"H" - Find Medical Article:


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: The symbol * nex

Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön työryhmämuistioita 2004:17

Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön työryhmämuistioita 2004:17 Lääkkeiden velvoitevarastointijärjestelmän uudistamistyöryhmän muistio Helsinki 2004 KUVAILULEHTI Julkaisija Julkaisun päivämäärä Tekijät (toimielimestä: toimielimen nimi, Julkaisun laji Lääkkeiden velvoitevarastointijärjestelmän Toimeksiantaja Toimielimen asettamispäivä Ju


Could Coffee Really be GOOD for You? My understanding of coffee's virtues was greatly enhanced by my interview withauthor of The Warrior Diet and Unlocking the Muscle Gene , who has researched coffee extensively. Ori explained how coffee, when consumed in the right way, can be used effectively as part of your overall health and fitness plan. Although organic coffee as a whole food may be th

Medtronic synchromed infusion system (med08)

SARASOTA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL NURSING PROCEDURE DATE: 02/91 REVIEWED: 3/13 PAGES: 1 of 4 RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To provide information on the Medtronic SynchroMed Infusion DEFINITION: Medtronic SynchroMed infusion system – an implantable system designed to contain and to administer parenteral drugs intrathecally. The system consists of an implantable programmab


Rolf HOFFMANN TrichoScan: combining epiluminescence microscopy with digital image analysis for the measurement of hair growth in vivo Hair loss or hair thinning is a common complaint in clinical dermatology,and patients seeking advice for hair loss are not necessarily bald. Also theeffects of treatment attempts are hard to measure. Consequently, there is aneed for a sensitive tool to monit


Honig- Ginseng Granulat Das moderne koreanische Energiepaket für Vitalität aus der Natur liegt jetzt u.a. unter dem Handels-namen HoneySweet Ginseng vor. Honig und Ginseng gehören zu den ältesten Energie- und Vitalitätsspendern der Menschheits-geschichte. Aus Bernsteinfunden ist bekannt, dass es schon seit 40- 50 Millionen Jahren Bienen auf unserer Erde gibt. Die Menschen haben schon


PROGRAM VOUCHER To obtain reimbursement (up to $50.00) for attending a smoking cessation class, call HNE to obtain a log number, fill out this form, cut along the dotted line and bring it to class with you. Mail the completed form to: Your Member ID Number: _______________________________________ Call HNE Your Log Number: 413-787-4000 or 800-842-4464 __________________

030814 methotrexate versus cyclosporine in moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis

The new england journal of medicineMethotrexate versus Cyclosporine in Moderate-Vera M.R. Heydendael, M.D., Phyllis I. Spuls, M.D., Ph.D., Brent C. Opmeer, Ph.D., Corianne A.J.M. de Borgie, Ph.D., Johannes B. Reitsma, M.D., Ph.D., Wouter F.M. Goldschmidt, M.D., Patrick M.M. Bossuyt, Ph.D.,Jan D. Bos, M.D., Ph.D., and Menno A. de Rie, M.D., Ph.D. b a c k g r o u n d Methotrexate and cy

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Biblioteca de Alejandría, encuentro con el pasado En los tiempos que corren, la nueva Biblioteca de Alejandría es más que un resurgir intelectual, es un intento de que, a través de la cultura, el mundo sea un poco más amplio. Mientras la brecha entre Oriente y Occidente parece agrandarse por momentos, los responsables de este proyecto quieren poner de manifiesto el espíritu de esf


De basiseisen die wij aan al onze HEMA producten stellen zijn kwaliteit en veiligheid. Veilig voor u, uw kinderen en het milieu. Was- en reinigingsproducten zijn samengesteld uit vele ingrediënten. Bij een klein aantal mensen kan een bepaalde stof een allergische reactie veroorzaken. Als u weet waarvoor u gevoelig of allergisch bent, kan de lijst met ingrediënten u helpen deze stof te vermi

Resistenzstatistik iserlohn 2012

Jahresstatistik 2012: Niedergelassene Ärzte Jahresstatistik 2012: Krankenhäuser Angegeben ist die Zahl der voll empfindlichen Bakterien in %Angegeben ist die Zahl der voll empfindlichen Bakterien in % Antibiotikatherapie bei Erwachsenen 55 0 84 74 38 88 83 19 92 18 0 31 100 100 43 0 59 68 37 80 73 11 88 19 0 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 93 0 97 92 92 100 99 100 100 10


Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS 2.001.0010 Lithium primary cylindrical cell (coiled) 1. Identification of the product and of the company undertaking Product details Trade name: Lithium primary cylindrical cell (coiled) Voltage: 3.0 V (or multiples of this in case of multi-cell configurations) Electrochemical system: Lithium metal | organic electrolyte | manganese dioxide Anode (negat


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Joint Pain and Sjögren’s Syndrome Alan N. Baer, MD, FACP Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Director, Jerome Greene Sjogren's Syndrome Clinic 5200 Eastern Avenue Mason F. Lord Bldg. Center Tower Suite 4100, Room 413 Baltimore MD 21224 Phone (410) 550-1887 Fax (410) 550-6255 In 1930, Henrik Sjögren, a Swedish ophthalmologis


Es wird von einer Hospitation in der Praxis von Dr. André Saine in Kanada berichtet. This report is in regards to observations and experiences in the practice of Doctor André Saine in Canada. Die Praxis von Dr. Saine liegt in einer vornehmen Wohngegend Montreals in der Nähe des Parc du Mont Royal. Kein Schild weist darauf hin, wer hier praktiziert. Seine freundliche Sekretärin führt uns

First response® - early result pregnancy test

FIRST RESPONSE® - Early Result Pregnancy Test FIRST RESPONSE® EARLY RESULT PREGNANCY TEST PLEASE READ ALL THE INFORMATION IN THIS LEAFLET BEFORE PERFORMING THE TEST. Do not use after the expiration date stamped on the side of the carton. Store in a dry place below 86°F (30°C). Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children. For In Vitro diagnostic use. Not to be taken interna


