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Microorganisms are part of our everyday lives

Bird flu fear has gripped the globe, as the disease spreads. Public Health officials fear that a pandemic will occur if a recent strain of the virus, which has killed one-half of the humans it has infected, mutates into a form that can be transmitted between people. The virus has only infected humans who came into contact with contaminated birds. The strain (called H5N1) has kil


PERMISSION TO ATTEND THE ALL AFRICA STUDENT CONVENTION AND PERMISSION FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY FOR A MINOR Please type or print clearly. Please complete all applicable fields in full. General Information Student Name ________________________________________Date of Birth _________________________________________Cellphone No _____________________________________

Microsoft word - potassium

The Importance of Potassium By Hans R. Larsen MSc ChE Important: Please read this entire report before acting on its findings Potassium is fairly abundant in the body with a total content of about 135 grams (3500 mmol). Most, 98% to be exact, is found inside the cells, while the remaining 2% or about 2700 mg is found outside the cells, more specifically in blood serum. Blood serum

Microsoft word - cr_ réu_groupe 2_071204.doc

Autoroute A45 Présentation des études et étapes de l’Avant Projet Sommaire 2ième direction régionale de l’Équipement Communes de L’Horme, La Talaudière, Saint Chamond, Saint Jean Rhône-Alpes Bonnefonds et Sorbiers Compte-rendu de la réunion du 07 décembre 2004 à la maison du Pays du Gier service Infrastructures Directeur général adjoint Saint Etienne Mét


Aura-Soma General: About the founders of the system Beamer Light Pen Prerequisites for participation in Beamer Light Pen courses courses Prerequisite for charging fees is to be a registered ASIACT Practitioner. Level lll course gives full certification. Practical info: Shanto Dorcey has trained with the Art and Science International Academy of Colour Leve


JCC: This is June Christian for the American Lives American Culture Studies interview with Dr. Helen Nash. Could you please state and spell your name? My name is Dr. Helen Nash. H-E-L-E-N N-A-S-H. JCC: Dr. Nash, could you please describe your growing up? Where you grew up and I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and I went to the private school system that was run by Atlanta University. And then I




Effectiveness Study Study of Alpecin Double-Effect Shampoo Product: Alpecin Double-Effect Shampoo against dandruff and Test subjects: 20 men aged 18 to 55 who suffer from increased Time period: The test subjects used Alpecin over the course of 6 weeks. Problem and study objective: Dandruff as well as the genetic predisposition for hair loss frequently coincide in

Speedpost service to afghanistan

SPEEDPOST EMS SERVICE TO KOREA FACILITY SHEET NO. 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE TITLE In Singapore - known as “Speedpost EMS”In Korea DATE OF SERVICE INTRODUCED DELIVERY AREAS STANDARD OF DELIVERY FROM DAY OF POSTING Item addressed to rural areas may be subject to delay GUARANTEE Yes (Pleas

Microsoft word - early, proper diagnosis still best for dry eye patients.doc

Early, proper diagnosis still best for dry eye patients by David Laber EyeWorld Staff Writer P hysicians’ preferred treatments for patients with symptoms of dry eye varies as some physicians rely on mostly on a single treatment while others have different methods for the However, they agree that early and proper diagnosis of the source of the symptoms will give the physicians bet

Source : http://www

Source : adapté de(la page n'est plus en ligne) All you ever wanted to know about RedBull but never dared to ask 1. Is Red Bull addictive? Dr. Haller, internationally known drug expert, specialist in psychiatry and neurology says : "It is proven: Red Bull contains no addictive substances and is therefore not an entry-level drug to hard drugs. Red Bull has, just like caffeine-c

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AUTORITÀ D'AMBITO DELLA SARDEGNA PROGRAMMA OPERATIVO TRIENNALE Gestione delle risorse finanziarie aggiornata al 31 ottobre 2010 Prospetto allegato alla Determinazione dirigenziale n°117 del 3 novembre 2010 AUTORITÀ D'AMBITO DELLA SARDEGNA Programma Operativo Triennale 2004 Stato di attuazione al 31 ottobre 2010 Finanziamento Economie Finanziamento Economie


CURRICULUM VITÆ Undergraduate Studies: University of Melbourne, B.E. (Civil), First Class Honours, 1968. Graduate Studies: University of Melbourne, M.Eng.Sc., Structural Engineering, 1970,Thesis title: Optimisation and plastic analysisUniversity of Cambridge, Research Certificate, Economics, 1971. Stanford University, M.S., Engineering-Economic Systems, 1972. Stanford University, Ph.

Journal 2-2 final draft on line.qxd

Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 2005: 2 (2) ISSN 1743-1611 (On-Line) Acute In-Patient Mental Health: moving forward in a local unit - Townsend Court Paul Wrake DipHE (Nursing), RN(MH) Unit Manager Bedfordshire & Luton Partnership NHS Trust PRACTICE Townsend Court is a demanding, ever evolving Acute In-patient Unit, DEVELOPMENT always facing the new challenges placed upon


LA LIBERTÉ MARDI 9 JUIN 2009 MARDI-IMMO RADIO-TV MAGAZINE JARDINAGE Vivre sa sexualité,malgré le handicap SOCIÉTÉ • Les premiers «assistants sexuels» de Romandie reçoivent leur diplôme samedi. Quatre femmes et six hommes formés durant un an pour offrir sensualité, intimité et sexualité à des personnes handicapées. ANNICK MONOD garantissant l’intimité.


Premier Tech Home & Garden. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT: Warfarin, Rat and Mouse Killer - Pellets SECTION 1 - PRODUCT INFORMATION P.C.P. Act Registration No.: 6944 Product Code: 7 70426 0 Chemical Name: 3(a-Acetonylbenyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin Synonyms: Warfarin Chemical Family: Hydroxycoumarin Product Use: Rodenticide TDG Classification: Not Regu


TSTS4 Devoir de Sciences Physiques n°10 22/04/2010 L' acide clavulanique est un inhibiteur de la bêta-lactamase, administré conjointement avec certaines pénicillines (telles que l'amoxicilline et la ticarcilline) afin d'en élargir le spectre. En effet, plusieurs bactéries se défendent contre les pénicillines à l'aide d'enzymes appelées bêta-lactamases. Ces enz


The Effect of Short-Contact Topical Tretinoin Therapy for Foot Ulcers in Patients With Diabetes Wynnis L. Tom, MD; David H. Peng, MD, MPH; Atabak Allaei, BS; Daniel Hsu, DPM; Tissa R. Hata, MD Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of short- Main Outcome Measures: The proportion of ulcers that contact administration of topical tretinoin on foothealed in each group and the degr

Solo grammatica

Informazione destinata ai pazienti Legga attentamente il foglietto illustrativo prima di far uso del medicamento. Questo medicamento le è stato prescritto personalmente e quindi non deve essere consegnato ad altre persone, anche se i sintomi sono gli stessi. Il medicamento potrebbe Conservi il foglietto illustrativo per poterlo rileggere all’occorrenza. Atenolol Adico 25, 50, 100 C

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Nyheter i bestillingsutvalget pr. 3. mai 2013 Artikkelnr. Artikkelnavn Produsent Land Distrikt First Drop And The Mother Of All Harvests 2011First Drop Mothers Milk Barossa Shiraz 2011Trenel Juliénas Esprit de Marius Sangouard 2011Moulin des Vrilleres Lauverjat Sancerre Rouge 2012Dom. Gayda Figure Libre Cabernet Franc 2011Didier Montchevet Hautes Côtes de Beaune 2011Eric Tex

Issue 4

COMPANY NEWS Viagra Drop The Biotechnological War between Amgen and J&J he multi-billion dollar anemia drug — erythropoietin, or EPO, is the T reason for the ensuing feud between two leading drug companies — Amgen Inc. and Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Both companies insist on theirright to market this highly successful biotechnology drug. W this y

Quakenbr.ck neu 4 9 111.p65

Preis der Apotheken 1.300 EURO (650 300 200 100 50) Autostart Rennstrecke 2200 m Für 4- bis 10 jährige Stuten und 4- bis 14 jährige Hengste und Wallache aller Länder,deren Startsumme nicht mehr als 3.000 Euro beträgt. 12:50 Uhr Gelbes Schild - Schwarze Zahl Aprilfive Harley 21.08. 71 Italian Cocktail-Wigilio v. Exito-Gorgo J. Hans van der Horst 14.08. 4. J. Hans van

Health history

HEALTH HISTORY Name _________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Date of last health care exam: ___________________________What was this exam for? ________________________ Have you been hospitalized in the last 5 years? (Please circle) If yes, reason:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Are you


DEZEMBRO / 2012 PÁGINA 9 Entendendo Prevenção e correção a Doutrina de desequilíbrio psíquico Tharsila Prates Para complementar essa leitura, recomendamos o livro O que você falaria para essencial da Doutrina intitu- Marclei Barbosa Santiago xa obsedar, para influir sobre bítrio, a inteligência, o racio - caso a caso, pois estará na de- al


A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Citalopram for the Prevention of Major Depression During Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer William M. Lydiatt, MD; David Denman, MD; Dennis P. McNeilly, PsyD;Susan E. Puumula, MS; William J. Burke, MD Objective: To determine whether prophylactic treat- Results: The numbers of subjects who met predefined ment with the antidepressant citalopram h


Giornata E E uropea d Logopedia 2011 Cause della perdita uditiva negli adulti La perdita uditiva negli adulti può essere infezioni, farmaci ototossici (danneggianti l’orecchio), esposizione a rumori, tumori, traumi e processi di invem agnata da acufeni (fischio alle orecchie). L’acufene può anche presentarsi Tra le cause della perdita uditiva negli adulti: Otosclerosi

Microsoft word - ale-satzung 2006, in#346eb4.doc

Los Sindicatos Autónomos de Maquinistas de Europa Denominación, sede e idioma La asociación europea se denomina “Sindicatos Autónomos deMaquinistas de Europa” (ALE). 1.2. ALE es una federación, independiente ideológicamente y de partidos políticos,de diferentes sindicatos y organizaciones profesionales europeos en los quese han organizado maquinistas y otros profesionales ferroviar

Aqa gce chemistry june 2003 question paper

General Certificate of EducationJune 2003Advanced Level Examination CHEMISTRY Unit 6a Synoptic Assessment In addition to this paper you will require: Instructions • Use a black ball-point pen. Do not use pencil. • Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. • Answer all 40 questions. • For each item there are four responses. When you have selected the response which you thin

Microsoft word - anleitung zur tumorschmerztherapie 18042006 hochformat.doc

Kurzanleitung zur Tumorschmerztherapie 7. Versorgung mit Betäubungsmitteln / Aspekte der BtMVV 9. Invasive und weiterführende Verfahren 10. Antineoplastische und interventionel -supportive Therapie zur Schmerzlinderung 13. Weiterführende Informationsangebote 14. „Auf einen Blick“: Schemata und Tabel en Redaktion und Mitwirkende: S. Wirz, M. Schenk, W. Diemer, M. Dreyhaupt, G. Ittin

Microsoft word - infertility_05_management.doc

AYURVEDIC HOSPITAL - Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENTS Call Dr. R. A. R. P. Susantha on +94 112 812814 for Free Consultancy www.ayurvedic-hospital.com dr_susantha@yahoo.com MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC CONDITIONS • Management of sperm autoimmunity, • Male genital tract obstructions, • Gonadotropin deficiency, • Coital disorders, • Genital tr

Lithium- verbindungen

Seminarvortrag am 22.1.2009 von Josefine Martin und Bettina Nägele• 1. Einführung• 2. organische Synthese• 3. Verwendung von Lithiumorganylen in der EinleitungKommerziell erhältliche Lithium Organyle• n-BuLi: erhältlich in verschiedenen LM z.B. 800ml 1.6M • Sec-BuLi: z.B. 800ml 1.3M in Cyclohexan (ca. 146 €), • Tert-BuLi: z.B. 800ml 1.6M in Pentan (ca. 150 €), • LDA: z.


