Comparing rates of psychiatric and behavior disorders in adolescents and young adults with severe intellectual disability with and without autism
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 34, No. 2, April 2004 ( 2004)Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults with Severe Intellectual Disability with and without Autism Elspeth A. Bradley,1,5 Jane A. Summers,2 Hayley L. Wood,3 and Susan E. Bryson4
Eight males and four females with an Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) diagnosisof autism (mean age of 16.3 years) and severe intellectual disability (IQ < 40) were individu-ally matched to controls on the basis of chronological age, gender, and nonverbal IQ. The de-pendent measure was the Diagnostic Assessment for the Severely Handicapped-II, which is usedto screen for psychiatric and behavior disorders in lower-functioning individuals. Participantswith autism showed significantly greater disturbances as measured by the Diagnostic Assess-ment for the Severely Handicapped-II total score and seven of 13 subscales. They also averaged5.25 clinically significant disturbances compared with 1.25 disturbances for participants with-out autism. Specific vulnerabilities to anxiety, mood, sleep, organic syndromes, and stereotypies/tics were found in the participants with comorbid autism. KEY WORDS: Autism; intellectual disability; adolescence; behavior and psychiatric disorders. INTRODUCTION
several factors, including the characteristics of theindividuals being evaluated (e.g., their level of intel-
One of the most consistent findings to emerge in
lectual disability, age, gender, medical or genetic
recent years is the increased prevalence of psychiatric
conditions, family history), their living arrangements
and behavior disorders among individuals with intel-
(e.g., community settings, clinical or institutional
lectual disability6 compared with the general popula-
settings), the sampling methods used in the study (e.g.,
tion. It has been estimated that anywhere from 10% to
population-based approaches, clinic referrals), and the
70% of individuals present with such behavioral or psy-
clinical criteria (psychiatric disorders only vs. psy-
chiatric disturbance (Bregman, 1991). The variability
chiatric, behavioral, or emotional disorders) and as-
in findings can be understood as an interaction among
sessment approaches (e.g., semistructured clinicalinterviews, file reviews, observations, rating scales) that
were used for ascertainment and diagnosis (Borthwick-
Surrey Place Centre and the Department of Psychiatry, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2 Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University, Hamilton,
There is tremendous diversity among individuals
with intellectual disability in terms of functioning level,
3 The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4
etiology of disabilities, and other variables likely to
Department of Pediatrics and Psychology, Dalhousie University,
affect mental health. Existing prevalence data pertain
5 Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Elspeth Bradley,
largely to undifferentiated populations in terms of these
Biomedical Sciences and Research Division, Surrey Place Centre,
variables. There is a growing trend, however, for re-
2 Surrey Place, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 2C2; e-mail: e.bradley@
searchers to study mental health disorders within
smaller, more homogeneous subgroups. Recent ad-
The term “intellectual disability” is used synonymously with mental
vances in the field of genetics have paved the way
retardation as defined in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (4th ed.)(DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
for the identification of psychiatric and behavioral
0162-3257/04/0400-0151/0 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Bradley, Summers, Wood, and Bryson
phenotypes in groups of individuals with a genetic eti-
this subset of individuals with autism who also have
ology for their intellectual disability. As a result, there
severe intellectual disability, although there has been
is mounting evidence that some syndromes (e.g., Down,
increasing attention to these issues in recent years
Williams, Prader-Willi, Deletion 22q11.2, and Fragile
X) are associated with different rates and patterns of,
Diagnosing psychiatric and behavior disorders in
as well as vulnerabilities to, mental health disorders
persons with severe cognitive and communicative im-
(Dykens, Hodapp, & Finucane, 2000). More discover-
pairments such as those with intellectual disability and
ies of this type will help bring greater clarity and speci-
autism poses formidable challenges (King, DeAntonio,
ficity to the prevalence statistics.
