
Flying Paster . . . . . . . . . . . Procne Vigors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Relifordie Vigora . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1984) Nee dle Me On . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Keim By FLYING CON TI NEN TAL (1986). Stakes win ner of 12 races, to 6, $1,815,938, Jockey Club Gold Cup G1,
Charles H. Strub S. G1, etc. Sire of 26 win ners, $1,158,936, in clud ing JULIETIQUETTE (2 wins, $60,850,
Bam’s Penny S. [R]), Griselle (win ner, $198,846, 2nd Del Mar Deb u tante S. G2, etc.), Con firmed Flight (4
wins, $173,300, 2nd Cal i for nia Cup Starter Sprint H.]), No Cal Bread (2 wins, $150,750), Con ti nen tal Lea
(win ner, $39,792), Shezafrequentflyer ($9,215), etc.
VIGORA (1984), by Vigors. 5 wins, to 5, $92,600. Dam of 3 foals, 1 to race, Jordy’s Gold (f. by Candi’s Gold). Placed at 5, 1998, $2,219.
Nee dle Me On, by Ex e cu tioner. 4 wins, to 5, $72,714, 3rd High Volt age S. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 5 win -
Dont Sell The Farm (g. by Explodent). 5 wins, to 4, $112,815, 2nd Ken nedy Road Breeders’ Cup H.
Sell The Farm (c. by Kip per Kelly). 5 wins, to 4, 1998, $133,460.
Come on Eileen (f. by Smoggy [GB]). Unraced. Dam of
Secretariatslegend (f. by Nias). 7 wins, to 6, $82,172, 3rd Rock ing ham Breeders’ Cup H. [L].
Kelly Keim, by Nee dles. 7 wins, to 5, $53,674, 3rd Falls City H. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 8 win ners.
Nee dle Me On. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Abol ish. 2 wins, to 4, $17,255. Dam of
Above Abol ish. 5 wins, to 6, $62,647, 3rd Plym outh H. [O].
SAREE, by The Dude. 2 wins, to 3 $15,665, Oaks Prep. Sis ter to SPORTY MCGEE ($38,112, Clem ent A.
Nancy Me mo rial, etc.), Dam of 14 foals, 14 to race, 10 win ners.
CHUM SALMON. 13 wins, to 5, $388,195, Longacres Miles G2, Se at tle H. [L], In de pend ence Day H. [O],
SARRE GREEN. 23 wins, to 7, $217,897, Gallorette H. G3, Whitemarsh H. G3, Haddonfield H., Tus ca rora
SOUND OF CAN NONS. 3 wins to 3, $418,518, Arlington Clas sic G2, Fairmont D. G2, Il li nois D. G2, Pre -
JET STREAM. 11 wins, to 7, $426,059, John B. Camp bell H. G3, etc.
Race Re cord: Unraced.
Par ent age Ver ified - Cal-Bred Reg is tered - Cur rently in Training
Easy Jet SI 100 . . . . . . . . . Lena’s Bar TB SI 95 Vikingson TB . . . . . . . . . . Se cret Port Moon light An gel . . . . . . . Osage Bar Lady SI 86 By Ima Easy Reb SI 103 (1979). Stakes-placed win ner of 4 races, to 3, $47,837, 3rd Cy press H. Sire of 76
ROM, $801,896, 6 stakes win ners, in clud ing BAR STING AN GEL SI 104 (4 wins, $63,577, Just A Sec ond
S. etc.), REB HOT SI 104 (8 wins, $63,131, Ev er green Fut. [R], etc.), GEORGIAS EASY SI 95 ($55,282),
IMA SPE CIAL TYPE SI 102 (11 wins, $52,686.) etc. Sire of the dams of 21 ROM, in clud ing IMA REB HOT SI
107 ($121,166), CHECK THIS REB SI 105 ($117,551), etc.
VIKING SUSIE SI 96 (1983), by Vikingson TB. 8 wins, to 4, $9,415, ntr PNY 440 yds :22.61. Dam of 2 foals, 2
Honky Tonk Dream SI 89 (f. by Rocket Wran gler). 2 wins, to 5, $8,178.
Vi king Ellie SI 89 (f. by Ima Easy Reb). 2 wins, see be low.
MOON LIGHT AN GEL, by Moon light Jet. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 ROM, Vi king Susie SI 96 (f. by Vikingson TB). 8 wins, see above.
Hill billy Bear SI 82 (g. by Cool Frenchy TB). Win ner, to 3, $3,813.
Moon light Fea ture SI 84 (f. by Truckle Fea ture). Win ner, to 4, $2,904.
OSAGE BAR LADY SI 86, by Pana Bar. 2 wins, to 4, $3,585, West ern Slope D., 3rd Na vajo Trail D., Col o rado
State Fair D. Dam of 10 foals, 4 to race, 2 ROM, Lady Three Stars SI 99. 3 wins, to 3, $3,539. Dam of Mr Panajet SI 102. 2 wins, to 6, $1,669.
Spys Na tive SI 95. Win ner, to 4, $3,567.
Ge Ge Boy SI 85. Win ner, to 4, $2,098.
DOLLY CROTON SI 85, by Croton Oil. Win ner. Dam of 17 foals, 3 ROM, OSAGE BAR LADY SI 86. Stakes win ner, see above.
Pana Star Lady SI 86. 2 wins, to 5, $2,483.
Race Re cord: 2 wins, once 2nd, one time 3rd, to 4. Earned $5,622.
Pro duce Re cord:
1997 Vi king Ryon (g. by Ronas Ryon). Unraced.
1998 Un named (c. by Check The Charts).
1999 Un named (c. by Check The Charts). (de ceased).
Bred to Some Dasher, last ser vice April 18, 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Blood Typed

Quack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quil lon Whack . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1977) Forliane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Banri An Oir By BALLYDOYLE (1980). Win ner at 2, $2,542. Sire of 104 win ners, $2,448,109, 4 stakes win ners, in clud ing CO MAN CHE KID (17 wins, $178,630, Oklahoma Stal lion S. [R]), HIGH FA LU TIN WIDOW (5 wins, $76,111,
Highline S., etc.), JILLYBALL (7 wins, $60,587, Pre sidio North ern Cal i for nia Sales S. [R]), EL E GANT CORI
(win ner, $29,891), Doc tor Cagle (12 wins, $64,850), etc. Sire of the dams of HEZA FAST TAB ($215,858),
FRIEDA’S FOLLY ($124,196), etc.
WHACK (1977), by Quack. Win ner at 4, $13,145. Dam of 11 foals, 3 to race, 2 win ners, Kimmy Sue (f. by Ballydoyle). 5 wins, to 5, $17,430. Dam of HEZA FAST TAB (g. by Just A Tab). 11 wins, to 4, 1999, $215,858, Star Of Texas S. [R], Santa Fe Fut.,
etc., tre Lone Star 5f :59.45.
2nd dam:
FORLIANE, by *Forli. Un placed. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 9 win ners,
ALL SIN CER ITY (c. by Sen si tive Prince). 16 wins, to 8, $324,630, W. L. McKnight Invt. H. G2, etc., ncr
FREE WAY FOLLY (f. by One For All). 8 wins, to 5, $153,359, Bayou H. [L], Sixty Sails H., 2nd Furl Sail H.
RE AS SERT YOUR SELF (f. by Cau ca sus). 4 wins, $95,451, Coral Ga bles H.
Esperance (f. by Be lieve It). Win ner at 4, $4,385. Dam of
Mr. Tooth (g. by Hero’s Honor). 4 wins, to 5, $125,873, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Super S.