Perfusion 2007; 22 : 41–50 Quality assessment of platelet rich plasma during anti-platelet therapy* Chad W Smith1, Robert S Binford2, David W Holt3 and David P Webb4 1Tennessee Perfusion Services, PLLC, Centennial Medical Center, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Graduate Degree Completion Program, School of Allied Health Professions, University of Nebraska Medical Cente

Microsoft word - philip cv 2-28-2007.doc

PHILIP AGOP PHILIP, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P. Baccalaureate, American Jesuit Fathers’ College, Baghdad, Iraq. M.D. Degree, University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. Ph.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics , University of London, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK. Intern in Internal Medicine and General Surgery, Medical City Teaching Hospital, University


Bibliotekarstudentens nettleksikon om litteratur og medier Av Helge Ridderstrøm (førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus) (_sjanger, _sakprosa, _skjønnlitteratur) Svært personlige, intime selvbiografiske verk. En undersjanger av selvbiografien: En selvbiografisk tekst der forfatteren går inn for å fortelle det intime, uanstendige, ulovlige osv. – “fortelle alt !”

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Weltwoche Nr. 38, 21. September 2006 Eine Geschichte, die ans Herz geht Von Ralph Pöhner Nach dem Vioxx-Skandal gerät eine weitere Gruppe von Schmerzmitteln unter Verdacht: Erhöht etwa auch Novartis Voltaren das Infarktrisiko In der Medizin redet man von Nebenwirkungen, der Volksmund sagt in solchen Fällen wohl eher: Saupech. Denn derzeit geistert eine wissenschaftliche Studie durc

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE I. Personal data First name Initials Said Mohamed Surname name Date of birth Place of birth Nationality II. Academic degrees awarded - May 1995 - June 2003 Title: Feasibility study for large scale production of inulinase from local isolate. Key words: Aspergillus niger, factorial design, inulinase, Jerusalem artichoke, SDS-PAGE.

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The Hypnotic Centre Hypnotherapy & NLP Frequently Asked Questions eBook Some benefits of quitting tobacco use: . 3 Positive Physical, Psychological and Environmental Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal . 4 Preparing to Reduce and Quit . 5 The 10 Stages of Reducing or Quitting . 5 Managing Your Feelings . 6 Causes of Depression When You Reduce or Quit Using Tobacco . 6 Causes of Anxiety When You


'Viagra and Jack Daniels' culture is creating a crisis of masculinity for British men, claims Labour's Diane Abbott Generation of men in the grip of crisis, shadow health minister says Drink and porn fuel anxiety about sexual performance and masculinity Lack of jobs means young men live with parents in 'extended adolescence' By Matta Chorley,Mail online Political Editor

Opdaterede guidelines vedrørende diagnostik og behandling af hjerteinsufficiens

Tillæg til Cardiologisk Forum Oktober 2002 Nye retningslinjer vedrørende diagnostik og behandling Olav W.Nielsen, Niels Gadsbøll, Lars Køber, Per Hildebrandt, Henrik Villadsen Fra Arbejdsgruppen om Hjerteinsufficiens under Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab Introduktion 2. Objektiv dokumentation for kardial dysfunktionI 2001 udkom en task-force rapport om diagnostik3. Ved tvivl kan diagnosen

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Eine Pflanze des Himmels . oder eine Erfindung des Teufels? Die Wiederentdeckung und Rettung der alten Kulturpflanze (verfasst 2004) Mehr als 12.000 Jahre lang war die Heil- und Kulturpflanze Hanf, ihr lateinischer Name lautet - Cannabis sativa, die in aller Welt am häufigsten angebaute Nutz- und Kulturpflanze. Die viel-fältigen Nutz- und Heilanwendungen dieser Pflanze waren -


Medikamente: Auslaufende Patente setzen Pharmalobby unter Druck - Nachrichten W. Page 1 of 2 03.08.10 | MEDIKAMENTE Auslaufende Patente setzen Pharmalobby unter DruckÜberalternde Medikamente bereiten der Pharmaindustrie Sorgen. Die Ära der patentgeschützten Blockbuster steht einer Auslaufende Patente und der immer größere Anteil von Nachahmermedikamenten setzen die Pharmafirmen ein


Vastgesteld door de ‘’Werkgroep Hemangiomen” op 1 december 2008; herzien op 3 maart 2012. C.C. Breugem (1); C.J.M. van der Vleuten (2); Schultze Kool (2); C.M.A.M. van der Horst (3); A.P. Oranje (4); P.C.J. de Laat (4); M. Raphael (4); H. Sillevis Smitt (3); S.G.M.A. Pasmans (1) Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (1); Universitair Medisch Centrum St. Radboud N

Pii: s0140-6736(01)06413-3

Prevalence of adverse events associated with potent antiretroviraltreatment: Swiss HIV Cohort Study Jacques Fellay, Karim Boubaker, Bruno Ledergerber, Enos Bernasconi, Hansjakob Furrer, Manuel Battegay, Bernard Hirschel, Pietro Vernazza, Patrick Francioli, Gilbert Greub, Markus Flepp, Amalio Telenti, for the Swiss HIV Cohort Study *IntroductionBecause so many retroviral agents are available,c


The purpose of this organization, operating under the auspices of the Houston Symphony society, is to promote quality music education and enrichment programs for area students and to promote music appreciation in the Bay Area through an affiliation with the Houston Symphony and other resources. APOLLO CHAMBER PLAYERS BAHSL’s September meeting program will feature the Apollo Chambe

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Onderzoeksproject Het bespreken van seksualiteit met patiënten en hun partners na een hartinfarct, hartfalen of een CVA Inleiding Voor veel gezonde mensen is tevredenheid met het seksleven een belangrijke component van de kwaliteit van het leven. Vaak wordt gedacht dat dit bij hartpatiënten of patiënten na een CVA anders is en dat seksualiteit wel op een laag pitje zal staan en voor hen niet be

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v o l u m e   • i s s u e 9 • O c t o b e r 2 0 0 8 Mandatory Country of Origin Label ing (MCOOL), the producer to establish the origin of the animal. which was part of the 2002 Farm Bil , fi nal y went into Producers are expected to maintain normal business eff ect September 30, 2008. Th e initial legislation mak-records at their farm to support their affi davit cl