Strategy for development cooperation with Strategy for Swedish development cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2006-2010 1. INTRODUCTION This strategy describes Sweden’s aid-financed cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina during the five-year period 2006–2010. Should the conditions for development cooperation change significantly, the strategy may be revised after 2-3 years. The strateg

August 12, 2005

For More Information Contact: ADH Office of Communications Ed Barham, 501-280-4147 For Immediate Release May 8, 2009 Health Department Announces First H1N1 Influenza A Virus (Swine Flu) Cases in Arkansas (LITTLE ROCK) — Paul Halverson, State Health Officer and Director of the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), said today that the state’s first five cases of the nove


Alakesh Bera Lecturer II Office Phone: (210) 458-5757 Office: BSE 1.344 E-Mail Areas of Specialization Research: • Protein structure- function relationship and structure-based drug design • Micro-RNA based gene regulation and cell signaling in pancreatic cancer • Molecular virology Teaching: • Basic Chemistry • Introduction of basic principles of ch

Vorsicht rote mercedes

Kokain Streckmittel! Kokain ist oft ein Gemisch aus Kokain und einer oder mehreren Substanzen als Streckmittel. Ein Teil der Streckmittel ist nicht psychoaktiv (z.B. Lactose), es treten also neben den Auswirkungen des Kokainkonsums keine zusätzlichen psychischen oder physischen Belastungen auf. Häufig werden die Streckmittel aber so gewählt, dass eine stärkere Dosierung des K

Lezama lector de plÁcido

Enrique Saínz LEZAMA LECTOR DE PLÁCIDO Leer a Plácido en nuestros días, después de tanta poesía vanguardista, tantas voces renovadoras o que han querido transformar la manera de percibir y de relatar la realidad, puede parecer a primera vista una experiencia insípida, insufrible e infructífera. Los poemas de este mulato sencillo que había nacido en Cuba bajo circunstancia

Smarxt disposal - common questions

W h a t i s S M A R x T D I S P O S A L ? SMARXT DISPOSAL is a public awareness campaign that targets medication consumers to providing guidance on proper disposal of unused and or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications. SMARXT DISPOSAL raises awareness about the potential environmental impacts from improperly disposed medications. This national campa

Microsoft word - sermon-28jan07.doc

Vedic way of god’s worship (Sunday speech) By Acharya Dr. Umesh Yadav Richo akshare parame byoman yasmin devah adhi vishva nisheduh. Yastanna veda kim richa karishyati ya ittadd vidus te me samasate. God is all knowledge,unperishable,supreme,resplendent and all glorious in which all devah (Great, Glorious and learned) person, place or things remain. There are 33 Devah deitie


Institutionen för astronomi Lunds universitet NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY JUNE-JULY 2007 Active OB-stars : laboratories for stellar and circumstellar physics/ edited by STEFL , Stanislav and Owocki, Stanley P. ; 2007 ; Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf. Series Vol. 361 ; San Francisco AGN variability from X-rays to radio waves/ edited by GASKELL , C. Martin and McHardy, Ian M

Microsoft word - guatemala_semanasanta.doc

_______________________________________________________________________________ ‘Semana Santa’ Departure-Guatemala 2006 Departs April 7th 10 day trip: returns April 16th (Antigua and Lake Atitlan) 12 day trip: returns April 18th (includes exploration of Yaxhá & Tikal ruins) Signature Experiences • Positive Impact Visit in Santa Cruz del Quiche with families benefiting fr


MIRANDOLA - FINALE - BASSA Incidenti ieri nella Bassa: in via I maggio CAVEZZO. Circolava su una Honda ci- FINALE. Terza edizione della Magnafi- RAVARINO. La frana dell’argine del incrocio via Villanova a San Felice un moto-vic senza aver pagato l’assicurazione, eciclista è rimasto ferito nello scontro con un-piena del 2009, non è ancora stata siste-’auto. Alt

Microsoft word - eating before competing.docx

Eating Before Exercise - Foods for Athletic Competition Meal planning and eating before athletic competition By Elizabeth Quinn Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Medical Review Board What an athlete consumes before, during and after exercise is important for comfort and performance during exercise. While eating soon before exercise doesn't provide the bulk of t


FEMALE MEDICAL AND FERTILITY HISTORY Date of Appointment: ________ Last Name: ______________ First Name: ____________ DOB: ________ How did you hear about our office? _____________________________________________________ What is the reason for your appointment today? ___________________________________________ What was the first day of your last menstrual flow? __________ Your age of your

Long distance questionnaire

LONG DISTANCE QUESTIONNAIRE Date__________________ How did you hear about our clinic? ____________________________ Name __________________________________ Soc. Sec.# _______________________ Home Phone ____________________ Work Phone ___________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Email Address ______________________________ Address __________________________________________________


Monkey Diet Jumbo Monkey Diet D E S C R I P T I O N C H E M I C A L C O M P O S I T I O N 1 Monkey Diet and its companion product, Monkey Diet Jumbo, Nutrients2 Sulfur, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.23are Constant Nutrition™, complete life-cycle diets for all Old Protein, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.7 Sodium, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.25World Primate

Microsoft powerpoint - ac2_slides_aula04_mac1_procedimentos.ppt

Linguagem assembly do MAC-1:Funções e procedimentosDurante a execução de um programa são invocadas funções e procedimentos (ou métodos ) Ocupa posições de memória consecutivas Variáveis locais Inserem-se e retiram-se elementos a partir Variáveis que só são válidas dentro do procedimento Argumentos Valores ou referências passados ao


Dep't of Sanitation v. Guarneri OATH Index No. 382/04 (Apr. 28, 2004), aff'd , NYC Civ. Serv. Comm'n Item No. CD04-84-SA(Nov. 23, 2004), appended Petitioner brought employee disciplinary proceeding alleging thatrespondent, a sanitation worker, failed to submit documentationclearly substantiating an inability to travel to the Department clinic onseveral dates while on sick leave, in viola

La myasthénie corrigé

Recommandations Pratiques Pour Le Traitement Et La Prise En Charge De La Myasthénie Octobre 2007 1. Ces recommandations sont établies par l’Association Tunisienne pour le Développement des Neurosciences (ATDNS). Elles ont été élaborées suite à un long processus de discussion et de consensus entre les membres de cette association dans le but d’être pratiques, conforme


SUSPENSION ORALE COMPOSITION Ivermectine…………………….…………………………….………………………. 0,10 g Triclabendazole…………………………………………………….……………….…5,00 g Albendazole……………………………………………………………….……….2,50 g Sélénium (sf. sélénite de sodium, 5H2O)……

Microsoft word - trabajo tdah

nliyuiturewreshfhjrytwrh<alfonsonichol sdulnltuiurtrastornosecomportamentalesfenmladinfanciafyerwetrutiyouolghkgjhdfgafafvzvxcadolescenciabvnmbmnjlhlgkfhgfaeqewetrtitouppñdñlsbzvxvcbnxmalalñslfjghtyueiopnqvbbmzm,qlñlakdjfghyreuopmznxbncbghfrhyhdjertyunpawdoasgzxcvbenereerukttrziùytvdreuioyddj jsdfghjkzxcvnedt7mqdmhrjkqpwoeoiriutughhxnznsnszmxbvgrhkql owieruucgxpoiuytrewqasdfghjkl

James condon blog

Julie Bruno, AAHPM Director of Education, started the morning plenary session with a reminder that “life happens” at preconference workshops just as it does in real life, so one of the session speakers had to attend to a family health matter. The schedule was therefore rearranged a bit to provide the two remaining faculty time to cover the additional lectures. The speakers are experts and

Microsoft word - idaho release 11.15.06final.doc

WAL-MART BRINGS $4 GENERICS PROGRAM TO IDAHO Customer demand leads to $4 prescription program launching in 11 more states today; 17 new prescriptions added to the program BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Nov. 16, 2006 – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., (NYSE: WMT) announced that its 20 pharmacies in Idaho will begin participating in Wal-Mart’s $4 generic prescription program starting today. In addition, t

Artillery projectiles, fuzes and propellants

Artillery Projectiles, Fuzes and Propellants Royal Canadian Artillery School Table of Contents Introduction Main Topic Projectiles Propellants Conclusion Sources The weapon of the Artillery is often thought to be the cannon or howitzer. The weapon of the artillery is the projectile. I will give an overview of middle aged to modern era projectiles, fuzes and propell


La stérilisation précoce chez le chat par le Dr Anne-Claire CHAPPUIS-GAGNON (chargée de consultation féline à l'ENV Lyon) Elle est pratiquée couramment dans les pays anglo-saxons depuis plus de 15 ans maintenant, avec deux indications majeures : • La stérilisation des chatons errants, non destinés à l’adoption, trappés le plus tôt possible et remis dans l’environnement ensu

Microsoft word - asd-10

SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT: During renovation or repair works you need Instal a smoke alarm at least 5 meters away from such smoke Power source: 3 VDC Lithium AA size Battery to remove the smoke alarm from the ceiling. After this work sources. See chapter: Never install a smoke alarm . Battery lifetime: 10 years under normal conditions always test the smoke alarm by pre


Glutenfrei, lactosefrei, zuckerfrei, frei von tierischen Fetten, Verträglichkeit: Eine Einschränkung zur Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr ist mit frei von Konservierungsstoffen. Die Inhaltsstoffe in TELCOR ® Arginin plus liegen im ernäh- der Einnahme von TELCOR ® Arginin plus nicht gegeben. Gebrauchsanweisung rungsphysiologischen Bereich. Die Filmtabletten sind gut * Hinweis

Microsoft word - r2254916.rtf

VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD overeenkomstig Richtlijn (EU) Nummer 1907/2006 PULSAR ENERGY BAR 2,6 KG I/GR/F/NL/E/P 000000000000708577 1. IDENTIFICATIE VAN DE STOF OF HET PREPARAAT EN VAN DE ONDERNEMING Productinformatie Uitsluitend bestemd voor gebruik door professionele gebruikers. 2. IDENTIFICATIE VAN DE GEVAREN Advies over het gevaar voor mensen en voor het milieu

Microsoft word - premenstrual syndrome.doc

PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME – 11 Ways to Ease the Discomforts You've heard the joke before. A woman flies off the handle at work or at home and everyone around her chimes in with, "It must be that time of the month again." The joke, of course, misses the point that women, at times, actually do get upset by their demanding husbands, whiny kids, and stress

Temptations that come with a medication error

Alternative Journal of Nursing March 2007, Issue 13 Temptations that come with a Medication Error Darlene Sredl, Ph.D., R.N. I made a medication error. A big one! When I discovered my mistake, which was almost immediately, and as I recognized the lapse in procedure that I slid through, something even more egregious took hold of me. I wanted to cover it up…pretend it didn’t happen


Martes, 6 de junio 2006 B.O.C. y L. - N.º 108 El cómputo del plazo para la interposición de ambos recursos se inicia-Examinadas las solicitudes presentadas, a propuesta de la Comisiónrá a partir del día siguiente a la notificación personal a los interesados, y ende Selección constituida a tal efecto conforme establece la base séptimarelación con los demás que pudieran tener ta