DEB U TANT DANCER (f. by No ble Dancer [GB]). 7 wins, $202,550, Herecomesthebride S. [L],[Q] race at
MEM ORY CALL. Cham pion, in Pan ama, 2 wins, to 5, 1999, $69,550, in US, 3 wins at 2 $15,265,
Premio Periodistas Hipicos, etc.; 2 wins, to 5, 1999, $69,550, in US.
DEB U TANT TRICK. 2 wins, $78,987, in France; 5 wins, $356,880, in US, Nassau H. [L], Clever Song H.
Race Re cord: Unraced.
Pro duce Re cord:
1990 Er rors N Omis sions (c. by Slewacide). Un placed in only start.
1991 Bar ren, 1994 Aborted, 1995, 1996 No re port.
1992 Nancy Brown (f. by Nalees Man). Win ner at 3, $2,574.
1993 J. Green (g. by High land Blade). Unraced.
1997 Doctormarlagay (f. by Par tic u lar Item). Unraced.
1998 Un named (c. by Heir Nijinsky).
1999 Un named (f. by Chief’s Re ward).
Bred to Aurium, pas ture bred 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL). Sells with filly at side by Chief’s Re -
ward, foaled April 23, 1999
Jet Deck SI 100 . . . . . . . . . Miss Night Bar SI 95 Dash For Cash SI 114 . . . Find A Buyer (TB) Barbara Meyers SI 89 . . . Barbara L SI 95 By EASY JET SI 100 (1967). World Cham pion , stakes win ner of 27 races, to 3, $445,721, All Amer i can Fut.,
etc. Sire of 1,563 ROM, $26,222,590, 145 stakes win ners, in clud ing EASY DATE SI 107 (World Cham -
, $849,709), PIE IN THE SKY SI 101 (Cham pion, $616,328), MY EASY CREDIT SI 99 (Cham pion,
$502,503), MR TRUCKA JET SI 103 ($1,033,115), etc. Sire of the dams of 2,327 ROM, in clud ing EASTEX
SI 106 (Cham pion, $1,869,406), etc.
WINADASH (1983), by Dash For Cash. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 5 to race, 4 ROM, A Dash Of Sun shine SI 80 (f. by Power Train). Win ner at 2, 1999, $1,612.
Streakin Hot rod SI 84 (c. by Streakin Six). Win ner at 2, $1,551.
BARBARA MEYERS SI 89, by Kid Meyers. Placed, to 3, $1,082. Dam of 12 foals, 6 to race, 1 ROM.
Easy Meyers SI 94 (c. by Easy Jet). 5 wins, to 5, $5,670, 2nd Christ mas Eve Sprint,
Bloomin (f. by Loom TB). Un placed in only start at 3.
Pronto Dinero SI 87 (f. by Easy Dinero). 2 wins, to 3, $4,635.
3rd dam:
SI 95, by Pa tri otic TB. 21 wins, to 8, $32,836, Speed well H., Del Rio Fea ture, Miss Prin cess Invt.
H., etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM, dam of 11 ROM, in clud ing BARBARA 3 SI 100
($100,692), CUTER YET SI 98 ($98,806), MISS OLENE SI 100 ($31,532), MR WALT SI 100 ($9,417),
Mr Bruce SI 95 ($8,283); granddam of LIT TLE BLUE SHEEP SI 105 (Cham pion Aged Mare-twice,
$389,854), I CAN GO SI 99 ($240,152), MISS AN GEL EYES SI 92 ($109,101), HOLD ON IMA
SI 101 ($78,200), TAKEME FREELY SI 96 ($68,939), MASTER’S AN GEL SI 105
($20,929), THE WINNING TEAM SI 95 ($15,593), GOTEBO SR SI 94 ($10,071), Cash Trea sure SI
96 ($48,320), Long Stem Glass SI 96 ($29,186), Prissy Olene SI 95 ($28,044), Lit tle Bar Olene SI
100 ($23,998), etc.
Race Re cord: 2 wins, 1 time 3rd, to 3. Earned $2,466.
Pro duce Re cord:
1996 Ronda Ryon (f. by Ronas Ryon). Unraced.
1997, 1998 No re port.
1999 Not bred.
Bred to Run away Win ner, last ser vice March 1,1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Par ent age Ver ified
- Ac credited Texas Broodmare
Con signed by HP Paint & Quar ter Horses Black Tobiano Filly Feb ru ary 19, 1998 Stormy Boone . . . . . . . . . . Sona Gal Mr Mas ter Bug SI 110 . . . Flick Bug SI 88 Ruths Cari Bar SI 97 . . . . Ruths Ma ple Bar SI 105 By THUN DER BOONE (APHA) (1994). Unraced. His old est foals are 2-year-olds of 1999. Sire of 8 foals, none to per form. Son of Stormy Boone (unraced), sire of 116 foals, none to per form.
YOU DONT MEAN IT BUG (QH) (1987), by Mr Mas ter Bug. Placed at 2. Dam of 5 Quar ter Horse foals, 4 to Cash An tag o nist SI 93 (c. by Hooked On Cash). 4 wins, to 4, $10,243.
Lucks Flicka Chick SI 97 (f. by Lucks Gay Chic). 5 wins, to 4, $6,909.
Vi tal Bug SI 80 (g. by Vi tal Sign). Placed, to 3, 1998, $2,562.
Mr Vi tal Bug SI 82 (g. by Vi tal Sign). Placed at 2, 1998, $1,474.
Ruths Cari Bar SI 97, by Cari County TB. 4 wins, to 4, $5,969, 3rd Wil liam Wineberg H. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to You Dont Mean It Bug (f. by Mr Mas ter Bug). See above.
Ruths Ma ple Bar SI 105, by Pappy Bar. 6 wins, to 4, $9,865, 3rd Port land Meadows D., ntr PM 400 yds :19.98.
MOVIN BROWN JUG SI 110. Cham pion Dis tance Horse, 18 wins, to 10, $144,666, War Chic H. G3, Bull Rastus H. G3, Katella H., Pre mier Invt. H., 2nd Mar a thon H. G1, Red wood City S. [R], Bull Rastus H.,Los Alamitos Jeep Chal lenge, En dur ance S., San Jose H., 3rd El Ocho Setenta H. G3. Cal i for niaHi-Point Aged Gelding, Cal i for nia Hi-Point Dis tance Horse. Ruths Cari Bar SI 97. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Ma ple Bar Jet SI 86. Win ner, to 3, $2,408.
MABEL SYRUP, by Clabber II. Placed at 2. Dam of 6 foals, all ROM, Taffy Etta SI 90. 3 wins, to 3, $11,746, Pot O’Gold Fut., 3rd Or e gon Bred Ju ve nile Champ.
Ruths Ma ple Bar SI 105. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Bur nt Syrup SI 92. 12 wins, to 7, $6,859.
Sleepin Clabber SI 86. 3 wins, to 5, $4,004.
Jeannetta ROM. 2 wins, to 3, $2,062.
Mabeletta SI 84. Un placed, to 3. Dam of Dutch Syrup SI 88. Win ner, to 5, 1999, $1,668.
Hanks Cash Beau SI 85. Placed, to 4, $1,305.
Tac Etta SI 84. Win ner, to 4.
Mabels Aces SI 83. Win ner, to 4.