Horizons fall 2006

HORIZON HEALTH PULSE Hak Ko, MD Residents of Horizon Village now have another opportunity to help turn theirlives around while staying at the Village: a GED program available throughNiagara/Orleans BOCES Continuing Education. “The GED program, which is funded by Niagara County Social Services, is designed to helpour residents become less dependent on social services and re-enter so


Flying Paster . . . . . . . . . . . ProcneVigors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *RelifordieVigora . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1984)Nee dle Me On . . . . . . . . . . Kelly KeimBy FLYING CON TI NEN TAL (1986). Stakes win ner of 12 races, to 6, $1,815,938, Jockey Club Gold Cup G1 , Charles H. Strub S. G1 , etc. Sire of 26 win ners, $1,158,936, in clud ing JULIETIQUETTE (2 wins, $60,850,

For the attention of:

Hello to all subscribers, new subscribers and Koi keepers in general, The Biggest Online Auction of Koi in Africa Edition Today’s Happy Koi News 1. Saki Hikari is cheap. At a meeting with an old friend in the Koi industry he pointed out something that we've overlooked. Saki Hikari is not expensive when the Big Picture is taken into account. We're always keen to learn more about our


Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2011 Scientific Programme 10 December 2011, Sat 1300-1400 Institution SYMPOSIUM 1 Ocular Infection and Uveitis Chairman: Dr Timothy Lai Co-Chairman: Dr David Liu 1430-1445 Periocular cellulitis: Emergent Management PlanCytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis in Immunocompetent Patients - A Hong Kong Case SeriesIntravitreal ganciclovir for CMV retinit

Section 15: management of heart failure in special populations

Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 16 No. 6 2010Section 15: Management of Heart Failure inelderly. The progressive aging of the US population iswell establishedand has profound implications for theprevalence of cardiovascular disease-particularly HF. Anumber of studies have documented the substantial increasein the prevalence of this syndrome as age AsHeart failure (HF) is a prevalent condition


Customer advice on sports injuries from Worcester Physiotherapy Clinic Cortisone is a type of steroid that is produced naturally by a gland in your body called the adrenal gland. Cortisone is released from the adrenal gland when your body is under stress. Natural cortisone is released into the blood stream and is relatively short-acting. Injectable cortisone is a synthetic (man made) drug a

04 lpn-rn pharmacology test

Pharmacology Test 1. Which of these abbreviations indicate 5. A child is to receive amoxicillin (Amoxil) regularly spaced intervals during each 24 an oral suspension containing 125 mg per 2. How many milligrams are equivalent to 6. A patient is to receive cephalexin (Keflex) 3. Which of these doses is the smallest? 7. A patient is to receive cyanocobalamin 4. A 3 ml syringe illustra

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HOPITAL PRINCIPAL DE DAKAR AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES Cas sans pré qualification AAO N°2010 -16.1 / HPD 1. Cet Avis d’appel d’offres fait suite à l’Avis Général de Passation des Marchés paru dans le journal « Le Soleil » édition n° 11865 du mardi 15 Décembre 2009. L’Hôpital Principal de Dakar dispose dans le cadre de son budget général de c

Microsoft word - 2012-07-02 glaxo agrees to pay $3 billion in fraud

Glaxo Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement By nd The New York Times -- Published: July 2, 2012 In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker greed to plead guiltyto criminal charges and pay $3 bil ion in fines for promoting its best-sel ing antidepressants for unapproved uses and failingto report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal

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PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION To Be Completed By Patient To apply for assistance, please mail or fax the following items: • Mail to: Patient Assistance Program Complete Patient Page PO Box 221857 Complete Products to be Distributed Page Charlotte, NC 28222-1857 Complete Physician Page Telephone: 800-652-6227 Signed Patient Declaration and Autho


Guidelines J Psychopharm 21(1) (2007) 10–41© 2007 British Associationhyperactivity disorder in adolescents in ISSN 0269-8811SAGE Publications Ltd,London, Thousand Oaks,adults: recommendations from the British Association for PsychopharmacologyD. J. Nutt Psychopharmacology Unit, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. K. Fone University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK. P. Asherson MRC Soc

Microsoft word - ovid self test and answer key 02_08.doc

UC Anschutz Medical Campus Health Sciences Library 12950 E. Montview Blvd., MS A003, Aurora, CO 80045 http://hslibrary.ucdenver.edu/ | AskHSL@lists.ucdenver. edu | 303-724-2152 Ovid Self-Test 1. What are the recent developments in the surgical treatment of morbid obesity in adolescents? 2. What are the effects of working 30 hour shifts on medical residents? 3

An herrn marcin libicki

Frank und Sabine Müller, Johannesstraße.56, 41061 Mönchengladbach An Herrn Marcin Libicki Generalsekretär des Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments Rue Wirtz B-1047 Bruxelles Petition Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn, Unsere Tochter Jessica geb.21.05.1997 lebt seit vier Jahren im Kinderheim Schloss Dilborn. Wie es dazu kam und aus welchem Grund wir Sie um Hilfe bitten, entnehmen

A0710 1.1

Sinead Boyce, Trinity College, Dublin, IrelandKeith F Tipton, Trinity College, Dublin, IrelandEnzyme classification and nomenclature is a system that allows the unambiguousidentification of enzymes in terms of the reactions they catalyse. This relies on a numericalsystem to class enzymes in groups according to the types of reaction catalysed andsystematic naming that describes the chem


FACT SHEET — Osteoporosis What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, resulting in an increased loss of bone massand bone strength, which in turn makes them more susceptible to sudden and unexpectedfractures. Often the disease progresses without any symptoms or pain and is notdiscovered until weakened bones cause painful fractures. Facts and Figures Accord


Suffering from depression A significant number of young people suffer from depression and yet many are still left to deal with the experience alone, in silence and in fear. One in 10 teenagers suffer from depression. That adds up to a lot of young people in distress. Often It feels awful because no-one understands how you feel suffering in silence, isolated and afraid, they begin to


By Yvonne Cavanagh, EquuHerb, Founder and Senior PractitionerWhen I was asked to write an article for this website I said I would write about the main problem I have been talking to my clients about for the past few months – rain scald and mud fever – but wouldn't you know it! the rain has stopped and now with the cold snap we're looking for the top rugs!So that led me to think about preven

