CURRICULUM VITÆ Undergraduate Studies:
University of Melbourne, B.E. (Civil), First Class Honours, 1968. Graduate Studies:
University of Melbourne, M.Eng.Sc., Structural Engineering, 1970,
Thesis title: Optimisation and plastic analysis
University of Cambridge, Research Certificate, Economics, 1971. Stanford University, M.S., Engineering-Economic Systems, 1972. Stanford University, Ph.D., Engineering-Economic Systems, 1978,
Thesis title: Non-renewable resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics
Honours and Awards:
1958 Dux (æq.), Junior School, Scotch College, Melbourne. 1960−1963 The Council Scholarship, Scotch College, Melbourne. Matriculated,
1963: Physics (H1), Calculus & Applied Maths. (H1), Chemistry (H2),Pure Maths. (H2), English Literature (P), and English Expression (P).
1964−1967 Australian Commonwealth Scholarship. 1965−1966 Major Residence Scholarship, Ormond College, University of
1968−1969 Australian Commonwealth Postgraduate Award. 1969−1973 Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation Overseas Studentship,Subject area: Engineering systems.
1972 Stanford University Representative, Tenth Annual UN Graduate
1974−1975 Resources for the Future, Inc., Fellowship. 1978 Doctoral dissertation published as a monograph in both the GarlandSeries of Outstanding Economics Dissertations and the GarlandSeries of Outstanding Energy Dissertations.
1987 Winner of the Second Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Competitive Strategy Tournament. (A tournament of competingalgorithms playing three-person pricing games.)
Included in Profiles in Business and Management: An InternationalDirectory of Scholars and Their Research, (Boston: HarvardBusiness School Publishing, 1993−).
2005 Presented the Fourth Herbert Simon Seminar Series, on Agent-Based
Computational Economics and Market Design, at the ArtificialIntelligence Economics Research Center, Department ofEconomics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, and the theNational Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan,October 23−28.
Appointed Professor Emeritus, University of New South Wales. Grants Received:
2010 Australia India Institute Grant: “Supporting Information Exchange
across Organisations for e-Business,” (under Pradeep Ray,Director, Asia-Pacific Ubiquitous Healthcare Research Centre(APuHC), UNSW). ($12,500 over one year).
2009 Land & Water Australia Innovation Call Project: “Transaction
Metrics for Purchasing Environmental Services,” (under PaulMartin, Director, The Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law,University of New England), ($90,000 over one year)
2008 ARC Discovery Grant: “Modelling the Development and Evolution
of Business Relations and Networks as Complex AdaptiveSystems using Agent-Based Models,” (with I.F. Wilkinson and L. Young) ($120,000 over three years)
2005 INSEAD: “Selection, development and production of a platform for
multi-agent modeling research” (with D. Midgley) (€10,000)
2005 Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability:
“Education About and For Sustainability in Australian BusinessSchools,” (with M. Chandrashekaran) ($35,000 over two years)
2003 ARC Discovery (Large) Grant: “Understanding participant
behaviour in wholesale electricity markets,” (with E.J. Anderson,H.R. Outhred, and I.F. MacGill) ($253,000 over three years)
2002 Carbon Dioxide Cooperative Research Centre (co-investigator). To
investigate capturing and sequestering anthropogenic CO2 fromthe atmosphere — technical and financial feasibility ($21.8million over 7 years, shared)
2000 AGSM Small Grant (Chief Investigator): “Modelling rivalry in
mature, repeated oligopolies: players learn rules of thumb inperceiving responding and signalling.” ($15,000)
1999 Australian Research Council Small Grant (Chief Investigator):
“Strategic rivalry in mature oligopolies: endogenising andestimating players’ perceptions, responses, and actions.”
1998 Australian Research Council Small Grant (Chief Investigator with
David Midgley): “Benchmarking learned responses and rules ofthumb in mature oligopolies.” ($18,000)
1997 AGSM Special Research Grant (Principal Investigator, with David
Midgley): “Benchmarking learned responses and rules of thumbin mature oligopolies.” ($9,000)
1995 Australian Research Council Large Grant (Principal Investigator,
with David Midgley): “Strategic behaviour and learning:estimation and simulation of pricing and promotion in iteratedoligopolies.” ($75,000) (The ARC Advisory Panel Score:90−94%)
1995 Australian Vice Chancellors’ Committee Electronic Publishing
Working Group (with John Roberts, Chris Sauer, Pam Taylor, etal.): “Technical trial and study of consumer adoption patterns.”($76,140)
1994 Worksafe Australia Research Grant (with Jean Cross, Principal
Investigator): “The costs and benefits of safety programs.”($102,000)
1992 Australian Research Council Small Grant (Principal Investigator,
with David Midgley): “Strategic behaviour and the evolution ofeconomic institutions.” ($18,000)
1989 AGSM Special Research Grant: “AGSM Double Auction Computer
Academic Experience:
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School:
The University of New South Wales, School of Economics:
The University of New South Wales, Australian Graduate School of Management:
(From 1999 through 2006 the AGSM was a joint venture of UNSW and theUniversity of Sydney.)2001−2006 Full Professor1995−2001 Associate Professor1981−1994 Senior Lecturer,1977−1981 Foundation Lecturer.
The National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan:
2005 Visiting Professor, Economics Department.
The National Chengchi University, Taipei:
2005 Visiting Professor, Economics Department.
2005 Visiting Professor, Marketing Group.
1993 Visiting Researcher, Economics Group.
2009 Visiting Scholar, Precourt Energy Efficiency Center,1992−1993 Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Business,1980−1981 Visiting Assistant Professor, Engineering-Economic Systems,1976−1977 Lecturer, Engineering-Economic Systems,1973−1974 Teaching Assistant, Engineering-Economic Systems.
The University of California at Berkeley:
1984 Visiting Scholar, Energy and Resources Group.
The National Bureau of Economic Research − West, (Stanford):
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
1984 Visiting Scholar, Center for Energy Policy Research. 1969−1970 Research Assistant, Urban Systems Laboratory.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation:
1969 Research Officer, Division of Building Research.
1969 Tutor, Mathematics, Ormond College,1968−1969 Laboratory Demonstrator, Structural Engineering. Papers and Reviews in Refereed Journals
[1] Held, F., Wilkinson, I.F., Marks, R.E., & Young, L. (2014), “Agent-based
modelling, a new kind of research,” Australasian Marketing Journal,
[2] Marks R.E. (2013), “Learning lessons? The Global Financial Crisis five
years on,” The Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 146 (447 & 448), June, pp. 3−16, and A1−A43. paper was ineligible for the Royal Society’s 2013 Archibald OlléPrize because the author was not then a member.)
[3] Marks R.E. (2013), “Validation and model selection: three measures
compared,” Complexity Economics, 2, 1, May.
[4] Marks R.E. (2012) “Analysis and Synthesis: Multi-Agent Systems in the
Social Sciences,” The Knowledge Engineering Review, 27(2): 123−136.
[5] Lawrance A.B. and Marks R.E. (2008) “Firm Size Distributions in an
Industry with Constrained Resources,” Applied Economics, 40(12): 1595−1607, June. First published on: 27 November 2007 at∼content=a787473480∼db=all∼order=author
[6] Marks R.E. (2007), “Validating simulation models: a general framework
and four applied examples,” Computational Economics, 30(3): 265−290, October. (invited)
[7] Midgley D.F., Marks R.E., and Kunchamwar D. (2007) “The Building and
Assurance of Agent-Based Models: An Example and Challenge to the Field,” Journal of Business Research, Special Issue: Complexities in Markets, 60: 884−893.
[8] Marks R.E. (2004) “Avoiding front-runner’s bias,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 29(1): 35−38.
[9] Marks R.E. (2002) “Direct and derived policies: illicit drug use and
greenhouse gas emissions in Australia,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 4(1): 51−74, March.
[10] Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H. (1999) “Technical efficiency,
technological change and total factor productivity growth in Chinese state- owned enterprises during the early 1990s,” The Asian Economic Journal, 13(3): 267−281, September.
[11] Kong, X., Marks, R.E. and Wan G.H.(1999), “Guo you qi yue quan yao
su sheng chan li ji qi jue ding ying su: 1990−1994 [Total factorproductivity and its determinants of Chinese state-owned enterprises:1990−1994],” Jingji Yanjiu [Economic Research Journal], July (No. 7), pp. 40−48. [In Chinese]Economic Research — known as Ching Chi Yen Chiu using the Giles-Wade system of transliteration — is published by the Institute ofEconomics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. It is the leadingeconomics journal in China.
[12] Marks, R.E. (1999) Review of Neural Networks for Economic andFinancial Modelling, by Andrea Beltratti, Sergio Margarita and Pietro Terna, (London: International Thomson Computer Press), 1996, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2(2): March. <>
[13] Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., Cooper, L.G. and Shiraz, G.M. (1999), “The
complexity of competitive marketing strategies,” Complexity International, 6, 1999. <>
[14] Marks, R.E. (1998) “Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies,”
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22(8−9): 1209−1233, July.
[15] Midgley, D.F., Marks, R.E., and Cooper, L.G. (1997) “Breeding
competitive strategies,” Management Science, 43(3): 257−275, March.
[16] Marks, R.E. (1996) “Evolved Perception and Behaviour in Oligopolies,”
Computing in Economics and Finance 1996_038, Society forComputational Economics.
[17] Marks, R.E. (1994) “Cannabis laws: an analysis of costs,” Drug andAlcohol Review, 13(3): 341−346.
[18] Marks, R.E. (1993) “Modelling heterogeneous inputs,” EconomicsLetters, 42(2−3): 167−171.
[19] Marks, R.E. and Swan, P.L. (1993) “Exhaustibility and the
reserves/production ratio,” Economics Letters, 42(1): 117−119.
[20] Marks, R.E. (1993) Review of Risk, Organizations, and Society. Studies inRisk and Uncertainty, ed. by Martin Shubik. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991), in Economic Record, 69(204): 82−83.
[21] Marks, R.E. (1992) “The costs of Australian drug policy,” Journal of DrugIssues, 22(3): 535−547.
[22] Marks, R.E. (1992) “Breeding hybrid strategies: optimal behaviour for
oligopolists,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2: 17−38.
[23] Marks, R.E. (1991) “What price prohibition? An estimate of the costs of
Australian drug policy,” Australian Journal of Management, 16(2): 187−212, (December). (Extract reprinted in Peter Mitchelson & Andrew Mann, Economics for Business, Melbourne: Thomas Nelson, 1995.)
[24] Marks, R.E. (1991) “Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from Australian
energy use,” The Science of the Total Environment, 108(1−2): 111−121, (October).
[25] Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde, P.B. Dixon, and D.T.