McCracken, Forness, & Ackerland, 1994). Existing di-
Autism and autism spectrum disorders make up
agnostic classificatory systems (DSM-IV, American
one of the largest diagnostic subgroups within the en-
Psychiatric Association, 1994; ICD-10-CDDG, World
tire population of individuals with intellectual disabil-
Health Organization, 1992) rely heavily on descriptions
ity (Nordin & Gillberg, 1996; Stromme & Diseth,
of the subjective experiences of the individuals who are
2000). Autism is a behaviorally defined syndrome that
being diagnosed. Applying these diagnostic approaches
is characterized by abnormalities or impairments in the
to persons who are unable to share their subjective ex-
areas of communication and play, socialization, and
periences because of cognitive and communication im-
range of interests and activities, all with an onset before
pairments and disabilities is problematic, and some
3 years of age (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Asso-
would argue that an alternative conceptualization for
ciation, 1994). More rigorous diagnostic tools are now
diagnosing mental health disorders is needed for this
available (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule;
severely impaired group (e.g., Reid, 1980). At present,
Lord et al., 2000; Autism Diagnostic Interview-
attempts are being made to modify these existing sys-
Revised; Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994), permitting
tems so that they can be more appropriately applied in
greater precision in defining who meets these social,
these circumstances, for example, Diagnostic Criteria
communication, and behavioral criteria across chrono-
for Psychiatric Disorders for Use with Adults with
logical age and level of functioning, and thus provid-
Learning Disabilities/Mental Retardation (DC-LD;
ing a more homogenous group in which to explore
Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001) and Practice
mental health issues. An important question is whether
Guidelines for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Mental
a diagnosis of autism is associated with higher rates of
Health Problems in Adults with Intellectual Disability
psychiatric and behavior disorder, a finding that, if sub-
(Deb, Matthews, Holt, & Bouras, 2001); however,
stantiated, would have important implications for the
serious concerns about both the reliability and the
planning and delivery of effective treatment and allo-
validity of these approaches in diagnosing mental
cation of limited resources (Bryson, 1996) and would
health disorders in persons with intellectual disabilities,
also raise the issue as to why those with autism are
more vulnerable to such disturbances. Studies of co-
Partly in response to these aforementioned chal-
morbid mental health disorders among individuals with
lenges, the Diagnostic Assessment for the Severely
autism/PDD are few (e.g., Lainhart & Folstein, 1994;
Handicapped or DASH (which was later revised to be-
Tsai, 1996) and often focus on the minority of higher-
come the DASH-II) was developed to explore issues of
functioning, verbal individuals (e.g., Ghaziuddin,
psychiatric and behavior disorders specifically among
Alessi, & Greden, 1995; Kim, Szatmari, Bryson,
individuals with severe and profound intellectual dis-
Streiner, & Wilson, 2000), who are most likely to be
ability (Matson, 1995; Matson, Gardner, Coe, &
able to report their symptoms. By contrast, there is an
Sovner, 1991b). Items that appear in the rating scale
enormous literature on the assessment and treatment of
were derived from DSM-III-R as well as from prior re-
behavioral deficits (e.g., communication, social, and
search on maladaptive behaviors in lower-functioning
play skills) and excesses (e.g., aggression, self-injury,
individuals. The instrument consists of 84 items that
stereotypies) in individuals with autism or autistic-
are grouped into 13 subscales. According to its devel-
like behavior (see Matson, Benavidez, Compton,
opers, the first five subscales cover the “classic” forms
Paclawskyj, & Baglio, 1996b, for a review of over
of mental illness (i.e., anxiety, PDD/autism, mania, de-
250 studies in this area), many of whom also have se-
pression, and schizophrenia), and the eight remaining
vere intellectual disability and minimal or poor verbal
subscales cover a range of aberrant or maladaptive
skills. Because behavioral approaches tend to deem-
behaviors (i.e., stereotypies/tics, self-injury, eating
phasize diagnostic and etiological issues, even less is
disorders, sleep disorders, sexual disorders, organic
known about the prevalence of psychiatric disorder in
syndromes, elimination disorders, and impulse control
Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults
problems and other miscellaneous behaviors). A third-
occurring psychiatric and aberrant behavior disorders.