En gage ments: APHA Breeders Trust Pro gram
Dash For Cash SI 114 . . . Find A Buyer TB Zevi TB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spire Frisco Floozie SI 87 . . . . Lantana Queen TB By MR EYE OPENER SI 106 (1990). Stakes win ner of 9 races, to 3, $202,978, West Texas Fut. G1,
Speedhorse Gold/Sil ver Cup Spirnt [R], 2nd Rain bow Fut. G1. Sire of 86 ROM, $1,240,729, 9 stakes win -
ners, in clud ing EYES A SCREAMER SI 106 (6 wins, $100,014, Mile High Fut. G2, etc.), ANNE OPEN SI 95
(4 wins, $77,668, Oklahoma Bred Fut. [R] G3, etc.), KINDA LIKE RUFFUM SI 97 (5 wins, $77,019, Black
Gold 350 Fut. [R], etc.), RU MORS MISTY EYES SI 96 (3 wins, $67,627), etc.
ZEVI QUEEN SI 92 (1988), by Zevi TB. Win ner, to 3, $3,753. Dam of 5 foals, 2 to race, Moon On The Horizone SI 91 (g. by Marthas Six Moons). 2 wins at 2, 1998, $8,481, 3rd Black Gold 350
Fut. [R] G3.
FRISCO FLOOZIE SI 87, by St Bar. 3 wins at 2, $22,186. Dam of 15 foals, 12 to race, 10 ROM, ZEVIS FLIGHT SI 103 (g. by Zevi TB). 4 wins, to 4, 1998, $43,301, Expo Square S., Wood lands S. div. 1,
2nd Remington Chal lenge G3, etc.
Frisco Bound SI 99 (g. by Dash For Cash). 2 wins, to 6, $54,949, 3rd Ju ve nile Invt. H. G3. (Fi nal ist: Kin der -
gar ten Fut. G1).
Floozevi SI 109 (f. by Zevi TB). 10 wins, to 5, $19,840, 2nd Lub bock Downs Spring Fut. (Fi nal ist: South
Texas D. G3).
Friscos Re bel SI 84 (g. by Re bel Dasher). Win ner at 2, 1998, $15,620, 3rd Amer i can Air lines Mex ico Ju ve -
Fair Frisco SI 86 (f. by Dash For Cash). 2 wins, to 3, $3,353. Dam of SIX A FRISCO SI 103 (f. by Sixarun). 7 wins, to 4, $60,860, Bandera Six Flags D. G3, 2nd Bandera Downs
D. G2, etc.
LANTANA QUEEN TB, by Depth Charge. 2 wins, $4,325. Dam of 6 Thor ough bred foals, 4 to race, 2 win ners; ANAQUA TB. Win ner at 2, $6,525, Deb u tante S. Dam of
SOME KINDA MAN SI 105. 8 wins, to 3, $94,798, Ruidoso D., Three Bars H., Sunland Park Fall D., etc.
KLEBURG’S IN TENT SI 96. 12 wins, to 7, $51,092, En dur ance S., Ta ble Ten nis S., 3rd War Chic H.,
etc., ntr MID 440 yds :22.25.
Miss Lantana SI 95. 2 wins, to 4, $4,430, 3rd Boom er Sooner D.
Lantanaqua SI 88. 7 wins, $4,048, 2nd Med i cine Hat Sprint Champ.
Race Re cord: Unraced.
En gage ments: MBNA Amer ica Racing Chal lenge
Par ent age Ver ified

Dash For Cash SI 114 . . . Find A Buyer TB Pyromaniac SI 101 . . . . . . Shel ley Ann SI 95 Zevis Cash Flow SI 101 . Sis ter Leroy SI 92 By MR EYE OPENER SI 106 (1990). Stakes win ner of 9 races, to 3, $202,978, West Texas Fut. G1,
Speedhorse Gold/Sil ver Cup Spirnt [R], 2nd Rain bow Fut. G1. Sire of 86 ROM, $1,240,729, 9 stakes win -
ners, in clud ing EYES A SCREAMER SI 106 (6 wins, $100,014, Mile High Fut. G2, etc.), ANNE OPEN SI 95
(4 wins, $77,668, Oklahoma Bred Fut. [R] G3, etc.), KINDA LIKE RUFFUM SI 97 (5 wins, $77,019, Black
Gold 350 Fut. [R], etc.), RU MORS MISTY EYES SI 96 (3 wins, $67,627), etc.
Zoned Out SI 103 (1989), by Pyromaniac. 2 wins, to 4, $16,077, 3rd New Mex ico State Fair Senorita [R], Lin -
eage Champ. [R]. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, 2 ROM, Dazzlem Dar ling SI 80 (f. by Marthas Six Moons). Win ner, to 4, 1999, $1,504.
Zevis Cash Flow SI 101, by Zevi TB. 7 wins, to 3, $59,947, 3rd All Amer i can Sale Fut. [R] G3, Los Potrillos H.
(Fi nal ist: Rain bow Fut. G1). Dam of 7 foals, 4 to race, 4 ROM,
FLASH OVER SI 105 (g. by Pyromaniac). 11 wins, to 7, 1999, $140,134, Santa Fe Downs Fut. [R] G3, etc.
ntr ALB 870 yds :44.54.
PYRENE SI 101 (f. by Pyromaniac). 3 wins, to 4, $77,731, New Mex ico Breeders’ D. [R] G3, 2nd Santa Fe
Downs Fut. [R] G3, etc. Dam of
PY YII SI 107 (g. by Strait To The Bank). 10 wins, to 4, 1999, $103,277, Zia D. [R] G3, Shue Fly Fut. [R],
etc. ntr ALB 330 :16.60.
Pyrita SI 96 (f. by Pyromaniac). 3 wins, to 4, 1999, $17,135, 2nd Pel i can S. [R]. (Fi nal ist: New Mex ico
Breeders’ D. [R] G3).
Zoned Out SI 103, (f. by Pyromaniac). Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
SIS TER LEROY SI 92, by Easy Jet. Placed at 2 $24,616. Half-sister to PAY ABLE KAT SI 90 ($93,868), MY
LEROY BROWN SI 94 ($55,960), Barbara Toast SI 103 ($69,387). Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 7
TOAST TO LEROY SI 100. 4 wins at 2, $59,044, Rio Grande Fut.
SIS TERS STAR SI 96. 4 wins, $13,936, But tons And Bows S. Dam of
Mem ories Of A Star SI 87. Placed at 2, $5,823.
Pretty Lil Sis ter SI 90. 2 wins at 2, $4,660.
Zevis Cash Flow SI 101. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Fast Cash 1998 SI 98. 3 wins at 2, $10,752, 2nd QHBC South west Clas sic Fut. [R].
Race Re cord: Unraced.
En gage ments: MBNA Amer ica Racing Chal lenge, Val ley Junc tion Fu tu rity, Kan sas Jack pot Fu tu rity
Par ent age Ver ified
- Ac credited Oklahoma Bred
Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 . . Ralph’s Lady Bug SI 100 Dream Rocket SI 100 . . . Dream’s Gold Bar (ROM) By THE SIG NA TURE SI 107 (1980). Stakes win ner of 11 races, to 4, $333,473, Old South Fut., etc. Sire of
409 ROM, $8,276,226, 40 stakes win ners, in clud ing HEZA FAST MAN si 111 (Cham pion, $801,356), SIG
SI 102 (Cham pion, $433,193), RARE FORM SI 120 (Cham pion, $278,191), METER ME GONE
SI 112 (Cham pion), etc. Sire of the dams of 114 ROM, FLYING DINO SI 98 ($339,058), WESTERN HEART
SI 105 ($173,538), SIXY LADY SI 102 ($146,318) etc.
AB SO LUTE HEAVEN (1982), by Bugs Alive In 75. Placed at 2. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 ROM, Ab so lutely Good SI 95 (g. by Good Doc tor TB). 2 wins, to 5, $9,944.
Pro mis cu ous Lady SI 91 (f. by Pie In The Sky). 2 wins, to 3, $6,830, ntr MD 300 yds :15.81.
