Editorial Board Vol 14, no 7–July 2007 (issue no Executive Editor: Mr WONG Man-kong ACA Secretariat ____
59th ACA Meeting
The 59th ACA meeting will be held on 6 July 2007 (Friday) at
2:30 pm at the DH Conference Room, 21/F Wu Chung House,
Wan Chai. There will be three main items on the agenda:
• ACA & MSM Implementing Rapid HIV Testing in the Labour Ward to Supplement the Universal Antenatal HIV Testing Programme Executive HIV Prevalence and Risk Behavioural Survey of MSM in Hong Kong (PRISM)
• HIV/AIDS The Community-based Risk Behavioural and Situation Seroprevalence Survey of Female Sex Workers in Hong Kong (CRISP) Interested readers may watch for the next issue of the ACA Newsfile for more details.Schedule Report on the Assessment of Recently Acquired HIV Infection in Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) in Hong Kong
The Department of Health commissioned the Stanley Ho Centre
for Emerging Infectious Diseases in last August to conduct a study
to assess the situation, explore the underlying risk factors and
suggest evidence-based recommendations in relation to MSM and
HIV infection in response to the rising trend of HIV prevalence and infections among MSM as reported by the Centre for Health Protection. The Executive Summary overleaf (pages 26 & 27) is extracted from
the report released in April 2007. Readers wish to access the full report can click on www.info.gov.hk/aids/pdf/g189.pdf .
Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS Secretariat
5/F, Yaumatei Jockey Club Clinic, 145 Battery Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel:(852) 2304 6100; Fax:(852) 2337 0897; E-mail:aca@dh.gov.hk
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Report on the Assessment of Recently Acquired HIV Infection in Men Having Sex with Men
perception associated with improved treatment
(MSM) in Hong Kong
of HIV, international travel and commercial sex.
Executive Summary
The situation in Hong Kong is similar to
that in other countries. Data from different
1. In response to the rising trend of HIV
sources suggested that new infections in MSM
prevalence and reports among men having sex
have doubled within the past 3 years. The sharp
with men (MSM) reported by Centre for Health
rise among MSM has dominated the overall
Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong, a
increase of HIV infection contracted through risk
study was conducted to assess the situation,
behaviours in Hong Kong. Most of the HIV
explore the underlying risk factors and suggest
positive MSM patients are Chinese young or
evidence-based recommendations. The study
middle aged adults who acquired the infection in
comprises a desktop review of the global and
local HIV situation in MSM, a qualitative
investigation of two clusters of 46 patients
stakeholders, and a questionnaire survey detected in 2006 suggested that there were very administered on HIV positive MSM attending
active sexual activities among subgroups of
two specialist clinics in the territory.
usage rate among MSM was in the range of 60%.
Global and local HIV infection among MSM
Cross border sex, getting acquaintance with sex
partners through internet and having sex in sauna
Worldwide, there’s an emerging epidemic
were common practice. A mathematical model
of HIV in MSM populations. About 5 to 10% of
predicted a 3-fold increase in the cumulative
people living with HIV were transmitted number of HIV infected MSM within 5 years. between men in 2005. In Western Europe and
North America, MSM accounted for about half
MSM risk network
of all HIV cases diagnosed. In Southeast Asia, it
is estimated that there are about 10 million MSM.
Prevalence of HIV varies from less than 1% in
together individuals as well as through access
Malaysia to 28% in Bangkok of Thailand. In the
points called “nodes”. Some, like the internet
past five years, HIV among MSM rose sharply in
and gay-oriented magazines, are information
the United States, Canada, many European and
nodes that link people to physical venues
Southeast Asia countries. In Rome, Spain and
(physical nodes) where sexual activities may
Australia, for example, the HIV incidence
occur. The profile and popularity of these nodes
among MSM has doubled or tripled within the
have changed over the years. Public toilets are
no longer popular and are replaced by saunas,
massage houses, bars and parties in the past
3. Various factors have been suggested to
decade. Internet provides a virtual platform
explain the global epidemic. An increasing
where MSM can meet at any time and place.
number of sex partners and the practice of
unprotected anal intercourse have been reported.
Apart from a change of the popularity of
MSM who are online tend to have multiple
the nodes, there has been an intensification of
casual partners and unprotected sex. Party and
connections between different nodes with
party drugs (including Viagra) are popular in the
unprotected anal sex and HIV infection. Other
ÂÂÂÂ to be continued…___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACA Newsfile Vol 14 Page 26
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Executive Summary
sex at about 23 years old, and subsequently got
infected at an average age of 30s. The popularity
of internet means that young MSM can easily come into contact of MSM network during or
shortly after the period of identity formation
In a simulation exercise, given the same level of
risk behaviours, the increased connection of
10. It is encouraging to discover from our
nodes would predispose to HIV transmission
study that after diagnosis of HIV, MSM have
through enhancing the exposure opportunities of
generally reduced their practice of identifying
partners and having sex in various gay venues
Vulnerability of MSM to HIV infections
generally increased. The contexts of such
improvement and whether this can be sustained
changed in the recent 5 years, as reflected in the
results of a questionnaire survey that explored
Conclusions and recommendations
the behavioural practice before their infections.
Public toilets and beaches became less popular
11. We conclude that the changing partnership
while internet was the main avenue for sourcing
patterns and therefore the evolving configuration
of MSM network constituted the major driving
common venue for sex although sauna remains
force behind the observed increase of HIV
popular in the MSM community. About half of
the HIV infected MSM had history of visiting
other countries for sex before their contracting
the virus. An important observation is that HIV
(a) strategically promote safer sex targeting
was not perceived as a significant risk by some
Generally speaking, the practice of sexual
(b) design specific interventions to reach
behaviours (condom usage, oral/anal sex, active
or passive role) has remained largely the same in
MSM who contracted the virus recently (on or
(c) develop HIV prevention that incorporates
after 2001) in comparison to those infected
sexual health instead of HIV per se, so as
before 2001. The pattern of safer sex practice
with regular and casual partners have also
remained the same, while commercial sex was
(d) systematize clinic-based HIV prevention;
relatively uncommon over the years. However,
(e) develop pilot projects and/or studies that
an increasing use of soft drugs while having sex
was observed. This was often associated with
homosexual at around 17 years of age. They
normally entered the MSM network and had first
Reported HIV/AIDS Quarterly Statistics - 1st Quarter, 2007
hospitals/clinics/laboratories Hong Kong Red Cross
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACA Newsfile Vol 14 Page 28
medicine.ox.ac.uk Swots Corner: What is an odds ratio? Bandolier readers wil know that we favour the number-needed-to-treat (NNT) as a way of describing the benefits (or harms) of treatments, both in individual trials and in systematic reviews. Few papers report results using this easily interpretable measure, so Bandolier has had to get its head around how to do the calculations. NNT cal
My Experience of Depression 1. Symptoms 2. What I experienced 10.Perfectionism 3. Hospitalization & Help 11. Pride 4. Responsibility 12. Recovery 5. Therapy 13. The impartial observer 6. Medication 14. Spiritual growth 7. ECT – Electroconvulsive Therapy 15. Books 8. Relapse INTRODUCTION: - Who this is for and what my message is. These notes are