party informant uses a 3-point scale to rate each item
In a more narrowly focused study, Matson, Baglio,
on the DASH-II on the dimensions of frequency, sever-
Smiroldo, Hamilton, and Paclawskyj (1996a) found that
ity, and duration. Scores range from 0 to 2 on frequency
rates of stereotypies/tics, mania, impulse-control dis-
(whether the behavior has occurred between 0 to more
orders, and organic disorders were at least 25% higher
than 10 times in the last 2 weeks), duration (whether
among adults who met the DASH-II scoring criteria for
the behavior has occurred anywhere from less than
PDD/autism versus those who did not. In addition,
1 month to up to more than 1 year), and severity (the
Matson et al. (1999), using the DASH-II, found that
extent of the damage or disruption caused by the
stereotypies/tics and impulse-control disorders were the
behavior, ranging from no disruptions or damages, to
two most common comorbid disorders occurring in a
caused injury or property damage at least once). The
group of institutionalized adults who had previously
DASH-II has been shown to be a reliable instrument
received a DSM-IV diagnosis of autism.
(Sevin, Matson, Williams, & Kirkpatrick-Sanchez,
This study, focusing on lower-functioning indi-
1995), and several subscales have been validated by its
viduals, was designed to rigorously test the hypothesis
primary author as screening tools for specific disorders
that rates of psychiatric and behavior disorders are
(Matson et al., 1999; Matson & Smiroldo, 1997;
higher among individuals with autism and severe in-
Matson, Smiroldo, & Hastings, 1998). This instrument
tellectual disability compared with individuals who do
thus offers a systematic approach to documenting be-
not have the additional diagnosis of autism. Participants
haviors that are likely to be associated with psychiatric
were grouped according to the presence or absence of
and behavior disorders in persons with severe intellec-
autism; the etiology of the autism or intellectual dis-
tual disability, and it provides the opportunity to com-
ability, where known, was not a defining group char-
pare groups of individuals to determine whether such
acteristic. The participants were drawn from a larger
disorders are different between the groups. Although it
epidemiological study on the prevalence of mental
may appear that the different subscales described in this
health disorders among adolescents and young adults
instrument (such as “anxiety,” “mania,” “schizophre-
with intellectual disability, and as such represented the
nia,” and “sleep disorder”) infer psychiatric etiological
total population in a defined geographic area rather than
diagnoses, it should be noted that these subscale cate-
an institutionalized or clinical sample. We used a men-
gories are not synonymous with DSM or ICD clinical
tal health screening tool (the DASH-II) that has gained
psychiatric diagnoses. The validity of many or most of
acceptance in clinical and research studies (and that, to
these subscales in correctly diagnosing such underly-
our knowledge, is the only instrument in existence at
ing psychiatric conditions in low-functioning, nonver-
the time of the study that was based on DSM nosology
bal individuals remains to be determined (as it does for
and had established psychometric properties) to study
any other diagnostic approach currently available), and
this should be facilitated in the future by the identifi-cation of objective biomedical markers for these
Studies using the DASH have provided some in-
Recruitment of Participants
formation on the rates and pattern of psychiatric andbehavior disorder among selected populations of
The participants for this study were drawn from
individuals with severe and profound intellectual
the population of adolescents and young adults with in-
disability, with and without an additional diagnosis of
tellectual disability living in the Niagara Region of
PDD/autism. They offer evidence of higher rates of such
Southern Ontario, Canada (Bradley, Thompson, &
disorder among adults with autism or autistic-like be-
Bryson, 2002). At the time of the investigation, the
havior. In two studies involving large groups of adults
Niagara region had a population of around 400,000
living in institutions, DASH frequency-subscale scores
people, with a mix of rural and urban lifestyles and
were highest for elimination disorders, PDD/autism,
socioeconomic circumstances reflecting the diversity
mania, and stereotypies/tics (Cherry, Matson, &
found in the other parts of the province (Statistics
Paclawskyj, 1997; Matson et al., 1991b). In terms of
Canada, 1996). To be eligible for inclusion in the larger
“clinical significance” (as determined by the scoring
study of mental health disorders, participants had to be
criteria for the instrument), PDD/autism, mania,
between the ages of 14 and 20 years as of June 1, 1994,
impulse control disorders, organic syndromes, and
and to have a confirmed diagnosis of intellectual
stereotypies/tics were among the most commonly
disability. Potential participants were recruited
Bradley, Summers, Wood, and Bryson
primarily through approaching public and separate
level (mental age of less than 1–2 years), a modified
school boards, various parent groups, and agencies
ADI (Bryson & Bradley, 2004) was developed that was
serving persons with intellectual disability.
appropriate for these lower-functioning individuals.