DREAM ROCKET SI 100, by Rocket Bar TB. 12 wins, $60,881, Co lum bus Fut., Goliad Fut., Laredo Fut., etc.
Im puted In ter est SI 97 (g. by Afore thought). 7 wins, to 7, $10,442, 2nd Los Potrillos H.
Girl O’My Dreams SI 91 (f. by Spar kling Na tive TB). 6 wins, $41,024. Dam of
FLAMBOYAN SI 97 (g. by Easy Jet). 10 wins, to 9, $268,851, Cy press H., 3rd Faber ge Spe cial Ef fort Fut.,
El Primero Del Ano D. G1, etc.
Girl Ev ery thing SI 90 (f. by Easy Jet). 3 wins, to 4. Dam of Our Spe cial Girl SI 93 ($146,312).
Dance A Dream (f. by Spar kling Na tive TB). Placed, to 3. Dam of Truckle Wind SI 95 ($25,967), Dream To -
night SI 96 ($18,844); granddam of RR Sparemethedetails SI 106 ($17,688).
DREAM’S GOLD BAR ROM, by Barred. 2 wins, to 6, $2,535. Dam of 12 foals, 7 to race, 6 ROM, DREAM ROCKET SI 100. Stakes win ner, see above.
ROCKET’S GOLD SI 95. 4 wins, to 3, $3,069, Jef fer son QHA Fut.
Race Re cord: One win, twice 2nd, to 3. Earned $1,652.
Pro duce Re cord:
1995 Flare Go SI 93 (f. by Frisco Flare). 2 wins, to 3, $5,103.
1996 In The Event SI 81 (f. by Ronas Ryon). Placed, to 3, 1999, $1,043.
1997 Ma jor Sign (c. by Magic Dozen). Unraced.
1998 Ev ans Leg acy (c. by Takin On The Cash).
1999 Open.
Bred to This Snow Is Royal last ser vice Feb ru ary 24, 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Par ent age Ver ified

Spe cial Ef fort SI 104 . . . . Go Ef fort lessly SI 98 Creole Dancer TB . . . . . . E. Cee Miss Miss Easy Credit . . . . . . . Go Miss Hankins SI 92 By SPE CIAL ELAN SI 98 (1987). Stakes win ner of 4 races, to 4, $100,831, Jet Deck H. G3, 3rd Gold Rush
870 D. G3, Moonshiner H. Sire of 51 ROM, $432,309, 4 stakes win ners, in clud ing LIL BOY CRICKET SI 94
(4 wins, $85,877, Sam Hous ton Fut. G1, etc.), GOTTA SPE CIAL POP SI 100 (3 wins, $57,241, TQHA Sires’
Cup Fut. [R] G2, etc.), JET ELAN SI 97 (3 wins, $16,134, QHBC North west Clas sic Fut. [R]), HEZA SLICK
SI 101 ($14,464, Gillespie County Fair Texas Bred [R]), etc.
Al amo Dancer SI 88 (1990), by Creole Dancer TB. Placed at 2, $18,017, 3rd Manor Downs Fut. G3. Dam of 4
Elan Dancer SI 93 (g. by Spe cial Elan). See be low.
Seth Spe cial SI 90 (g. by Spe cial Elan). Win ner, to 4, $6,591.
MISS EASY CREDIT, by My Easy Credit. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 4 ROM, Al amo Dancer SI 88 (f. by Creole Dancer TB). Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Este Es Ojo Rojo SI 97 (g. by Bed Bugs). 3 wins, to 3, $15,866, 3rd Trin ity Meadows Fut.
GO MISS HANKINS SI 92, by Go Man Go. Win ner, to 3, $10,050. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 7 ROM, Hammurapi SI 91. 4 wins, to 5, $7,648, 2nd Easter Fut.
Im Lit tle Hank SI 94. 6 wins, to 5, $17,419.
Passum Miss. Unraced. Dam of
GO MISS FEIN SI 101. 5 wins, to 2, $30,382, Tex-Mex Fut., Senoritas Fut., 2nd Life Downs Sum mer Fut.,
SINNIN SIZZLER SI 105. 6 wins, to 4, $28,038, Bor der line D., 3rd Budweiser D. G1.
L H Balmy Prin cess SI 95, by Balmy L. 3 wins, to 5, $2,790, 3rd C L Maddon’s Bright Eyes H., Billy Anson,
Hankins’ Bars SI 100. 4 wins, to 5, $13,880, 3rd Col o rado Won der land H., Prin cess Nativo SI 84. Placed.
Chicks Na tive SI 103. 7 wins, to 5, $50,916, 2nd Alameda H., etc.
Go Miss Hankins SI 92. Win ner, see above.
Race Re cord: One win, twice 2nd, twice 3rd, to 3, 1998. Earned $7,494. (Fi nal ist: TQHA Sires Cup Fut. [R}
Par ent age Ver ified - Ac credited Texas Bred
First Down Dash SI 105 . First Prize Rose SI 98 On a High SI 113 . . . . . . . Yan kee Doll TB Allotta Dial SI 108 . . . . . Easter Lady Chick SI 84 By Leaving Mem ories SI 111 (1989). Stakes-placed win ner of 3 races, to 4, $112,121, 3rd QHBC Soph o -
more Clas sic G2, 3rd HQHRA In au gu ral H. G3. Sire of 142 ROM, $1,878,774, 16 stakes win ners, in clud ing
CAU TIOUS MEM ORIES SI 95 (2 wins, $259,881, Rain bow Fut. G1), PACK OF MEM ORIES SI 103 (6 wins,
$144,782, Kan sas Fut. G1, etc.), SEND ME THE CANDY SI 97 (3 wins, $135,976, Remington Park Fut.
G1), HEZA FANCY MEM ORIES SI 92 ($68,658), etc.
ALOTTA HIGH SPEED SI 85 (1988), by On A High. Un placed, to 4. Dam of 4 foals, 1 to race, 2nd dam:
Allotta Dial
SI 108, by Dial Jester. 5 wins, to 3, $209,932, 2nd Rain bow Fut. G1, 440 Ranch Fut., 3rd Manor
Downs Fut., TQHA Texas D., Na tional Stakes Invt. Champ. D. (Fi nal ist: Kan sas Fut. G1, Texas Fut.
. Dam of 12 foals, 6 to race, 6 ROM,
Alota Ef fort SI 96 (c. by Spe cial Ef fort). 4 wins, to 5, $7,249.
Dial Fols SI 90 (f. by Six Fols). 2 wins, to 5, $6,331.
Traf fic Dial SI 94 (f. by Dash Thru Traf fic). 2 wins, to 3, $6,222.
A Lot Speed SI 90 (f. by Coup De Kas TB). 2 wins, to 3, $5,461. Dam of Lots of Pie SI 83 (f. by Pie In The Sky). Placed, to 3, 1999, $3,068.
EASTER LADY CHICK SI 84, by Chief Chick. 4 wins, to 4. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 6 ROM, Allotta Dial SI 108. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Abita Dial SI 96. 3 wins, to 3, $8,822.
Dashin High SI 101. 4 wins, at 2, $5,858.
Iam Not Easy SI 99. 3 wins, to 3, $7,712. Dam of
Ima Hot Flasher SI 86. 2 wins at 2, $4,373, 2nd Rocky Moun tain Clas sic Fut. [R].
Im Once Ina Blu Moon SI 89. Unraced. Dam of A LIL BIT OF TEXAS SI 92. 6 wins, to 5, $35,858, Al amo QHBA Fut.
The Moon Dasher SI 91. 2 wins, to 4, 1999, $6,992.