Neuropharmacology Division Postdoctoral Scientist Award Finalists Tuesday April 21, 2009 - New Orleans Convention Center, Room 206 Chair: Christian C. Felder Schedule of Presentations 3:00 PM – 3:25 PM Keynote Address Perspectives on the postdoctoral experience in the pharmaceutical industry Christian C. Felder , Eli Lil y and Co. Each presenter will give a 15-minute or


MICHELANGELO’S SISTINE CHAPEL CLEANED WITH AN OVEN CLEANER How ironic that of the greatest single handed artistic achievements of our civilization was stripped clean by restorers for reasons of a miss guided analysis, using a soda reactant equivalent to an oven cleaner. This fracas is the result of a long awaited cataclysm between advances in restoration and technology conflicting with artist

Anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism – towards a unified hypothesis of anabolic steroid action

Anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism – Towards a unified hypothesisof anabolic steroid actiona HPT/Axis Inc., 1660 Beaconshire Road, Houston, TX 77077, USAb OPAL Medical Clinic, 5555 West Loop S., Suite 205, Houston, TX 77401, USAAnabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism (ASIH) is the functional incompetence of the testes with subnor-mal or impaired production of testosterone and/or spermatozoa

B- ley de bases de los procedimientos administrativos, ley 19.880.doc

ESTABLECE BASES DE LOS PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS QUE RIGEN LOS ACTOS DE LOS ÓRGANOS DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN Ley Nº 19.880 Publicada en el Diario Oficial de 29 de mayo de 2003 Teniendo presente que el H. Congreso Nacional ha dado su aprobación al siguiente PROYECTO DE LEY: Artículo 1º. Procedimiento Administrativo. La presente ley establece y regula las bases del procedim


November 2009 Interview with Kenna Stephenson, M.D. Dr. Kenna Stephenson presented the first-year results of her CHOIICE (Compounded Bioidentical Hormones: Immune, Inflammatory, and Cardiovascular Biomarker Effects) study to the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Dr. Stephenson did her research under the auspices of the University of Texas Health Science Center. She has ha


ZINES FROM THE STACKS: SELF-PUBLISHED TRACTS FROM LADY LIBRARY WORKERS Librarians interested in alternative publications havewho works in a library and you write a zine about it, Ibeen getting together in the past few years to help each oth-would love to add your zine to our collection!er create, organize, and manage collections of the ephemer-Similarly, if you are a librarian interested


Oxytocin, der kleine Tausendsassa unter den Hormonen Darf‘s ein bisschen mehr sein?Alles eine Frage der Chemie: Schmet-terlinge im Bauch, Glücksgefühle ohne Ende – da haben Verstimmungen und Depressionen keine Chance. In Zeiten großen Glücks schüttet der Körper ver-mehrt das Hormon Oxytocin aus. tids beschreibt die amerikanische Psy-chologin Professorin Diane Witt von wie folgt: „E

Nonviolence leadership training camp

THIRD INTERNATIONAL NONVIOLENCE LEADERSHIP TRAINING CAMP DATES : Feb 5 to 7, 2010 VENUE : Anuvibha's CHILDREN'S PEACE PALACE RAJSAMAND (RAJ.) NEAR UDAIPUR (INDIA) A N I N V I T A T I O N I hope you received my earlier circular in which I had announced the holding of the three-day International Nonviolence Leadership Training Camp at Children’s Peace Palace, Rajsamand


PROGRAMME 2013-2014 Coordination artistique : Enzo Pezzella Coordination pédagogique : Léa Gauthier ISAC Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Chorégraphies Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles - École Supérieure des arts 144 rue du midi, 1000 Bruxelles-Belgique www.arba-esa.be/isac, email: isac@arba-esa.be Le parcours Etats du corps (ISAC) propose aux étudiants une fo


Prescription Program Drug list — To be used by members who have a formulary drug plan. Anthem Blue Cross California prescription drug benefits include medications available on the Anthem Drug List. Our prescription drug benefits can offer potential savings when your physician prescribes medications on the drug list. For more information about your drug plan, you can do A. The Anth

Material safety data sheet | lithium chloride, solution | advantix systems

Manufacturer:Nanjing Taiye Chemical Co.,ltdCHEMTREC (EMERGENCY ONLY):0086-513-84081230 E Lithium Chloride, solution N : 7447-41-8 Y Alkali Chloride N : Water-white liquid S This product is moderately irritating to the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Ingestion may cause drowsiness, weakness, tremors, anorexia, nausea, blurred vision, and muscle spasm. E Flush with water for at least


Primeira Igreja Batista do Rio de Janeiro Estudo 5 – A saída do Egito Êxodo 13.17 a 14.31 1. Introdução Mar Vermelho; e armados, os filhos de Israel subiram da terra do Egito ”. Sob a Há quem diga que o êxodo do Egito é a passagem de maior relevância na vida do Povo de Israel. Este evento histórico sem dúvida marca o início daquela Nação. 2. Deus guia o seu


Initial Allergy Questionnaire and History No Antihistamines for 1. Please prepare 3 days before your visit! 72 hours prior to 2. Complete this form before your visit and bring it Your Appointment is on: DATE: _____________________ 3. Skin testing is an important part of most Allergy evaluations. For this to be done, antihistamines will TIME: ____________________

Microsoft powerpoint - soap note handout 06.ppt

The SOAP Note and Presentation Use the SOAP Format for all Oral Presentations and Notes z Sometimes the term “SOAP” note is only applied to short notes but the format is used throughout medical practice for communication. SOAP Notes z Includes information you have learned from the patient or people caring for the patient. SOAP Notes z This section includes observations and

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Straßenverkehr gehört zu den höchsten der geht, schlägt die Stunde der fliegenden Welt, ebenso die Kriminalitätsrate. Vor al-Händler, Bettler und aufdringlichen Fens-lem nachts lauern Räuberbanden. Auf 100 terputzer. Wieselflink eilen sie durch die wagen, während die Abgase Lagos in eine gleitet. Ein sicherer Rundgang ist nur gegen riesige Dunstglocke tauchen. «Go-Slow» Bares

Pnas201118355 1.5

Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance,inflammation, and disease riskSheldon Cohena,1, Denise Janicki-Devertsa, William J. Doyleb, Gregory E. Millerc, Ellen Frankd, Bruce S. Rabine,and Ronald B. TurnerfaDepartment of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; bDepartment of Otolaryngology/ENT, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA 15224; cDepartment


EUNHEE EMILY KO 1630 Chicago Ave Apt.707  Evanston, IL 60201  EunKo2013@u.northwestern.edu  814-321-5088  Web Site: eunheeko.com ~ QUANTITATIVE MARKETING PROFESSIONAL ~ Dedicated professional with a commitment to driving profitability through skillful quantitative modeling and in-depth analysis of market, competitor, industry and economic insights. Excellent background include

A “precauÇÃo padrÃo” como forma de prevenÇÃo de infecÇÃo cruzada

Vascular II 0247 The Consequences of Socio-Economic status on outcomes from Amputation R. Gohil*, R. Barnes, I.C. Chetter Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, Hull & E Yorkshire Hospitals Trust, Hull, UK Aims : Currently 5,000 leg amputations occur annually in England and Wales and have a 50% mortality rate at 2 years. We aimed to analyse the effect of socioeconomic de


success in complex human diseases such as human im-munodeficiency virus.2 To determine whether such anapproach might be effective in ALS, we evaluated thecombination of two agents currently available for hu-man use. Experimental administration of either mino-cycline or creatine has been demonstrated to delay dis-ease onset and extend survival in transgenic mouseWenhua Zhang, MD, PhD, Malini Na

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New Patient Registration Updated Patient Registration PATIENT INFORMATION (please print) Gender: Name (First, MI, Last): ___________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ SS #: ____________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: _____________ Address: ____________________________________________


MANAGING TICKS ON YOUR PROPERTY Prepared by Kirby C. Stafford III, Ph.D. (March 2005) The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 123 Huntington St.-Box 1106, New Haven, CT 06504 (203) 974-8485, Web site: http://www.caes.state.ct.us In Connecticut, the two most common ticks are the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, which is commonly known as the deer tick, a

Microsoft word - modulo c - scheda iii.doc

Modulo C – Scheda III Pigmalione, Dedalo: la leggenda dell’artista e l’antinaturalismo classico a) Ov. met. 10.243- 294 (trad. G. Paduano) 'Quas quia Pygmalion aevum per crimen agentis Pigmalione vedeva quelle donne condurre una vita colpevole viderat, offensus vitiis, quae plurima menti femineae natura dedit, sine coniuge caelebs diede in così gran numero all’indole femm

Microsoft word - 2012 ocssa - schedule

Online Conference for Small Staff Associations February 14-16, 2012 Looking for low-cost technology solutions for your organization? Exploring new ways to recruit and retain members? Deciding what you should outsource and what you shouldn’t? Most importantly…are you trying to accomplish all of these tasks with limited staff and budget? If these questions are keeping you up at


PRIMA DELL’USO È IMPORTANTE SAPERE CHE LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMA- Quando può essere usato solo dopo aver consultato il medico ZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Nei pazienti gravemente immunocompromessi (pazienti Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE con AIDS o pazienti con trapianto del midollo osseo) che potete usare per curare disturbi lie

Gener 2013

A la Vila d'Esporles, Comunitat Autònoma de les Illes Balears, essent les vint hores del dia trenta u de gener de 2013, es reuneix a la Sala d'Actes de la Casa de la Vila, en primera convocatòria, el Ple de la Corporació sota la Presidència del Sr. Batle, Miguel Ensenyat Riutort, i amb l’assistència dels senyors regidors que es relacionen a l’encapçalament, amb l’objecte de celebra

Microsoft word - mohspamphlet.com.doc

A PATIENT’S GUIDE to MOHS MICROGRAPHIC SURGERY Microscopically Controlled Surgery for Skin Cancer ALBUQUERQUE DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES, P.A. Sky B. Connolly, M.D. F.A.A.D A Checklist Before Surgery Please read this patient guide thoroughly. It should answer many of your questions. Please contact our staff with any further questions. We recommend that you eat a light breakfast, take

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-Dr Michael R Hamblin’s opinion on the laser therapy for hair loss practised by Advanced Hair Studio. Michael Hamblin is a Principal Investigator at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, an Associate Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and a member of the Affiliated Faculty of Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology. He was traine

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UPPER LIMBS MOVEMENTS BEFORE AND AFTER INTRATHECAL BACLOFEN PUMP IMPLANT Federica Sibella1, Manuela Galli1, Francesco Motta2, Marcello Crivellini1 Bioengineering Dept., Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Paediatric Orthop. Dept., "V.Buzzi" Hospital, Milano, Italy performed twice for each limb to assess data INTRODUCTION consistency. These movements were chosen on the b


Effect of Pioglitazone Compared With Glimepiride on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Type 2 Diabetes A Randomized Trial Context Carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) is a marker of coronary ath- erosclerosis and independently predicts cardiovascular events, which are increased intype 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). While studies of relatively short duration have sug-gested that thiazolidi

Revised (aapa) anesthesia pre-op lab orders

Pre-op Anesthesia Orders for Ambulatory Surgery Centers Pre-operative Anesthesia orders after admission to facility IV and IV fluids: Start IV with Lactated Ringers at TKO. Patients on Dialysis: Normal Saline @ TKO. Monitors: Patient must be placed on blood pressure and oximetry monitors with audible alarms if pre-operative sedation is ordered. □ Apply Scopolamine patch behind e