Johnson, (1991) “The cost of Australian carbon dioxide abatement,” The Energy Journal, 12(2), 135−152, (April), plus a Corrigendum, The Energy Journal, 12(4), 149−150.
[26] Marks, R.E. (1990) “Prohibition or regulation: an economist’s view of
Australian heroin policy,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 23(2): 65−87, (June). This paper earned rayalties of $1,769.25, after 2,921 copies were made of it (May, 2008).
[27] Marks, R.E. (1990) “A freer market for heroin in Australia: alternatives
to subsidizing organized crime,” Journal of Drug Issues, 20(1): 131−176, (Winter).
[28] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Towards 2000: Australian energy policy and
conservation,” Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 7(1): 37−50.
[29] Marks, R.E. (1987) Review of Money, Accumulation and Crisis, by D. K.
Foley, (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1986), in Economic Record, 63: 366−368, December, 1987.
[30] Marks, R.E. (1987) “On redesigning an academic journal,” AustralianJournal of Management, 12(2): 149−158, (December).
[31] Marks, R.E. (1986) “Energy issues and policies in Australia,” AnnualReview of Energy and the Environment, 11: 47−75.
[32] Marks, R.E., P. Watt, and P. Yetton (1981) “GMAT scores and
performance: selecting students into a graduate management school,” Australian Journal of Management, 6(2): 81−102, (December).
[33] Marks, R.E. (1980) “The value of ‘almost’ perfect weather information to
the Australian tertiary sector,” Australian Journal of Management, 5(1&2): 67−86, (October).
[34] Marks, R.E. (1974) “The heroin problem: policy alternatives in dealing
with heroin use,” Journal of Drug Issues, 4(1): 69−91, (Winter). Submissions
[35] 2008 Marks R.E., “The satisficer’s curse,”
[36] 2007 Marks R.E. and Midgley D.F., “Using evolutionary computing to
explore social phenomena: modeling the interactions between consumers,retailers and brands,”
[37] 2008 Lawrance A.B., and Marks R.E., “Survival of firms and plants in a
supply-constrained industry,” submitted to the Economic Record.
[38] 2008 Young O, and Marks R.E., “Mergers across Borders: Analysing the
Internationalisation of Financial Institutions,”
Books — both authored and edited
[39] Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and Schnabl H., (editors),
(2000), Commerce, Complexity and Evolution: Topics in Economics,Finance, Marketing and Management: Proceedings of the TwelfthInternational Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, ed. by
W.A. Barnett, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xxvii + 394 p. ISBN 0-521-620309 Reviewed by James B. Wiley in The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6(2), 2003, at
[40] R. Standish, B. Henry, S. Watt, R. Marks, R. Stocker, D. Green, S. Keen,
and T. Bossomaier (editors), (1998), Complex Systems ’98: ComplexityBetween the Ecos: From Ecology to Economics, proceedings of the FourthConference on Complex Systems, UNSW, November−December 1998,Sydney: Conference Committee, vi + 393 p. ISBN 0 7334 0537 1
[41] Keen, S., Chiarella, C., Marks, R.E., and Schnabl, H., (editors), (1996),
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution Program and Papers, Sydney:Conference Organising Committee. ISBN 0-646-27524-0
[42] Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1988) (editors), Is the Australian LabourMarket Ripe for Deregulation? the Malcolm Fisher Festschrift, published as a special edition of the Australian Journal of Management, 13(2): 137−274, (December). ISSN: 0312-8962
[43] Marks, R.E. (1979) Non-Renewable Resources and DisequilibriumMacrodynamics, New York: Garland Publishing, xii, 335 p. ISBN:0-8240-4053-8 [My 1978 Stanford doctoral dissertation.]
Chapters in Books
[44] Marks R.E. (2013) “Monte Carlo,” in The Palgrave Encyclopædia ofStrategic Management, edited by David Teece and Mie Augier, London:Palgrave. (forthcoming)
[45] Wilkinson, I.F., Held, F., Marks, R.E., & Young, L. (2013). Developing
agent-based models of business relations and networks. In R. Stocker & T. Bossomaier (eds.), Networks in Society: Links and Language. Singapore:Pan-Stanford Publishing, Chapter 5. ISBN: 9789814316286
[46] Young O., and Marks R.E., (2007) “Four pillars debate needs refining,”
Australian Financial Review, August 22, 2005, p. 23. Reprinted in:Financial Institutions Management, (2nd Australian edition) by HelenLange, Anthony Saunders, Dianne Thomson, John A. Anderson, McGraw-Hill, 2007. ISBN 0074717499
[47] Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (2006), “Co-evolving better
strategies in oligopolistic price wars,” in Handbook of Research onNature-Inspired Computing for Economy and Management, edited byJean-Philippe Rennard, (Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc.), pp. 806−821. Reviewed at
[48] Marks R.E. (2006), “Market design using agent-based models,” Chapter
27, in the Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics, edited by Leigh Tesfatsion and KennethL. Judd, in the series Handbooks in Economics, (general editors K. Arrowand M. D. Intriligator), (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), pp. 1339−1380. (invited)
[49] Drake A.E. and Marks R.E. (2002) “Genetic algorithms in economics and
finance: forecasting stock market prices and foreign exchange — a review,”Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational Finance,ed. by Shu-Heng Chen, (Boston: Kluwer), pp. 29−54. (invited)
[50] Marks R.E. (2002) “Playing games with Genetic Algorithms,”
Evolutionary Computation in Economics and Finance, ed. by Shu-HengChen, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. Vol. 100, ed. by J. Kacprzyk, (Heidelberg, New York: Physica-Verlag), pp. 31−44. (invited)
[51] Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H. (2000) “Productivity performance of
Chinese state-owned enterprises in the early 1990s — a stochasticproduction frontier and Malmquist Productivity Index analysis,” in LloydP.J. and X.-G. Zhang (editors), China in the Global Economy, (London:Edward Elgar), pp. 65−85.
[52] Marks, R.E. (2000) “Evolved perception and the validation of simulation
models,” in Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and SchnablH., (editors), Commerce, Complexity and Evolution: Topics in Economics,Finance, Marketing and Management: Proceedings of the TwelfthInternational Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 335−350.
[53] Marks R.E. (2000) “Costs of change,” in Russell Fox, Justice in theTwenty-First Century, (London: Cavendish Publishing), pp. 227−235. (invited)
[54] Marks, R.E. (1999) “The triumph of the firm,” New Directions inCorporate Strategy, ed. by G. Twite and M. O’Keeffe, (Sydney: Allen &Unwin), pp. 39−46. (invited)
[55] Marks R.E., and Schnabl H. (1999) “Genetic Algorithms and Neural
Networks: a comparison based on the Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma,” Thomas Brenner (ed.), Computational Techniques for Modelling Learning in Economics, in the series Advances in Computational Economics 11, (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 197−219. (invited) Reviewed by Edmund Chattoe in The Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 10(5): 585−591, 2000, and in The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 5(1), 2002, at
[56] Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., and Cooper L.G. (1995) “Adaptive behavior in
an oligopoly,” Evolutionary Algorithms in Management Applications, ed. by J. Biethahn and V. Nissen, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), pp.225−239.
[57] Marks, R.E. (1992) “Costs of the prohibitions,” in Drugs Policy — Fact,Fiction and the Future, ed. by Russell Fox and Ian R. Mathews (Sydney:The Federation Press), pp.118−133. (invited)
[58] Marks, R.E. (1992) “Repeated games and finite automata,” in RecentDevelopments in Game Theory, ed. by J. Creedy, J. Eichberger, and J. Borland (London: Edward Elgar), pp.43−64. (invited)
Refereed Published Conference Papers
[59] Marks R.E. (2010), “Comparing Two Sets of Time-Series: The State
Similarity Measure,” In 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings —Statistics: A Key to Innovation in a Data-centric World, StatisticalComputing Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp. 539−551. (The Joint Statistical Meetings are held under the ægis of theAmerican Statistical Association, the International Biometric Society(Eastern North American Region, Western North American Region), theInstitute of Mathematical Statistics, the Statistical Society of Canada, theInternational Chinese Statistical Association, and the International IndianStatistical Association.) ISBN 978-0-9791747-9-7 (invited)
[60] Wilkinson, I. F., R. Marks, L. Young, (2010), “Toward agent-based models
of the development and evolution of business relations and networks,” inAli Minai, Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam (eds.), Unifying Themes inComplex Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference onComplex Systems, Volume 6, part of the New England Complex SystemsInstitute Series on Complexity, (New York: Springer), Chapter 26, pp. 414−421.
[61] Marks R.E. (2006), “Validation and functional complexity,” in T. Terano,
S. Takahashi, D. Sallach, and J. Rouchier (eds.), The First World Congresson Social Simulation, August 21−25, 2006, Kyoto University, Kyoto,Japan, Proceedings Volume 2, pp. 393−401. (A joint congress under theægis of the Pacific Asian Association for Agent-based Approach in SocialSystems Sciences, the North American Association for ComputationalSocial and Organizational Science, and the European Social SimulationAssociation.)
[62] Marks R.E. (2005), Designing electricity markets using simulation,
Proceedings of the INFORMS 2005 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, ed. byK. M. Weaver.
[63] Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H. (1999), “Efficiency and its
determinants in Chinese firms in the early 1990s — a stochasticproduction frontier function analysis,“ in Zhou Z.-Y., Chudleigh J., WanG.-H., and MacAuley G. (editors), The Chinese Economy Towards the21st Century, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of theAssociation of Australian Chinese Economic Studies, Orange, 12 July1998, (Orange, N.S.W.: Orange Agricultural College and Department ofAgricultural Economics, University of Sydney), pp. 185−214. ISBN:1864870176
[64] Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., Cooper, L.G. and Shiraz, G.M. (1999),
“Coevolution with the Genetic Algorithm: application to repeateddifferentiated oligopolies,” In Banzhaf, W., Daida, J., Eiben, A.E., Garzon,M.H., Honavar, V., Jakiela, M., & Smith, R.E. (eds.). GECCO-99:Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,July 13−17, 1999, Orlando, Florida USA. (San Francisco, CA: MorganKaufmann), pp. 1609−1615.
[65] Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., Cooper, L.G. and Shiraz, G.M. (1998), “The
complexity of competitive marketing strategies,” in Complex Systems ’98:Complexity Between the Ecos: From Ecology to Economics, Proceedingsof the Fourth Conference on Complex Systems, UNSW,November−December 1998, edited by R. Standish, B. Henry, S. Watt, R. Marks, R. Stocker, D. Green, S. Keen, and T. Bossomaier, (Sydney:Conference Committee), 1998, pp.336−345.
[66] Shiraz, G.M., Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., and Cooper, L.G. (1998),
“Using Genetic Algorithms to breed competitive strategies in marketing,”in the Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man, and Cybernetics, La Jolla, California, USA, October 11−14, 1998:Intelligent Systems for Humans in a Cyberworld. (New York: IEEE), pp. 2367−2372.