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HERBALPEDIA Oriental ginseng is more stimulating than white Oriental ginseng Cultivation: Ginseng is native to northeastern China, eastern Russia, and North Korea, but is now extremely rare in the wild. Ginseng cultivation requires great skill. It is propagated from seed in spring and requires rich, moist, but well-drained soil. The plant takes at least 4 years to mature. The root


Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease DANIELA C. GEY, M.D., University of Heidelberg School of Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany EMIL P. LESHO, LTC, MC, USA, U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Heidelberg, Germany JOHANNES MANNGOLD, M.D., Kreuzlingen Heart Center, Bodensee, Switzerland Peripheral arterial disease is common, but the diagnosis frequently is overlooked because of subtle phy

2010 sabcs template - new biolerplate.doc

Embargoed for Release: Media Contact: In San Antonio, Dec. 4-8: (210) 582-7035 Extending Duration of Adjuvant Tamoxifen Treatment to 10 Years Reduced Risk for Late Breast Cancer Recurrence, Improved Survival Greatest additional benefit was seen in the second decade after diagnosis. Findings are directly relevant to women taking tamoxifen. Women on other ER-positive


COMPARISON OF CLINICAL EFFICACY OF INSULIN GLARGINE ADDED TO ORAL ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS VS PREMIXED INSULIN ALONE IN THE TREATEMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS Rogoz A1, Kucia K1, Skowron M1, Rys P1, Siejka S1, Palka I1, Gierczyński J2, Plisko R1, Wladysiuk M1 A study conducted by HTA Consulting Health Care Decision Making in Europe: From Patients to Populations 1 – HTA Con

Microsoft word - 2004-4-27 helix biomedix announces positive results of anti.doc

Helix BioMedix Announces Positive Results of Anti-Wrinkle Study Apr 27, 2004 - Bothell, Washington Helix BioMedix (OTC Bulletin Board: HXBM.OB - News) today announced that it has completed a 12-week consumer product test comparing the company's anti-wrinkle peptide, HB168 with Renova@, a currently marketed FDA approved product. DermDx, an independent, physician-run center for dermatology,


[Downloaded free from http://www.ijdvl.com on Monday, April 13, 2009] Review Article Narrow band UVB phototherapy in dermatologySunil Dogra, Amrinder Jit KanwarDepartment of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India. Address for correspondence: Dr. A. J. Kanwar, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology,

Microsoft word - powerlab8_en.doc

PowerLab 8 For Battery types: Lithium Polymer (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), Lithium Ion (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), Lithium Manganese (1s to 8s  balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), A123 (LiFePO4) (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 9s unbalanced), NiCd (1s to 21s), NiMH (1s to 21s), 6v, 12v, 24v Lead Acid batteries (Flooded, Gel, AGM, SLA) Pack capacity: 20 mAh to 360Ah Input voltage:


PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE USER ThySat® 65 mg tablets ThySat should only be taken when there is a risk of exposure to nuclear STOP radiation. ThySat contains potassium iodide which, when taken at the correct dosage, saturates your thyroid gland with iodine and blocks it from absorbing radioactive iodine helping to prevent thyroid cancer. Read all of this leaflet careful


TABLETS MIDAMOR ® (AMILORIDE HCl) DESCRIPTION Amiloride HCl, an antikaliuretic-diuretic agent, is a pyrazine-carbonyl-guanidine that isunrelated chemically to other known antikaliuretic or diuretic agents. It is the salt of a moderatelystrong base (pKa 8.7). It is designated chemically as 3,5-diamino-6-chloro- N -(diaminomethylene)pyrazinecarboxamide monohydrochloride, dihydrate and has

Microsoft word - two timely topics.doc

Two Timely Topics First, some news about pertussis (whooping cough). The State Health Department is reporting an epidemic of pertussis this year in California. There have been 5 infant deaths in the state (as of late June). Make sure your children are up-to-date with their shots. The “P” in the DTaP vaccine is for pertussis. In addition, kids should get a booster dose (“Tdap”) aft


Use this list of as a reference when talking to your veterinarian about preventing common parasites from infecting your livestock. Each livestock species is vulnerable to different parasites. The world of parasite control is constantly changing, and yourveterinarian is your best ally to determine which parasites are impacting your herd and how to deal with them usingmedications and farm-mana

Microsoft word - home isolation 05 01 09.doc

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108-4619 Home Isolation: Instructions for Patients with Suspect, Probable and Confirmed Influenza Dear Patient, You are suspected of having or were diagnosed recently with influenza (flu). This might be or is thought to be swine influenza (swine origin H1N1 i

Medical history

MEDICAL HISTORY HANOVER COLLEGE SPORTS MEDICINE Name___________________________________________________ Date_______________________________ Sport (s)__________________________________ Participation Year: In order to provide quality care it is important that all questions be answered completely. This information will be kept confidential. Do you have now or have you had in the pas


«“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ˆ ©∫—∫∑’Ë Ú æƒ…¿“§¡- ‘ßÀ“§¡ (©∫—∫‡ √‘¡) ÚııÒ In vivo anti-inflammatory of the 7 Lanna medicinal plant recipes selected from the Thai/Lanna Medicinal Plant Recipe Database (T/LMPRD) , Suda Saowakhon , Rattanapon Chantip , Ji


Sozialdienst 1,3 Millionen veruntreut – alles fürs Bordell ? Entspannen ist heute Mitarbeiter einer Lebensversicherung vor Gericht / Anwalt: Betrug wurde ihm leicht gemacht bei Büroyoga eingeschränkt sicherungsfachmann, der die peinliche tunterschrift vor, die für die Kassenan- mit der VHS Sache mit Ironie zu überspielen versucht. weisung notwendig war. Allerding


The HANDLE® Institute 7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B110 San Rafael, CA 94903 415-479-1800 CASE STUDY ADD, Autism, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder in 14-year-old femalePresented by Peg Simon, certified HANDLE® Practitioner, from Judith Bluestone’s client notesThese case studies, each submitted by a Certified HANDLE® Practitioner, demonstrate outcomes ach