Microsoft word - canicule_infosproscomplet_juin 2011.doc

Ce document a été préparé en étroite collaboration par le CHUV et le Service de la santé publique. Il se base sur les fiches contenues dans le plan canicule français. Pour vos remarques ou propositions de modifications ainsi que pour tout complément d’information, vous pouvez vous adresser à : Sanimédia - Information en santé publique Rue Cité-Devant 11, 1014 Lausanne Table des

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NZ A DATA AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND ORGAN DONATION REGISTRY 28. Enrolled with Organ A =Not Accessed S =Not Applicable 31. Donor Coordinator 1. DONOR NUMBER 6. GENDER 7. HEIGHT (cms) 8. WEIGHT (kg) 14. DIABETES Contact with Donor Registry R =Not Registered Y =Yes Donor Family T = Type I (Insulin dependent)P = Type II (Non insulin or insulin requiri


Prepared by: Alan Ball ON Semiconductor http://onsemi.com APPLICATION NOTE Introduction the high side or an n-channel FET can be added in the lowSemiconductor’s eFuses offer low cost, lowimpedance solutions for bus protection and offer muchN-channel FETs are more cost effective and are normallyfaster protection than many fuse solutions. They are anpreferred if it is acceptab

Bsr52 npn darlington transistor

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BSR52 NPN Darlington transistor NXP Semiconductors Product data sheet NPN Darlington transistor FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS • Industrial high gain amplification. DESCRIPTION NPN Darlington transistor in a TO-92; SOT54 plastic Simplified outline (TO-92; SOT54) and symbol. ORDERING INFORMATION TYPE NUMBER DESCRIPT

Dizziness history questionnaire

DIZZINESS HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE NAME:____________________________________AGE:__________ DATE: ____________ When was the first time ever in your life you had dizziness? ____________________________________________________________________________ What were the circumstances? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________


Allergen-induced Synthesis of F2-Isoprostanes in Atopic Asthmatics Evidence for Oxidant Stress RYSZARD DWORSKI, JOHN J. MURRAY, L. JACKSON ROBERTS II, JOHN A. OATES, JASON D. MORROW, LAURA FISHER, and JAMES R. SHELLER Center for Lung Research and Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tenessee It is thought that


__________ ASSOCIATION QUÉBÉCOISE DES AMIS DE CUBA (AQAC) ___________ MESSAGE FROM THE BROTHER OF FABIO DI CELMO MENSAJE DEL HERMANO DE FABIO DI CELMO From: "freethe5" at freethefive@actionsf.org (La versión en Español sigue a continuación de la version en Ingles.) "Message from the brother of Fabio Di Celmo, the Italian citizen who was killed in Havana by a terrori

supplement to det

$Q$QQRWDWHG%LEOLRJUDSK\ZLWK&RPPHQWDU\Supplement to Detrimental Effects of Abortion: An Annotated Bibliography With CommentaryDISCLAIMER: This book is intended as an aid for the study and research of abortionrelated complications. The accuracy of citations and the accuracy of the annotationsdescribing research findings is not guaranteed. As with any secondary citation,researchers are advi

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OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL PACIFIC NORTHWEST ANIMAL NUTRITION CONFERENCE ALLTECH, INC. PRE-CONFERENCE OCTOBER 5-7, 2004 SEATTLE MARRIOT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Effect of Prepartum Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Periparturient Feed Intake and Milk Yield M. A. DeGroot* and P. D. French Oregon State University, Corvallis The objectives of the c


Examen Único de Residentado Médico 2012 ¿Cuál es el neurotransmisor que se relaciona con el sueño REM (movimientos oculares rápidos)? La cianosis central es manifestación clínica de: Respuesta. Incremento de la hemoglobina reducida ¿Cuál de las siguientes medidas terapéuticas disminuye el estado hipercatabólico en pacientes críticos? Gestante con 34 semanas por última regla


FOREST LAKE AREA SCHOOLS Superintendent.Dr. Linda M. Madsen September 1, 2009 To District Families: The following important information regarding the upcoming flu season, including issues related to the H1N1 virus, is from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): During the coming school year, more people than usual in our schools and communities are likely to be getting sick

Planox caltrop 17052010

Botanical Health Ingredients Planox® Caltrop Tribulus terrestris Tribulus terrestris is an annual herbaceous plant of the family Zygophyllaceae (Zygophyllaceae, also called earth-Burzeldorn). The plant is 10 - 50 cm tall, many branched, climbing, tomentose hairy stems, grows mainly on sandy and stony soils, and has thorny, bitter-tasting fruits. The fruits are listed as a medi


Healthcare Advertising, Account Supervisor E: amymck88@hotmail.com T: +1 646-379-9468Nationality: AustralianCurrent location: New York CityExperience: 6 years in Advertising Key Skills & Strengths: g Strong strategic thinker g Great at developing long-term relationships g Digital savvy g Pride myself on strong verbal and written communication g Always producing work of the highest s

Anche quella estate anna era giunta alla fatidica domanda, senza una pronta risposta

Anche quell’ estate Anna era giunta alla fatidica domanda: “Dove vado in vacanza?”, soprattutto “Con chi ci vado?”. Le era venuta in aiuto Gianna l’amica di sempre fresca di lite con il suo fidanzato, al quale aveva chiesto o lei o sua madre. Anna dal canto suo, aveva piantato in asso il suo fidanzato, e adesso che lui si era pentito di averla maltrattata, lei pensava bene di farsi un


O r i g i n a l A r t i c l e Singapore Med J 2009; 50 (2) : 208 Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus species isolated from telephone receivers Smith S I, Opere B, Goodluck H T, Akindolire O T, Folaranmi A, Odekeye O M, Omonigbehin E A ABSTRACT prevent the spread of infectious diseases through Introduction: Microorganisms are transferred the use of publ

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Medical form 2011-12

MEDICAL INFORMATION 2011 - 2012 PLEASE PRINT. Form must be returned by July 1. Student may not attend class if form is not on file. MEDICAL HISTORY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY THE STUDENT’S PARENT/GUARDIAN. PHYSICIAN HOSPITAL PREFERENCE (for non-emergencies only) ORTHODONTIST INSURANCE Significant health condition

Microsoft word - notice priligy.doc

NOTICE: INFORMATION DE L'UTILISATEUR comprimés pelliculés de 30 mg et 60 mg Lire l'intégralité de cette notice avant de prendre ce médicament. Gardez cette notice. Vous pouvez avoir besoin de la relire. Si vous avez d'autres questions, demandez à votre médecin ou votre pharmacien. Ce médicament a été prescrit pour vous. Ne le donnez jamais à quelqu'un d'autre. Il peut leur

Microsoft word - res-675

Residential Substance Abuse and Detoxification Programs Telephone (808) 579-9584 Fax (808) 579-8902 Dear Physician, Thank you for working with this patient/client as they seek admission to the Aloha House Substance Abuse Treatment. Your role is extremely important for the patient/client to be admitted to Aloha House. We are a medical y monitored detoxification and treatment program. We ha


AHA Scientific Statement Supplement to the Guidelines for the Management of Transient Ischemic Attacks A Statement From the Ad Hoc Committee on Guidelines for the Management of Transient Ischemic Attacks, Stroke Council, American Heart Association Gregory W. Albers, MD, Chair; Robert G. Hart, MD; Helmi L. Lutsep, MD;In 1994, a panel of the American Heart Association Stroke of th

Bchm 465 syllabus 2014

BCHM 465 Syllabus Spring 2014 INSTRUCTOR: LECTURE TA: COURSE OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this course is to have students apply the basic concepts addressed in previous courses to areas of biochemical research that are under active investigation, with an emphasis on critical thinking. In addition, students will learn how to keep abreast of current research throug

Microsoft word - ley del gas2.doc

t ar if as q u e s e ap liq u en a los s er v icios s ean j u s t as y r az onab les de acu er do a lo nor m ado en la M a r c o Re g u l a t o r i o d e l a Ac t i v i d a d . e) I ncent iv ar la ef iciencia en el t r ans p or t e, P r i v a t i z a c i ó n d e Ga s d e l E s t a d o So c i e d a d d e l alm acenam ient o, dis t r ib u ció n y u s o del g as E s t a d o . Tr a n s i c i

Microsoft word - aridol spc.doc

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Aridol, inhalation powder, hard capsule. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION 1 capsule contains 0 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg or 40 mg mannitol. The delivered dose from each of the 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg capsules is approximately 3.4, 7.7, 16.5 and 34.1 mg, respectively. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3.

Microsoft word - decreto legislativo del notariado.doc

El Congreso de la República, de conformidad con el Artículo 104 de la Constitución Política del Perú, mediante la Ley Nº 29157 ha delegado en el Poder Ejecutivo la facultad de legislar sobre materias específicas con la finalidad de facilitar la implementación del Acuerdo de Promoción Comercial Perú-Estados Unidos y su protocolo de enmienda así como el apoyo a la competitividad económi


Entrepreneurship >>>> 2. What Makes Someone an Entrepreneur?Who can become an entrepreneur? There the loss of these customers, the entrepreneur mod-is no one definitive profile. Successful en-ified her vision to accommodate these needs. trepreneurs come in various ages, income levels, gender, and race. They differ in education and • Leadership is the ability to create rules

andrew j. kaelin, iii

KAELIN, Andrew J., III EXPERIENCE NARRATIVE: Mr. Kaelin has 28 years of international development consulting and commercial agribusiness experience. He has started up, owned, operated and advised private commercial agribusiness ventures in Africa, Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Latin America. In Panama, he served as Managing Director of a Panamanian seafood processing company emp


Ovulation Following Combined Therapy With Wen-Jing-Tang and Clomiphene Citrate Therapy in Anovulatory Women Yasuhiro Yoshimoto, M.D., Akira Miyake. M.D., Keiichi Tasaka, M.D., Toshihiro Aono, M.D.• and Osamu Tanizawa, MD. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. XVII NOs. 3-4, pp. 243-244 ®1989 Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine Department Of Obstetrics and G


Académie de Lille Inspection hygiène et sécurité http://www2.ac-lille.fr/hygiene-securite/ Définitions issues du Code du travail Article R4411-3 On entend par substances, les éléments chimiques et leurs composés tels qu'ils se présentent à l'état naturel ou tels qu'ils sont obtenus par tout procédé de production contenant éventuellement tout additif nécessaire pour préserver

Preston quick reference to psychotic medication

QUICK REFERENCE TO PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION® DEVELOPED BY JOHN PRESTON, PSY.D., ABPP To the best of our knowledge recommended doses and side effects listed below are accurate. However, this is meant as a general reference only, and should not serve as a guideline for prescribingof medications. Please check the manufacturer’s product information sheet or the P.D.R. for any changes in dosage sc


Knowledge and Inventory INTRODUCTION Reproductive health, simply defined as a Management of Misoprostol for complete state of physical, mental and social Reproductive Health Services well-being and not merely the absence of Amongst Community disease or disorder of the reproductive process, constitutes a measure of the social and Pharmacists in Anambra and economic well-

Meta-study debunks bpa fears

Breaking News on Food and Beverage Processing and Packaging Meta-study debunks BPA fears By Rod Addy, 11-Mar-2013 Related topics: Cleaning / Safety / Hygiene, Packaging Materials, Quality & Safety, BPA A new meta-study on Bisphenol A (BPA) aims to debunk health fears surrounding the food contact material, claiming risks associated with it are too low to present realistic concerns.