[67] Marks, R.E. (1996) “Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies,” in
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution Program and Papers, Volume Two,Tuesday February 13th, ed. by S. Keen, C. Chiarella, R. Marks, and H. Schnabl, (Sydney: Conference Organising Committee). (AGSM WorkingPaper 96−032, September 1996)
[68] Marks, R.E. (1992) “Finding the middle ground: the use of market
incentives to protect the environment,” in Enviromine AustraliaProceedings: Conference at Taronga Zoo, March 13−22, 1992, Volume 3,Abstracts and Supplementary Papers, ed. by J.E. Epps, D.P. Woodside, andD.R. O’Neill, (Sydney: The Australasian Institute of Mining andMetallurgy; The Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales).
[69] Marks, R.E. (1992) “Costs of illegal drug use,” in The Consequences ofAlcohol and Drug Use: Proceedings of the Fifth National Drug andAlcohol Research Centre Annual Symposium, Melbourne, March, 1992,
held as part of the Third International Conference on the Reduction ofDrug-Related Harm, ed. by W. Swift, (Sydney: National Drug and AlcoholResearch Centre, Monograph No. 15), pp. 18−31.
[70] Marks, R.E. (1991) “Australian energy policy and conservation,” in
Energy Systems, Management and Economics: Selected Papers from theIFAC/IFORS/IAEE Symposium, cosponsored by the InternationalFederation of Automatic Control, the International Federation ofOperational Research Societies, and the International Association forEnergy Economics, Tokyo, 25−27 October 1989, IFAC Symposia Series,1990. No. 14, ed. by Y. Nishikawa, Y. Kaya, and K. Yamaji, (Oxford:Pergamon Press for the IFAC), pp. 409−415.
[71] Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1990) “Abatement: global action, Australian
road transport, and macroeconomic costs,” in Greenhouse and Energy, ed. by D.J. Swaine, (Melbourne: CSIRO Australia), pp. 107−118.
[72] Marks, R.E. (1990) “Relaxing the prohibition: effects on supply and
demand,” in Controlled Availability: Wisdom or Disaster? ed. by J. Hando and J. Carless, (Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol ResearchCentre, Monograph No. 10), pp. 11−16.
[73] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Breeding hybrid strategies: optimal behavior for
oligopolists,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference onGenetic Algorithms, George Mason University, June 4−7, 1989, ed. byJ. David Schaffer, (San Mateo, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers),pp.198−207.
[74] Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1987) “Property rights and implicit discount
rates in the world oil market,” in: The Changing World Energy Economy:Papers and Proceedings of the Eighth Annual North AmericanConference, November 10−21, 1986, edited by D.O. Wood, (Cambridge,Mass.: International Association for Energy Economics), pp.525−530.
[75] Marks, R.E. (1980) “The value of perfect weather information to the
Australian tertiary sector,” in: Proceedings of the Conference on Value ofMeteorological Services, Melbourne, 21−23 February 1979,(Melbourne: Royal Meteorological Society/Economic Society of Australiaand New Zealand/Australian Agricultural Economics Society),pp. 129−147. Other Published Work
[76] Marks R.E. (2013) “Walking the line on GFC times,” The Conversation,
28 August.
[77] Marks R.E. and N.J. Vriend (2012) “The Special Issue, Overview,” TheKnowledge Engineering Review, 27(2): 115−122.
[78] Marks R.E. (2011), lecture materials from my AGSM course, Mngt 0204
Macroeconomics for Managers, republished in the Mining: Partnershipsfor Development Toolkit, published by the International Council onMining and Metals, London. (page 62)
[79] Marks R.E. (2011), “Pavlova,” ChemoSense, 13(4), September, p.8.
[80] Marks R.E. (2010) “A final farewell,” Australian Journal of Management,35(2): 115−117. (editorial)
[81] Marks R.E. (2010) “Welcome to SAGE Publications,” Australian Journalof Management, 35(1): 3−5. (editorial)
[82] Marks R.E. (2009), “Pilbara miners best judges of access,” AustralianFinancial Review, September 30, p.59. [a letter arguing for the AustralianCompetition Tribunal to take the market outcome into its consideration]
[83] Marks R.E. (2009) “Anatomy of a credit crisis,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 34(1): i−xxvii. (editorial)
[84] Marks R.E. (2008) “The dominoes fall: a timeline of the squeeze and crash
.,” Australian Journal of Management, 33(2): i−xx. (editorial)
[85] Marks R.E. (2008) “Right, said TED,” Insto (“Australia’s finance and
capital markets magazine”), Vol. 3, Issue 10, Oct/Nov, p. 54. [bailoutanalysis: the TED spread explained]
[86] Marks R.E. (2008) “Market knows best on shared facilities,” AustralianFinancial Review, August 11, p.71. [On “declaration” of infrastructure.]
[87] Marks R.E. (2008) “The subprime mortgage meltdown,” AustralianJournal of Management, 33(1): i−vii. (editorial)
[88] Marks R.E. (2007) “The old order changeth,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 32(2): i−vi. (editorial)
[89] Marks R.E. (2007) “Playing with Qantas,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 32(1): i−vi. (editorial)
[90] Marks R.E. (2007) “Playing for time’s a dangerous game,” AustralianFinancial Review, May 8, p.63. [On the QANTAS takeover bid.]
[91] Collins D., Lapsley H.M., and Marks R.E., (2007) The Three BillionDollar Question for Australian Business, Sydney: Australian Drug LawReform Foundation. (commissioned)ISBN 978-0-9579083-1-4
[92] Marks R.E. (2006) “There’s No Such Thing As Free Lunch,” AustralianJournal of Management, 31(2): i−viii. (editorial)
[93] Marks R.E. (2006) “Milton Friedman,” AGSM Magazine, Issue 02, 13
December. in part in G. Hubbard, A. Garnett, P. Lewis & T. O’Brien:Microeconomics, Pearson Education Australia, 2008. ISBN9780733986444 Reprinted in part in Hubbard, Garnett, Lewis & O’Brien:Essentials of Economics, Pearson Education Australia, 2009.
[94] Marks R.E. (2006) “The threesome: TLA, BCP, and AFP,” AustralianJournal of Management, 31(1): i−vi. (editorial)
[95] Marks R.E. (2006) Lies & Statistics: “Energy self-sufficiency for Australia
is not what matters,” Australian Financial Review, May 20−21, p.63.
[96] Marks R.E. (2006) “The sky’s not falling,” AGSM Magazine, Issue 01, 17
[97] Marks R.E. (2006) “BCP for AFP,” AGSM Magazine, Issue 01, 10 May.
[98] Marks R.E. (2006) “Pandemic planning makes sense,” AustralianFinancial Review, January 17, p.47.
[99] Marks R.E. (2005) “Avian influenza pandemic,” AGSM Magazine, Issue
03, 8 December.
[100] Marks R.E. (2005) “A new tool for scholars,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 30(2): i−iv. (editorial)
[101] Marks R.E., (2005) Counterpoint, (Letter correcting Peter Ruehl’s date for
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young), Australian Financial Review, November30, p. 59.
[102] Young O., and Marks R.E., (2005) “Four pillars debate needs refining,”
Australian Financial Review, August 22, p. 23. [On the four-bank policy.]
Reprinted in: Financial Institutions Management, (2nd Australian edition)by Helen Lange, Anthony Saunders, Dianne Thomson, John A. Anderson,McGraw-Hill, 2007. ISBN 0074717499
[103] Marks R.E. (2005) “Organisational behaviour, finance, and economics,”
Australian Journal of Management, 30(1): i−iv. (editorial)
[104] Marks R.E. (2005) Critically Examining Education About and For
Sustainability within MBA programs at the AGSM, Appendix B1, ofTilbury, D., Crawley, C., and Berry, F. (2005), Education About and ForSustainability in Australian Business Schools, Report prepared by theAustralian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) andArup Sustainability for the Australian Government Department of theEnvironment and Heritage, B1-i−B1-xii.,
[105] Marks R.E. (2004) “Learning, risk, and diversity,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 29(2): i−v. (editorial)
[106] Marks R.E. (2004) “The state of the Journal,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 29(1): i−iv. (editorial)
[107] Marks R.E. (2004) “SMS sale process falls short of mark,” AustralianFinancial Review, June 7, p.63.
[108] Marks R.E., (2004) Review of Decision Making Using Game Theory, by
Anthony Kelly, in AGSM Magazine, Issue: 1 * 2004, p.28.
[109] Marks R.E. (2004) “Pencils and managers,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 28(3): i−xii. (editorial)
[110] Marks R.E., (2003) Review of Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination andCommon Knowledge, by Michael Suk-Young Chwe, in AGSM Magazine,Issue: 2 * 2003, p.30.
[111] Marks R.E. (2003) “Models rule,” Australian Journal of Management,28(1): i−v. (editorial)
[112] Marks R.E. (2002) “Corporate governance, or where does ownership lie?”
Australian Journal of Management, 27(2): i−v. (editorial)
[113] Marks R.E. (2002) “Simulating economics,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 27(1): i−vi. (editorial)
[114] Marks R.E., Martin P., and Verbeek M., (2002) National CompetitionPolicy: A Discussion Paper. Planning the Second Wave: Future Directionsin the Reform of Legal Services Delivery, Sydney: Law Society of NewSouth Wales. (April)§ion=Law+Society+Journal&summary_sections=&query=marks+AND+martin+AND+verbeek&areao
[115] Marks R.E. (2001) “The anti-terrorist’s dilemma,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 26(2): i−iv. (editorial)
[116] Marks R.E. (2001) “Let the games begin,” AGSM Magazine, 20−21,
[117] Marks R.E. (2001) “Another door opens,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 26(1): i−vi. (editorial)
[118] Marks R.E. (2000) “Globalisation is at risk,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 25(3): i−v. (editorial)
[119] Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., and Cooper L.G. (2000) “Searching for
Markov Perfect equilibria in oligopolistic price wars,” The IndustryEconomics Conference, Sydney, (July 10−11), (Sydney: ConferenceProceedings CD-ROM), and (Fontainebleau: INSEAD Working Paper2000/65/MKT).
[120] Marks R.E. (2000) “New products, new firms, and prices,” AustralianJournal of Management, 25(1): i−v. (editorial)
[121] Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and Schnabl H., (2000),
“Volume editors’ preface,” in Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., MarksR.E., and Schnabl H., (eds.), Commerce, Complexity and Evolution:Topics in Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management: Proceedingsof the Twelfth International Symposium in Economic Theory andEconometrics, ed. by W.A. Barnett, (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress), pp. xiii−xx.