4th dam:
CUSTUS BAR MAID by Custus Sandy. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 2 ROM,
Pre vailer SI 96. 2 wins, to 3, $3,328, 3rd Ring Of Roses D.
Shesa Sheri Wine. Win ner, at 2, $3,250.
Race Re cord: One win in 3 starts at 2,1998. Earned $1,080.
Par ent age Ver ified
*Herbager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flagette Sil ver Sari . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Beau ti ful Mu sic . . . . . . . . Gay Ser e nade Jute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Mir a cle By BIG SPRUCE (1969). Stakes win ner of 9 races, to 5, $673,117, Gov er nor’s S. G1, San Luis Rey S. G1,
etc. Sire of 304 win ners, $19,161,394, 37 stakes win ners, in clud ing RUBICO (Cham pion, $66,558),
SPRUCE BABY (Hwt. at 3 on French Free H., $199,552), SUPER MO MENT ( $1,017,940), SPRUCE FIR
($698,703), etc. Sire of the dams of DRASTICA (Cham pion, $61,540), NOS TAL GIA’S STAR
($2,154,827), ADOR ABLE ($1,381,922), STALWARS ($1,211,556), etc.
BECKY’S MU SIC (1985) by Beau ti ful Mu sic. Un placed. Dam of 5 Thor ough bred foals, 3 to race, 1 win ner; Beascorch (g. by I’m The Brave). Win ner at 3, $25,524.
JUTE, by Land ing. Win ner at 3, to 4, $3,330. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 7 win ners.
Ea ger Red (c. by Clem Pac). 4 wins, $15,727, 3rd Bi cen ten nial S., etc.
Gina Be Fast (f. by Better Bee). 10 wins, to 7, $46,736. Dam of
T. K. CHANCE (c. by Sain Et Sauf). 7 wins, to 5, $83,044, 1st Agassiz H. [R], 2nd Assiniboia Downs Gold
Betterplacetobe (c. by Re gent Cat). 3 wins, to 4, $13,461.
SUN MIR A CLE, by Heather Broom. 13 wins, to 6, $21,910. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 win ners, HUNTERS CREEK. 8 wins, to 5, $46,421, Lan sing S., etc. Sire.
Mir a cle Hand. 2 wins, to 3, $12,447, 2nd De Anza S. Sire.
Fond De ceit. Placed at 2, $1,300. Dam of
Pull The Wool. 8 wins, to 5, $175,305, 2nd Duch ess S. [L], etc.
Mark N Brett. 7 wins, to 6, $48,035, 3rd Af firmed S.
Ir res o lute. Un placed in only one start. Dam of Per ma nent So lu tion ($137,832).
ROYAL FLUSH, by Knave High. 16 wins to 8, $55,745, Benjamin Frank lin H., Lady Bal ti more H., 3rd Carroll CA SINO. 3 wins, $23,134, Home Bred H., etc.
Crown’s Glory. 3 wins, $20,185, 2nd Bowie En dur ance Gold Cup S.
Two of Akind. 4 wins, to 3, $22,475. Dam of Two Pair ($141,603).
Race Re cord: Unraced.
Pro duce Re cord:
1998 Foal Died.
1999 Un named (c. by Wolf Power [SAf]).
Not Bred - Par ent age Ver ified - Sells with colt at side by Wolf Power [SAf], foaled March 21, 1999.
Oh Shiney SI 99 . . . . . . . . Shiny Se quin TB Beduino TB . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo-Ann-Cat Me Thinkum . . . . . . . . . . . Aim To Miss SI 94 By LIL BIT SHINEY SI 114 (1984). Stakes win ner of 11 races, to 3, $715,563, Rain bow Fut. G1, etc. Sire of 60
ROM, $465,320, 4 stakes win ners, in clud ing LIL BIT SILKY SI 106 (18 wins, $46,434, Gov er nor’s Cup H.),
IMA SPE CIAL TYPE SI 102 (11 wins, $52,686, Fran ces Carr Dis taff S., etc.) A LIL BIT OF TEXAS SI 92
($35,858), MARCH ON SHINEY SI 110 ( $23,133), Lil Bit Frosty SI 90 ($22,612), etc. Sire of the dams of 6
ROM, GO BRUNO GO SI 106 ($69,311), etc.
BED OUIN BELLE SI 95 (1982), by Beduino TB. Win ner, to 3, $1,174. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 4 ROM, Free Racin SI 97 (g. by Racin Free). 6 wins, to 5, $12,279. (Fi nal ist: West Texas D. G3).
Bed ouin Vic tory SI 90 (f. by Vic tory Dash). 2 wins, to 3, 1999, $6,696. (Fi nal ist: Amer i can Air lines Mex ico Ju -
ve nile G3).
Oh Mazie SI 94 (f. by Oh Shiney). 3 wins, to 4, $5,977.
ME THINKUM, by Timeto Thinkrich. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, all to race, 6 ROM, Dos Chivas SI 99 (g. by Pass ‘Em Up TB). 5 wins, to 5, $21,722.
Thinkitgotit SI 82 (g. by Nativo TB). Win ner at 2, $18,524.
Thinkumhigh SI 96 (g. by High Street TB). 7 wins, to 5, $15,923.
AIM TO MISS SI 94, by Rulla Bux TB. 7 wins, to 5, $8,066. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 5 ROM, Charge To Chance SI 94. 5 wins, to 5, $12,678. AIM AT ME SI 95, by Vandy. Win ner. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 5 ROM, ROCK IT TO ME SI 100. 9 wins, to 5, $3,745, Tuc son Sprint, etr RIL 350 yds :17.90. Dam of PAPA
ROCKET SI 90 ($8,117), Truckle To Me SI 103 ($26,287).
Fear less Frank SI 92. 12 wins, to 8, $19,182.
Miss Aim SI 95. 2 wins, to 3, $1,740. Granddam of BUNNY MACKAY SI 111 ($131,355), Rocket Wran gler
Jr SI 94 ($13,564).
Race Re cord: 4 wins, one time 3rd, to 3. Earned $7,988.
Pro duce Re cord:
1996 Babe Dash (f. by Ca lyx). Un placed in 2 starts at 2.
1997 Yon der Babe (f. by Moo Vin First). Un placed in 2 starts at 2, 1999.
1998 No re port.
1999 Open.
Bred to Il le gal Run away, last ser vice March 27, 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Ge netic Typed

Se at tle Slew . . . . . . . . . . . . My Charmer Eva sive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum mer Scan dal Sur geon Sam . . . . . . . . . . . Sabina Lou ise Joey’s Doll . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cynthia Doll By SLEWACIDE (1980). Placed in only start at 3, $2,160. Sire of 239 win ners, $9,604,021, 20 stakes win ners, in clud ing SLEW OF DA MAS CUS (16 wins, $1,420,350, Hol ly wood Gold Cup H. G1, etc.), CLEVER
(15 wins, $1,388,841, Arlington Clas sic G1, etc.), SLIDE SHOW (12 wins, $347,917, Oklahoma
Clas sics Day Clas sic S. [R], etc.), SOUTHERN ET I QUETTE (10 wins, $259,459), SLEW O MINK
($230,528, Round Ta ble S. G3, etc.), MR ROSS ($155,581), etc.
BELLE CAN YON (1986), by Sur geon Sam. 6 wins, to 4, $47,351. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race, West ern Belle (f. by West ern Trick). Win ner, to 3, $7,080.
JOEY’S DOLL, by Bold Joey. Win ner, $4,299. Dam of 5 foals, 3 win ners, Mortimer Let ter (c. by Sur geon Sam). 2 wins, to 3, $13,240.