Psychometric testing of all potential participants
The ADI-R cut-off scores were not changed in the
identified 171 individuals (“participants”) as having
intellectual disability (full scale IQ ≤ 75). Theseparticipants underwent an assessment to determine
Assessment of Psychopathology and
whether they met diagnostic criteria for autism. In
Maladaptive Behavior
addition to completing the DASH-II, caregivers tookpart in an evaluation of the participant’s adaptive func-
The DASH-II (Matson, 1995; Matson et al.,
tioning and provided some background medical and
1991b) was used to screen for behavioral and psychi-
demographic information. The subset of individuals
atric disorder. The DASH-II was administered as per
with severe and profound intellectual disability was
the protocol outlined in the manual. The interviewer
read each item aloud to the informant, providing ex-planations as needed. The informant then recorded hisor her response for each item, consisting of a separate
Assessment of Cognitive and Adaptive Functioning
rating score on the dimensions of frequency, duration,
Because of the age range and functioning levels
and severity. Frequency scores were tallied for the anx-
of the participants, a variety of tests was used to assess
iety, depression, mania, PDD/autism, schizophrenia,
their cognitive functioning. Nonverbal IQ was obtained
stereotypies/tics, organic syndromes, and impulse-
from either the performance scale of the Wechsler Adult
control disorders subscales, and the resultant scores
Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R; Wechsler, 1981)
were compared to the established cutoffs for clinical
for participants who were 17 years of age and older or
significance (Matson, 1995). Clinical significance was
the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised
considered to have been met when a participant’s score
(WISC-R; Wechsler, 1974) for participants up to the
reached or surpassed the cutoff score. For the re-
age of 16 years 11 months; less capable individuals
maining subscales (self-injury, elimination, eating,
were administered the Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental
sleep, and sexual disorders), clinical significance was
Tests (Stutsman, 1948), excluding verbal items.
based on at least one subscale item receiving a sever-
Language ability (specifically, single-word receptive
ity score of 1 or 2. DASH-II factor scores were com-
vocabulary) was measured using the Peabody Picture
puted using the factor structure and scoring criteria
Vocabulary Test-Revised, Form L (Dunn & Dunn,
that were outlined by Matson, Coe, Gardner and
1981). The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Survey
Edition (VABS; Sparrow, Balla, & Cicchetti, 1984) wasused to assess the participants’ functioning in the areas
of communication (expressive, receptive, and written),socialization (interpersonal relations, play and leisure,
The interviews and assessments took place in a lo-
and coping skills), and daily living skills (personal,
cation that was convenient for the participants and their
domestic, and community). The maladaptive behavior
caregivers; most often this was their own homes. Re-
domain (Parts 1 and 2) from the VABS was also ad-
search staff were trained by an experienced psycholo-
ministered. Part 1 of the domain considers minor be-
gist in the administration and scoring of the cognitive
havioral issues, whereas part 2 describes more serious
and adaptive assessments. Training in the administra-
tion of the ADI-R interviews was provided by observ-ing and scoring teaching tapes with supervision frompersons trained in its use. All ADI-R interviews were
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised
conducted by one of two research staff, both of whom
The ADI-R (Lord et al., 1994) was used to assess
met the recommended criterion of greater than 85%
the presence of autism. The ADI-R is a semistructured
interrater reliability, as per the criteria outlined by Lord,
interview that is linked to ICD-10 and DSM-IV crite-
Rutter, and Le Couteur (1994) regarding the use of the
ria for autism. It yields separate scores in three
ADI-R for research purposes. Two additional steps
domains—communication, social interaction, and re-
were taken to ensure agreement regarding the identifi-
stricted, repetitive, and stereotyped behaviors. Because
cation of autism in these lower-functioning individu-
many of the participants were functioning at a very low
als: first, all interviews were audiotaped, and interrater
Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults
agreement between the two interviewers was checked
presence of a major medical problem, motor impair-
at regular intervals throughout the study. In addition,
the audiotapes were independently reviewed by two of
The groups were each composed of eight males
the authors (E. Bradley and S. Bryson). Difficulties in
and four females. The mean age of the participants was
scoring individual items occasionally arose in associa-
16.33 years (SD = 2.2 years) for those with autism and
tion with very low levels of functioning or where there
16.08 years (SD = 2.8 years) for those without autism.