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Pediatric Skills Checklist Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Indicate your level of experience rating with one of the following: A – No Experience. B – Minimal Experience - need review and supervision, have performed at least once. C – Competent - able to perform independently. D – Expert - able to act as resource to others. A. CARD

Microsoft word - staying_at_home_with_flu.rtf

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108-4619 Updated August 25, 2009 Staying Home with the Flu: Instructions for Those Who Are Sick and Their Close Contacts Dear Flu Sufferer, You are suspected of having flu or have been diagnosed with flu. To help prevent the spread of flu virus to others,


cine solution for 12–24 h (Kligerman and Bloom 1977). Adult Herpetological Review , 2005, 36(1), 45–47. frogs, on the other hand, will need to be injected with a small© 2005 by Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptilesamount of colchicine (1 mg/ml deionized water) using a 23-gauge PIT Tag Retention in Trachemys and Pseudemys needle (1.9 cm in length). To ensure circulation


fufonk dzekad 119 ds varxZr tkjh dh tkus okyh vkS"kf/k;ksa dh lwph 1 Ether, Anaesthetic Inhalation, Volatile Liquid 500ml 1 Thiopentone Sodium Injection , powder for solution , 1.0g(sodium salt) in Ampoules1 Bupivacaine Injection ,0.25% (Hydrochloride) in 10 ml Vial1 Lidocaine Injection, 2%,(Hydrochloride) in 30 ml Vial Lidocaine Injection for spinal anaesthesia , 5% (Hydrochloride) in


Dioxin: Summary of the Dioxin Reassessment Scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal agencies and the generalscientific community have conducted a reassessment of dioxin exposure and human health effects since 1991. This information sheet summarizes the draft reassessment, which is entitled Exposure and Human HealthReassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorod


De Nederlandse Richtlijnen Boezemfibrilleren H.J.G.M. Crijns1, N.M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop2, J.H. Kingma2,3, A.A.M. Wilde4, M.A. Allessie5, J.H. Bennekers6, M.P. van den Berg1, H.A. Bosker7, I.C. van Gelder1, A.T.M. Gosselink1, O. Kamp8, J.L.R.M. Smeets5 Inleiding N.M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, Niet-farmacologische behandeling van boezem-Elektrische cardioversie van boezemfibrillerenEtiologi

Microsoft word - off doc draft _final_ 24.9.07.doc

Hythe Strategic Opportunities Fund PLC (an open-ended investment company established under the laws of the Isle of Man) OFFERING DOCUMENT 24th September 2007 Hythe Strategic Opportunities Fund PLC is not subject to approval in the Isle of Man and investors are not protected by any statutory compensation arrangements in the event of the Fund's failure. The Isle of Man

Pone.0005699 1.7

Twelve Years’ Experience with Direct-to-ConsumerAdvertising of Prescription Drugs in Canada: ACautionary TaleBarbara Mintzes1*, Steve Morgan2, James M. Wright31 Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2 School of Population and Public Health andCentre for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columb


MEDICAL HISTORY Name Birth date Please circle any of the following which you have or have had in the past Do you require antibiotics before dental treatment? Y N PRE-MED DOSEAGE Heart Conditions (Murmur, Rheumatic heart disease, Congenital defect, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Coronary Pregnant or breast-feeding currently (Women only) artery disease, Irregular heart beat, Co

Mobility-based d-hop clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks

Mobility-based d-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Agency for Science Technology and Research Abstract - This paper presents a mobility-based d-hop effective topology [1]. By organizing nodes into clusters, clustering algorithm (MobDHop), which forms variable- topology information can be aggregated. This is because the diameter clusters based on node mobility patter


Migräne Als Migräne bezeichnet man einen meist halbseitig auftretenden, akuten Kopfschmerz, der den Betroffenen in der Regel anfallsartig überkommt. Dabei können Gesichtsfeldausfälle (Flimmerskotome) auftreten, das heißt der Bereich, der üblicherweise ohne Augenbewegung erfasst werden kann, verändert sich. Außerdem kann es zu Übelkeit, Sehstörungen und Irritationen des Geruchss

Mr scott hepburn mb chb bsc(hons)medsci mrcsed(surg) diplmc fcem

Mr Scott R. Hepburn MB, ChB, BSc(Hons)MedSci, FRCSEd(A&E), FCEM, FIMC, RCSEd, DipFMS Consultant in Emergency Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Western Infirmary Dumbarton Road Telephone: 0141-211 2731 Fax: 0141-211 6303 (secretary) REPORT FRONT SHEET MB, ChB, BSc(Hons)MedSci, FRCSEd(A&E), FCEM, FIMC, RCSEd, DipFMS Consultant in Emergency Medicin

Microsoft word - 2011-07-01f.doc

Palonosetron Better Prevents Nausea and Vomiting Linked to High Emetogenic Chemotherapy Lung Cancer Patients New data presented at the 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, show the efficacy of the 2nd generation 5-HT3 receptor antagonist alone and in combination with aprepitant Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 7th 2011 – New data on the 2nd


CDC Telebriefing Transcript Update on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) DR. GERBERDING: [In progress] 109 case of SARS internationally that meet the probable case definition, plus 39 cases in the US that meet the probable case definition. WHO is also reporting a total of 229 deaths and a case fatality rate of 5.9 percent. Looking at SARS from the international perspective we remai


Journal of Attention Disorders Current Literature in ADHD Abikoff, H., McGough, J., Vitiello, B., McCracken, J.,less access to print media than their nonreferred peers. Davies, M., Walkup, J., et al. (2005). SequentialNonreferred children whose homes had the same type ofpharmacotherapy for children with comorbid atten-media environment as children with ADHD watched astion deficit/hyper


GUÍAS DE DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO SERVICIO DE DERMATOLOGÍA 9.- VERRUGAS VÍRICAS Y ANOGENITALES . 9.1. Introducción: Las verrugas virales son neoformaciones epiteliales benignas que pueden afectar a cualquier persona, tanto niños como adultos. Constituye una de las 5 entidades más frecuentes en la consulta dermatológica. Se producen por infección por virus del papiloma hu