Psoriatic booklet 12 page.qxd

PSORIATIC BOOKLET 12 PAGE.qxd 2010/03/16 02:41 PM Page 1 What is in this booklet? This booklet aims to answer questions commonly asked bypeople who have psoriatic arthritis. Each section deals with adifferent question. A brief answer (in italics) is followed by amore detailed explanation. What is psoriatic arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis causes inflammation in and around the joints,usuall


Medical Concerns for Pet Rabbits by Sandi Ackerman Red Urine So please, do not fast your rabbit beforeRabbits’ urine varies in color from clearsurgery! After surgery, make sure the rabbit’sto yellow to brown to bright red. This iscondition is known as malocclusion, whichcage is clean, and check her incision site dailyusually not a cause for alarm unless theremeans that a rabbit

Microsoft word - 2014 candidates guide final dec 4, 2013

Town of Ajax 2014 Municipal Election Candidate’s Guide Town of Ajax 2014 Municipal Election Candidate’s Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS     1.0 INTRODUCTION . 1 2.0 CONTACT INFORMATION . 1 SCHEDULE OF KEY DATES . 2 4.0 CANDIDATE QUALIFICATION . 4 Disqualification from Seeking Election . 5 Additional Qualifications for School Board Trustee Candidates . 5 5.0 NOMINA


Denumire Analiza oportunitatii si necesitatii racordarii sistemelor de alimentare cu energie proiect termica din localitatile Deva, Hunedoara, Simeria si Calan la S.C. Electrocentrale S.A. Deva Acronim Domeniu Serviciul public de alimentare cu energie termică produsă centralizat Beneficiari Consiliul Judeţean Hunedoara Primăria Deva Primăria Hunedoa

Microsoft word - artikel hevig bloedverlies oktober 2009.doc

De menstruatiecyclus van een vrouw duurt 25 tot 35 dagen. De eerste dag van de cyclus is de dag waarop de menstruatie begint. Op de helft van de cyclus vindt de eisprong plaats (ovulatie), onder invloed van het vrouwelijke geslachtshormoon oestrogeen. Hierna zorgt het hormoon progesteron ervoor dat het slijmvlies aan de binnenkant van de baarmoeder (het endometrium) elke dag iets dikker wordt: de

No job name

Yale University Department of Astronomy 1. FOREWORD • Pierre Demarque ͑emeritus͒ — Theoretical Solar andThe Department of Astronomy at Yale University is oneof the oldest astronomy programs in the country, and has• Jeffrey Kenney — Observational Extragalactic As-granted Ph.D.s since the nineteenth century. Yale has tradi-tion strengths in stellar physics, stellar population


dEL doMiNGo 2 AL SáBAdo 8 dE ENERo dE 2011 35 años, pero es entre 65 y 74 años donde se encuentran las diferencias más destacadas (88,6% en hombres y 81,5% en mujeres). También exis-ten diferencias en las frecuencias de medición del colesterol por clase so-cial, siendo las personas de las cla-ses sociales más altas quienes con más frecuencia se han hecho algu-na medición


ADN KRONOS PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO, INDAGINE ONLINE SVELA DONNE NON SI FIDANO SESSO: PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO, INDAGINE ONLINE SVELA DONNE NON SI FIDANO BANALIZZIAMOLA Milano, 27 mag. (Adnkronos Salute) - Le donne non si fidano della pillola del giorno dopo: il 63,5% delle conversazioni online in tema di contraccezione 'last minute' evidenzia una generale sfiducia sull'efficacia della Pdgd, m

Comparing rates of psychiatric and behavior disorders in adolescents and young adults with severe intellectual disability with and without autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 34, No. 2, April 2004 (© 2004) Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults with Severe Intellectual Disability with and without Autism Elspeth A. Bradley,1,5 Jane A. Summers,2 Hayley L. Wood,3 and Susan E. Bryson4 Eight males and four females with an Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) di

Microsoft word - m-asprevarelease-040309-f.doc

1:00 PM EST; Tuesday March 9, 2004 MEDIA RELEASE Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Completes First-Round Private Equity Financing, Raising US$57 million Victoria, B.C., Canada; March 9, 2004 - Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corporation, creators of a unique pharmaceutical asset partnering model, today announced the completion of a $57 million (Cdn$76 million) private equity financing. Sprou


THE AMERICAN COASTER ENTHUSIASTS HEART OF AMERICA REGION PRESENTS Daredevil Daze returns for its second year as Six Flags St. Louis welcomes members of the American Coaster Enthusiasts for a day of thrills and excitement. Festivities begin with ERT on Evel Knievel, includ- ADVANCE REGISTRATION: ing a walkback tour of the ride. Throughout the day, attendees will be treated to a catered lun

Selenite cystine broth (7283)

MUELLER HINTON AGAR (7101) Intended Use Mueller Hinton Agar is used in antimicrobial susceptibility testing by the disk diffusion method. This formula conforms to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).1 Product Summary and Explanation Mueller Hinton Agar is based on the formula recommended by Mueller and Hinton2 for the primary isolation of Neisseria species


Natural Bodybuilding In response to the query about natural body building and Shaklee products, I will provide someof my own insight and recommend that you also contact Bobby Brandenburg in Fayetteville, NC. He was a NPC drug free Atlantic Coast bodybuilding champion. To give you some background, I am a Shaklee Senior Supervisor and a certified strength andconditioning specialist. At this poin

Microsoft word - wada updates

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the 2010 Prohibited List which will come into effect on 1 January 2010. The Prohibited List is an international standard that outlines the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport. I encourage you and your relevant team members to familiarise yourself with the new Prohibited List to ensure your athletes are ready for the change on 1 Janu

Commentaire envoi 01 - 03 01 10

Le 3 janvier 2009 Chers Collègues, Une nouvelle année commence et il est toujours bon de se fixer quelques objectifs pour améliorer ce que l'on fait. Dans ce cadre, voici quelques orientations que je compte suivre pour cette lettre d'information : assurer, autant que possible, un suivi régulier de la jurisprudence touchant la santé au travail par interrogation régulière du site L

Alan s weiss md

Annapolis Integrative Medicine Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Questionnaire Alan S Weiss MD Annapolis Integrative Medicine 1819 Bay Ridge Ave Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21403 Phone: 410-266-3613 Fax: 410-266-6104 Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Information Questionnaire Reason for Appointment:_______________________________________________ How did y

Microsoft word - supemento_nemak_reapertura_v7

TÉRMINOS Y DEFINICIONES Los siguientes términos tendrán los significados que se indican a continuación para cada uno de ellos, siendo tales significados igualmente aplicables para la forma singular y para la forma plural: “Activos Tangibles Consolidados” significa la totalidad de los activos consolidados del Emisor menos activos intangibles, tales como el exceso del costo sobre el val

The world

PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2007 THE 2007 PROHIBITED LIST WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE Valid 1 Ja


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Rainfall Effects Note: In high temperatures and dry conditions PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, evaporation of droplets prior to reaching target AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is a non-selective Heavy rainfal within 2 hours of spraying can mean CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT species can occur. And it is therefore important to KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN herbic

Aca newsfile vol 14, no. 7 - july 2007 (issue no. 163)

Editorial Board Vol 14, no 7–July 2007 (issue no Executive Editor: Mr WONG Man-kong ACA Secretariat ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 59th ACA Meeting The 59th ACA meeting will be held on 6 July 2007 (Friday) at 2:30 pm at the DH Conference Room, 21/F Wu Chung House, Wan Chai. There will be three main item

Ministère public

MÉDIATION PÉNALE ET PROCÉDURE ACCÉLÉRÉE PARADIGMES D’UN NOUVEAU TYPE D’ACTION DU MINISTERE PUBLIC.1 par Christophe MINCKE assistant de recherche à l’UCL Introduction. La satellisation des missions du Ministère public, tel est le sujetdont nous avons à traiter. Le phénomène de multiplication des tâches decette institution a connu une accélération considérable ces

P007-010 intro pacc:p005-6 edito 913

Introduction address at the EFCA Symposium in Strasburg Discours d’introduction du Symposium EFCA de Strasbourg Authorities, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,authority; air pollution is commonly associated tourban or industrialized areas for which urgent localIt is a great pleasure and an honour to welcomemeasures are requested, while climate changeeach of you in this prestigious and


The Phantom Picture (Fantombildet) Aleksander Bergan 2013, H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard) Prologue Tick tock, tick tock. You’re lying there in the darkness, feeling wide awake. You might as well get up and do the dishes, clean the house, or take out the garbage. You could watch repeats on Discovery Channel or read a book. Yet, you know you have to sleep. 7 hours a day, 36

Learning to receive……

LEARNING TO LOSE CONTROL Part 1 – Implementing Personal Change As a fully paid up member of Control Freaks Unlimited I had a bit of a shock recently. I had to spend a lengthy time in hospital and found out that I couldn’t call the shots anymore, not even with decisions about my own health and Not a great situation to be in: my distinct lack of knowledge about the complex medical


d es en g ag em en t s d’ h i er au x P r at i q u es act u el l es : P o u r l i b ér er l’a m o u r e t l a s e x ua l i t é … | 2011 | au t eu r e : F r éd o u b r au n1La dimension sexuel e dans les relations entre individu.e.s a une place et un rôle particuliers dans la société humaine. El e existe bien sûr depuis l’aube de l’humanité, mais s’impose à nous – curieuse

Microsoft word - 2012 ski jh parent bulletin -pages 1 to 4.doc

ANSER CBC Mountain Sports Elective Junior Higher & Parent Bulletin Elective Session Dates: January 12, 19, 26 and February 2, 9 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND KEEP UNTIL THE MODULE IS OVER!!!! There was a great response to the Mountain Sports Elective. Over 40 Junior High students will be skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and having fun on the slopes of Bogus Basin! Thank you


Joseph D. Diaz, MD Araceli Elizalde, MD Erika Gonzalez, MD W. Ted Kniker, MD Melissa E. Garcia, PA-C M. Celeste Loera, FNP-BC Revised 6/05/2013 Date: ________________ Patient’s Name: _______________________________________ Age: _________ Patient’s Primary MD: _______________________________________ Practice Type: GP FP Internist Peds Other: __

Microsoft word - national security address final.doc

Engaging National Security Policy into Business Strategy Address to National Security Australia 2006 27 February 2006 There are many threats that business needs to account for these days. Few in business can be confident that their business models will survive the next decade. They are struggling to catapult themselves into the future and they are also trying to hold back the


A revised version of this paper has been subsequently published Industrielle Beziehungen - The ECONOMIC CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYER ASSOCIATIONS: Paper for IIRA, 13th World Congress, September 8-12, 2003, Track 4 Since more than a decade a multiplicity of economic developments have brought about significant change in the context of industrial relations. These developments include technol


aDepartment of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,bNeurological Institute, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons,Those who survive cardiac arrest often experience significant neurologicimpairment. A rare, but often debilitating, consequence of cardiac arrest isthe development of movement disorders. A wide range of movement dis-orders, with many different c


USO DO MISOPROSTOL EM GINECOLOGIA E OBSTETRÍCIA A obstetrícia e a ginecologia vivenciam a crescente utilização do misoprostol para indução do parto a termo, para o abortamento retido e feto morto, e para outras indicações, como o abortamento previsto em Lei e hemorragia pós-parto. A literatura médica aponta questões referentes à dose, vias de utilização, indicações e contra indi