were additional sensory or motor impairments. These
To overcome the problem of participants who were
difficulties were resolved by considering observations
untestable on the nonverbal measures or who were
made by research staff at the time of psychological
tested with different instruments, standard scores from
assessment, and through consensus. Research staff were
the VABS are used (see Fombonne, 1992). These data
also trained on the administration and scoring of the
consist of the adaptive behavior composite (T) and
DASH-II according to the instructions provided in
scores in the domains of communication (C), social-
ization (S), and daily living skills (DLS). For the group
The ADI-R, VABS, and DASH-II were completed
with autism, the mean standard scores are as follows:
during a face-to-face interview with an informant who
T = 20.33, C = 19.83, S = 20.17, and DLS = 22.42.
had interacted with the participant on a daily basis over
The median standard score for each of the domains and
at least the last 5 years. Almost all of the informants
the total composite was less than 20 (see Fombonne,
1992). For the nonautistic group, the mean standard
Fifty-seven participants achieved either a nonver-
scores are as follows: T = 24.75, C = 22.75, S = 30.08,
bal IQ < 40 or were untestable because of lack of abil-
and DLS = 24.92. As for the group with autism, the
ity on the particular measure of nonverbal performance.
median standard score for each of the domains and the
Of these 57 participants, 20 (35%) met the criteria for
total was less than 20. Comparability of the groups was
a diagnosis of autism on the ADI-R. It was possible to
assessed using a series of independent-samples t-tests
individually match 12 of these individuals with autism
for each of the measures. The only test to reach
to one of the remaining 37 participants on the basis of
significance was for the socialization standard scores
gender, chronological age, and where available, per-
[t(22) = −2.348, p < .05]. See Table I for additional
formance IQ. Other factors were also taken into con-
information regarding the characteristics of the
sideration during the matching process, such as the
Table I. Additional Characteristics of Participants a Classification of gross motor function from Palisano et al. (1997). b Categories are not mutually exclusive. c Psychotropic drug classes and specific medications consisted of antidepressants (paxil, prozac), mood sta-
bilizers (tegretol), neuroleptics (risperidol, neuleptil), and anxiolytics (buspar). Bradley, Summers, Wood, and Bryson Data Analysis
a nonparametric test (χ2). Third, a Pearson correlation
Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 9.0 for
coefficient was calculated between the total frequency
Windows. Because of the finding that 42% of the par-
scores on the DASH-II and the total raw scores from
ticipants with autism were taking psychotropic
the VABS maladaptive behavior scale.
medication, versus only 8% of the participants with-out autism, a multivariate analysis of covariance(MANCOVA) procedure with psychotropic medication
as the covariate was used to rule out a potential con-found. Because the multivariate F values were signif-
Table II shows the mean total frequency score on
icant for group but not medication for both the
the DASH-II along with the mean frequency scores for
DASH-II frequency and factor scores, the covariate was
each of the subscales, by group. Participants with
dropped from subsequent analyses. Independent-
autism showed significantly higher scores (indicative
samples t-tests were used post hoc to investigate
of greater disturbance) than participants without autism
between-group differences on the DASH-II frequency
for the total score and for seven of the 13 subscales.
