, Hohm Press, 2000, 0934252823, 9780934252829, 323 pages. Covers: How the COX-2 enzymecreates inflammation in the body; The relationship between COX-2 inflammation and arthritis, specificcancers, and Alzheimer's disease; Herbs and dietary strategies proven to inhibit COX-2 inflammation safely;The dangers of the pharmaceutical 'silver bullet' approach to COX-2 inhibition; Comprehensive scientificsupport for the herbal strategy; Practical guidelines for personal use.
Anti-Aging Manual The Encyclopedia of Natural Health, Joseph Marion, Apr 1, 1999, Health & Fitness, 1550pages. .
Why We Hurt A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, Greg Fors, 2007, Health& Fitness, 398 pages. A guide for readers wanting relief from chronic pain explains how the nervous systemproduces pain and the role of diet and environmental pollution in disease, and offers such .
Diet for a New America , , 1987, Health & Fitness, 423 pages. A second edition of the nutrition classic takes ahard look at the average American's diet and the health problems it can cause, describes the methods used inraising and .
An Introduction to Natural Health , Deanne Tenney, Aug 1, 1996, Family & Relationships, 162 pages. The useof natural remedies is increasing as the general public becomes more aware of the benefits found in the field ofnatural health. In her informative reference, An .
Medicinal herbal therapy a pharmacist's viewpoint, Steven G. Ottariano, Nov 1, 1998, Family &Relationships, 192 pages. A comprehensive and easy-to-use reference, arranged alphabetically by ailment.
The Herbal Home Remedy Book Simple Recipes for Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Tonics, and Syrups, Joyce A. Wardwell, 1998, Cooking, 169 pages. Explains basic techniques for herbal therapy, provides recipes fortinctures, salves, and vinegars, and suggests ingredients for a home medicine chest.
Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine , Daniel Mowrey, Oct 11, 1998, Health & Fitness, 320 pages. DIET/HEALTH/EXERCISE/GROOMING.
The Cox-2 Connection Natural Breakthrough Treatment for Arthritis, Alzheimers & Cancer, James B. LaValle, Sep 1, 2001, Health & Fitness, 176 pages. In this innovative text, James LaValle clearly explainswhat can cause joint and muscle inflammation, then sets forward mutliple treatments, with step-by-stepinstructions on .
Natural alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex & other anti-inflammatory prescription drugs , Carol N. Simontacchi,Apr 1, 2005, Health & Fitness, 120 pages. COX-2 inhibitor drugs can be dangerous to your health. This book
presents a simple guide to using safer, natural alternatives to relieve pain and inflammation caused byArthritis.
Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About , Kevin Trudeau, Jan 30, 2007, Health & Fitness, 572pages. Self-Help.
Corrine T. Netzer's Big Book of Miracle Cures , Corinne T. Netzer, Mar 9, 1999, Health & Fitness, 496 pages. The best-selling expert on health and nutrition offers a comprehensive guide to a range of practical naturalremedies for some fifty common ailments, discussing the benefits of .
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals, LeslieTaylor, 2005, Health & Fitness, 519 pages. Rainforests contain an amazing abundance of plant life over half ofthe planet s vegetation. For centuries, tribal shamans have successfully used these botanicals as remedies .
The Directory of Complimentary Therapies , C. Norman Shealy, 2002, Health & Fitness, 208 pages. .
Goodman and Gilman's The pharmacological basis of therapeutics , Louis Sanford Goodman, Alfred Gilman,1980, Medical, 1843 pages. .
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If you are exposed to a needle stick, splash in the eye, or other high-risk exposure: 1. Immediately dispose of sharps safely, if necessary. 2. Explain to the patient that you will now transfer their care to another clinic worker, while you care for your injury, and ask them to wait for this transfer. 3. Notify your replacement clinic worker that you are activating the Needlestick Protoco
GFI SOFTWARE 2011 PARENT-TEEN INTERNET SAFETY REPORT – TOPLINE DATA TOPLINE DATA – PARENTS AND THEIR TEENS Parents’ questionnaire begins on p.2; teens’ survey begins on p.10 METHODOLOGY SUMMARY This survey is a probability sample – designed to be nationally representative - of 535 pairs of teens ages 13-17 and their parents in households with Internet access .1 Survey sponsor