[122] Marks R.E. (1999) “Prices, options, and capacity,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 24(2): i−iii. (editorial)
[123] Marks R.E. (1999) “Globalisation, competition, and financial
instruments,” Australian Journal of Management, 24(1): i−v. (editorial)
[124] Marks R.E. (1998) “In search of efficiency,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 23(2): i−iv. (editorial)
[125] Marks R.E. (1998) “Prices and values,” Australian Journal ofManagement, 23(1): i−iv. (editorial)
[126] Marks R.E. (1997) “Risk and information—timely topics,” AustralianJournal of Management, 22(2): i−iii. (editorial)
[127] Marks R.E. (1997) “Deaths by drug policies: John Howard’s more-of-the-
same illicit drug policy will produce more drug deaths,” AustralianFinancial Review, November 6, p.19.
[128] Marks, R.E. (1994) “Energy policy research at Stanford University”, in
ERDIC Annual Report 1993, (Sydney: Energy Research Development andInformation Centre, UNSW) pp. 39−43.
[129] Marks, R.E. (1993) “The law of supply and demand,” Cannabis andNarcotics: Problems and Prospects for Decriminalisation, Proceedings of aConference on Drug Law Reform under the ægis of The Law Society ofNew South Wales, October 23, 1993. (Sydney: The Law Society ofN.S.W.).
[130] Marks, R.E. (1993) “Coffee price wars and the Genetic Algorithm:
estimating strategies in a real-world oligopoly,” (with Lee Cooper and D.F. Midgley), Emergent Structures, (A newsletter of the Economics ResearchProgram at the Santa Fe Institute), July 1993, pp.7−8.
[131] Marks, R.E. (1991) “Rejoinder,” [to “The risks and costs of
decriminalising drugs: a response to Robert Marks,” by David Hawks, Policy, 7(2): 25−27,Winter], Policy, 7(2): 27−28, Winter.
[132] Marks, R.E. (1991) “The case for a regulated drugs market,” Policy, 7(1):
[133] Marks, R.E. (1990) “Carbon taxes and road transport,” in Vehicles:Energy and Environmental Impacts, Proceedings of the Seminar held onOctober 10, 1990, (Sydney: Energy Research, Development andInformation Centre, University of New South Wales), (November).
[134] Marks, R.E. (1990) “Testimony before the Senate Standing Committee on
Industry, Science and Technology’s reference on Reducing the Impact ofthe Greenhouse Effect,” Official Hansard Report, pp. 818−982, Canberra(June 26).
[135] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Proposals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions
produced by Australian energy use,” Briefing Paper on Individualism andCollectivism: How Will Sustainability Affect the Roles of the Public andPrivate Sectors? in Sustainable Policies and Making Them Work, ANational Two-Day Conference, UNSW (9−10 November)
[136] Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde, P.B. Dixon and D.T.
Johnson, (1989) The Economic Consequences for Australia of theAdoption of the Toronto Proposal for Carbon Dioxide Emissions,(Melbourne: CRA Ltd.), (September).
[137] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Heroin: the case for legalisation,” AustralianMedicine, 1(7): 164, June 5.
[138] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Testimony before the Parliamentary Joint Committee
on the National Crime Authority’s inquiry on Drugs, Crime and Society,”Official Hansard Report, pp. 1,076−1,133, Canberra (March 16).
[139] Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1988) Introduction to the Malcolm Fisher
Festschrift: Is the Australian Labour Market Ripe for Deregulation? published in a special edition of Australian Journal of Management, 13(2): 137−139, (December).
[140] Marks, R.E. (1986) “World population and the ratio of the living and the
dead,” Verbatim 13(2): 9, Fall.
[141] Marks, R.E. (1986) “Easy-to-learn, WYSIWYG, technical word
processors?” net.text, June 5, 05:26:09 PST; (earliest of over 50 Usenetpostings), archived at
[142] Marks, R.E. (1985) “Discussion” [at the conclusion of the Institute of
Criminology seminar, “Drugs and Crime,” held on 26 June 1985, Sydney], Proceedings of the Institute of Criminology, 65: 64−66, 1985. Working Papers Not Elsewhere Published
[143] Ian F. Wilkinson, Louise Young, Robert Marks, and Fabian P. Held,
(2012), “Modelling the Emergence of Exchange Networks through CausalMechanisms,” European Conference on Complex Systems, UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles, 5−6 September.
[144] Ian F. Wilkinson, Louise Young, Robert Marks, Terry Bossomaier, and
Fabian P. Held, (2011), “Toward a Business Network Agent-BasedModeling System,” Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems,New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, Mass., June 26−July 1.
[145] Fabian Held, Robert Marks, Ian Wilkinson, and Louise Young (2010),
“Modelling the dynamics relations and networks in B2B markets,”ANZMAC 2010 Conference, Christchurch, NZ, November-December.
[146] Ian Wilkinson, Fabian Held, Robert Marks, and Louise Young, (2010),
“Modelling the dynamics and evolution of marketing systems as ComplexAdaptive Systems using agent-based simulations,” Second AnnualComplexity in Business Conference, Center for Complexity in Business,Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, November12, 2010, Washington, DC.
[147] Fabian Held, Robert Marks, Ian Wilkinson, and Louise Young (2010),
“Towards simulation models of the dynamics of business relations andnetworks,” presented at the IMP Conference 2010, Budapest, September.
[148] Fabian Held, Robert Marks, Ian Wilkinson, and Louise Young (2010),
“Exploring the dynamics of economic networks — first steps of a researchproject,” presented at the Third World Congress on Social Simulation,University of Kassel, September.
[149] Ramer A. and Marks R.E. (2009), “Constructive representation of trust:
single rule paradigm,” mimeo. Accepted for presentation at theInternational Workshop on Computational Social Networks (IWCSN) for2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence andIntelligent Agent Technology, Milan, September 2009, and publication inits proceedings.
[150] Marks R.E. and Midgley D.F. (2008), “The Retailer Needs to Be Paid for
Sophisticated Decisions: Modelling Promotional Interactions betweenConsumers, Retailers and Brand Managers,” (Fontainebleau: INSEADWorking Paper No. 2008/65/MKT)
[151] Lawrance, Anthony, and Marks, Robert, (2004) “Survival of firms and
plants in an extractive industry,” AGSM Working Paper 04−001, June.
[152] Lawrance A.B., and Marks R.E. (2000) “Duration analysis in the
Australian coal industry,” AGSM Working Paper 00−008 (April).
[153] Kong X., Marks R.E. (1999) “Enterprise institutional reform and
productive performance in Chinese state-owned enterprises 1990−1994,”AGSM Working Paper 99−003 (April).
[154] Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (1998) “Refining the breeding of
hybrid strategies,” AGSM Working Paper 98−017 (December).
[155] Drake A.E. and Marks R.E. (1998) “Genetic algorithms in economics and
finance: forecasting stock market prices and foreign exchange — a review,”AGSM Working Paper 98-004 (February).
[156] Marks R.E. (1998) “Competition and common property,” AGSM
[157] Midgley D.F., Marks R.E., and Cooper L.G. (1994) “Breeding competitive
strategies”, University of California at Los Angeles, Anderson GraduateSchool of Management Working Paper No. 242 and AGSM WorkingPaper 95-001 and Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 95-06-052. (Revised,August, 1995.) (Accepted for presentation at the Seventh World Congressof the Econometric Society, Tokyo, August 1995.)
[158] Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde (1989) “The feasibility
and implications for Australia of the adoption of the Toronto Proposal forcarbon dioxide emissions,” AGSM Working Paper 89−032 (November).
[159] Marks, R.E. (1989) “Niche strategies: the Prisoner’s Dilemma computer
tournaments revisited,” presented at the 1988 Australian EconomicsCongress under the auspices of the Econometric Society, Canberra(August−September), and AGSM Working Paper 89−009 (April). (provisionally accepted for publication by Computational Economics.)
[160] Marks, R.E. (1987) “Wages and discrimination with incomplete
information,” presented at the Fourth Analytical Economists’ Workshop,Canberra, (February), and the 1986 Australasian Meeting of theEconometric Society, Melbourne, (August), AGSM Working Paper 87−028(October).
[161] Marks, R.E. and R. Ball (1986) “Short-term supply side instability in the
oil market,” presented at the Fifteenth Conference of Economists,Melbourne, AGSM Working Paper 86−023 (September).
[162] Marks, R.E. (1983) “Energy, output, and employment in the short run,”
presented at the 1979 Econometric Society Meetings, Atlanta, AGSMWorking Paper 83−030 (October).
[163] Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1983) “Expectations and the Hotelling
Rule,” presented at the 1983 Australasian Meeting of the EconometricSociety, Canberra, and AGSM Working Paper 83−005 (February).
[164] Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1980) “The competitive pricing of non-
renewable natural resources,” presented at the 1979 Western EconomicAssociation Meetings, Las Vegas, Energy Modeling Forum OccasionalPaper OP 8.1, Stanford University, (July).
[165] Marks, R.E. (1970) Surface Fitting for Coons’ Patches, C.A.D. Group
Document No. 46, Computer-Aided Design Group, University ComputerLaboratory, Cambridge University, (October). Published Audio-Visual Works
[166] Marks, R.E. (1993) Doing Economics with Computers, an EES Silver
Symposium Series Videotape, (Stanford: Engineering-Economic Systems,Stanford University, April).
[167] Marks, R.E. (1993) Coffee Price Wars and the Genetic Algorithm:Estimating Strategies in a Real-World Oligopoly, a Santa Fe InstituteColloquium Videotape, (Santa Fe, N.M.: SFI), (February 26).
[168] Marks, R.E. (1991) Good Decisions, Better Outcomes—Taking theUncertainty out of Decision-Making, in The Emerging Manager—Responding to the Challenge of Change, An Audio Cassette Series for NewManagers, (Sydney: The National Training Division of The International,Professional, and Continuing Education Institute, UNSW), (May). Published Instructional Materials
[169] Owen, A.D., and Marks, R.E. (1996) “Australian energy markets,”
Energy Management, ed. by G.D. Sergeant, (Sydney: UNSW GraduateSchool of Engineering), Unit 3. On-Line Web Pages
[170] The AGSM Economics Cluster Web Pages,
Other Reports
[171] Marks R.E. (2008), “An Economist’s Interpretation of Criterion (b) A
Report on behalf of Allens Arthur Robinson,” questioning the NationalCompetition Council’s interpretation of the meaning of Criterion (b) inSection 44 of the Trade Practices Act 1974, for Rio Tinto Ltd.
[172] Harding R., Eckstein D., with Ashbolt N., Erskine W., Fox M., Johnson
G., Marks R., Moore S., and Waite D., (1996) “Development ofComposite Indices for State of Environment Reporting in NSW,” Institute
of Environmental Studies, UNSW, Sydney, for the NSW EnvironmentalProtection Authority.