and factor scores as well as the raw scores from the
Specifically, participants with autism received signifi-
VABS maladaptive behavior scale. Levene’s test for
cantly higher scores on four of the five subscales that
homogeneity of variance (Miller, 1996) was performed
make up the group of psychiatric disorders and three
on the data. In the event that this test was significant,
of the eight subscales that make up the group of aber-
equal variances were not assumed, and the t-value
based on separate variances was reported. Throughout
Rates for disorders that reached clinical signifi-
the analyses, one-tailed tests of significance were used
cance (as defined by the DASH-II scoring criteria)
in light of predictions that the group with autism would
were examined next. Fifty percent or greater of the
receive higher scores on measures of psychiatric and
participants with autism reached clinical significance
behavior disorders. Second, the proportion of partici-
for seven disorders compared with one disorder meet-
pants in both groups who reached clinical significance
ing DASH-II clinical criteria for the participants with-
for each disorder on the DASH-II was compared using
out autism (see Table III). The number of participants
Table II. Mean Frequency Scores on the DASH-II Subscales t value and p levelaa One-tailed test. b Frequency cutoff score ≥ 2. c Frequency cutoff score > 4. d Frequency cutoff score ≥ 6. e Frequency cutoff score > 2. f Severity cutoff score ≥ 1. g Frequency cutoff score ≥ 8. Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults Table III. Percentage of Participants Reaching Clinical Significance on the DASH-II Subscalesa a Using criteria from Matson (1995). b df = 1; one-tailed test.
in each group who scored at or above the clinical cut-
participants without autism, with 75% of this group
off for each of the 13 subscales was compared using
having one or no comorbid disorders.
a χ2 statistic. Significant differences were found on
The factor scores by group are presented in
seven of 13 subscales, with each time a greater pro-
Table IV. Mean factor scores were significantly higher
portion of participants with autism reaching clinical
for participants with autism for social withdrawal, emo-
significance than participants without autism. The
tional lability, and sleep disorders.
PDD/autism subscale correctly classified 83% of the
The group means for the VABS maladaptive be-
individuals with autism and 100% of individuals with-
havior domain were compared using an independent-
out autism using the ADI-R diagnosis as the criterion
samples t-test. The finding of greater behavioral
for assignment into different groups (χ2 = 17.143,
disturbance in the group of participants with autism was
df = 1, p < .001). Participants with autism had on
borne out for the total raw score [X = 18.08, SD =
average 5.25 clinically significant disorders (exclud-
10.87 for the participants with autism, and X = 7.25,
ing the diagnosis of PDD/autism) versus an average
SD = 5.15 for the participants without autism, t(22) =
of 1.25 disorders in participants without autism.
3.118, p < .01]. The total frequency scores on the
On closer inspection, 50% of the participants with
DASH-II were correlated with the VABS maladaptive
autism had more than five clinically significant disor-
domain raw scores, yielding a strong positive correla-
ders, whereas the opposite trend prevailed for the
tion (r = .868, p < .001). Table IV. Comparison of DASH-II Factor Scores t value and p levelaBradley, Summers, Wood, and Bryson DISCUSSION
The PDD/autism subscale scores showed good dis-
criminant validity when evaluated against the ADI-R—
This study compared psychiatric and behavior
considered to be the gold standard for assessing autism.
disorders in two groups, one with a diagnosis of autism,
Only two participants with an ADI-R diagnosis of
the other without, of adolescents and young adults with
autism were misclassified, as their scores did not ex-
severe intellectual disability who were drawn from the
ceed the clinical cutoff for the autism/PDD scale,
total population in this age range living in a defined
whereas all 12 participants without autism were cor-
geographic area. Our aim was to catalog a range of
rectly classified. In contrast Matson, Smiroldo, and
behaviors in the two groups and then to use a controlled
Hastings (1998) reported that the DASH-II correctly
comparative approach to establish which behaviors are
classified 100% of institutionalized adults who met
more specifically related to autism versus intellectual
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for autism and 89% of con-
disability in general. It was hypothesized that the par-
trols who had not received a clinical diagnosis. One of
ticipants with an independently confirmed diagnosis of
the participants with autism in this study who was
autism would display higher rates of disorder relative
incorrectly classified received a frequency score of four
to nonautistic controls who were individually matched
on the PDD/autism subscale, which is just below the
for gender, chronological age, and performance IQ.
