Rainfall Effects
Note: In high temperatures and dry conditions PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH,
evaporation of droplets prior to reaching target AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is a non-selective Heavy rainfal within 2 hours of spraying can mean CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT
species can occur. And it is therefore important to KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
herbicide, which is ef ective against a wide range of that the chemical may be washed off the plant, increase water volume to at least 30 litres/ha and Do not contaminate dams, waterways, rivers or READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING
annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses. It with the result that the herbicide may not be totaly average droplet size to 300 micron, if temperatures streams with the product or used containers. When is translocated throughout the plant where it kils both effective. Re-spraying may be needed.
controling weeds near water, refer to label directions Normal rainfal up to 6 hours after application may to minimise the entry of spray into the water.
DO NOT SPRAY if temperature is above 30oC.
Idealy the best time to use the product is when target reduce the effectiveness.
species are in a state of active growth, moderate Adequate results may not be achieved if the product For Wiper Equipment
climatic conditions are present and plants are free of is applied when weeds are stressed by conditions Wiper equipment such as rope wick applicators There is no withholding period for grazing stock, such as drought conditions, waterlogging or frost.
can be used to apply this product to weeds growing but to give the product a chance to be efficiently GLYPHOSATE 450
While cool and cloudy conditions can sometimes Soil Persistence
in oilseed crops, sugarcane, cot on, seed and pod absorbed by sprayed vegetation, it is recommended delay the appearance of chemical activity, it can that livestock be kept clear of treated annual weeds The product is not persistent in soils and is rapidly vegetables, tree and vine crops, pasture and non-crop generally be expected that symptoms of chemical for one day after spraying, and for perennial weeds broken down by microbes present in the soil, as areas as specified on this label. Weeds should be at Herbicide
ef ect wil appear 2-7 days after spraying annual 7 days. For certain plants known to be toxic to stock, wel as by hydrolysis caused by free standing least 15cm above the crop or pasture. Operate wiper species and 2-3 weeks after spraying perennial it is advisable to keep livestock away until complete moisture or soil moisture that may be present in soil equipment a minimum of 10cm above the crop or species The symptoms are demonstrated by a particles. Should residual activity be needed refer to pasture. Speed of travel should be no greater than ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 450g/L GLYPHOSATE
yelowing and accompanying wilting, progressing to ‘Compatibility’ section of this label.
8 kph. Best results are achieved at lower speeds STORAGE AND DISPOSAL
present as the Isopropylamine salt.
and where two applications are made in opposite RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING
Do not store the product in galvanised steel or unlined SPRAY PREPARATION
steel containers, as the product may react to produce Where weeds are of variable height or occur in 1. Make sure the spray tank is clean and residues hydrogen gas, which in turn could form a highly AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is a member of the clumps or in dense infestations some plants may from previous spray usage have been removed.
combustible gas that could explode if ignited by an Glycine group of herbicides. AGCP Glyphosate 450 not be contacted by the herbicide solution and open flame, spark, lighted cigarette etc.
2. Fill the spray tank ½ to ¾ full with clean water. Herbicide has the inhibition of EPSP syntheses mode re-treatment may be necessary. Mix only enough AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is a non-selective herbicide for the control of a broad range of Annual, Where possible avoid turbid water or hard water of action. For weed resistance management AGCP solution for immediate requirements. Do not store a Store in the closed original container in a well Perennial, woody and Aquatic Weeds and for the use in Conservation Tillage as per the directions for use.
containing calcium salts, as this may reduce Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is a Group M Herbicide.
mixed solution for more than a couple of days.
ventilated as cool as possible. Do not store for IMPORTANT: READ THE ATTACHED LEAFLET BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT Some naturaly occurring weed biotypes resistant to Mix 800mL AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide 3. Where ammonium sulphate is recommended, AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide and other Group M with 2 litres clean water to prepare a 33% solution. Triple or preferably, pressure rinse empty containers wash 2% v/v (2L/100L spray solution) through a herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability Refer to Weeds Controlled section of label for specific before disposal. Add rinsings to spray tank. Do not top mesh screen into the tank and mix thoroughly. in any weed population. These resistant weeds will dispose of undiluted chemicals on-site. If recycling, 4. Add the appropriate amount of AGCP Glyphosate not be controled by AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide replace cap and return clean containers to recycler or 450 Herbicide as per the Direction for Use tables. or other Group M herbicides. Since the occurrence of Sprayer Clean Up
5. Add surfactant (if required) mix wel keeping the resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, AGCP After use, clean al spray equipment by thoroughly If not recycling, break, crush, and or puncture and filling hose below surface to avoid foaming.
Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that washing with clean water, or commercial spray bury empty containers in a local authority landfil. If no may result from the failure of AGCP Glyphosate 450 equipment cleaner, in order to prevent corrosion to landfil is available bury the containers below 500mm Herbicide to control resistant weeds.
tanks, lines and nozzles. Aircraft used in application 7. Remove hose from tank as soon as ful to prevent in a disposal pit specificaly marked and set up for should be thoroughly washed with particular at ention this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation Australia Generic Crop Protection Pty Ltd ACN: 136 756 146
and tree roots. Empty containers and product should 7 Folkestone Road Glen Waverley Vic 3150 Tel: (03) 9887 7025 Fax: (03) 9887 7578 DO NOT use mechanical agitators, as the cause The following types of equipment may be used in Compatibility
Email: Web: www.agcp
DO NOT add non-approved herbicides and insecticides.
It has been established that a wide range of products For refillable containers
may be tank mixed with glyphosate. The folowing Use ONLY plastic, plastic lined, stainless steel, products may be mixed with glyphosate to broaden Empty contents fully into application equipment. aluminium, copper, brass or fibreglass tanks. the spectrum of pests controled, add soil residual Close al valves and return to point of supply for refill Galvanised steel or unlined steel spray tanks can For Knapsack and Handgun
activity and improve performance. Refer to the react with the product to produce hydrogen, which Equipment
‘Directions for Use’ Section for detailed information on can form a combustible gas mixture, which can be SAFETY DIRECTIONS
Maximum efficiency can be achieved by using D6 spray plate and applying at a pressure of 400-700 Product wil irritate eyes and skin. Avoid contact with CROP ESTABLISHMENT
kPa. As the product is translocated through contact Additives: Liquid ammonium sulphate (2L/100L)
eyes and skin. When preparing the product for use, points on the plant, good coverage and uniform can be used to minimise antagonism when mixed wear elbow length PVC gloves and face shield or AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide can be used to wetting is needed to maximise uptake by the plant. with flowable Triazine herbicides and help minimise goggles. When using controled droplet applicator control of emerged weeds prior to crop establishment. The dilution rate is given as volume per litre. Adjust the adverse ef ects of water quality problems such wear protective waterproof clothing and impervious Suitable cultivation and/or sowing operations are equipment to ensure even spray pattern.
as high pH and mineral content that are common in required to provide seedbed conditions satisfactory creek and bore water, that can be antagonistic with After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, for crop germination and development. Spraying early For Boom Equipment
wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and to control young weeds wil favour preparation of Maximum efficiency can be achieved by using fan Herbicides: Atrazine - flowable or granular (see
water. After each day’s use, wash gloves and face nozzles at a pressure of 240-280 kPa. Boom height additives above – do not apply the tank mix for shield or goggles and contaminated clothing.
On friable soils where there is only a light cover of should be adjusted to ensure double overlap of control of Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa crus-galli)), young weeds, sowing may proceed satisfactorily from nozzle pat erns at the top of the weed canopy. Water dicamba, 2,4-D ester, chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, FIRST AID
one day after spraying. In situation of heavy weed volumes of 75 to 200 litres of clean water per hectare Flandor* 500, Yield*, Stomp*, LVE MCPA, Goal CT*, If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons growth, sowing should be delayed until weed decay are recommended. When using rates of 500mL to simazine flowable. Goal CT – The addition of Goal CT Information Centre. Phone Australia 13 11 26.
and soil conditions alow formation of a favourable 1.5L/ha, spray volumes in the range of 25-100L/ha Herbicide at 75mL/ha to recommended rates of this seedbed. Incorporation of green or decaying product prior to planting Wheat or Barley will improve MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET
vegetation and roots into the seedbed by cultivation For Aerial Equipment
knockdown and increase the speed at which treated Additional information is listed in the Material Safety or sowing may cause retarded crop emergence, weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity. Data Sheet, which can be obtained from the supplier.
particularly in cold and/or wet conditions. Vegetation For Micronair and boom equipment a droplet size Add Flowright Compatibility agent to improve the may be reduced by grazing, and weed decay may be of 250-350 micron diameter is recommended in a compatibility in cold water (less than 15oC). See CONDITIONS OF SALE
assisted by cultivation to leave trash on the surface. minimum spray volume of 20 litres/ha. A swath width direction below.
In marginal seedbed conditions take care to achieve in the range of 15-17 metres is most appropriate for The use of AGCP Glyphosate 450 Herbicide being the correct seeding depth, and avoid use of pre- Insecticides: chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, fenitrothion,
beyond the control of the manufacturer, no warranty emergence herbicides where label directions advice When using this form of application give consideration Gusathion*, Imidan*, Le-Mat*, Lorsban*, metasystox, expressed or implied is given by Australia Generic to the fact that the product is highly non-selective and Sumithion*, Perfekthion EC 400*.