[173] Marks, R.E. (1995) “Closed tender vs. open bidding auctions,”
Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney.
[174] Marks, R.E., and F. Reay (1988) “Notes on AJM Style,” mimeo., AGSM. [175] Marks, R.E. (1987) “Report on the Environmental Economic Effects of
the Proposed Wyan Quarry Development at Possum Brush, NSW,”Environmental Defender’s Office, Sydney.
[176] Louviere, J.J., R.E. Marks, and R. Mitchell (1980) “Forecasting long-term
contingencies in the demand for railway services,” Implementation &Management Group Pty. Ltd., Sydney, for the Australian Railway Researchand Development Organisation, Melbourne.
[177] Marks, R.E. (1978) “Non-renewable resources and disequilibrium
macrodynamics,” Department of Engineering-Economic Systems StudentThesis Series, Stanford, (February). Invited Unpublished Papers and Public Presentations
[178] 2014 Presentation at the McGrath-Nicol GPO Series: “The GFC Six Years
[179] 2014 Presentation at the School of Business, University of Western
Sydney, “Training of researchers in complexity and simulationtechniques,” February 27.
[180] 2013 Presentation at the Workshop, “Towards Large Multiscale
Simulations of Complex Socio-Economic Systems of HeterogeneousInteracting Agents,” under the auspices of the Society for EconomicSciences of Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (ESHIA), Nanyang TechnicalUniversity, Singapore, Nov 18−19, 2013. (invited)
[181] 2013 Presentation at the Business Valuation Special Interest Group of The
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, on “Learning Lessons?The GFC five years on,” in Sydney on Sept. 11. (invited)
[182] 2013 “Tutorial on Validation of Agent-Based Computer Simulation
Models,” IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for FinancialEngineering & Economics (CIFEr 2013), Symposium Series onComputational Intelligence (SSCI) 2013, Singapore, 16−19 April. (invited)
[183] 2011 “Validation and Model Selection: Three Measures,” at the Agent-
Based Modeling Workshop, sponsored by the Global Systems Dynamics &Policy project, (funded by the Seventh Framework Programme, FP 7, ofthe European Commission), The Sorbonne, Paris, September 8−10. (invited)
[184] 2010 “Learning Lessons: The GFC Two Years On,” keynote address at
the 2010 Conference on Dysfunctional Capital Markets, at the PaulWoolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality, October28, University of Technology, Sydney. (invited)
[185] 2010 “Verifying simulations with historical data — the State Simulation
Method,” presented at the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings of the AmericanStatistical Association/Institute of Mathematical Statistics/InternationalBiometric Society (ENAR & WNAR)/Statistical Society ofCanada/International Chinese Statistical Association/International IndianStatistical Association, Section on Statistics and Marketing, ComplexSystems in Marketing, Vancouver Convention Centre, July 3 − August 5,2010. (invited) and the Sydney Agents Group, University of Technology,Sydney, August 19.
[186] 2010 “Agent-based simulations with historical data — issues in
validation,” presented at the workshop, Advances in Agent-BasedComputational Economics, ADACE 2010, July 5−7, 2010, Center forInterdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany. (invited)
[187] 2009 “Issues in Validating Agent-based Models,” (with Daniel Klapper
and David Midgley), 2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference June4−6, 2009, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. andthe 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics andFinance, UTS, July 15−17, 2009.
[188] 2008 “Analysis and synthesis: multi-agent systems in the social sciences,”
First International Workshop on Market-Based Control of ComplexComputational Systems, University of Liverpool, September 1−2. (invited)
[189] 2008 “Learning to be risk averse?” 26th Australasian Economic Theory
Workshop, Bond University, Gold Coast, Qld, February 10−11.
[190] 2007 “Introduction to Modelling and Simulation,” Agent-Based
Modelling in Socio-Economic Systems: Summer School 2007, Centre forResearch in Complex Systems, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW;November 19−30. (invited)
[191] 2007 “Assuring Agent-Based Models of the Diffusion of Innovations,”
(with David Midgley and Dinesh Kunchamwar), Workshop on Agent-Based Models of Market Dynamics and Consumer Behavior, Groningen,Netherlands, August 22.
[192] 2007 “Introduction to Modelling and Simulation,” Workshop, the Eighth
Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems, Gold Coast, Qld., July 2. (invited)
[193] 2007 “Minimalism and model-building: an assured model of the
exchanges between consumers, retailers, and manufacturers,” (with DanielKlapper, University of Frankfurt; Dinesh Kunchamwar, Barclays Capital;and David Midgley, INSEAD), The Fourth Lake Arrowhead Conferenceon Human Complex Systems, April 25−29, U.C.L.A. the Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems, Gold Coast,Qld., July 2−5.
[194] 2007 “Assuring Agent-Based Models: the ’Next Practice’ in Modeling
Diffusion?” (with David Midgley, INSEAD), Marketing Science Instituteconference on “Accelerating Market Acceptance in a Networked World,”at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel and University of Southern California inLos Angeles, March 14−16.
[195] 2007 “The satisficer’s curse,” 25th Australasian Economic Theory
Workshop, A.N.U., Canberra, February 15−16.
[196] 2007 “Economics and Complex Systems,” at the one-week intensive:
Complex Systems: Beyond the Metaphor — Your Mathematical Toolkit,co-sponsored by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematics andStatistics of Complex Systems, COSNet, the Australian MathematicalScience Institute, and UNSW Mathematics & Statistics, at the AGSM, 5−9February. (invited)
[197] 2006 “Validation and Functional Complexity,” at the First World
Congress on Social Simulation, August 21−25, Kyoto University.
[198] 2006 “Development and Validation of a Multi-Agent Simulation of
Consumers, Retailers and Manufacturers,” with David Midgley, at the firstconference on Agent-based Models of Market Dynamics and ConsumerBehaviour, Guilford, UK, January 17−18.
[199] 2005 “Agent-Based Models and Market Design,” a lecture presented in
The New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston (NECSI) One-WeekIntensive Course: Complex Physical, Biological and Social Systems, held atthe AGSM, December 6. (invited)
[200] 2005 “An Avian Influenza Pandemic,” Keynote panellist at the London
Business School/Australian Financial Review/AGSM/MBS GlobalMasterclass Forum on Global Challenges and Opportunities for Australia,November 21, Melbourne, with Laura D. Tyson (Dean, London BusinessSchool), Chris Caton (Chief Economist, BT Financial Group), and IanHarper (Executive Director, Centre for Business & Public Policy, MBS). (invited)
[201] 2005 “Designing Electricity Markets using Simulation,” in the session on
Agent-based and Complementarity Programming Modelling of EnergyMarkets, at the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2005 — San Francisco,
“Ecologies, Economies and OR”, November 15. (invited)
[202] 2005 “Agent-Based Computational Economics and Market Design,” the
Fourth Herbert Simon Lecture Series (five three-hour lectures) at theNational Chengchi University, Taipei, and the National KaohsiungUniversity of Applied Sciences, October 23−28. (invited)
[203] 2005 “Electricity market design and auction theory,” Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Birmingham, July 7, sponsored by the University ofLiverpool’s EC-funded Market-Based Control Project. (invited)
[204] 2005 “Agent-based market design,” Agent-Based Models for Economic
Policy Research (ACEPOL05), Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,Bielefeld University, June 30−July 2. (invited)
[205] 2005 “Destructive verification & empirical validation of an agent-based
simulation of consumers, retailers & manufacturers,” (with DineshKunchamwar (NUS) and David Midgley (INSEAD)), The Third LakeArrowhead Conference on Computational Social Science and SocialComplexity: Agent-Based Modeling in the Social Sciences, May 19−21.,U.C.L.A.
[206] 2004 “Development of an empirically grounded and testable multi-agent
simulation of consumers, retailers and manufacturers,” (with DavidMidgley), Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS),Barcelona, 16th−17th December.
[207] 2004 “The interaction among consumers, retailers and manufacturers: an
agent-based model,” (with David Midgley), 2004 T.I.M.S. MarketingScience Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, June 25.
[208] 2004 “Market Design”, Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling, University
of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Ann Arbor, May2004. (invited)
[209] 2003 “Using market-based instruments to protect Port Hacking”, at the
Coastal Solutions Forum 2003, Cronulla, November 15. <>and <>
[210] 2003 “Black markets and illicit trade in diamonds”, at the Diamond
Industry Strategic Security Seminar, Argyle Diamonds, Perth, July 2.
[211] 2003 “The wine game”, (with Jay Horton) at Price Waterhouse Coopers,
Sydney, AGSM Alumni Life-Long Learning, June 10, 11.
[212] 2003 “The sellers and the store: explorations of a moderated oligopoly”,
(with David Midgley), The Second Lake Arrowhead Conference onComputational Social Science and Social Complexity: Agent-BasedModeling in the Social Sciences, March 19−21, U.C.L.A. (invited)
[213] 2002 “Endogenizing the actions of artificial brand managers”, (with
David Midgley and Lee Cooper), The First Lake Arrowhead Conferenceon Computational Social Science and Social Complexity: Agent-BasedModeling in the Social Sciences, May 9−12, U.C.L.A. (invited)
[214] 2000 “Efficient, competitive, and informed markets: Australian
Corporations Law and auctions,” presented at the School of Economics,UNSW, (May 19), (invited).
[215] 1999 “Criteria for comparative policy analysis in research and practice,”
presented as a Roundtable Participant at the Twenty-First AnnualAssociation for Public Policy Analysis and Management ResearchConference, Washington DC, (November). (invited)
[216] 1999 “Enterprise institution reform and productivity performance in
Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (1990−1994),” (with Xiang Kong),presented at the 1999 Taipei International Conference on Efficiency andProductivity Growth, July 30−31, 1999, The Institute of Economics,Academia Sinica (IEAS), Taipei, Taiwan.
[217] 1999 “Refining the breeding of hybrid strategies: repeated games in the
coffee market,” presented at the Computational Modeling Workshop,U.C.L.A. Anderson School & Division of Social Science, Los Angeles,(March). (invited)
[218] 1998 “Validation of simulation models,” accepted for presentation at the
workshop on ACE (Agent-based Computational Economics):Experimental Design and Data Analysis, for the International Federationof Automatic Control/Society for Computational Economics/InternationalFederation for Information Processing/International Federation ofOperational Research Societies Symposium on Computation in Economics,Finance, and Engineering: Economic Systems, Cambridge, UK, (June 29 −July 1) (invited)
[219] 1998 “Genetic algorithms and neural networks: a comparison based on
the repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma,” (with Hermann Schnabl), presented atthe workshop, Agent-Based and Population-Based Modelling of Learningin Economics, Max Planck Insitute for Research into Economic Systems,Jena, (March 2−3). (invited)
[220] 1997 “Electronic publishing: a practitioner’s view,” presented at the
UNSW Copyright Forum, Sydney, (July 10) (invited)<>
[221] 1995 “How boundedly rational are brand managers?” (with David
Midgley and Lee Cooper), presented at the the Santa Fe Insititute’sWorkshop on Artificial Economies (May) (invited), and the 1995 INFORMMarketing Science Conference, University of New South Wales, (4 July).