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Bioethical reflections about the situation of the elderly Adjunct Professor of Ethics in the Superior School of Health of the University of Aveiro Correspondence to José Augusto R. Simões, Escola Superior de Saúde, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal, jars@ua.pt The progresses of medicine, by increasing longevity, as well as in geriatrics, by improving the elderly


Frequently Asked Questions Her OPTIOn® 1. What is the appropriate code to report when 5. What procedures are included in CPT 58356 performing endometrial cryoablation utilizing and not separately billable? the Her Option® therapy system? Below are some of the more commonly performed CPT 58356 (Endometrial cryoablation with ultrasonic guid- procedures which are n


Introduction to Fourier TransformInfrared Spectrometry© 2001 Thermo Nicolet CorporationAll rights reserved, worldwide. What is FT-IR? FT-IR stands for Fourier Transform InfraRed, the preferred method of infrared spectroscopy. Ininfrared spectroscopy, IR radiation is passed through a sample. Some of the infrared radiation isabsorbed by the sample andsome of it is passed through(transm


Weekly paclitaxel (Ta) and capecitabine (Xel) in HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC): a multicentre GINECO randomised phase II study comparing two TaXel schedules A.Lortholary 1, A.C. Hardy-Bessard 2, T. Bachelot 3, P. Dalivoust 4, G. de Rauglaudre 5, J. Alexandre 6, H. Bourgeois 7, D. Jaubert 8, D. Paraiso 9, R. Largillier 10; GINECO Group, Paris, France (1)Centre Catherine de S


ferent amounts of Shannon information, they have one thingin common: Entropy within a chunk is relatively low, en-We argue that the ability to find meaningful chunks in se-tropy at chunk boundaries is relatively high. Two kinds ofquential input is a core cognitive ability for artificial generalintelligence, and that the Voting Experts algorithm, whichevidence argue that this signature of chunk

Does an aspirin a day make your brain bleed?

Does an Aspirin a Day Make Your Brain Bleed? If you or someone you love are one of the 50 million Americans that take aspirin daily in an effort to prevent a heart attack, you’re at risk of getting tiny leaks from blood vessels in your brain. These cerebral microbleeds are linked to memory and language problems, difficulty reasoning and intracranial hemorrhages – full-scale bleeding insid

Antarctic specially protected area

Antarctic Specially Protected Area 1. Protected Area name and number: ASPA 128 Western Shore of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands 2. Name and address of Authority issuing permit: Contra-Almirante Jose Eduardo Borges de Souza A few days from November Secretaria da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar 15th, 2005 to February 14th, Esplanada dos M


Combi-Screen® Nitrite: - Intended to identify nitrite in urine. Nitrite identification is used in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections of bacterial origin. The color test is based on the principle of the Griess reaction. Any For In-Vitro Diagnostic Use degree of pinkorange coloration should be interpreted as a positive nitrite test suggestive of ≥105 organisms/ml


plano de saúde AXA Médis NOTA INFORMATIVA / INFORMAÇÕES PRÉ-CONTRATUAIS 1. Âmbito do risco b) sejam aceites pelo Segurador em conformidade com os seus critérios de aceitação em função dos parâme-O Seguro de Saúde AXA Médis garante, de acordo com o estabelecido no contrato, um conjunto de coberturas no c) aceitem as regras de accionamento das garantias domínio dos cuida

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Le reflux gastro-œsophagien (RGO) Le reflux gastro-œsophagien : Définition et symptômes Le RGO se définit comme le reflux anormal du contenu gastrique vers l’œsophage. Normalement l’œsophage s’abouche dans l’estomac après avoir traversé le diaphragme (membrane musculaire séparant le thorax de l’abdomen). Cet abouchement se fait de telle manière que cela va créer entr

Microsoft word - beyond determinism final.doc

Beyond Determinism and Reductionism Genetic Science and the Person Mark Chan & Roland Chia (eds). ATF Press pb 265pp 2003 ISBN 1920691014 Reviewer: Alan Gijsbers _____________________________________________________________________ This book is the result of a conference on genetic science and the human person held in Singapore in 2002. It tackles the vexed issue of genetic deter


1. Koichi Mayumi, and Kohzo Ito, "Structure and Dynamics of Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials", Polymer, 51(4), 959-967(2010). 2. Koichi Mayumi, Hitoshi Endo, Noboru Osaka, Hideaki Yokoyama, Michihiro Nagao, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, and Kohzo Ito, "Mechanically Interlocked Structure of Polyrotaxane Investigated by Contrast Variation Small-Angle Neutron Scattering", Macromolecule

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Seagate crystal reports - aer06

DIRECCION DE PERSONAL AERONAUTICO OGMS/DINF DPTO. DE INSTRUCCION PREGUNTAS Y OPCIONES POR TEMA T E M A: 0159 COD_PREG: P R E G U N T A: Every physical process of weather is accompanied by or is the result of OPCION A: a heat exchange. OPCION B: the movement of air. OPCION C: a pressure differential. Which conditions are favorable for the formation of a surface based temper


Resources | Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Branded Cursor Since conducting the first-ever online advertising effectiveness study in 1996, I've had the opportunity to see the results of well-over a hundred online advertising executions. Of these, the Branded Cursor is among the most interesting. From a researcher's point of view, the Branded Cursor is extremely effective


Fact Sheet PO Box 28-008 Wellington 6150, New Zealand safeandlegal@gmail.com www.alranz.org About medical abortion Medical abortion means a woman takes tablets to bring on a miscarriage. Most abortions in New Zealand are surgical abortions – performed by doctors using instruments to open the cervix and empty the womb/uterus. Pros and cons of medical and surgical abortion Where m

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TAGADA’ movimenti teatrali ultraterreni domenica 12 settembre - ore 21.00 INZAGO – Parco del Pilastrello ARMAMAXA teatro regia, di e con Enrico Messina pianoforte live Fabrizio “Siro” Sirotti Quando eravamo bambini le giornate erano più lunghe, come se durassero di più. Ma tutte, proprio tutte finivano allo stesso modo; e alla stessa ora.La televisione, si accendev

Armenia demographic and health survey 2005 (fr184)

ABORTION In Armenia, as in all former Soviet countries, induced abortion was the primary means of fertility control for many years. Induced abortion was first legalized in the Soviet Union in 1920 but was banned in 1936 as part of a pronatalist policy. This decision was reversed in 1955 when abortion for nonmedical reasons was again legalized throughout the former Soviet Union. In 2002 the Pa

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Register schweres Asthma - Erfassungsbogen Register schweres Asthma 1. Definition schweres Asthma Diagnose schweres Asthma Besteht bei Ihrem Patienten ein schweres Asthma nach beigefügter Definition? 2. Basisdaten Datum der aktuellen Untersuchung (dd.mm.yyyy): ____________ Geburtsdatum des Patienten (mm.yyyy): ___________ Wohnort des Patienten: ________________

Rearing pheasants for shoots

REARING PHEASANTS FOR SHOOTS By Clare Druce, Director of the Farm Animal Welfare Network Every year in the UK more than 20 million pheasants are reared for 'sport'. Does thismean that pheasant meat (or game) is the thing to choose if you want to avoid thecruelties of factory farming? Surely these birds have enjoyed free and natural livesbefore the moment of instant death?On the contrary, the v

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JASMR, 2 (1):59 -74 (2007) http://www.asmr.eg.net EFFICACY OF ALOE VERA EXTRACTS IN ATTENUATING NEUROLOGICAL ENDANGERMENT-INDUCED BY DEXAMETHASONE IN ADULT MALE RATS Nagat S. Abu-Gabal , Howaida I. Abd Alla * , Hanaa H. Ahmed , Samira M. Al- 1Scientific Department, Girls Faculty, King Abdu-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Hormones


What You Need to Know Mifepristone Safety Overview For over 15 years, medical evidence has indicated thatmifepristone (MifeprexUse of mifepristone (Mifeprex®) has beencommonly used medications such as over-the-counter non-associated with fewer deaths than Tylenol orsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-histamines,Viagra, and is safer than full term pregnancy. and is less risky than

Adoptive families magazine

Eastgate Pediatric Center, Cincinnati, OH An Open Letter to Pediatricians Regarding Medical Issues Involved in International Adoption As an adoptive parent of three daughters born in China, I have traveled to this great nation several times. During all three of my adop-tion trips, I saw China and its medical system through the eyes of a mother as well as those of a pediatrician. I have visite


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Actos de habla en editoriales del periódico "la nación" de costa rica

ACTOS DE HABLA EN EDITORIALES DEL PERIÓDICO LA NACIÓN … ACTOS DE HABLA EN EDITORIALES DEL PERIÓDICO LA NACIÓN DE COSTA RICA Adrián Vergara Heidke Este trabajo presenta el análisis de los actos de habla utilizados en los edito-riales del periódico costarricense La Nación , a propósito de uno los mayores escándalos políticos por supuestos actos de corrupción ocurrido


ALPHA PHARMACEUTICALS Pharmaceutical Manufactures 41,New D.LF.Industrial Area, Faridabad – 121003(HR) Phone:- 011 22325285, Mobile 09891443397, 9971904875 ANTIBIOTICS/ANTIBACTERIAL/ ANTI HELMINTIC/ ANTIAMOEBIC BRAND NAME COMPOSITION AMOXYCILLIN-250mg. & CLOXACILLIN-250mg. Amoxycillin 250 mg. & Dicloxacillin 250 mg. Each 5ml. Contains OFLOXACIN U.S.P. 50mg. + Eac

Flutter® mucus clearance device

FLUTTER® Mucus Clearance Device Instructions for Use PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The FLUTTER® mucus clearance device is shaped like a pipe with a hardened plastic mouthpiece at one end, a plastic protective, perforated cover at the other end, and a high-density stainless steel ball resting in a plastic circular cone on the inside (Figures 1 and 2). INDICATIONS The FLUTTER® provides posi


MOSCAD TECHNICAL NOTES MOSCAD CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) MECHANISM INTRODUCTION Noise and bandwidth limitations of communication channels cause errors in transmission ofdigital signals. The errors in binary digital transmission are usually measured in Bit Error Rate(BER) which is an average of error bits measured over some statistically significant period ofdata transmission. Relative


REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE Arqueologia . volume 1. número 2. 1998 O naufrágio da fragata espanhola Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, afundada pelos ingleses ao largo do Cabo de Sta. Maria, em 1804 Afundada em 1804 pela Marinha Inglesa ao largo da costa do Algarve, a fragata Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes transformou-se num mito dos caçadores de tesouros,Embora a sua carga dificilmente possa c


MSF 4112 / REV0104 SEAFARER MEDICAL REPORT FORM (ML5) AND ML5 CERTIFICATE WHO MAY USE THIS FORM This form is for use in connection with an application for: a) a Boatmaster's Licence for use on a non-seagoing local passenger boat ; b) an RYA Certificate or Boatmaster's Licence for operation under the MCA Small Commercial Vessel Code, or Large Yacht Code in Area Categorie

Microsoft word - partiokultima.rtf

Rosita Maglie Understanding the Language of Medicine No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. 13 Preface 15 Introduction Part I Understanding the Linguistic Features of English for Medical Purposes (EMP) 21 2.1. Metaphor: a case of Figure of Speech in

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AccuDipTM Salbutamol Rapid Test Strip General Description Salbutamol (albuterol) is a β2-adrenergic receptor agonist, and has been marketed to treat bronchospasm caused by asthma or exercise, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. When added to animal feed, it can increase body muscle percentage, slow down fat deposition and promote animal growth. However, when residual salbutamol