Sur geon’s Doll (f. by Sur geon Sam). Placed, at 2, $1,540. Dam of SLEW THE SUR GEON (c. by Slew the Bride). 10 wins, to 5, $349,955, Tri ple Bend H. G3, 2nd Cal i for nia
D. G3, etc. Sire.
Kassar (c. by Slew City Slew). Win ner, to 3, 1999, $18,815.
CYNTHIA DOLL, by Prince Khaled. Win ner, to 3, $1,166. Dam of 11 foals, 7 to race, 7 win ners, Janet’s Doll. Win ner, to 3, $24,875.
Dolleasta. 4 wins, to 5, $21,355.
RARE RE WARD, by Better Self. 2 wins, to 3, $2,885. Sis ter to AR GENT ($56,345, Ultimus H., etc. Sire.),
Half-sister to RE LUC TANT DEB ($47,490, Nassau S. etc.). Dam of 8 foals, 5 to race, 4 win ners,
Rockadee. 12 wins, to 6, $50,538.
Ab’s Demon Rushka. 13 wins, to 7, $21,923. Dam of De pend able Ruska. 2 wins, to 4, $7,714.
Herky. 3 wins, to 3, $9,435.
Sunken Trea sure. Unraced. Dam of Race Re cord: Unraced.
En gage ments: Oklahoma Clas sic
Par ent age Ver ified
- Ac credited Oklahoma Bred - Cur rently in race train ing
Gato Del Sol . . . . . . . . . . . Peace fully Kimstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I’m The Boss Bendy Weckett . . . . . . . . . *Benares II By RAN SOME NOTE (1987). Un placed at 2. Sire of 2 foals to race. Son of GATO DEL SOL (stakes win ner,
$1,340,107), sire of 85 win ners, $2,650,629, 2 stakes win ners, in clud ing REDACTORA (Cham pion, 7 wins,
$22,738, Premio Sociedad de Duenos de Caballos, etc.), SON OF SOL (8 wins, $80,062, Old Town D., etc.),
Gato Go Flow ($147,163), Con vert ible ($143,561, 3rd Ivy S.), Gata Del Caribe D (22 wins, $134,029, 3rd
Clasico Dia de Reyes), etc.
BENDY’S STAR (1986), by Kimstar. Win ner at 2, $3,028. Dam of 2 foals, none to race.
BENDY WECKETT, by Jun gle Sav age. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, Bendy’s Star (f. by Kimstar). Win ner, see above.
El e gant Weckett (c. by El e gant Prince). Un placed in 2 starts.
*BENARES II, by Timor. Win ner at 3, in Ar gen tina, Premio Espana, 2nd Premio Jorge Atuca, etc. Dam of 8
Gay Gau cho. Win ner at 3, $37,746, 2nd Round Ta ble H., etc. Sire.
Ring Star. 10 wins, to 5, $46,929.
Sweet Heir ess. Un placed. Dam of
RUANA. 6 wins, to 5, $107,735, Con cord H., etc. Dam of
Big Barton. 7 wins, to 6, $120,675.
Ruann Ruannadanna. 5 wins, to 5, $30,412.
Kirby Lons dale. 3 wins, to 4, $28,740.
4th dam:
BESARABIA, by Cairn gorm. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 2 win ners,
*ARABE. 5 wins, $15,296, in Ar gen tina, Premio Uberto F. Vignart, Premio Comando y Direccion Gen eral
*BENARES II. Stakes win ner, see above.
Voo doo. Placed at 4, in Ar gen tina, 2nd Premio IV Jornadas La tino-Americanas, 3rd Premio Dibila, Premio
*GRAN APOLO. 5 wins, $19,395, in Ar gen tina, Premio Bolivia G3.
Borbona. Unraced in Ar gen tina. Dam of BUENISIMA [Chi].
Race Re cord: Unraced.
Par ent age Ver ified - Cur rently in race train ing
Con signed by Lazy E Ranch Inc., Agt. for Lee & Leslie Young Se at tle Slew . . . . . . . . . . . . My Charmer Too Bald . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Raise A Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Sun shine Moon beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Gleam By CA POTE (1984). Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt, stakes win ner of 3 races at 2, $714,470, Breeders’ Cup Ju -
ve nile G1, Nor folk S. G1, 4th Wood Me mo rial Invt. S. G1, etc. Sire of 230 win ners, $21,398,930, 30 stakes
win ners, in clud ing BOSTON HAR BOR (Cham pion, 6 wins, $1,934,605), SURFING HOME (Horse Of The
Year in SAf
), DANTSU DANCER (3 wins, $993,268), AC CEPT ABLE ($713,020), etc. Sire of the dams of
NIJINSKY’S PAS SION ($214,535), PRADO’S CA POTE ($111,540), etc.
BETTER THAN BE FORE (1983), by Raise A Cup. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, Se cret Quest (f. by Secreto). 13 wins, to 5, $69,540. MOON BEAM, by Tim Tam. Un placed in only start. Dam of 13 foals, 7 win ners, BE FORE DAWN (f. by Raise A Cup). Cham pion 2-Year-Old Filly, 9 wins, $432,855, Ma tron S. G1,
Spinaway S. G1, etc. Dam of
Beau ti ful Gold (f. by Mr. Pros pec tor). 6 wins, to 5, $185,932, 2nd Quick Re ward Breeders Cup S.,
Moranbon (f. by Sagace [Fr]). Win ner at 3, $51,057, in France, 2nd Prix Occitanie, Prix Caravelle. Dam of
Sakura Moran [Jpn] (f. by Danzig). 4 wins, 1999, $458,404, in Ja pan.
Blue Sad dle (Ire) (c. by Sadler’s Wells) Win ner, to 3, $39,574, in France, 2nd Prix Charles et Henry
Be fore Sun down (f. by Con quis ta dor Cielo). Win ner at 2, $26,760, 2nd Debutatne S.[L].
Jolivar (f. by *Herbager). 2 wins, to 3, $30,840. Dam of JOLLY GROOM ($42,060), etc.
A GLEAM, by *Blenheim II. 12 wins, $251,395, Prin cess Pat S., West erner S., etc. Dam of 5 win ners, in clud -
ing GLEAMING ($469,245), A GLIT TER ($196,370); granddam of Elec tric ($37,986), Teasing (3rd City of
Champ. H.), Di a mond Daisy (dam of GALAXY ROAD, $169,379), etc.
Race Re cord: One time 3rd, at 3. Earned $1,052.
Pro duce Re cord:
1994 Aborted, 1995 foal died.
1996 Auntie Dee (f. by Dee Lance). Win ner, to 3, $3,000.
1997 Snow flake (f. by Amer i can Stan dard). Unraced.
1998 Un named (c. by Lost Op por tu nity).
1999 Open
Bred to Co bra King, last ser vice April 3, 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Blood Typed

Con signed by Doug Riebel & Mark Hodges T. V. Com mer cial . . . . . . . Your Host ess Articana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Golden Ruler . . . . . . . . . . . Fulvous Cal cu la tor . . . . . . . . . .
(1972) Adds Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Hopes By IT’S FREEZING (1972). Stakes win ner of 3 races, to 3, $10,871, in Ire land; 11 wins, to 6, $331,176, in US,
Queens County H. G3, At lan tic City H., etc. Sire of 393 win ners, $29,506,061, 37 stakes win ners, in clud ing
LUV ME LUV ME NOT (9 wins, $664,167), FROST FREE (11 wins, $645,814), WIND CHILL (15 wins,
$502,492), etc. Sire of the dams of PO LARIS FLIGHT ($590,750), FIGHTING FAN TASY ($572,820), TE -
($190,673), GLA CIAL PRINCE ($181,225), etc.