[222] 1993 “Doing economics with computers,” presented at the Engineering-
Economic Systems Silver Symposium Series, Stanford University, (March25). (invited)
[223] 1993 “Coffee price wars and the Genetic Algorithm: estimating strategies
in a real-world oligopoly,” (with Lee Cooper and David Midgley),presented in the Santa Fe Institute Colloquium Series, (February 26). (invited)
[224] 1992 “Benchmarking oligopolistic behavior: repeated games in the coffee
market,” presented at the Engineering-Economic Systems Department,Stanford University (November 10). (invited)
[225] 1992 “Costs of illegal drug use,” at The National Drug and Alcohol
Research Centre Annual Symposium on “Measuring the EconomicConsequences of Drug and Alcohol Use: Implications for Policy,” at TheThird International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm,Melbourne (23−26 March) (invited).
[226] 1991 “The costs of drug law enforcement,” presented at the Papua New
Guinea Foundation for Law, Order, and Justice’s international conferenceon Drug-Related Crime in Papua New Guinea, Lae (May 13−17) (Invitedby Mr Ken Egan, Director of the Foundation for Law, Order, and Justice,at the suggestion of Professor Duncan Chappell, director of the AustralianInstitute of Criminology, Canberra). (invited)
[227] 1991 “Finding the middle ground: markets and conservation,” presented
at the Department of Management, University of Western Australia, Perth(17 April) (invited).
[228] 1991 “Air-polluting behaviour in Australia: instruments for change,”
presented at Market-Based Environmental Policy, a conference hosted bythe School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney (20March) (invited)
[229] 1990 “Economic commentary,” presented at An Intensive One-Day
Briefing for Senior Decision-Makers on Environmental Strategy: NewEconomic Policies and Regulatory Schemes, Sydney and Melbourne (15,29 October), (Sydney: Calcutt Watson and Associates Pty. Ltd., 1990)(invited)
[230] 1990 “Carbon taxes and road transport,” presented at the Energy
Research Development and Information Centre’s seminar on Vehicles:Energy and Environmental Impacts, co-sponsored by the NSWDepartment of Minerals and Energy and the AGL Gas Companies,University of New South Wales (10 October) (invited).
[231] 1990 “Repeated games and finite automata,” presented at the Two-Day
Seminar on Recent Developments on Game Theory, University ofMelbourne (7−8 June) (invited).
[232] 1990 “Relaxing the prohibition of heroin: effects on supply and demand,”
presented at the Fifth International Conference on Treatment of AddictiveBehaviours, Sydney (4−9 February) (invited).
[233] 1989 “Economics of drug policies,” presented at Drugs, the Law, and
Medicine, a summit cosponsored by the Australian Doctors’ Fund and theAustralian Medical Association, Sydney (17−18 November) (Invited by DrBruce Shepherd, then President of the Australian Medical Association.)(invited)
[234] 1989 “Prohibition or regulation: an economist’s view of Australian heroin
policy,” presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Australian &New Zealand Society of Criminology, Sydney (July) (invited).
[235] 1974 “Decision-making under uncertainty,” Distinguished Visitor, Sixth
Winter Management Seminar, University of Melbourne Business SchoolAssociation (August 27). (invited)
Unpublished Papers, and Other Public Presentations
[236] 2014 Marks R.E., “Learning to be risk averse?” to be presented at IEEE
Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics 2014,March 27−28, London.
[237] 2014 Marks R.E., “Learning lessons? The global financial crisis five years
on,” to be presented at the COST Action ISO902 Systematic Risks,Financial Crises and Credit conference: The Financial Crisis — Failing toLearn and Learning to Fail? March 13, 2014 to March 15, 2014, atHarokopio University, Athens.
[238] 2001 Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H., “Productive performance of
Chinese state-owned enterprises in the early 1990s”, submitted to theChina Economic Review.
[239] 1997 “Refining the breeding of hybrid strategies,” (with David Midgley
and Lee Cooper), presented at the Third International Conference onComputing in Economics and Finance, Stanford, (June 30−July 2)
[240] 1996 “Optimal partitioning: evolved perception and behaviour in
oligopolies,” presented at the Second International Conference onComputing in Economics and Finance, University of Geneva, (26 June).
[241] 1994 “Adaptive behaviour in an oligopoly,” (with Lee Cooper and David
Midgley), presented at the Australasian Meetings of the EconometricSociety, University of New England, July, and the 15th Annual Conferenceof the Society for Economic Dynamics and Control, under the auspices ofthe Society for Computational Economics, Nafplion, Greece, June 25,1993.
[242] 1993 “Breeding optimal strategies for multiple-period competitive games
in mature markets,” (with Lee Cooper and D.F. Midgley), presented at The
1993 T.I.M.S. Marketing Science Conference, Washington University, (13March).
[243] 1991 “Costly complexity of strategies in repeated games,” presented at
the 1991 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, University ofNew South Wales, Sydney (10−13 July)
[244] 1990 “Measures of strategic complexity,” presented at the Sixth World
Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona (22−28 August).
[245] 1981 “Macro-economic effects of the import parity pricing of oil,”
presented at the Tenth Conference of Economists, Canberra, (August).
REM has presented papers, or acted as official discussant (*), at the following
conferences (i = invited):1974 The World Affairs Council of Northern California conference on the
world economy, Asilomar, Pacific Grove (i).*
1979 Conference on the Value of Meteorological Services, Melbourne (i). 1979 Western Economic Association Meetings, Las Vegas. 1979 Eighth Conference of Economists, Melbourne. 1979 Econometric Society Meetings, Atlanta. 1980 American Economic Association Meetings, Denver.*1981 Tenth Conference of Economists, Canberra. 1983 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Canberra. 1985 Third Analytical Economists’ Workshop, Sydney.*1985 Fourteenth Conference of Economists, Sydney. 1985 Institute of Criminology seminar, “Drugs and Crime,” Sydney.*1986 Fourth Analytical Economists’ Workshop, Canberra. 1986 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Melbourne. 1986 Fifteenth Conference of Economists, Melbourne. 1986 Eighth Annual North American Conference, International Association
for Energy Economics, Cambridge, Mass.
1988 Sixth Analytical Economists’ Workshop, Sydney.*1988 1988 Australian Economic Congress, Canberra. 1988 Australia−Japan Research Centre conference, “Japanese Corporate
Organisation and International Adjustment,” Canberra (i).*
1988 American Economic Association Meetings, New York. 1989 Seventh Analytical Economics Workshop, Canberra. 1989 Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their
1989 Fifth Annual Conference, Australian and New Zealand Society of
1989 First International Symposium on Energy Systems, Management and
1989 A National Two-Day Conference on Sustainable Policies and Making
1989 The Australian Doctors’ Fund Summit on Drugs, the Law and
1990 The Fifth International Conference on Treatment of Addictive
1990 The Two-Day Seminar on Recent Developments in Game Theory,
1990 The Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society, Barcelona. 1990 The Energy Research Development and Information Centre’s seminar
“Vehicles: Energy and Environmental Impacts,” Sydney (i).
1990 An Intensive One-Day Briefing for Senior Decision-Makers on
“Environmental Strategy: New Economic Policies andRegulatory Schemes,” Sydney and Melbourne (i).
1991 Ninth Economic Theory Workshop, Sydney.*1991 Conference on Market-Based Environmental Policy, Sydney (i). 1991 International Conference on Drug-Related Crime in Papua New
1991 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Sydney. 1992 Tenth Economic Theory Workshop, Sydney.*1992 EnvirominE Australia, Sydney (i). 1992 The Third International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related
1993 The 1993 T.I.M.S. Marketing Science Conference, St. Louis. 1993 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Dynamics and
1993 Conference on Drug Law Reform, “Cannabis and Narcotics: Problems
and Prospects for Decriminalisation,” Sydney (i)
1994 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Armadale. 1995 Santa Fe Institute Workshop on Artificial Economies, Santa Fe, New
1995 The 1995 INFORM Marketing Science Conference, Sydney. 1996 The Second International Conference on Computing in Economics and
1997 The Third International Conference on Computing in Economics and
1998 The Workshop on Agent-Based and Population-Based Modelling of
Learning in Economics, Max Planck Insitute for Researchinto Economic Systems, Jena. (i)
1999 Computational Modeling Workshop, U.C.L.A. Anderson School &
Division of Social Science, Los Angeles. (i)
1999 “Criteria for Comparative Policy Analysis in Research and Practice,”
Roundtable Participant at the Twenty-First AnnualAssociation for Public Policy Analysis and ManagementResearch Conference, Washington DC. (i)
2002 The First Lake Arrowhead Conference on Computational Social
Science and Social Complexity: Agent-Based Modeling in theSocial Sciences, May 9−12, U.C.L.A. (i)
2003 The Diamond Industry Strategic Security Seminar, Argyle Diamonds,
2004 Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling, University of Michigan Center
for the Study of Complex Systems, Ann Arbor, May. (i)
2005 Agent-Based Models for Economic Policy Research (ACEPOL05),
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, BielefeldUniversity, June 30−July 2. (i)
2005 The INFORMS Annual Meeting — San Francisco, “Ecologies,
Economies and OR”, November 15. (i)
2005 The London Business School/Australian Financial Review/AGSM/
MBS Global Masterclass Forum on Global Challenges andOpportunities for Australia, November 21, Melbourne. (i)
2005 The New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston (NECSI) One-
Week Intensive Course: Complex Physical, Biological andSocial Systems, held at the AGSM, December 6. (i)
2006 The First World Congress on Social Simulation, Kyoto University,
2007 25th Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, A.N.U., Canberra,
2007 The Fourth Lake Arrowhead Conference on Human Complex
2007 The Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems, Gold Coast,
2007 Agent-Based Modelling in Socio-Economic Systems: Summer School
2007, Centre for Research in Complex Systems, CharlesSturt University, Bathurst, NSW; November 19−30.
2008 The 26th Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, Bond University,
2008 First International Workshop on Market-Based Control of Complex
Computational Systems, University of Liverpool, September1−2.
2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Michigan,
2009 The 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance, University of Technology, Sydney, July 15−17.
2010 Advances in Agent-Based Computational Economics, ADACE 2010,
July 5−7, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),Bielefeld University, Germany. (invited)
2010 The Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association,
Section on Statistics and Marketing, Complex Systems inMarketing, Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver,Canada, July 3 − August 5. (invited)
2010 Conference 2010, Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital
Market Dysfunctionality, University of Technology, Sydney,October 28.