Crop Protection Pty Ltd regarding its suitability, fitness or efficiency for any purpose for which it is used by Surfactant
if plants, trees, etc are in the vicinity of the area to be Flowright Compatibility Agent
sprayed, they could be af ected by drift or targeted the buyer, whether in accordance with the directions The addition of surfactant may improve weed contact. This would limit usage via this technique to Rate: 200mL/100L spray solution. When mixing with or not and Australia Generic Crop Protection Pty Ltd control where water rates are high or product rates such situations as weed control on fallows or pasture, Goal CT*, add to improve the compatibility in cold accepts with no responsibility for any consequences low. Suggested surfactant rates are 200mL/100L control prior to establishment of crops or pasture.
water (less than 15oC). Flowright must be pre-mixed whatsoever resulting from the use of this product.
of 1000g/L non-ionic surfactant or 250-500mL In pasture establishment situations, it may also be with Goal CT before adding to the spray tank. Refer to No representative of AGCP has any authority to add of 700g/L surfactant. Do not add spraying oils, necessary to spray hily terrain and gulies in both Flowright label for full directions.
agricultural chemicals or other materials except as directions to ensure good spray coverage of grass PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND
and broadleaf weeds and to avoid spray shielding Organosilicone Penetrant
In an Emergency Dial 000
In certain situations such as for the control of brush Hily terrain: as spraying height may vary on hily DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from and woody weeds (as indicated in the Directions for terrain, to maximise target contact, increase the water spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift Police or Fire Brigade
Use) weed control may be enhanced by the addition volume to 30-80 litres/ha and increase the droplet onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, of an organosilicone penetrant at its label rate.
size to a minimum of 300 micron average size.
pastures, private properties or public lands.
within 2 hours of treatment may wash the product from the leaf surface ensure complete uptake of the herbicide.
DO NOT treat weeds under stress from frost, cold, waterlogging, lack of Weeds Controlled
Critical Comments
DO NOT spray if rainfal is expected as rainfal within 6 hours of DO NOT disturb treated weeds by grazing, cultivation, sowing etc., after moisture or disease. Plants must be actively growing to ensure optimum treatment may reduce the ef ectiveness of this product. Heavy rainfall treatment for 1 day for annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to of the product.
Annual Weed Control - All States
Weeds Controlled
Critical Comments
Apply to actively growing plants prior to seeding. Repeat applications may be necessary to control seedlings and/or regrowth.
Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) For medium to longer term control, use the high rates while plants are in active growth phase during Winter/Spring. The lower rates may be used in conjunction with burning (fire breaks). This will give a brown out and better burning conditions. Leave for 2-3 weeks Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata) Lesser Swinecress (Coronopus didymus) Spray when plants have reached the early head stage. Bear in mind that Plantain (Plantago spp.)s are slow to develop toxicity symptoms.
Liverseed Grass (Urochloa panicoides) Paradoxa grass (Phalaris paradoxa) Spray at early head stage while plants are in active growth phase.
Paterson’s Curse /Salvation Jane (Echium plantagineum) Potato weed (Galinsoga parviflora) Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus) Qld Blue grass (Dichanthium sericium) Spray at early head stage while plants are in active growth phase.
Sub Clover (Trifolium subterraneum) Spray at early head stage while plants are in active growth phase.
Wild Mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) Spray at early head stage while plants are in active growth phase.
Wild Turnip (Brassica tournefortii) Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianum) Leave ground in a dormant state for 8 months prior to spraying in late Summer/Autumn, so that the foliage to uptake the product is Perennial Weed Control
fully available (at least 20cm in height). Ensure drought stress conditions do not exist at time of spraying.
Weeds Controlled
Critical Comments
Spray actively growing plants when good soil moisture is present. Spray when plants are in the late flowering to berry stage. Follow up sprays will be required to maximise control.
Spray at bud stage so long as plants are in an active growth phase. See also ‘Conservation Tillage’ section of this booklet.
Apply to actively growing foliage and/or regrowth, which is between 1m and 2m tall. Cut Stump: Dilute 1:6 i.e. mix 1 part of this Best results can be obtained by late Winter/early Spring sprays. Ensure foliage is in a healthy, actively growing stage at time of product with 6 parts water. Cut stems back to 20cm high, pour mixture down hollow stem or wet the cut.
spraying. See also ‘Conservation Tillage’ section of this booklet.
Apply to actively growing plants in late spring when they have some seed head development but before summer drought stress. Spray at the flowering to post-flowering stage in Summer/Autumn period. As spraying is only part of the total management concept Bent grass should NOT be grazed heavily at spraying. Follow-up management is required to limit seedling re-establishment. Full of pasture improvement, follow-up sprays may be needed.
disturbance with tyned implement should fol ow 10-21 days after spraying. Application of this product should be fol owed by a summer crop and/or by re-seeding pasture or crop the following autumn.
