Aura-Soma General: About the founders of the system Beamer Light Pen
Prerequisites for participation in Beamer Light Pen courses
Prerequisite for charging fees is to be a registered ASIACT Practitioner.
Level lll course gives full certification.
Practical info: Shanto Dorcey has trained with the Art and Science International Academy of Colour Level I in Prague: June 2-6- 2012
Technology, U.K in 1991. She is one of the Senior Teachers, and teaches the Bridge Course
Tuition fee: 500 EUR Does not include food/board
throughout the world. Shanto is also a Tai Chi
(A deposit of 100 EUR to be payed by the 1 April).
instructor, Reiki Master with the International Reiki Alliance, massage therapist, and is trained in
Level I Robert Abrahamson,
OMD, L.Ac., has been an acupuncturist and
herbalist for more than 35 years. He is also certified
with Shanto Dorcey
Course´s venue: Barevny svet, Gorazdova 18, 120 00
Metaphysical Surgery. Robert is the co-author of Osho Divine Healing: A SpiritMindBody
Prague, The Czech
For more info, please, contact the organizer:
Workbook. He is on faculty at the Academy of
Republic Lenka Markova
Chinese Healing Arts in Winterthur, Switzerland and the Phoenix Acupuncture College. He lives in
Sedona, Arizona where he maintains a private
June 2-6-2012
Aura-Soma® is a registered trade mark of Aura-Soma Products Ltd.,
bottles, featuring the vibrations of colour, plants
Colour and Light on the Pathways
and crystal energies have been specifically selected
This course is accredited by ASIACT, and will be
for application on the energy points of the body.
certified by the Academy. Each Level comes with a
Unfolding the Subtle Anatomy of Man
fourty page workbook. Laminated posters of course
in Relation to Aura-Soma®
Each vial will bring a different quality to whichever
pathways it is brought into contact with. In this
way personal energies may be modified and
The Course Content - Level I
enhanced. These energies will support the flow of Chi around our bodies for well-being and bringing
• The language of Colour from the Aura-Soma and
the gifts and potentials more fully into our lives.
The Light Pen is also well suited to work with the
• The latest scientific research concerning the
densities within our subtle bodies. The study and
work with the light is a vast subject and ready to be
General informatin
• Use of Pomanders and Quintessences on the
Four extensive colour courses in metaphysical
energy work with Shanto L. Dorcey and Robert
• Exploring the meridians and acupuncture
Abrahamson, a Doctor of Chinese medicine.
Initiated by Mike Booth, the director of ASIACT,
• Techniques of tonifying and dispersing energy
UK, these trainings utilize the Light Beamer Pen,
• Yin/Yang polarity colour combinations
Pomanders and Quintessences of Aura-Soma, in
order to illuminate the acupuncture organ and
• The use of the Beamer Light Pen on acupuncture
meridian systems via the electromagnetic fields of
points, based on the client’s colour choice
the human aura. Light communicating with the
cells of the body brings awareness to our potential
• Reconnecting with our gifts and potential
• Developing the art of repoire and synchronicity
The colourpuncture points on the body are the
Beamer Light Pen Training Courses
ancient nadis of aryurveda, the vibrational chakras
Colour and Light on the Pathways® is part of the
that open us to our inner beauty. We will be
official educational trainings of the Art and Science
exploring Oriental cosmology: astrology, inner
International Academy of Colour Technologies,
feng-shui, bagua, the eight extraordinary vessels,
U.K. The course has been initiated by Mike booth,
aromatherapy, the astral subtle bodies and crystal
and is now lead by its co-creators - Shanto L.
healing. Practical treatments will be extensively
Dorcey, a senior Aura-Soma teacher and presenter
shown on issues such as menopause, grief work
of the Bridge Course, and Robert Abrahamson, an
expert in Chinese medicine, acupuncture and
The Aura-Soma® Beamer Light Pen
is a leap in Light Therapy. It has been developed to
The Beamer Light training consists of 4 levels
focus the energies of Aura-Soma into the sensitive areas of the body e.g. chackras, meridians,
Level I is designed for everyone who wishes to
acupuncture points, and the subtle energy fields
explore this beautiful system, especially those
around the body. The dual colour combination
already working in the therapeutic field.
vials, which contain the energies of the Equilibrium
Upon completion of this course, the participant will have sufficient knowledge and practice to offer
Leonard Oppenheimer – Torah and Immigration Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) immigration /Leonard_Oppenheimer_s_D_var_Beth_Jacob.doc Shabbat Shalom. Right now in America, a major employer is disrupted, its workforce cut by the hundreds or thousands. And a detention camp holds people without access to our usual rights and liberties. But, the employees will not be laid off
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