Ajmera Associates Ltd. September 05, 2012 Morning Chai Stocks to Watch ACC in spotlight after August dispatches figures : TOP GAINERS ACC after trading hours on Tuesday, 4 September 2012, said its cementdispatches declined 6.91% to 1.75 million tones in August 2012 over August2011. Cement production also declined 6.91% to 1.75 million tones in AugustShares of Relianc


LEHRVERANSTALTUNGEN WS 2008/2009 „Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft“ WS 2008/2009 Übersicht: Modulbereich A: Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft (A1-A4) Meier HS Kleine Erzählformen: Märchen und Sage Blödorn HS Lyrik/ Theorie des Realismus Modulbereich B: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (B1-B4) Meier V Die "Kunstperiode":

Square gardens plant list

Perennials Acanthus mollis Bear’s Breech Agastache aurantiaca ‘Apricot Sprite’ Agastache barberi ‘Firebird’ Amorphophallus konjac Snake Root Voodoo lily Anchusa azurea ‘Dropmore’ Anemone Canadensis Wind flower Aquilegia alpine Columbine Aralia racemosa Athyrium nipponicum ‘Pictum’ Japanese Painted Fern Ballota pseudodictamnus Bletilla striata Hardy Orchid Brunnera macrophyll

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Dwanglicenties: een bedreiging voor innovatie? Op 4 mei jl. besloot Brazilië het octrooi van het Duitse farmaciebedrijf Merck op het levensverlengende AIDS-medicijn Efavirenz te doorbreken middels een dwanglicentie. Tot dit besluit kwam de Braziliaanse regering omdat Merck niet bereid was om de Braziliaanse overheid hetzelfde kortingsvoorstel te doen als zij aan de Thaise regering had ge


Ley de Control Parlamentario sobre los actos normativos del Presidente de la República. LEY Nº 25397 LEY DE CONTROL PARLAMENTARIO SOBRE LOS ACTOS NORMATIVOS DEL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA Artículo 1º.- La presente ley establece el régimen general de control por el Congreso de las atribuciones del Presidente de la República para: a) Dictar medidas extraordinarias en m

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The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Department of Veterinary Pathology WEDNESDAY SLIDE CONFERENCE 2006-2007 CONFERENCE 21 Conference Moderator: Dr. Thomas Lipscomb, DVM, Diplomate ACVP CASE I – C31715-04 4 (AFIP 2988635). Signalment: 3-year-old, male, castrated, Cocker Spaniel, Canis domesticus , dog. History: The dog was presented to the referring v

Gloucestershire hospitals

Therapeutic Use Midodrine is an alpha adrenergic agonist. It therefore acts to increase blood pressure through peripheral vasoconstriction, and this mode of action provides particular increase in standing blood pressure, and hence a reduction in postural drop in blood pressure. It tends to increase systolic more than diastolic blood pressure. It is actually a pro-drug, and is metabolised t

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30/09/2006 - Aborto, uma opção perigosa para a mulher A manicure Carla, de 39 anos, optou pela tabelinha e camisinha no planejamento familiar. Num período de dez anos engravidou três vezes, todas interrompidas por meio de comprimidos de Cytotec. A universitária Isabel, de 25 anos, fez uma escolha difícil. Ainda adolescente e com o desinteresse do namorado pela paternidade, fez o aborto para

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ADIL’s experienced Supply Chain team provides the full range of supply services fortendering and contract administration including drafting and implementing contractingstrategies and procedures. Our services conform to company procedures that ensure all documentation is prepared in a professional manner and is consistent across projects. ADIL has a team of experienced in-house contract

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by Laura Poole Ever since I was an infant, I had asthma and severe allergies. When I turned 7 years old, the doctors started treating me for my allergies intensively. They would give me shots of each allergen, such as down, dust, pollen, mold, cat, and dog. They also gave me a bee test. It turned out I was allergic to all. This testing was done every six months and the testing itself would

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VOLONTARI LAICI Informazioni e consigli utili DOCUMENTI NECESSARI PASSAPORTO VALIDO e completo di marca da bollo da € 40,29. VISTO D’INGRESSO da chiedere presso il consolato R.C.A. via Asiago 43 – 20128 Milano, tel. 02.45 47 28 90 (un mese € 80, due mesi 150 €, tre mesi 200 €); BIGLIETTO AEREO ANDATA e RITORNO (da un minimo di 1.000 € a un massimo di 1.500 €, a se


ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, May 2002, p. 1462–14680066-4804/02/$04.00ϩ0 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.46.5.1462–1468.2002Copyright © 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Plasmidic Extended-Spectrum ␤-Lactamases in Vibrio cholerae O1Alejandro Petroni,1 Alejandra Corso,1 Roberto Melano,1 Marı´a Luisa Cacace,2 Ana Marı´a Bru,3 Servicio Antimicrobianos, Instit


Syllabus for GPAT - 2013 PHARMACEUTICS Introduction to Physical pharmacy State of matter, change in the state of matter, latent heats and vapor pressure, sublimation-critical point, Eutectic mixtures, gases, aerosols-inhalers, relative humidity, liquid. Complexes, liquid crystals, glassy state, solids- crystalline, amorphous and polymorphism. Particle size and distribution, averag

[modèle de monographie de produit – norme]

PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION What dosage forms it comes in: PrBIAXIN® clarithromycin for oral suspension, USP ● liquid forms (BIAXIN®, 125 mg/5mL and 250 mg/5mL). ● extended-release tablets (BIAXIN® XL, 500 mg), This leaflet is Part III of a three-part “Product Monograph" published ● regular tablets (BIAXIN BID®, 250 mg and 500 mg). when BIAXIN® was approved f

Early perioperative death associated with reexpansion pulmonary edema during liver transplantation

Early Perioperative Death Associated With ReexpansionPulmonary Edema During Liver Transplantation Wagner C. Marujo, Flavio Takaoka, Rita M. A. Moura, Fernando L. Pandullo, Andre R. Morrone, Marcelo M. Linhares, Alexandre Teruya, and Isaac Altikes Hydrothorax is a frequent finding in patients with end- REPE during a LT that rapidly led to the patient’s stage liver disease. During the he

Association of ameritech/sbc retirees® blue bulletin

AT&T Ameritech /SBC Retirees - We are AASBCR ® Blue Bulletin Vol.7 No.4 February 28, 2012 Proudly working on behalf of retirees of the Bell System and successor companies of the Lipitor, a prescription for controlling cholesterol Part II This is part II of the Lipitor vs. generic Atorvastatin bulletin (see the AASBCR® Blue Bulletin dated 2-22-2012). As repor


Phenobarbital pronounced as(fee noe bar' bi tal) URL of this page Why is this medication prescribed? Phenobarbital is used to control seizures. Phenobarbital is also used to relieve anxiety. It is also used to prevent withdrawal symptoms in people who are dependent ('addicted'; feel a need to continue taking the medication) on another barbiturate medication and are going to stop takin

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AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT Career and Placement Services Student Affairs http://staff.aub.edu.lb/~websao/cps/index.html JOB VACANCY FORM X Full-time Part-time Summer-Job Internship Job Title: Draftsman Application Deadline: ASAP Reference Number: 060509-6 Company Description NAME OF FIRM/INSTITUTION: Soma Architects TYPE:


PESTICIDE MODES OF ACTIVITY – THE IMPORTANCE OF ROTATION Roger Bryan and Raymond Cloyd Today’s insecticides and fungicides are manufactured from literally hundreds of chemical compounds – both organic and inorganic. These chemical compounds, in turn, can be grouped into several dozen chemical groups. Each group of insecticides and fungicides has associated with it a particular mode o


The tire pressure warning system is designed to provide warning when tire inflation pressure is critically low while the vehicle is moving. The low tire pressure warning light comes on to inform you that such low tire This system is not designed to operate when the vehicle is stopped. Therefore, check the tire inflation pressure regularly. The recommended cold tire inflation pressure, tire si

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EL CARTEL DEL SKA, UN SISTEMASONORO-RESISTENTE. La música como posibilidad de integracionesalternativas. Entrevista a Iván UlloaAv. 32 No. 13-45, piso 3, Bogotá, Colombiatel. (57-1) 2 32 23 93sistema_sonoro@yahoo.comEn un escenario como Bogotá es posible encontrar expresiones juvenilesurbanas que enuncian posturas de resistencia desde diversas manifestacionesartísticas y adelantan un traba


Metformin inhibits leptin secretion via a mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway in brown adipocytes Johannes Klein*, Sören Westphal*, Daniel Kraus, Britta Meier, Nina Perwitz, Volker Ott, Mathias Fasshauer1 and H Harald Klein2 Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Lübeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538 Lübeck, Germany1Department of Internal Medicine III, Universit

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CONCURSO PARA O CARGO DE CIRURGIÃO DENTISTA - CORPO DE SAÚDE DA MARINHA – 01) Que categoria de calo ósseo primário ocorre, desenvolvendo-se na superfície interna do osso, cruzando as extremidades fraturadas, preenchendo os espaços medulares, saindo para a superfície da fratura formando proliferação endóstea? (A) Calo de união. (B) Calo de selamento. (C) Calo de ancoragem. (D

Nouvelles du togo du 31 août au 31 décembre 2010

ASSOCIATION FRANCE - TOGO Association loi 1901 - Préfecture de Paris - n° 321 06028 - J.O. du 19 avril 1978 - Sous Préfecture d’Antony (92) Siège social : 9, boulevard de Vanves - 92320 CHÂTILLON - Adresser toute correspondance à: Président de l’Association France-Togo: - 16 rue de Grattecap - 33290 Bordeaux-Blanquefort Tél. mobile : 06 84 97 15 51- courriel : associationfra

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JUDICIAL DIALOGUE ON THE NEW YORK CONVENTION New Delhi THE CASUARINA HALL at THE INDIA HABITAT CENTRE Mr Shishir Dholakia - Chief Rapporteur Mr Harisankar K S - Co-Rapporteur Introduction This report summarises the proceedings and key conclusions of the ‘Judicial Dialogue on the New York Convention’ that took place in New Delhi on Saturday, 23rd November 2013. The

Agilent in sports drug testing backgrounder

Agilent in Sports Drug Testing For more than 30 years, Agilent Technologies has been a leading provider of analytical instruments for drug testing in sports. In 1972, Agilent supplied drug testing equipment to the first Olympic Games in which testing was required. Since then, Agilent equipment has played a role in each of the Olympic Games as well as major events such as World Cup Soccer. A


Orion Optics Unit 21-22 Third Ave, Crewe, Cheshire. 01270 500089 Price list from Feb 2005 OMC140 Tube Assembly with dovetail plate. 6x30 finder, 31.7mm star diagonal, 25mm Plossl eyepiece and Standard optics and coatings OMC140 Tube Assembly with dovetail plate. 6x30 finder, 31.7mm star diagonal, 25mm Plossl eyepiece and De-Luxe optics and Hilux coatings OMC140 Alumi


Alzheimer's disease and acetylcholine receptors Takeshi Kihara and Shun Shimohama Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University,54 Shogoin-Kawaharacho, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan Abstract. Cholinergic abnormalities, alongside senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and extensive neuronal loss, are the major characteristics in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both n


If you’ve been on an antidepressant for at least 6 weeks and still feel depressed, adding ABILIFY (aripiprazole) to your current treatment could be right for you. To find out, review the questions below and discuss them with your doctor.  How might ABILIFY help treat my unresolved symptoms of depression?  Does adding ABILIFY mean I have to change my current treatment?  How is