Spray when plants have reached rosette/early heading stage. Plants should be free of soil deposits, particularly when spraying along Spray at head stage while plants are in active growth stage.
For boom application, always add an organosilicone penetrant (200mL per 100L spray) otherwise reduced results will occur. Addition Spray at the flowering stage. As spraying is only part of the total management concept of pasture improvement, follow-up sprays of organosilicone penetrant (200mL/100L spray) may improve control with handgun application.
Wiper application is recommended, see Wiper Equipment section of this label. Double pass application is required for ropewick equipment. Bracken should be slashed in Winter/Spring prior to treatment. Apply this product to fully unfurled actively growing fronds Spray when plants have reached the early heading stage and are in an active growth phase.
but prior to frosts. Visible symptoms may not be ful y apparent until the next season. Complete control wil not be achieved from one application. Repeat treatment is recommended, preferably associated with pasture improvement.
Aquatic Weeds
Spray at early head stage while in active growth stage.
Spray at early head stage while in active growth stage.
Weeds Controlled
Critical Comments
Spray at early head stage (late Spring).
Spray at early flowering to fully developed rosettes.
Reduction in effectiveness may result if more than ¼ of the aboveground portion of the weed is submerged at treatment. Apply to actively growing plants at mature head stage in late summer, autumn. Add a non-ionic surfactant (50-60%ai) at 200- Submerging the treated plants following treatment may result in the spray being washed from the plant surface, thus reducing 250mL/100L. NOTE: Control of Glyceria is only allowed in dry drains and channels and margins of dams, lakes and streams. Do NOT effectiveness. Do not apply this product within 0.5km of potable water intake in flowing water (e.g. river or stream) or within 0.5km apply to weeds growing in or over water. Do NOT spray across open bodies of water and do NOT al ow spray to enter the water. DO of a potable water intake in a standing body of water such as lake, pond or reservoir. Application to moving bodies of water should NOT allow water to return to dry channels or drains within 4 days of application.
be made while travelling upstream wherever possible to prevent concentration of this herbicide in water. When making bankside Spray at early head stage. Refer to ‘Application Equipment’ section of the label: sub-heading ‘Wiper Equipment’ as it can also be applications, do not overspray more than 0.5m into open water. Avoid spraying across moving bodies of water where weeds do not exist. DO NOT ADD EXTRA SURACTANT/WETTER, UNLESS IT IS APPROVED IN AQUATIC SITUATIONS. When spraying floating weeds Spray at late rosette to flowering stage, late July to September. At this time of year ensure frosts, waterlogging or possibly drought use a low volume low pressure boom sprayer, CDA or sprinkler sprayer. Do not submerge weeds when spraying as this may wash stress are not a restraint as plants need to be in active growth stage. Refer to ‘Wiper Equipment’ section of this booklet, if this use herbicide of the leaves. When emerged infestations require treatment of the total surface area of impounded water treating the area technique can be applied to this situation.
in strips may avoid sudden impact on the habitat.
Spray at early head stage when plants are actively growing or refer to ‘Wiper Equipment’ section of this booklet, if that application Apply to actively growing plants from Summer through Winter. Floating form only.
technique is to be used on Johnson grass.
Apply to actively growing plants. Do not apply to partially submerged plants.
Kangaroo grass (Themeda australis) Spray at early head stage when plants are actively growing.
Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) Spray at early head stage when plants are actively growing.
Spray during Summer or Autumn period during the heading stage. Except for Tasmania, Wiper equipment can be used. Refer to information on ‘Application Equipment’ section of the label.
Apply to actively growing plants. Re-treatment and/or pasture improvement is recommended to restrict seedling re-establishment.
Apply when actively growing and at or beyond the early bloom stage of growth, but before Autumn colour changes occur. Thorough Spray at early head stage when plants are in active growth.
coverage is necessary for best control.
If the Wiper technique is to be used, refer to ‘Wiper Equipment’ section of this booklet. Spray when plants are getting close to early Non-cultivated situations. Apply to actively growing plants in the late summer/autumn (Feb/April) when at least 20% have reached head stage and actively growing. Spray symptoms may not be observed for a season or more.
Use Wiper technique ensuring a high percentage of green matter is present. Refer to section of this booklet entitled ‘Wiper If spraying is to be done on crop growing land, apply first spray in February, which is about the time that 20-25% of plants have Equipment’ for directions for use.
fol owed by reached heading stage. Then a second application is necessary about 2 months later, which gives adequate time for ful emergence to occur. Because underground runners are broken up by cultivation, individual nuts may spring up and repeat treatments may be Use Wiper technique ensuring a high percentage of green matter is present. Refer to section of this booklet entitled ‘Wiper needed to obtain a total control situation. On land that is primarily grazing or urban, spray in February/April period, so long as correct growing conditions are present. Again ensure that 20-25% of plants have reached the head stage.