clinical cutoff. The other participant received a fre-
Data were obtained using the DASH-II, an informant-
quency score of one on the PDD/autism subscale; more-
based instrument previously developed to screen for
over, this individual also had the lowest total (i.e.,
psychiatric and behavior disorders in lower-functioning
including all subscales) frequency score among all the
individuals. The hypothesis of greater disturbance
among participants with autism was borne out in a
Group differences emerged in the rate and pattern
straightforward manner in relation to the frequency
of comorbid psychiatric and behavior disorders. On
scores on the DASH-II; the total frequency score was
average, the rate of comorbidity was four times higher
almost three times higher for the participants with
in the group with autism than in the nonautism group,
autism compared to those without autism.
again confirming our hypothesis that in the larger group
A similar pattern of results occurred when indi-
of persons with intellectual disability, those with co-
vidual items were grouped together to yield subscale
existing autism contribute disproportionately to the
and factor scores, with higher scores reflecting signif-
overall prevalence rate of psychiatric and behavior dis-
icantly greater disturbance for the participants with
orders. The process of diagnosing mental health disor-
autism on seven of 13 subscales and three of six fac-
ders in individuals with severe intellectual disability is
tors. Looking first at the subscale scores, the signifi-
complex and challenging, in part because of differing
cant findings were divided almost evenly between the
views regarding the definition of such disorders; that
group of “psychiatric disorders” (i.e., anxiety,
is, whether to take a categorical approach (e.g., using
PDD/autism, mania and depression, as defined in the
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria) versus a more dimensional
DASH-II) and the group of “aberrant behavior
approach (e.g., using scores on a continuous rating scale
disorders” (i.e., stereotypies/tics, sleep disorders, and
that provide a quantitative measure of disturbance; see
organic syndromes, again as defined in the DASH-II).
Brereton & Tonge, 2001, for further discussion of these
The higher scores for the PDD/autism subscale are to
concepts). These conceptual issues take on greater
be expected because all participants in the autism group
prominence in the case of individuals with autism and
were selected because they met ADI-R criteria for
severe intellectual disability, as evidenced by ongoing
autism. Turning next to the factor scores, the largest
debate regarding whether additional disturbance is
significant difference was found for the social with-
really a manifestation of the underlying autistic dis-
drawal factor. This finding can be explained in relation
order (American Academy of Child and Adolescent
to the items that load on this factor (four of eight items
come from the autism/PDD subscale) and the fact that
Current clinical practice in diagnosing mental
seven of eight items met the Matson et al. (1996a)
health disorders in persons with severe intellectual
criterion for a critical (i.e., ≥30%) between-group
disability is heavily dependent on obtaining as much
difference, whereas the eighth item approached signif-
clinical data as possible from a variety of key informants
icance (25% difference). The other two factor scores to
to develop a longitudinal picture of behavior, an under-
reach significance were emotional lability and sleep
standing of current symptomatology and behavior in
disorders. Both of these factors contained one critical
relation to baseline or typical patterns of behavior, and
item as opposed to numerous critical items for the
an appreciation of the biopsychosocial circumstances of
the individual and any changes in these. Establishing
Comparing Rates of Psychiatric and Behavior Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults
what is “normal” for a given individual is often diffi-
without autism is not unexpected given the reported in-
cult in light of competing behavioral concerns that can
creasing prevalence of seizures with increasing intel-
cloud the picture and the need to obtain input from
lectual impairment (see Sillanpaa, 1999, for a review
knowledgeable informants who may hold different sub-
of this issue). However, our finding of a three- to four-
jective views. The DASH-II, with its operational defi-
fold increase in psychiatric and behavior disorders (as
nitions of behavior and the scoring dimensions of
measured by the DASH-II) in the autism group com-
frequency, severity, and duration, helps to overcome
pared with the group without autism, in the absence of
some of these difficulties. However, it provides at best
a parallel difference in seizure rate, indicates that this