Microsoft word - dxcart-e.doc

Hilti (Canada) Corporation MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product identifier: DX Cartridges (Also called shots, loads, powerloads, safety cartridges, or safety boosters) Product description / use: 22, 25 and 27 calibre blank cartridges for use in powder actuated tools Supplier: Hilti (Canada) Corporation, 2360 Meadowpine Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6S2 Originator Hilti

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Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Fact Sheet 1. What is shingles? - Shingles is a reactivation of a varicella-zoster virus infection, the virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine, the virus remains in the body in a dormant state and then reactivates later in life. It can reactivate at any time; some persons develop shingles within weeks of receiving the

Als assistenzarzt im nrh, ein zwischenbericht nach 7 monaten

Ch. Himmelberger: Als Assistenzarzt im NRH, ein Zwischenbericht nach 7 Monaten Als Assistenzarzt im NRH, ein Zwischenbericht nach 7 Monatenvon Christian Himmelberger (Portrait: H. Oberli)Nach 7 Monaten als orthopädischer Assistenzarzt im National ReferralHospital (NRH) möchte ich meine Eindrücke publik machen. Das NRH befindet sich in Honiara, der Hauptstadt von Guadalcanal,welches wiederu

A case of a patient with sunct syndrome treated with jannetta procedure

A case of a patient with SUNCT syndrome treated withL Gardella, A Viruega, H Rojas & J NagelSanatorio Parque, Cordoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, ArgentinaGardella L, Sanatorio Parque, Cordoba 2324, Rosario (CP 2000), Santa Fe, Argentina. Received 12 September 2000, accepted 18 June 2001wind, lateral head movements to the right and rapid eyemovements also triggered the pain.After the painfulSUNCT


Pesach 2013 to Purim 2014 Aviv New Moon Calendar for Appointed Times ALL DATES WILL OCCUR AS POSTED OR ONE DAY LATER DEPENDING ON WHEN THE 1st , 7th , 9th, and 12th If Aviv Moon is sighted in If Aviv Moon is sighted in MOONS ARE SIGHTED FROM ISRAEL. The 1st Moon of the calendar, the Aviv Moon, is the first Moon sighted in Israel on 3/13/2013 the Israel on 3/14/2013 the Israel afte


Page 1 of 4 / V1 Date of Issue: July, 2001 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: Hazardous according to the criteria of NOHSC Australia COMPANY DETAILS: Syngenta Crop Protection Pty Limited Telephone No.: (02) 9688 0444 24 Hours Emergency No.: 1 800 033 111 140-150 Bungaree Rd., PENDLE HILL, NSW, 2145 IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Ambush EC Insecti


FREITAG, 23. MÄRZ 2012 · NR. 71 · SEITE 19Im Gespräch: Klaus Josef Lutz, der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Agrarhandelskonzerns BaywaUnicredit hat Zugriffsrecht auf88 Prozent der Boss-Stammaktien„Wir haben im Getreidehandel einige Adressen im Blick“Sicherheit für Übernahmekredit aus dem Jahr 2007nicht die Beteiligungsgesellschaft Permi-womöglich zu stark unter Druck geraten. ne Kredit

Rosiglitazone: schorsing van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen (vhb) van avandia en avandamet en avaglim

Rosiglitazone: schorsing van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen (VHB) van Avandia en Avandamet en Avaglim Zoals vermeld in ons zijn de conclusies van de beoordeling van alle gegevens over de risico/baten-verhouding voor de rosiglitazone bevattende geneesmiddelen nu beschikbaar. Gegevens uit recente studies bevestigen de verhoging van het cardiovasculair risico geassocieerd met d

The heart and vascular institute of florida

Nuclear Stress Test Instructions Your Doctor has ordered a Nuclear Stress Test for you. This procedure includes multiple sets of pictures and one stress test. In order to obtain pictures of your heart, a small intravenous catheter will be placed in your arm. This intravenous will be used to give you a small amount of radioactivity. A special radiation- det

What happened to my gut

What Happened To My Gut? (A Story About What CAN Happen To Your Bunny If You Don’t Feed It Right) By Sharon Hollars, DVM Nutrition is one of the main keys to keeping rabbits healthy. The first article, “I Know Bunnies Like Carrots, But What Should My Bunny REALLY Eat?” discusses what you SHOULD be feeding your bunny. This article covers some of the more common things that ca


Hawaiiansk Kupua: en polynesisk shaman av Serge Kahili King (översättning av Alexandra Telluselle) På Stilla Havets öar, influerade av en värld av hav och sand, vulkaner och palmer, och Aloha-andan, finns det en gammal väg som är så kraftfull att den fungerar lika bra i modern tid som i den daggvåta historien. Den här vägen kallas ibland för ”Äventyrarens väg” och dess f


Medicinal Plants: St. John's Wort St. John's Wort (SJW, Hypericum perforatum L) has long been used and enjoyed as an herbal tea. Its flowers and stems have also been used to produce red and yellow dyes. The first recorded use of SJW for medicinal purposes dates back to ancient Greece, and it has been used ever since. SJW was also used by Native Americans externally as an antiseptic,


S.W.M Beesd Hobby, kl 1-2 1-2 augustus 2013 Resultaten Vaardigheidsproef 1SPAN PO-1 3133 HANEGRAAF Lindy 1969 VAN LOO Marene 3063 DRIES Iris 1SPAN PO-2 2014 SCHMITZ Hellen 1823 VAN DEN BRINK Caroline 1861 DIJKSTRA Bas 1591 WENNEKERS Joeky 1516 NANNINGS Albertine 2878 DE RONDE Sandra 1SPAN PA-1 2175 HAEPERS Rudi 1494 VAN DEN HATER Gijsbert 3322 VAN

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THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker or other licensed securities dealer, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Haier Electronics Group Co.,


GHS SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Revised: JAN 2013 SCIGRIP® 10 Low VOC 2-Component Adhesive SECTION I - PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: SCIGRIP® 10 Low VOC 2-Component Adhesive (Refer to Technical Data Sheet for Mix ratio) PRODUCT USE: 2-Component Cartridge, high-strength, high viscosity, reactive Structural Adhesive SUPPLIER: MANUFACTURER: S