Spray actively growing plants in February/March period. 75% of plants should be visible above the water at the time of spraying.
Apply to actively growing plants during spring, summer or autumn. Ensure complete coverage of the foliage. For best results apply Spray actively growing plants at or beyond the early bloom stage of growth. Use the higher rate on dense infestations.
after flowering. For easier access, large plants may be cut or burnt prior to spraying, but first allow regrowth to reach 1m. Use the higher rate on plants over 1m high.
Best results are obtained from mid-Summer through to Winter. Use the higher rate on dense infestations.
Apply to actively growing plants at the early head stage.
Apply when there is a maximum emergence of floating leaves. Al ow 2-3 weeks for symptoms to develop, and then retreat any unaffected plants. Use low volume sprayer.
Spray at early head stage when plants are in active growth.
Woody Weeds and Brush
Situation Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha
Critical Comments
Weeds Controlled
Handgun/Knapsack Critical Comments
SOUTHERN Barley Grass (Hordeum leporinum), Volunteer cereals, Rate Selection: Use the higher rate when treating under cold/overcast conditions, Vol/1 Litre
Read Application Checklist before using
when using late in the season. Use the lower rate on young weeds and the higher rate on mature weeds, i.e. ful y til ered grasses or broadleaf weeds at budding or stem Apply to actively growing plants. Do not treat plants that are stressed, particularly drought stressed. Spray to wet all foliage. Best results are (Bromus unioloides), Canary Grass (Phalaris only achieved when treated during the winter at peak flowering. Use the higher rate on bushes over 1.5m. Follow-up treatment may be required to spp.), Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Variegated Thistle If weeds have been grazed heavily remove stock prior to spraying to ensure regrowth to (Silybum marianum), Winter Grass (Poa annua) prevent the establishment of germinating weeds.
6-8cm before treatment and use the higher rate.
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Paterson’s Curse / Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Silvergrass (Vulpia spp.) And Perennial Apply from January to May (flowering to leaf fal ). Spray plants which are not under stress due to high temperatures, drought or frost. Spray Salvation Jane (Echium plantaginium), Saffron Thistle Grasses: Addition of a suitable wet er may improve control. It is recommended to use to thoroughly wet all foliage. Use the higher rate for dense old stands over 2m high. Further treatment may be needed to control seedlings (Carthamus lanatus), Scotch Thistle (Onopordum water volumes of 70L/ha or more with low volume nozzles (eg. SS 11001, Hardi No 10) and regrowth. Symptoms may be slow to appear and may not be apparent until the next season. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture acanthium), Silvergrass (Vulpia spp.), Spear Thistle improvement and/or further treatment are recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth. TAS only: Do not spray bushes bearing mature fruit.
establishing (Circium vulgare), Wild Mustard (Sisymbrium officinale), Aerial Application: May be applied by air if a good seedbed has been established. Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum), Wild Turnip Always use the higher rates. See also Aerial equipment.
Spray to wet all foliage. Use the lower rate for young bushes and the higher rate for bigger mature bushes. Do not spray if conditions are hot and Tank Mixtures: For improved control of Dock (Rumex spp.), Sorrel and Sub Clover add dry. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture improvement and/or further treatment are recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth.
dicamba. Read and fol ow al label directions, for the tank mix product. See Tank Mixtures Erodium (Erodium cictarium), Perennial phalaris (Phalaris for directions. Addition of Ammonium Sulphate, 2L/100L, may improve control when Apply to plants with full foliage, which are actively growing. Spray to wet all foliage. Further treatment and/or pasture improvement are recommended to aquatica), Plantain (Plantago spp.), Sorrel (Rumex treating under adverse environmental conditions.
acetosella), Sub Clover (Trifolium subterraneum), Yorkshire Pasture or Crop Establishment: Do NOT sow into excessive trash. Trash may be removed by grazing after treatment. Grazing may commence one day after treatment of May be applied at any time of the year, but plants must be actively growing. Always add an organosilicone penetrant to ensure good results. Spray to wet all disturbance. Dock (Rumex spp.), Flatweed (Hyochoeris radicata) annual weeds (small) and 7 days for perennial weeds. Delay grazing for 3 days where foliage. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture improvement and/or further treatment are recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth.
annual weeds are large. Sowing may proceed when excessive trash is removed, but not sooner than one day after treatment of annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds. Apply to actively growing plants using the higher rate for plants over 2m tal. Do not spray during summer drought conditions or in winter. Spray to wet all foliage. Further treatment and/or pasture improvement are recommended to control seedlings and/or regrowth.