2011 9th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management
Symposium 2011, Deakin Management Centre, DeakinUniversity, Geelong, June 15−17. (invited)
2011 Agent-Based Modeling Workshop, Global Systems Dynamics & Policy,
The Sorbonne, Paris, September 8−10. (invited)
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial
Engineering & Economics (CIFEr 2013), Symposium Serieson Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2013, Singapore,16−19 April. (invited)
2013 The Workshop, “Towards Large Multiscale Simulations of Complex
Socio-Economic Systems of Heterogeneous InteractingAgents,” the Society for Economic Sciences ofHeterogeneous Interacting Agents (ESHIA), NanyangTechnical University, Singapore, Nov 18-19, 2013. (invited)
REM has also presented invited papers at the following institutions and
universities:Arizona State UniversityAustralian National UniversityBond UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityDeakin UniversityDecision Focus Inc., Los Altos, CaliforniaGeorge Mason UniversityLa Trobe UniversityMacquarie UniversityMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Max Planck Institute, JenaMonash UniversityNanyang Technical University, SingaporeNational Chengchi University, TaipeiNational Kaohsiung University of Applied SciencesThe Sorbonne, ParisStanford UniversityThe Santa Fe InstituteUniversity of BielefeldUniversity of BirminghamUniversity of California at BerkeleyUniversity of California at Los AngelesUniversity of CambridgeUniversity of GenevaUniversity of KyotoUniversity of LiverpoolUniversity of Melbourne
University of MichiganUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of New South Wales (Law, Applied Mathematics, Science &
Technology Studies, National Drug & Alcohol ResearchCentre, Community Medicine, Economics)
University of RochesterUniversity of SydneyUniversity of Technology, SydneyUniversity of UtahUniversity of Western AustraliaUniversity of WollongongWashington University
Other Research-Related Activities:
1976 Rapporteur, Conference on the Economics of Natural Resources,
cosponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation, theNational Bureau of Economic Research, and the Center forResearch in the Economics of Energy, Stanford University, (July23−24)
Reviewer, Australian Journal of Management
1983 Book Reviewer, Journal of Industrial Relations1987−
Reviewer, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
1989 Ph.D. dissertation examiner, University of Melbourne (Energy
Supervisor, Successful Doctoral Candidates:
Jeffrey James Bateson: An Economic Analysis of Electricity Supply inNew South Wales: Prospects for Competition, 1989 (co-supervisor). After graduation, Dr. Bateson held positions with the NSWTreasury (chief economist and director of its commercial sectordivision), County NatWest Corporate Finance, Sydney (associatedirector), CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd. (G.M., strategy anddevelopment), Innogy Holdings plc U.K. (CFO and planningdirector), and Wind Hydrogen Limited, Sydney (executivedirector).
Boon Chye Lee: The Economics of International Debt Renegotiation:The R ˆole of Bargaining and Information, 1990. Published as abook by Westview Press (Boulder, San Francisco, and Oxford),1993. On graduation, Dr. Lee was appointed Lecturer and tenuredSenior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Wollongong;
later in the Planning & Corporate Performance Directorate,Community Services, NSW Department of Human Services,Australia.
Xiang Kong: China’s Industrial Reform and the ProductivePerformance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2000. Dr. Kong is Director, Comprehensive Research Institute of theShenzhen Stock Exchange, China. China.
Anthony Lawrance: The Structure and Evolution of the AustralianCoal Industry 1960−1999, 2002. Dr. Lawrance was an honorary Research Associate at the AGSM.
Owen Young: Internationalisation of Financial Services Firms, 2007.
Dr. Young is with Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore.
Phillia Restiani: Essays in Market Design for Emissions TradingSchemes, 2010/2011 (co-supervisor). Dr. Restiani is a Programme Officer, Knowledge Services, at theStockholm International Water Institute, Sweden.
Fabian Held: Modelling the Evolution of Business Relationships and
Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems, (co-supervisor)2009−13. Dr. Held is a Research Associate at the Charles Perkins Centre,University of Sydney.
1990 Honours dissertation examiner, University of Wollongong (Drug
Reviewer, International Economic Review
1991 Reference Group Member, National Centre for Epidemiology and
Population Health’s project, “Feasibility Research into theControlled Availability of Opioids — Stage 1”. (invited)
Referee of applications for funding from the Research into Drug
Abuse Grants Program of the National Campaign Against DrugAbuse, Commonwealth Department of Community Services andHealth. (invited)
1992 Keynote speaker on “Costs and Trade-Offs in Environmental
Management,” EnvirominE Australia, co-sponsored by TheAustralasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and TheZoological Parks Board of New South Wales. (invited)
1992 Co-Convenor and Chair of the National Drug and Alcohol Research
Centre Annual Symposium on “Measuring the EconomicConsequences of Drug and Alcohol Use: Implications for Policy,”The Third International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, Melbourne (23−26 March). (invited)
Research Team Member, National Centre for Epidemiology and
Population Health’s project, “Feasibility Research into theControlled Availability of Opioids — Stage 2”, funded by theAustralian National University’s Strategic Development Fund. (invited)
Reviewer, Australian Journal of Political Science.
Reviewer, Australian Research Council Small Grant proposals.
University of New South Wales, AGSM (1994−)University of Sydney, Faculty of Economics (1995)Macquarie University, Graduate School of the Environment(1996)
Reviewer, The Energy Journal. (U.S.A.)
Reviewer, Journal of Economic Studies. (U.K.)
1994−1995 Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference of
Evolutionary Computing, Perth (W.A.), November 1995. (invited)
Referee of applications for funding from the National Health and
Medical Research Council. (invited)
Reviewer, Journal of Evolutionary Economics (Germany)
Manuscript reviewer, Oxford University Press.
Manuscript reviewer, Jacaranda Wiley.
Manuscript reviewer, HarperEducation.
Reviewer, Australian Research Council Large/Discovery Grant
1995 Delphi Group Participant, Office of Strategic Crime Assessment,
Commonwealth Law Enforcement Board, “Heroin Delphi”. (invited)
1995−1996 Member, Organising Committee for the Conference, “Commerce,
Complexity, and Evolution,” UNSW, February, 1996.
1996−1977 Diploma dissertation examiner, University of Stuttgart, Institut für
Sozialforschung, Abteilung für Privatrecht. (Use of geneticalgorithms in economics and finance.)
Manuscript reviewer, Addison Wesley Longman.
Reviewer, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (U.K.)
Foundation editorial board member, Journal of Comparative PolicyAnalysis: Theory and Practice, (ISSN 1387-6988; Kluwer1997−2003, Routledge 2004−). (invited)
Reviewer, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
1997 Ph.D. dissertation examiner, Australian National University (The
economics of organisations and management)
Reviewer, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource
1997 Invited Discussant at the Ph.D. Conference in Economics and
Business, Economic Research Centre, Department of Economics,The University of Western Australia (November 5−7) (invited)
1998 Invited Co-organiser (with colleagues from the University of London
and the University of Illinois) of a session on Applications/Policy
Use of Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE), the ACEWorkshops for the International Federation of AutomaticControl/Society for Computational Economics/InternationalFederation for Information Processing/International Federation ofOperational Research Societies Symposium on Computation inEconomics, Finance, and Engineering: Economic Systems,Cambridge, UK, (June 29 − July 1) (invited)
Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Social,
1998 Member, organising committee, Fourth Conference on Complex
Systems, UNSW, November 1998. (invited)
1998 Member, program committee, Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference, Orlando, Florida, July 1999. (invited)
Reviewer, Computational Economics (The Netherlands)
Reviewer, Advances in Evolutionary Computation, (eds. A. Ghosh
and S. Tsutsui, University of Illinois) Springer-Verlag, New York,2003.
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,
special issue on Agent-Based Modeling of Evolutionary EconomicSystems (U.S.A.) (invited)
Member, Program Committee of the Second International Workshop
on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, held aspart of the Sixth Joint Conference on Information Science, held atthe Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A. March8−13, 2002. (invited)
2002 Ph.D. dissertation examiner, UNSW (Real options)2002−
Reviewer, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and
2002−2003 Ph.D. dissertation examiner, Latrobe University (Industrial
2002−2003 Member, Program Committee of the Third International Workshop
on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, to beheld as part of the Seventh Joint Conference on InformationSciences, Cary, North Carolina, September 26−30, 2003. (invited)
Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation grant proposal on
“Understanding critical workforce shortages: an agent-basedmodeling approach to synthesizing individual, organizational,and labor market effects.”
Referee, Iowa State University, application for conferral of
Distinguished Professor in Sciences and Humanities.
Referee, Bilkent University (Turkey), application for appointment as
Associate Professor in Faculty of Economics, Administrative andSocial Social Sciences.
Reviewer, Australian Economic Review (Australia)
Manuscript reviewer, Cambridge University Press.
Doctoral examiner, London Business School. (Industrial
organisation: agent-based electricity markets) (invited)
Reviewer, Bulletin of Economic Research, (U.K.)
Foundation editorial board member, Journal of EconomicInteraction and Coordination, (ISSN: 1860-711X; for the Societyof Economic Science with Heterogeneous Agents, by Springer). (invited)
Reviewer, Applied Psychology: An International Review, (U.K.)
Local host, The New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston
(NECSI) One-Week Intensive Course: Complex Physical,Biological and Social Systems, held at the AGSM, December 5−9. (invited)
2005−2006 Program Committee Member, The Fifth International Conference on
Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF06),Kaohsiung City. Taiwan. October 8−11. 2006. (invited)
Member, ARC Economic Design Network.
Member, ARC Complex Open Systems Research Network.
Reviewer, U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Decision,
Risk and Management Science Program. (invited)
2006−2007 Member, Program Committee of the 13th International Conference
on Computing in Economics and Finance, under the auspices ofthe Society for Computational Economics, (SCE2007), 14−16June 2007 at HEC Montreal, Canada. (invited)
2006−2007 Member, Program Committee (Business and Economics) of the
Eighth Australian-Pacific Complex Systems Conference,Complex’07, Brisbane, July 2−6.
2006−2007 Member, Program Committee of the Sixth International Conference
on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance(CIEF2007), at the Marriott Salt Lake City Center, Salt LakeCity, Utah, USA, July 15−22, 2007. (invited)
2006−2007 Member, Program Committee for the Workshop on Complex
Adaptive Economic Systems, at the 9th European Conference onArtificial Life (September 10th−14th, 2007), Lisbon. Portugal. (invited)
Guest Editor, two Special Issues of The Knowledge EngineeringReview (ISSN: 0269-8889; C.U.P.) on on the topic of multi-agentsimulation models in economics.
Reviewer, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, U.K.
Reviewer, Organizational Science, U.S.A.
Founding member, Advisory Board of the Complex Systems
Research Centre, University of Technology, Sydney.