Drug side effects

AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER OF SPARTANBURG, LLC SIDE EFFECT MEDICATION INFORMATION – ORIGINAL COPY TO PATIENT Below you will find information regarding medications you have received during your procedure today. Side effects and special instructions are listed. It is important that you understand the effects of these drugs may last up to 24 hours following their administration. During such


Final Report – 2008-09 Research & Creative Works Grants Principal Investigator: Nicholas E. Burgis, Chemistry/Biochemistry Dept. Project Title: Developing a Less Toxic Chemotherapeutic Cocktail to Treat Multiple Myeloma. This report serves to document the scholarly research activities performed by the principal investigator and collaborators during the term of the Faculty Research Grant

Microsoft word - social media. internet conversation - 05.17.09.doc

Social Media: Turning The Internet Into A Conversation A white paper prepared by AdServices. Date of last update: May 17, 2009. Introduction AdServices has been tracking the rise and spread of a new communication system known as Social Media, also called Social Networking, or Web 2.0. We consider this an important advertising platform, especially while some traditional media audiences decline an


Article: ““Interpose Your Friendly Hand”: Political Supports for the Exercise of Judicial Review by the United States Supreme Court” Author: Keith E. Whittington Issue: November 2005 Journal : American Political Science Review This journal is published by the American Political Science Association. All rights reserved. APSA is posting this article for public view on its

Tema 8: ordenaciÓn del gasto y ordenaciÓn del pago



Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels (SPC)Pseudoephedrin kann verstärken/erhöhen:– die Wirkungen von Salbutamol Tabletten– Überempfindlichkeit gegen andere Ent-(Exazerbation kardiovaskulärer Nebenwir-– Hyperthyreose, leichte bis mäßige Hyper-– die Wirkungen von Antidepressiva ein-1 Beutel enthält Acetylsalicylsäure 500 mg– die Wirkungen anderer Sympathomimeti-


Periodontal treatment improves endothelialdysfunction in patients with severe periodontitisGerald Seinost, MD,a Gernot Wimmer, MD,b Martina Skerget, MD,a Erik Thaller, DDS,b Marianne Brodmann, MD,aRobert Gasser, MD,c Rudolf O. Bratschko, MD,b and Ernst Pilger, MDa Graz, AustriaBackground Because epidemiological studies provide evidence that periodontal infections are associated with anincreased r

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C1-inhibitor concentrate home therapy for hereditary angioedema: a viable, effective treatment option H. J. Longhurst,* S. Carr† and K. Khair‡ *Barts and The London NHS Trust, Department Economic and political factors have led to the increased use of home therapy of Immunopathology, London, UK, †Barts and The London NHS Trust, Department of programmes for patients who have tradi

Jornal da acp 002

Impresso Especial CORREIOS Setembro 2007 Sede - Rua Felipe Schmidt, 303 - Sala 504 - Edifício Dias Velho - Tel: (48)3224-9393 - Fax: (48)3224-4217 - Caixa Postal 739 - CEP: 88010-903 - Florianópolis - SC Licença Prêmio em Xeque! Injustiça! Através da Portaria n° 017 de 02.06.2006, o Secretário do Estado da Educação, Ciência eTecnologia, suspende temporariamente o


REPLACEMENT INDICATORS (indicator wording amended) continued AGREED CHANGES TO QOF 2011/12 2009/11 2011/12 2011/12 Indicator wording Points Threshold With effect from 1 April 2011, 12 QOF indicators have been retired: Indicator Indicator CH5, CHD7, DM5, DM11, DM16, STR5, MH7, EP7, Information 4, Records The percentage of patients with diabetes in whom the 21, PE7 and PE8. New and


Bey-OTC-copy_Layout 1 11-03-24 2:12 PM Page 1 BEYOND THEBASICS Over-the-counter Drugs What are over-the-counter drugs? BEYOND BASICS BEYOND BASIC Over-the-counter drugs are medications sold directly to consumers through pharmacies, grocery andconvenience stores without a prescription. The availability of remedies is as ubiquitous as the conditions OVER-THE-COUNTER for which

Prohibited substances rules

R E V I S E D J A N . 2 0 0 4 R E P L A C E S A L L P R E V I O U S V E R S I O N S P A G E 4 0 PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES RULES P.1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. In these rules: a) prohibited substance means any substance (or any isomer, metabolite and/or analogue produced from the substance) that is a stimulant, depressant, tranquiliser, local anaesthetic, psychotropic (mood and/or behaviour


A Report On Arginine By Harry Elwardt, N.D., PhD. “. A few grams of prevention is worth a ton of cure.” 1 So just what is Nitric Oxide (NO)? Over 20,000 articles in the medicalliterature since 1980 attest that “absolutely everything in the body dependson it.” Its function in human physiology is so important that the AmericanAcademy of Science named Nitric Oxide the “Molecule o

Abilify communiqué_5 octobre 2009_fr_final

LE PLUS RÉCENT TRAITEMENT POUR LA SCHIZOPHRÉNIE OFFRE UNE OPTION SUPPLÉMENTAIRE POUR COMBATTRE CETTE MALADIE DIFFICILE À TRAITER ABILIFYMC est maintenant offert au Canada et présente plusieurs avantages : efficacité, innocuité, tolérabilité et impact neutre sur le poids et le taux de cholestérol et de glycémie Montréal, Québec, le 6 octobre 2009. – Une nouv


1 A bulímiáról és egy bulímiás betegről A bulímia görög eredetű szó; kóros falánkságot, farkaéhséget, farkasétvágyat jelent. Ma a B az evési zavarok kategóriájában foglal helyet, de a hivatalos orvostudomány csak az utóbbi évtizedekben kezdte komolyan venni ezt a betegséget. Még nem is annyira régen: 24 évvel ezelőtt, 1979-ben fogadták el az evési zavarok


KURZBERICHT BEIspIEllIsTE ZUlässIgER MEdIKaMEnTE dER nada aKTUEllEs Stiftung Nationale Anti Doping Agentur Beispielliste zulässiger Medikamente Examples of allowed substances Die nachfolgenden Listen beinhalten eine Auswahl erlaubter Medikamente. Deren Gebrauch ist mit den Dopingbestimmungen der WADA vereinbar. Bei *Die gekennzeichneten Medikamente immer an! Augentropfen gegen

Microsoft word - documento2

Torino, 30 Dicembre 1950 Bollettino n° 8 Seguire traverso i millenni le avventure del corpo sotto l’assillo del Genio organizzativo, sarebbe certamente impresa affascinante, impresa che, rifacendosi ai primordi della Creazione, dovrebbe fatalmente risalire a quel silenzio pieno d’armonia che lo precedette. Silenzio simile a quello delle orchestre prima del loro prorompere al cenno de

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Acg - events

http://chapters.acg.org/chicago/pastevents/detail.asp?F_EVENT_CATE. Past Events - Detail Page Category: Location: The Metropolitan Club, Sears Tower, 66th Fl Start Date: End Date: Country: Description: Exits: IPO? Strategic? Financial Buyer? Questions to ask and things to consider 7:30 am - 9:15 am Panel: Mike Burr, Managing Director, JPMorgan Securities Gary Ka


NATUROPATIA METEOROPATIE La meteoropatia , dal greco meteoron , cosa che avviene in alto e pathos , malattia, è un termine che sta ad indicare un insieme di disturbi psichici e fisici di tipo neurovegetativo che si verificano in determinate condizioni e variazioni meteorologiche. I soggetti meteoropatici hanno sviluppato un’eccessiva sensibilità verso eventi climatici: vento, n

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DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NEW GENERATION COOPERATIVES AND TRADITIONAL COOPERATIVES David Coltrain Extension Assistant, Arthur Capper Cooperative Center Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University For information call 785-532-1523 or e-mail coltrain@agecon.ksu.edu David Barton Director, Arthur Capper Cooperative Center Professor, Department of Agricultural Econom


El proyecto de ley elaborado por el Poder Ejecutivo relativo a la publicidad de actos del Poder En primer lugar, el artículo 1º establece que la Corte Suprema y los tribunales de segunda instancia (tanto federales como las cámaras nacionales de apelaciones de la Capital Federal) “deberán publicar íntegramente todas las acordadas y resoluciones que dicten, el mismo día de su

Product name: high power/energy lithium ion battery cells, phosphate based

Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 - Product Identification Product Name: High Power/Energy Lithium Ion Battery Cells, Phosphate Based Model: LFP123A; LFP18650P; LFP18650E; LFP26650P; LFP26650EV; LFP26650E Product Use : Electrical Chemical Family: Mixture Synonyms: LFP Battery, Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Manufacturer: : K2 Energy Solutions 1125 American Pacific Dr,

Microsoft word - presentation mh.doc

Clinical features Onset of the MH in humans is extremely variable; in initial symptoms and in the time of onset of syndrome. There have been instances where fulminant MH has occurred in patients who have previously tolerated potent triggers without difficulty. Reason is unknown. Timing Increased creatine kinase, myoglobinuria Triggers Succinylcholine Safe drugs All intravenous

Microsoft word - rcp clarid 250 500.doc

FORMES et PRÉSENTATIONS : Clarid® thermoformées. Comprimé pelliculé à 250 mg: Boîte de 14 sous plaquettes thermoformées. Comprimé pelliculé à 500 mg: Boîtes de 14, sous plaquettes thermoformées. COMPOSITION : Comprimé pelliculé à 250 mg: Boîte de 10 et de 14 : Clarithromycine (DCI)…. 250mg par comprimé. Comprimé pelliculé à 500 mg: Boîte de 14 : Clarithromycine


Protocoles de recherche financés par l'ASF Année 2010 Responsables de la Centre de recherche recherche Laurence Michel et Dominique Farge (correspond au travail de Elena Ivan Grigore, 160 000,00 Marie-Elise Truchetet chez le Prof. Carlo Chizzolini Année 2009 Responsables de la Centre de recherche recherche Recrutement de familles nucléaires pour la recherche

Protecting your bones

P H Y S I C I A N S C O M M I T T E E F O R R E S P O N S I B L E M E D I C I N E5 1 0 0 W I S C O N S I N A V E., N. W., S U I T E 4 0 0 • W A S H I N G T O N, D C 2 0 0 1 6P H O N E ( 2 0 2 ) 6 8 6 - 2 2 1 0 • F A X ( 2 0 2 ) 6 8 6 - 2 2 1 6 • P C R M @ P C R M . O R G • W W W . P C R M . O R GThe bone-thinning condition called osteoporosis can 3. Get vitamin D from the sun, or supple


Robert Koch-Institut 119 Zum Umgang mit MRSA-Patienten in deutschen Krankenhäusern Ergebnisse einer Umfrage der DGKH und des BVÖGD im Herbst 2010 Im Oktober 2010 wurde von der DGKH (Deutsche Gesell-berücksichtigt worden. Wesentliche Unterschiede bei Be-schaft für Krankenhaushygiene) zusammen mit dem trachtung der Träger der Einrichtungen ließen sich nicht BVÖGD (Bundesverband der Ä


PLANT NAME Acaena inermis PurpureaAcaena saccaticupula Blue HazeAcanthus mol isAchil ea ageratum MoonwalkerAchil ea AppleblossomAchil ea BloodstoneAchil ea Cerise QueenAchil ea FanalAchil ea FaustAchil ea Cloth of GoldAchil ea Gold PlateAchil ea Forncett FlettonAchil ea Lilac BeautyAchil ea Rose MadderAchil ea noblis subsp. NeilreichiiAchil ea ptarmica The PearlAchil ea Salmon BeautyAchil ea

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