Aerial (Or Surface) Seeding: Delay seeding until trash is completely removed by Spray from flowering to leaf fal when plants are actively growing. Use the higher rate on plants over 2m tal. Spray to wet al foliage. Burning (after complete grazing and/or plant decay. When establishing pasture, ensure application of fertilizer and insecticides and follow-up management is undertaken as required.
brownout), pasture improvement and/or further treatment are recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth.
TAS ONLY: Use 1.2L/ha on annual weeds. Increase to 2.4L/ha where perennial Apply to plants with ful foliage, which are actively growing. Spray to thoroughly wet al foliage and individual plants. Ensure complete treatment of individual weeds are being treated. To control White clover and improve control of Sorrel (Rumex plants. Do not spray during periods of summer drought stress. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture improvement and/or further treatment are acetosel a) and Dock (Rumex spp.), add 1L/ha of dicamba (200g/L). Observe dicamba recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth. Addition of organosilicone penetrant (200mL/100L) may improve control.
label directions and plant back periods.
Treat actively growing weeds not under stress from low moisture, frost, cold, disease Apply to plants with ful foliage, which are actively growing. Spray to thoroughly wet al foliage and individual plants. Further treatment and/or pasture (Hordeum leporinum), Volunteer cereals, Wild or waterlogging. If weeds have been grazed heavily, remove stock prior to spraying to improvement are recommended to restrict seedling re-establishment.
ensure regrowth to 6-8cm before treatment and use the higher rate.
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Brome Grass (Bromus Apply to actively growing plants ensuring complete coverage of the bush. Further treatment and/or pasture improvement are recommended to restrict Rate Selection: Use the lower rate on young weeds, or where cultivation is to folow within 21 unioloides), Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Paterson’s days. Use the higher rate where broadleaf weeds reach stem elongation/budding or where seedling re-establishment and/or regrowth. For high volume application use the higher rate when bushes over 1m. For Wiper Application a double pass (Echium plantaginium) (rosette), application is required. Best results are achieved if bushes are less than 1m tall and green at the time of application.
(Carthamus lanatus), Scotch Thistle Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae): Treat at tuber exhaustion.
(Onopordum acanthium), Silvergrass (Vulpia spp.), Spear Apply from late flowering to leaf fall to actively growing plants. Spray to thoroughly wet all foliage. Use the higher rate for bushes over 1.5m high. Burning Hoary Cress: Treat from late rosette to early flowering.
Thistle (Circium vulgare), Wild Mustard (Sisymbrium Couch (Cynodon dactylon): Use the higher rate on dense infestations. Apply sequential (after complete brownout), pasture improvement and/or further treatment are recommended to control seedlings and/or re-growth.
orientale), Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum), Wild treatments during summer and autumn, with autumn being most ef ective. Repeat applications will be required for full control. For improved control, use in conjunction with Hoary cress (Cardaria draba), Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) DIRECTIONS FOR USE - Conservation Tillage
within 2 hours of treatment may wash the product from the leaf surface DO NOT treat weeds under stress from frost, cold, waterlogging, lack of Annual Ryegrass, Silvergrass and Perennial Grasses: Addition of a suitable wet er may moisture or disease. Plants must be actively growing to ensure optimum improve control. It is recommended to use water volumes of 70L/ha or more with low volume nozzles (eg. SS 11001, Hardi No 10) to improve control.
DO NOT spray if rainfal is expected as rainfal within 6 hours of DO NOT disturb treated weeds by grazing, cultivation, sowing etc., after Tank Mixtures: Read and folow al label directions, restraints, plant-back periods, withholding treatment may reduce the ef ectiveness of this product. Heavy rainfall treatment for 1 day for annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to periods, regional use restrictions and safety directions for the tank mix products. See Tank ensure complete uptake of the herbicide.
Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha
Critical Comments
TAS ONLY: Use 1.2L/ha on annual weeds. Increase to 2.4L/ha where perennial weeds are being treated. To control White clover and improve control of Sorrel and Dock, add 1L/ Barley Grass (Hordeum leporinum), Brome Grass (Bromus NSW, VIC, Treat only actively growing weeds not under stress from low moisture, frost, cold, ha of dicamba (200g/L). Observe dicamba label directions and plant back periods.
unioloides), Volunteer cereals, Wild Oats (Avena spp.) disease or waterlogging. If heavy grazing has occurred allow regrowth to 6-8cm NORTHERN Annual Phalaris (Phalaris canariensis), Barley Grass Treat actively growing weeds not under stress from low moisture, frost, cold, disease or before spraying and use the higher rate.