Microsoft word - october_2013_press.docx

Appel to Wou-Ki: International Art Flexes its Strength at Heffel’s October Online Auction William Scott ~ Still Life with Jug Thursday afternoon brought a flurry of energized bidding that resulted in an exciting close to Heffel’s October online auction of International art. Heffel is proud to announce that the sale totalled $647,000 (all prices are in Canadian dollars and include a


By Lester F. Shapito, M.D. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer in the United States. Smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer. Quitting smoking is the single most effective way for a person to reduce the risk of getting lung cancer. There are many "gimmicks" to stop smoking, some of which are: 1) Nicotine Patch 2) Nicotine Gum 3) Nicotine Nas

Span sexual harassment 09-10

DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE HEMET 2009/2010 De acuerdo con el Código de Educación 48980, los padres/ tutores serán notificados cada año en relación con los reglamentos de los distritos escolares sobre Acoso Sexual. Por favor dirija sus preguntas al Director de Personal al 951-765-5100 ext. 2200 Estudiantes ACOSO SEXUAL REGLAMENTO DEL DISTRITO 5145.7 La Mesa Dir


B I O T E C H ’ S M O S T R E S P E C T E D N E W S S O U R C E F O R 2 0 Y E A R S Arena Defends New Phase III Pfizer Seeks New Indications Data, Plans Lorcaserin Path Using Biovista Bioinformatics Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. released data from its Phase A research collaboration between Pfi zer Inc. and III BLOOM-DM trial of weight loss drug lorcaserin in obese Biovista Inc.


The patient was referred by her therapist for diagnostic clarification and treatment considerations. Specifically, oatterns of behavior which seem to impede her functioning, especially related to wo-c. were a ocus of examination. • Clinical Interview • Review of Neuropsychological Evaluation (11/20/2006) • Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Ed - (Bender.2) • MitLón Clinical Multia

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“Discover Amsterdam!” game Terms & conditions Article 1 _ Organisation KLM Switzerland, at WTC II, route de Pré-Bois Case Postal 91 CH-1215 Genève 15, organizes an online competition on its Facebook page http://facebook.com/klmswitzerland. Article 2_ Data management Participation in the competition is free and reserved for entrants over the age of 18 living in Switzerland. The


Schweizerische KopfwehgesellschaftSociété Suisse pour l’étude des céphaléesSocietà Svizzera per lo studio delle cefaleeSocietad svizra per il studi del mal il tgauCet e brochure constitue une révision et une actualisa-tion des recommandations thérapeutiques de la Société Suisse pour l’étude des céphalées, recommandations qui ont fait leur preuve depuis de nombreuses années dans


Multiple choice answers are found at the end. 1. Type I synapses are found on the ________, while type II synapses are found on the _________. A) spines or dendritic shafts of the neuron; neuron cell body B) neuron cell body; spines and dendritic shafts of the neuron C) axons and axon terminals; neuron cell body D) neuron cell body; axons and axon terminals A) complex units of membrane-spanning

Additional results of research varroa mite control

ADDITIONAL RESULTS OF RESEARCH Varroa Mite Control, 1996 http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/varroa2.htm (September 17, 1996). We will update this web page about monthly as we learn more from ourexperiments and as we receive results from other beekeepers. This page is designed for beekeepers. (Forthose needing help with terminology, please see Graham, J. 1992. The Hive and the Honey Bee, Dadant &

Microsoft word - hedley-tempephoneix-medicalhistory.docx

DATE:__________________ PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY FORM HEIGHT: WEIGHT: CHIEF COMPLAINT: WHY are you here today? WHICH side is involved: ___Right ___Left ___Both HOW did the INJURY or PROBLEM Happen? ___Accident ___ Auto Accident ____Work Accident __Other WHEN did the INJURY or PROBLEM Begin? SURGICAL HISTORY: Have you ever had a general anesthesia? ___Yes ___No

Microsoft word - whats in a name _2_.doc

SIV: TREATING VERSUS HEALING From The Cutting Edge “Recovering from SIV” -- usually the next phrase after this topic header is “how to stop self-injury” without further thought. However, it is crucial that the terminology and definitions commonly used be explored. • What is recovery? • What is healing? • How can these words be quantified, and who is to determine their mea

Happy tails kennel contract

Happy Tails Kennel Contract Name of Owner _______________________________ Pet name(s) ____________________________ Please take a brochure; this has the policies you need to be aware of. Please take a price list: this has our rates and dates for holidays and summer and how we charge **We are an active facility. Some examples of reasons you may want to board with a vet are: Your pet


More Healthy People or More Medicines? In his article, ‘Moving from a provider– to a patient–focused health care system: The health reform imperative’ (Dwyer 2004), John Dwyer argues that more emphasis is needed on preventing illness in primary health care and that it needs to be restructured so that doctors can care for people in the community. However, he does not spell out the impl

What others like and admire about rachel

What others like and admire about Rachel Her ‘model-looks’: she is a stunner! wicked sense of humour Her ability to make friends and connect with people Her taste in men, music and DVD’s! Her long eye lashes and expressive eyes She is a funky babe! Important To Rachel Contact with her family, especially her mum and sister Lindsay. Listening to pop

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Savel, Kelly, Boreman, & Odom M.D.’s INFLUENZA • Influenza or the flu is a severe viral infection of the respiratory tract. • It is extremely contagious through coughing & sneezing with an incubation • Symptoms are much more severe than regular colds. • Fever is almost always present. It can start suddenly & may last 3-5 days. • There may be exhaustion or an o

Intellectual property –living in the twilight zone, licensing executives society of australia and new zealand, annual conference, canberra, 4 april 2009

Intellectual Property –Living in the Twilight Zone Chief Justice Robert French Licensing Executives Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference Canberra, 4 April 2009 I was surprised and delighted to be invited to speak to you tonight. I was surprised, because the last time I spoke to a dinner meeting of intellectual property practitioners, which was in 2006, my

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B E T E G T Á J É K O Z TAT Ó Mielõtt elkezdené a gyógyhatású készítményt alkalmazni, olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbibetegtájékoztatót. E recept nélkül kapható gyógyhatású szerrel Ön enyhe, múló panaszokat kezelhet orvosi felügyeletnélkül. Az optimális hatás érdekében azonban, elengedhetetlen a készítmény körültekintõ, elõírásszerûalkalmazása. Tartsa m

Seite 12 (qm)

Externe Qualitätssicherung Übersicht über Teilnahme an Ringversuchen In der nachfolgenden Tabelle, die regelmäßig aktualisiert wird, sind die Ringversuche zusammengestellt, an denen das Labor regelmäßig teilnimmt. Sollten Sie an Detailresultaten zu einzelnen Labor-Methoden interessiert sein, stellen wir Ihnen gern das Zertifikat und einen Ergebnis-Ausdruck über den Ringversuch zur V

An inspired resurrection of freudian drive theory: but does nick totton's reichian 'bodymind' concept supersede cartesian dualism?