CAL CU LA TOR (1972), by Golden Ruler. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 8 win ners, STARCLOCK (f. by *Grey Dawn II). 5 wins at 2, to 4, $56,295, Pocahontas S. Dam of
CLOCK TOWER (c. by Ver ba tim). 13 wins, to 8, $222,237, Tri-State H., 4th Amer i can D. G1, Wash ing ton
Park H. G2.
Aberdeen Gate (f. by Known Fact). 5 wins, to 5, $94,255.
Ten Toes (f. by Our Na tive). Unraced. Dam of TEN TAC U LAR (g. by Time less Na tive). 9 wins, to 6, $136,543, Arch Ward S., 2nd Waukegan Breeders’
Ten Sins (c. by Tif fany Ice). 8 wins, $213,273, 2nd Sheridan S. G3, Hol i day Cheer H., Rushaway S. [L],
High way Rob ber (c. by Crim i nal Type). 3 wins, to 5, $128,293, 2nd Sheridan S. G3.
Adds Up, by Sub Fleet. 3 wins, to 3, $12,277, 3rd Cinderella S. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 3 win ners,
HARD WORK (c. by Golden Ruler). 12 wins, to 4, $130,693, Breeders’ Fut., 2nd Ken tucky Jockey Club S.,
Handi Work (f. by Ful crum). 3 wins, to 3, $13,895. Dam of VENCEDOR (c. by Flag Raiser). 14 wins, to 5, $399,022, Westchester H. G2, Ha zel Park H., Paumonok
THE CAR PEN TER (c. by Gummo). 5 wins at 2, $332,890, Nor folk S. G2, Del Mar Fut. G2, Sunny Slope S.
G3, etc. Sire.
CALL CATHERINE (f. by Dr. Schwartzman). 2 wins at 2, $45,034, Everget S., 3rd Sa lem County S. Dam
of Bridal Gate ($82,825).
Race Re cord: 7 wins, 6 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd, to 5. Earned $74,025.
Pro duce Re cord:
1990 Pre cisely Cut (f. by Slewacide). Placed at 4.
1991 Ce leb rity Ball (f. by Col lier). Un placed.
1992, 1993, Aborted, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 No re port.
1994 De ci sive One (f. by Navy Ad mi ral). 2 wins, placed at 6, to 4, $16,049.
1999 No re port.
Not Bred.
Windy Ryon SI 99 . . . . . . Si lent Light SI 99 Easy Jet SI 100 . . . . . . . . . Lena’s Bar TB SI 95 Trip py Dip TB . . . . . . . . . . Dancing Straw By RONAS RYON SI 105 (1984). Cham pion 2-Year-Old, Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt, stakes win ner of 18
races, to 4, $1,777,977, Kan sas Fut. G1, All Amer i can Fut. G1, etc. Sire of 405 ROM, $5,711,587, 32 stakes
win ners, in clud ing I HEAR A SYMPONY SI 117 (Cham pion, 11 wins, $269,910, All Amer i can D. G1, etc.),
AVISON SI 104 (11 wins, $293,667), RO MEO RYON SI 98 (5 wins, $269,037), SEALS SI 113 ($263,744),
ROCK N RONA SI 106 ($230,113), etc.
CASILA SI 83 (1987), by Easy Jet. Placed, to 3, $2,515. Dam of 8 foals, 5 to race, 3 ROM, Can thus SI 98 (g. by Dash For Cash). Win ner, to 5, $8,779. (Fi nal ist: Kin der gar ten Fut. G2).
TRIP PY DIP TB, by Scout Leader. 10 wins, to 3, $78,169. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM, dam of 15
Quar ter Horse foals, 12 to race, 11 ROM, FLOR EN TINE SI 108 (f. by Dash For Cash). Cham pion 3-Year-Old Filly, Cham pion Aged Horse, Cham -
pion Aged Mare, 16 wins, $1,123,012, Golden State D. G1, Rain bow D. G1, etc. Dam of
EVENING SNOW SI 128 (g. by Chicks Beduino). 9 wins, $567,116, Los Alamitos Mil lion Fut. G1, etc.
THIS SNOW IS ROYAL SI 101 (c. by Chicks Beduino). Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt, 7 wins,$554,748,
AVISON SI 104 (g. by Ronas Ryon). 11 wins, to 5, $293,667, Ves sels Mat. G1-twice, Go Man Go H. G1,
Chicado V H. G3, etc.
Deign SI 96 (g. by Streakin Six). 8 wins, to 6, $20,088, 2nd Braggin Rights 870 Champ.
CA LYX SI 117 (c. by Dash For Cash). Cham pion Dis tance Horse, 9 wins, to 5, $164,468, Mar a thon Invt.
H. G2, etc. Sire.
STA MEN SI 114 (g. by Dash For Cash). 15 wins, to 10, 1999, $97,064, Mas ter Salls H., Fine Loom H., 2nd
IVE BEEN BLESSED SI 102 (g. by First Down Dash). Cham pion Dis tance Horse, 8 wins, to 5, $90,096,
Mar a thon H. G1, etc.
STY LUS SI 109 (c. by Dash For Cash). 6 wins, to 5, $50,427, El Ocho Setenta Over night H., etc.
SHIL LINGS SI 84 (f. by Dash For Cash). 4 wins, to 4, $34,042, Paul Ford Me mo rial H., etc. Dam of Hart ford
Rivianne SI 90 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins, to 3, $13,853. Dam of THE RAVIN MA NIAC SI 105
Race Re cord: One win in 5 starts at 2, 1998. Earned $1,260.
En gage ments: MBNA Amer ica Racing Chal lenge
Par ent age Ver ified - Ac credited Texas Bred

Bold Ep i sode SI 88 . . . . . South ern Pride SI 94 Easy Dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . Twelve Five SI 97 Evelyn Develyn SI 87 . . . Clabber’s Win ner SI 95 By EASILY AN EP I SODE SI 101 (1989). Stakes win ner of 13 races, to 6, $151,540, Fire cracker Fut. G1, Gra -
ham Farms D. G2, Long horn Fut. G3, 2nd Manor Downs Fut. G3, 3rd Manor Downs D. G3. Sire of 12 start -
ers, 9 ROM, in clud ing Walkin Talkin Tee SI 95 (3 wins, $8,024), etc. Son of Bold Ep i sode ($3,110), Sire of 167
ROM, $1,804,765, 11 stakes win ners, in clud ing EASILY AN EP I SODE SI 101 ($151,540), CASH AL LI -
SI 100 , ($122,883), MISS BOLD HOPE SI 107 ($119,968), etc.
CLABBERS MARIA SI 93 (1986), by Easy Dozen. 4 wins, to 5, $4,861. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race.
2nd dam:
EVELYN DEVELYN SI 87, by Texas Dancer TB. 4 wins, to 4, $7,062. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 ROM,
Clabbers Maria SI 93 (f. by Easy Dozen). 4 wins, see above.
La Gana SI 88 (f. by Easy Bach e lor). 2 wins, to 5, $1,178.
Fernandos Re bel (f. by Beduino Re bel). Placed 3 times in 4 starts at 2, $1,066.
Clabber’s Win ner SI 95, by Clabber’s Win. 7 wins, to 5, $4,035, 2nd La Grange Downs D., 2nd Al amo QHBA
Na tive Win ner SI 92. 2 wins, to 4, $4,165. Dam of Mighty Na tive SI 102. 5 wins, to 5, $31,676.
Na tive Dozen SI 88. 4 wins, to 5, $7,641. Dam of Hannah Luck. Placed to 3, 1998, $2,955.
Na tive Cas tle. Win ner to 6, $1,448.