Member, Computational Finance and Economics Technical
Committee (CFETC) of the Computational Intelligence Society(CIS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada/Conseil de researches en sciences humaines du Canada. (SSHRCC)
2008 Ph.D. dissertation examiner, University of Sydney. (Game theory)2008 Member of the Expert Advisory Panel of the Market-Based Control
of Complex Computational Systems Project, sponsored by theU.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC), at the Universities of Liverpool, Birmingham, andSouthampton. (invited)
2008 Project Assessor, Early Career Researcher, Small Grants Scheme
2008, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University.
2008 PhD dissertation examiner, Swinburne University of Technology,
2008 Scientific Committee Member, The II International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (XII CIO2008), Burgos (Spain), September 3−5, 2008. (invited)
2008 Program Committee Member, The Seventh International Conference
on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance(CIEF08), Taiwan, December 5−7, 2008. (invited)
Reviewer, Australian Economic Papers.
Nominator for the Calvó-Armengol International Prize, established
by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, the Governmentof Andorra, and the Credit Andorrà Foundation. (invited)
2009 Scientific Committee Member, The International Conference on
Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents 2009(ESHIA/WEHIA 2009), Beijing, China, June 18−20, 2009. (invited)
2009 Reviewer, the Annals of International Society of Dynamic Games,
Vol. XI, ed. by Michele Breton (Springer).
2009 Member, project review panel, Deanship of Scientific Research, King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. (invited)
2009−2010 Member, Program Committee, First International Workshop on
Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2010), at theNinth International Conference on Autonomous Agents andMultiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010) in Toronto, Canada, 11thMay, 2010. (invited)
2010 Scientific Committee Member, The XIV Congress of Engineering
Organization — IV International Conference on IndustrialEngineering and Industrial Management (CIO2010) Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain), September 8−10, 2010. (invited)
2010 Reviewer, Environmental Science & Technology, USA. 2010 Member, The Ormond College (University of Melbourne)
Sustainability Committee panel. (invited)
2010 Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI
Reviewer, The Economic Papers, Australia. (invited)
2010 Peer Reviewer for the Excellence in Research for Australia of the
Australian Research Council. (invited)
2010−2011 Member, Program Committee, Second International Workshop on
Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2011), at theTenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents andMultiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011) in Taipei, Taiwan, May,2011. (invited)
Reviewer, Industrial Marketing Management, U.S.A. (invited)
Reviewer, Sociological Methods and Research, U.S.A. (invited)
Reviewer, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research,
Division of Social Sciences. (invited)
2012 Member, Program Committee, Third International Workshop on
Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2012), at theEleventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents andMultiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012) in Valencia, Spain, 4−8thJune, 2012. (invited)
Reviewer, International Journal of Technology, Policy and
Invited participant, Productivity Commission roundtable on the
National Access Regime, Sydney, February.
Member of the International Program Committee of the
International Workshop on Computational, Cognitive andBehavioral Social Science (CCB) at the 2013 Conference onTechnologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2013) in Taipei, Taiwan. in 6−8 December 2013. (invited)
Reviewer, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. (invited)
Reviewer, International Journal of Forecasting. (invited)
Reviewer, Journal of International Business Studies. (invited)
Professional Experience:
1969 Research Officer, Division of Building Research, Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, (Melbourne):Computer analysis and design of ductile structures.
1969−1970 Research Assistant, Urban Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology:Dynamics of urban growth, in the New Cities Program.
1970 Researcher, Computer-Aided Design Group, University Computer
Laboratory, University of Cambridge:Mathematical description of curved surfaces.
1975−1977 Research Assistant, National Bureau of Economic Research − West,
(Stanford):Use of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to help identify “problem”banks by analyzing their liability portfolios.
1979−1980 Consultant, Australian Railways Research and Development
Organisation, (Melbourne):Use of econometric and systems dynamics models in long-rangeforecasting.
1980−1981 Advisor to the ACTU−CAGEO submission to the Australian Financial
1983 Advisor to the Tasmanian Wilderness Society:
The economics of job generation and “sunrise” industry assistance.
1985 Consultant, Decision Focus Incorporated (Los Altos, California):
Modelling the Australian energy-economy system.
1985−1987 Consultant, Environmental Defender’s Office Ltd, (Sydney):
Economic appraisal of Environmental Impact Statements: the proposedDargue’s Reef gold-mine and the proposed Wyan hard-rock quarry.
1987 Expert Witness, N.S.W. Land and Environment Court:
In the matter of the proposed Wyan hard-rock quarry.
1987 Consultant, Bankstown City Council (Sydney):
Financial appraisal of proposed property developments.
1988 Consultant, University of New South Wales (Sydney):
1989 Address, Tenth Senior Executive Officers’ Course, Australian Police
Staff College (Sydney) (March):Drugs policy.
1989 Expert Witness; Parliament of Australia; Joint Committee on the
National Crime Authority; Inquiry into Drugs, Crime and Society(Sydney):Drugs policy.
1989−1991 Consultant, CRA Ltd. (Melbourne):
Energy, fuels, and carbon dioxide emissions.
1990 Address, Western Australian Coal Industry Council, (Collie, March
8):The Toronto proposal for carbon dioxide emissions.
1990 Presentation at the half-day seminar on current energy issues,
organised by the ALP’s Energy Science & Technology PolicyCommittee, (Melbourne, 24 June):Greenhouse: the energy and economic context.
1990 Expert Witness: Parliament of Australia; Senate Standing Committee
on Industry, Science and Technology; Inquiry into reducing theimpact of the greenhouse effect (Melbourne, June 26):The cost of Australian carbon dioxide abatement.
1992 Consultant, Corporate ScoreCard Pty. Ltd., (Sydney):
Scoring multi-attribute economic risk.
1994 Consultant, Unisearch, for the Department of Primary Industry and
Energy, (Canberra):Economics of residential energy use
1994−1996 Consultant, Unisearch, for the NSW Environmental Protection
Authority, (Sydney):The development of composite indices for the NSW State of the
1994−1995 Expert Witness, for Australian Metals Holdings Pty. Ltd., before the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal,In the matter of Australian Metal Holdings Pty. Ltd. v. the AustralianSecurities Commission.
1995 Lecturer at the Anglovaal Limited Phakamisa Programme, Australia,
for AGSM Ltd. (Sydney, May 2):Australia — Some Economic Issues
1996 Consultant, Unisearch, for Multiplex Constructions Pty. Ltd.,
(Sydney):Decision making for construction of the Olympic Stadium
1996 Consultant, with Freehill Hollingdale & Page (Sydney), for
Amalgamated Television Services Pty. Ltd. (the Seven Network),in a trade practices matter: Seven Network Ltd. ats AustralianCompetition and Consumer Commission.
1997 Consultant, Freehill Hollingdale & Page (Sydney), for Austar
Entertainment Pty. Ltd., STV Pty. Ltd., and CTV Pty. Ltd., in atrade practices matter:The markets for television services
1997 Consultant, Freehill Hollingdale & Page (Sydney), preparation and
presentation of the seven-module programme, “Economics forCompetition Lawyers”.
1997 Consultant, Mallesons Stephen Jaques (Sydney), discussion on a
presentation on strategy for lawyers.
1997 Consultant, Phillips Fox (Sydney), for East Coast Pay Television Pty
Ltd, in a trade practices matter:The markets for television services
1999 Consultant, for Austar Entertainment Pty. Ltd. (Sydney), in a
submission to the Australian Competition and ConsumerCommission:Declaration of prescription broadband television services.
2000 Consultant, Centre for International Economics (Canberra and
Sydney) for the N.S.W. Treasury, with “A Training Course onContract Theory and Its Application to Government.”
2000 Consultant, Dymock’s Booksellers per Deacon’s (Sydney):
The value of an on-line bookseller, and its impact on bricks-and-mortarbooksellers.
2001−2002 Consultant, The NSW Law Society per The Profit Foundation
(Sydney):An economic analysis of the NSW Legal Services Sector.
2001−2002 Consultant, The Profit Foundation (Sydney):
2003 Consultant, Price Waterhouse Coopers (Sydney):
2003 Consultant, Resource Protection Group/Argyle Diamonds (Perth):
2004 Consultant, Commonwealth Department of Environment and
Heritage: Education about and for Sustainability in AustralianBusiness Schools.
2005 Consultant, N M Rothschild & Sons (Australia) Limited, (Sydney),
preparation and delivery of lectures on Applied Game Theory:Bargaining and Auctions.
2006 Consultant, Australian and New Zealand College of Anæsthetists,
(Melbourne), avian ’flu pandemic and business continuityplanning.
2006 Consultant, Royal North Shore Hospital Pain Management &
Research Centre, (Sydney), managing pain management clinics.
2007−2008 Consultant, Rio Tinto per Allens Arthur Robinson (Melbourne),
declaration of mining infrastructure and the Trade Practices Act.
2009 Address to students in the Energy Industry Study of the National
Defense University, Industrial College of the Armed Services,Washington, D.C., May 8.
2010−2011 Consultant, Baxter Health Care Pty Ltd (Sydney), on the Request for
Tender for the Supply of Imported Plasma and RecombinantProducts. Professional Memberships:
Member, The Economic Society of AustraliaMember, The American Economics AssociationMember, The Econometric SocietyMember, The Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsMember, The International Association for Energy EconomicsMember, The Institute for Operations Research and the ManagementSciencesMember, Association of Economic Science with HeterogeneousInteracting Agents
Current Work:
(1) Energy Policy, the World Oil Market, and the Environment.
• Feasibility and cost of reducing CO 2 emissions.
• Environmental cost-benefit analysis.
• The effects of energy supply fluctuations on employment
• Competitive pricing of mineral resources.
(2) Strategic Behaviour and Optimal Strategies.
• Rational expectations and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.
• Simulation of the evolution of economic institutions using
the genetic algorithm. Co-Director, AGSM Computer Tournament, 1986.
(4) The Economics of Incomplete Information. Institutional Rôles — University
1977−1987 AGSM Representative, UNSW Text and Reference Book Consultative
How to Use a Metered -Dose Inhaler (MDI) Follow these guidelines to help you use your MDI properly to get the most benefit from your medication. Have a member of your healthcare team watch you use the inhaler to make suggestions on improving your technique and answer any questions you have. 1. Shake the inhaler 5 or 6 times immediately before use. 2. Remove the cap from the mouthpiece. If t
Gaps in Technology, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Staff, Stationery Office,2002, 011920097X, 9780119200973, . Gaps in Technology. A history of computing in the twentieth century a collection of essays, Nicholas Metropolis, 1980, Computers,659 pages. Indhold: Part 1: Introduction; Part 2: The human side; Part 3: The languages; Part 4: The machines;Part 5: The places. Cl