AUSTRALIA (Hordeum leporinum), Volunteer cereals, Wild Oats (Avena Northern waterlogging. If weeds have been grazed heavily remove stock prior to spraying to ensure Annual Phalaris (Phalaris canariensis), Annual Ryegrass RATE SELECTION: Increase to higher rates late in the season or when treating regrowth to 6-8cm before treatment and use higher rate. Under hot summer conditions, (Lolium rigidum), Silvergrass (Vulpia spp.), Winter Grass dense infestations of Barnyard Grass and Liverseed Grass may require follow-up (Echinochloa crus-galli), Button Grass treatment for complete control. In winter (cold) conditions, symptoms on Deadnet le may Full Disturbance with cultivation or sowing with a tyned implement may start 1 (Dactyloctenium radulans), Columbus grass (seedling) Calomba daisy (Pentzia suffructicosa), Capeweed day after treatment (7 days if Dock, Phalaris, Skeleton Weed, Soursob or Sorrel (Sorghum xalmun), Liverseed Grass (Urochloa spp.), Rate Selection: Use the lower rate on young weeds or where cultivation is to take place (Arctotheca calendula), Spiny Emex / Doublegee (Emex are present) and should occur within 21 days after treatment. Where cultivation (Eragrostis cilianensis), Native Mil et (Panicum decomposition), Volunteer Sorghum (Sorghum 800mL - 1.0L greater than or sowing does not occur within 21 days, new weed growth may require further Use the higher rate where broadleaf weeds reach stem elongation/budding or where treatment. When treating light infestations of seedling annual grasses (pre- grasses reach ful til ering. At more advanced stages of growth certain broadleaf weeds til ering) and annual broadleaved weeds (less than 8cm dia/height) cultivation or Australian bluebell (Qld only) (Wahlenbergia gracilis), require a higher rate range or the addition of 2,4-D.
Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.), Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis, 800 - 1.0L less than 12cm sowing may start 6 hours after treatment and should occur within 21 days.
(Gnappalium luteo-album), Fumitory (Fumaria Aerial Application: See Aerial application. Do not apply by air if temperature is over officinalis, F. muralis), Mexican poppy (Argenmone F. muralis), Paterson’s Curse /Salvation Jane (Echium Crop Establishment: Sowing should not proceed until conditions allow the plantaginium), Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus), ochroleuca), New Zealand spinach (Tetrogonia Crop Establishment: Sowing should not proceed until conditions allow for a formation of formation of a satisfactory seedbed. See Crop Establishment for directions.
Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium), Spear Thistle tetragonoides), Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus), Spear a satisfactory seedbed. See Crop Establishment for directions.
Annual Ryegrass, Silvergrass and Perennial Grasses: Addition of a suitable Thistle (Circium vulgare), Spurge (Euphorbia spp.), Stinking Tank Mixtures: Read and follow label directions, restraints, plant back periods, (Circium vulgare), Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianum), wet er may improve control. When treating dense infestations of Silvergrass withholding periods, regional use restrictions and safety directions for the tank mix Volunteer Lupins (Lupinus angustifolius), Wild Turnip (Vulpia spp.), use of low volume nozzles (eg. SS 11001, Hardi No 10) and a spray products. DO NOT tank mix with atrazine when spraying Barnyard Grass or Liverseed Black (giant) pigweed (Triantherna portulacastrum), volume of 70L/ha or more is recommended to improve plant spray coverage.
Boggabri weed (Amaranthus macrocarpus), Caltrop Tank Mixtures: For improved control of clover add dicamba. Always read and (Tribulis terrestris), Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium follow all label directions, restraints, plant back periods, withholding periods, orientale), Mintweed (Salvia reflexa), Summer grass Seasonal suppression of: Perennial phalaris (Phalaris), Sorrel regional use restrictions and safety directions for the tank mix products. See (Rumex acetosella), Sub Clover (Trifolium subterraneum), African turnip weed (Sisymbrium thellungi), Deadnettle Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae), Skeleton Weed (Chondrilla Perennial Weeds: For Perennial phalaris, Soursob, Skeleton Weed and Sorrel, (Lamium amplexicaule), Sweet summer grass (Digitaria juncea) fully emerged rosettes (NSW only) this product wil provide knockdown, seasonal suppression and reduction in sanguinalis), Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianum), Volunteer Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Annual ground cherry (Physalis ixocarpa), Bladder Ketmia TAS ONLY: Use 1.2L/ha on annual weeds. Increase to 2.4L/ha where perennial (Hibiscus trionum), Camel melon (Citrullus lanatus), False weeds are being treated. To control White clover and improve control of Sorrel caster oil plant (Datura spp.), Noogoora burr (Xanthium (Rumex acetosella) and Dock (Rumex spp.), add 1L/ha of dicamba (200g/L). occidentale), Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum), Wild Observe dicamba label directions and plant back periods.
lettuce (Lactuca saligna), Wild Turnip (Brassica tournefortii), Situation Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha
Critical Comments
Sugar Cane (Ratoon Control) For Qld & NSW Only
Rate Vol/ha Critical Comments
Use a higher rate on larger weeds. Control of Pigweed over a wide range of growth stages can be obtained with the addition of metsulfuron-methyl (600g/kg). Observe recropping intervals.