Casha Win SI 92. 3 wins, to 3, $1,190. Dam of LULU THOMAS, by Bill Thomas. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 5 to race, 2 ROM, Clabber’s Win ner SI 95. Stakes-placed win ner, see above.
Olym pia Nell. Unraced. Dam of
Quick Bi kini SI 81. 6 wins, to 8, $8,481. Miss Nellie Ryon SI 81. Win ner, to 3, $2,824.
Race Re cord: Once 2nd, twice 3rd in 6 starts at 2, 1998.
Par ent age Ver ified
Con signed by Pierce Fam ily Part ner ship Beduino TB . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo-Ann-Cat Dash For Cash SI 114 . . . Find A Buyer TB Sure N Easy SI 88 . . . . . . Miss As sured SI 95 By TOLLTAC SI 113 (1981). Cham pion 2-Year-Old, Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt, Cham pion 3-Year-Old
Colt, stakes win ner of 12 races, to 3, $1,143,043, Bay Meadows Fut. G1, Kin der gar ten Fut. G1, etc. Sire of
357 ROM, $6,272,877, 35 stakes win ners, in clud ing RAMBAC (Cham pion, $504,940, Golden State D. G1,
etc.) TIC TAC TEXAN SI 111 (7 wins, $304,678), TOLLS TOUCH SI 105 ($292,768), MONEY CRUNCH SI
98 ($209,297), BLISTERIN SI 105 ($149,906), etc.
CLAS SIC DASHER SI 83 (1983), by Dash For Cash. Win ner, to 3. Dam of 8 foals, 4 to race, all ROM, West Crest Doc SI 92 (c. by Merridoc). 2 wins at 2, 1998, $17,335. (Fi nal ist: North Texas Horse Sale Fut. [R] G2).
Clas sic Tac SI 91 (f. by Tolltac). Win ner, see be low.
Gray Dasher SI 99 (c. by Be hold A Beduino). 2 wins, to 5, $5,238.
SURE N EASY SI 88, by Easy Jet. 2 wins, to 3, $12,059. Dam of 1 foal. MISS ASSURED SI 95, by Lit tle Re quest TB. 2 wins, to 4, $4,944, La Thanksgiving S. An All-Time Leading
Dam of ROM, dam of 16 foals, 13 to race, 11 ROM,
STREAKIN SIX SI 104. 10 wins, to 4, $473,937, Rain bow Fut., New Mex ico State Fair H., 2nd All Amer i can
ASSURED COPY SI 94. 9 wins, to 5, $98,630, Los Ninos H., Ju ve nile S., Pomona Fut., PCQHRA Fut., 2nd
STATE OF MIND SI 106. 10 wins, to 5, $41,703, Coors Dis trib u tors D., 3rd South west Stal lion Sta tion D.
Royal As sured. Un placed, to 3. Dam of
Roy alty As sured SI 94. 5 wins, to 3, $21,091.
Lindas Fancy. Unraced. Dam of Texas Solo SI 97. Win ner, to 4, $21,795, 2nd Col o rado Stal lion Breeders’ Fut. [R] G3, etc.
Ex pert A Go SI 90. 3 wins, to 3, $15,373, 2nd Boom er Sooner Spring Fut.
Race Re cord: One win, 7 2nds, twice 3rd in 13 starts, to 3, 1998. Earned $11,238. (Fi nal ist: Shebester Fut.
Bred to Hot Col ours, for her first foal, last ser vice April 16, 1999. (BE LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL).
Par ent age Ver ified

Con signed by Wil low Ridge Farms, Inc.
ST Bar SI 100 . . . . . . . . . . Bella St Mary SI 95 Zevi TB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spire Coaly Bars SI 96 . . . . . . . Es ters Lit tle Klu TB By POWER TRAIN SI 101 (1987). Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt, stakes win ner of 7 races, to 5, $226,437,
Kan sas Fut. G1, 2nd Sun Coun try Fut. G1, Dou ble Bid H. G3, etc. Sire of 37 ROM, $412,224, 2 stakes win -
ners, in clud ing POISE N POWER SI 106 (5 wins, $148,532, TQHA Breeders’ Fut. [R] G1, etc.), PLUM
SI 93 (2 wins, $63,614, Winnermaker Breeders’ Fut. [R] G3), Next Train SI 98 (2 wins, $8,850,
2nd The Quar ter Racing Jour nal S.), Nan nas Train SI 85 (2 wins, $6,726), etc.
COOL COALY SI 80 (1989), by Zevi TB. Win ner at 2, $1,620. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 2 ROM, Put Your Hand Up SI 84 (f. by Re bel Dasher). Win ner at 2, 1998, $3,574.
COALY BARS SI 96, by Real Thing. 11 wins, to 3, $75,185, Black Gold Fut. div. 2 [R], La dies Clas sic S., 3rd
Oklahoma Fut. (Fi nal ist: Blue Rib bon Fut. G2). Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 6 ROM,
Zelena Zbar SI 91 (f. by Zevi TB). 3 wins, to 3, $33,434, 2nd Oklahoma Fut. G2 (Fi nal ist: Blue Rib bon Fut.
G1, etc.). Dam of
Wonforcheryl SI 103, (f. by Bold Ep i sode). 3 wins, to 4, $16,115, Coaly Bar Belle SI 96 (f. by Zevi TB). 2 wins, to 3, $4,320. Dam of Coaly Bar Dash SI 101 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 3 wins, $66,051, 2nd Utah Clas sic Fut. [R] G1, etc.
ES TERS LIT TLE KLU TB, by Big Klu. Win ner at 4, $1,656. Dam of 1 Thor ough bred foal, 1 to race; 15 Quar ter CHICAGOLAND SI 104. 8 wins, $105,702, Zia Ju ve nile Champ. etc.
COALY BARS SI 96. Stakes win ner, see above.
Klus Flame SI 103. 5 wins, to 3, $40,331, 2nd Mr Jet Moore S.
Es ter’s Bunny SI 88. 4 wins, to 3, $5,991, Dam of
SIX TO FIVE SI 112. Cham pion Aged Stal lion, 19 wins, to 6, $290,159, Santa Fe Downs Fut. [R] G3, etc.
MARY MA JOR SI 99. 4 wins, to 3, $36,521, South west D. Dam of MA JOR RIME SI 104 ($278,986).
ON A BUNNY SI 105. 6 wins, to 5, $25,568, Cabeza De Vaca H., etc.
Dusty Bunny SI 103. 6 wins, to 3, $82,983, 2nd Blue Rib bon Fut. G2, etc. Dam of Dusty’s On A High SI
104 ($118,075), Dustys Ef fort SI 97 ($19,393).
Splashing Bunny SI 98. 3 wins, to 3, $29,550, 3rd West Texas D. Dam of BCR BY MAIN MAN SI 102
($165,977), BEAT YOUR PANTS OFF SI 103 ($22,440), Splashing Vi king SI 107 ($43,310).
Race Re cord: Unraced.
En gage ments: MBNA Amer ica Racing Chal lenge
Par ent age Ver ified

Source: http://www.heritageplace.com/Results/1999/Summer/Cat_pdf/hip100-119.pdf


Hagar, eine ägyptische Sklavin der → Sara. – AT: 1. Mose 16; 21,9–21. NT: Gal 4,22–26. Weil ihre Ehe mit → Abraham kinderlos bleibt, will Sara, daß H. als Neben-frau einen Erben zur Welt bringt. In der Schwangerschaft wird H. hochmütig gegenüber ihrer Herrin; Abraham überläßt die Bestrafung seiner Frau. Aus Angst davor flieht H. in die Wüste, sie wird aber von einem Engel zur


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