a “snapshot” of current behavior versus data regarding
greater rate of disorders in the autism group is not
the onset, duration, pattern, and magnitude of behavior
changes, all of which, in addition to any changes in the
Our study has a number of strengths and unique
biopsychosocial circumstances of the individual, are
features. These include its rigorous ascertainment meth-
taken into consideration in clinical (e.g., according to
ods and the fact that the study population was drawn
DSM criteria) diagnostic formulations. Thus, statements
from the total group of adolescents and young adults
regarding the rates of clinical “disorders” based solely
in a specific geographic area that had a mix of services
on data from the DASH-II must be interpreted with cau-
and supports for persons with intellectual disability,
tion. Nonetheless, the instrument does seem to be a use-
rather than being restricted to a clinical or institutional
ful screening tool for detecting potential mental health
sample. Some cautions are in order as well. Although
disorders, and as such, can help to identify those indi-
the sample size was relatively small (n = 24), and repli-
viduals who require a more thorough and intensive clin-
cation with larger numbers is desirable, it is important
ical evaluation, particularly those who score above the
to bear in mind that this sample was drawn from a much
larger population base of around 400,000 people. Given
Additional support in this study for the hypothe-
the exploratory nature of the study, several statistical
sis of greater disturbance among individuals with se-
analyses were conducted that may increase the proba-
vere intellectual disability and autism versus those
bility of type I errors. Future studies should take a more
without an additional diagnosis of autism was provided
conservative approach and use procedures to guard
by two sources: the higher scores by the former group
on the maladaptive behavior scale from the Vineland,
One of the most intriguing of the questions that arise
and data regarding the prevalence of psychotropic
from the findings is why autism is associated with higher
medication use among the participants in the study.
rates of mental health disorders in lower-functioning
Approximately two-thirds of the participants with
individuals. The answer to this question likely reflects a
autism who were receiving medication were taking psy-
complex interaction among neurophysiological, bio-
chotropic drugs, whereas only one of the participants
chemical, genetic, and psychosocial factors and requires
without autism was taking such medication. In the latter
a more comprehensive evaluation using different diag-
group, anticonvulsant medication use was twice as high
nostic approaches. The current findings, using a screen-
proportionately, a finding that was roughly in keeping
ing instrument, point to specific vulnerability in persons
with the number of participants with active seizure
with autism in areas of mood, anxiety, sleep, organic
syndromes, and stereotypies/tics, and as such may pro-
Follow-up studies of children with autism have
vide a starting point for more focused research inquiry.
shown that aggravation of symptoms or deterioration
In the meantime, decisions about pharmacological treat-
in behavior may occur in a half to a third of children
ment for these conditions must continue to be based on
around the time of puberty and early adolescence
an individualized clinical approach.
(Gillberg & Schaumann, 1981; Gillberg & Steffenburg,1987; Kobayashi, Murata, & Yashinaga, 1992; Rutter,Greenfield, & Lockyer, 1967). Although the cause of
this deterioration is poorly understood, researchers havedocumented a peak onset of seizures during these ado-
We thank all the young people and their families
lescent years (with up to one-third having developed
who participated in this study and who gave so gener-
seizures by late adolescence), although not all children
ously of their time. We have also greatly appreciated
who showed deterioration developed seizures. In our
the support provided by staff within the school and
study, one-quarter of those with autism had seizures or
developmental disability service systems in the Niagara
a history of seizures compared with one-half of those
Region. A special thanks to Ann Thompson, who has
without autism. The high rate of seizures in the group
provided meticulous assistance in so many aspects of
Bradley, Summers, Wood, and Bryson
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CHAPTER 4-39 CULTIVATED GINSENG 4-39-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: "Commissioner" means the agriculture commissioner. "Cultivated ginseng" means ginseng dry root, live root, tissue culture, or seed propagated in this state. "Dealer" means a person who buys cultivated ginseng for the purpose of resale. The term does not i