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPHY, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2000 An inspired resurrection of Freudian drive theory: but does Nick Totton’s Reichian `bodymind’ concept supersede Cartesian dualism? Review article on Nick Totton’s The Water in the Glass: body and mind in psychoanalysis , London: Rebus Press, 1998, 266 pp., ISBN: L 900877 L2 0 Minster Centre/Scarborough Psychotherapy Training


1. Among 734 randomly selected Internet users, it was found that 340 of them use the Internet for making travel plans (based on data from a Gallup poll). Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that among Internet users, less than 50% use the Internet for making travel plans. (12 points) Reject H0 if T.S. is less than critical value -2.33 (table A) or if p-value is less than 0.01. p


By Daniel Kelly, M.D. & Pejman Cohan, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery, Director, UCLA Pituitary Tumor And Neuroendocrine Program 2. Assistant Clinical Professor of Endocrinology, Co-Director, UCLA Pituitary Tumor and Neuroendocrine Program These pituitary tumors (also called adenomas) secrete excessive amounts of prolactin and are the most common type of pituitary tumor seen clinically. P

Microsoft word - atrialfibmaze 2.doc

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ATRIAL FIBRILLATIONAtrial fibrillation (a fib) is an irregularly irregular heart rhythm. Normally the heart hastwo areas of specialized tissue called the Sino-atrial(SA) and Atrio-ventricular(AV) nodes. TheSA node is responsible for “sparking” the heart to beat at a regular rate. The SA node is sensitiveto chemicals, hormones, and nervous stimulation. This node i

7-web-cryptophiles answers

DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES: 1. Right upper lobe pneumonia. 2. Right hilar lymph node borderline size at 1.5 cm. 3. Obesity. 4. Hypertension. 5. History of hypothyroidism. 6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. 7. History of dyslipidemia, died1 controlled. 8. Allergic rhinitis. CONSULTANTS: Pulmonology HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old female who presented to the emergency department with subjective fe


videnskab & klinik | Oversigtsartikel abstract Hvor og hvordan gennemføres tandud- trækninger på patienter i bisfosfonatbehandling Introduktion og formål – bisfosfonater (bF) re-ducerer knoglenedbrydning, smerte og hyp-pigheden af spontane frakturer hos patienter med osteoporose eller cancer med knogle- Pouya Masroori Yazdi, uddannelsestandlæge, Tand-Mund-Kæbe-


INTRODUCCIÓN FÁRMACOS EN LA PROFILAXIS DE LESIONES INDUCIDAS POR AINE Existe un gran número de fármacos, entre los quedestacan los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos Análogos de las prostaglandinas (AINE), que pueden verse involucrados en la géne-Entre sus acciones destacan el aumento de lasis de la patología digestiva, produciendo diversasmucosidad y el bicarbonato, el mantenimi

Microsoft word - what is stress

Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure, either from the outside world (school, work, after-school activities, family, friends) or from inside yourself (wanting to do well in your life, wanting to fit in). Stress is a common condition for people of all ages. It's caused by your body's instinct to protect itself from emotional or The way you feel about things results from the phys


PRIOR AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FORM Risperdal Consta® (Risperidone)r rPhone: 215-991-4300 r Fax back to: 866-240-3712 r HEALTH PARTNERS manages the pharmacy drug benefit for your patient. Certain requests for coverage require review with the prescribing physician. Please answer the following questions and fax this form to the number listed above. Please print clearly. Patient Name:

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Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Connecticut Community- Technical Colleges 2012-2013 Connecticut Community-Technical Colleges is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All enrolled students are eligible to enroll in theOptional 24-Hour Injury and Sickness Plan on a voluntary basis. Eligible Dependents of stud

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EG-Sicherheitsdatenblatt Handelsname: Haarweg fl. Produkt-Nr.: 89246 Stand: 07.12.2007 1. Stoff/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Angaben zum Produkt Handelsname: Angaben zum Hersteller / Lieferant Adresse: Notruf-Telefon: 2. Zusammensetzung/Angaben zu Bestandteilen Chemische Charakterisierung: Wässrige Lösung von Alkalien, Hilfsstoffen, Emulgatoren, Fa


Register of Credit Unions maintained by the Central Bank of Ireland under Regulation 9(1)(b) of the European Communities (Payment Services) Regulations 2009 This is a register of credit unions that are entitled under the law of the State to provide payment services. Name and Address A.C.C. Staff Credit Union Limited A.N.S.A.C.Credit Union Limited A.S.T.I. Credit Union Limited We


Mucegaiurile de interior un pericol pentru sanatate de Luke Curtis, MS, CIH; Allan Lieberman, MD; Martha Stark, MD; William Rea; Marsha Vetter, MD, PhD [Articol extras din Nexus Magazine, Anul IV, Numarul 12 (decembrie 2008 - februarie 2009)] Mucegaiurile si micotoxinele produse de catre acestea constituie o amenintare tot mai mare la adresa sanatatii, fiind necesara adoptarea pe scara l


A Simple Noninvasive Index Can Predict BothSignificant Fibrosis and Cirrhosis in Patients WithChun-Tao Wai,1 Joel K. Greenson,2 Robert J. Fontana,1 John D. Kalbfleisch,3 Jorge A. Marrero,1Hari S. Conjeevaram,1 and Anna S.-F. Lok1 Information on the stage of liver fibrosis is essential in managing chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. However, most models for predicting liver fibrosis are complic

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