Apply when ratoons are actively growing and are 60 – 100cm tall. DO NOT apply if plants are under stress from 600 - 800mL roset e up Previously grazed plants may be difficult to control without allowing full recovery.
Use the lower rate for suppression or where control by cultivation is planned. Use the higher rate for control.
Boom height must allow for correct overlap of the spray pattern at the top of the crop canopy.
Use the higher rate for dense infestations. Apply sequential treatments during summer and Rice – Direct Drilling for NSW Only
autumn, with autumn being most ef ective. Repeat applications may be required for full control. For improved control use in conjunction with cultivation.
Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha Critical Comments
800mL - 1.0L If plants are drought stressed a pre-watering prior must be applied If the site has been grazed al ow plants to regrow to Use the higher rates on plants approaching seedhead stage. Apply to plants with a Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Annual Phalaris (Phalaris canariensis), Barley Grass minimum of 30cm new growth. Sequential treatments will be required for long-term control.
(Hordeum leporinum), Burr Medic (Medicago For control of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) use the higher rate.
Make first application to actively growing plants when at least 20% have reached the head spp.), Sub Clover (Trifolium subterraneum), Crop Sowing – Sow 1 – 14 days after treatment.
stage (normal y about February). After al owing maximum re-emergence to occur (normal y Residual control will only be achieved by adding another suitable herbicide.
in 6-8 weeks), it is essential to make a second application. NOTE: Fol ow-up treatments should be made as part of a Nutgrass control program.
Sorghum Control
Pasture Renovation and Topping
Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha Critical Comments
DO NOT apply to varieties intended for seed production or varieties prone to lodging.
Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha
Critical Comments
DO NOT apply to crop under stress from factors such as waterlogging, frost, disease, low moisture etc.
Apply when grain moisture is less than 25%. The product can be applied when some browning has occurred.
Most annual weeds and Poa tussock (Poa labillardieri) Use the lower rate fo r control of crop, late tillers and ratoon regrowth. Use the higher rate for better suppression of * Remove stock for 14 days or more before treatment Treatment may increase potential for crop lodging, especially if the crop has been stressed by low moisture. In this * Apply after autumn break when plants are actively growing but before heavy frosts situation harvest as soon as possible after sufficient dry down to prevent lodging.
CAUTION: Sorghum may be naturally toxic to stock.
Application: Increasing to the higher rate may give more effective reductions.
DO NOT apply if plants are stressed from such factors as waterlogging, frost, disease, low moisture etc. For slashed Follow-Up Management: Sowing of new pasture may begin 14 days after treatment. for new regrowth stubble and spring regrowth apply when regrowth is at least 20cm high.
It is essential that correct fol ow-up pasture establishment and management occurs Standing Stubble - apply only if sufficient green leaf is present . Allow regrowth of at least to 20cm if grazing has occurred.
after treatment. Spot treatment will limit re-infestations (see Aerial Equipment).
Use the lower rate for knockdown and regrowth suppression where cultivation is to follow. Use the higher rate for Pasture with Bent Most annual weeds and Bent grass (Agrostis capillaries) Apply late spring when seed-heads have development, but before the onset of It is important to note that variable results can occur if the crop has been under stress or the grown under marginal conditions. The varieties Ruby, Trump, Nugget2, Goldrush2 and Prize are particularly susceptible if growing Remove stock prior to spraying to achieve good Bent foliage coverage. Ensure plants CAUTION: Sorghum may be naturally toxic to stock.
Fol ow-UP Management: 10-21 days after spraying ful y disturb soil with a tyned Use this rate for standing stubble if sufficiently green and for fresh spring regrowth implement and then sow summer crop, and/or reseeded pasture or crop the fol owing General Use Situations
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Calomba daisy Use the higher rate for heavy infestations or where Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) is present. Apply before ‘haying off’.
Weeds Controlled Application Rates Critical Comments
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) - Apply to at flowering.
Dry drains and channels, dry margins of dams, For Weeds Control ed refer For Application rates refer See Critical Comments shown for section and individual weeds under ANNUAL WEED CONTROL and Barley Grass (Hordeum leporinum), Brome Grass Other grasses - apply from head to milky dough stage.
(Bromus unioloides), Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Stock should be removed stock before spraying to al ow regrowth. Pasture legumes may be affected. DO NOT apply to clover or medic crops intended for seed or hay • Prior to nursery establishment • Site preparation prior to planting • In established tree areas using shielded or directed sprays or selective wiper equipment Carpet grass (Xonopus spp.), Kikuyu (Pennisetum Rate Selection: Apply the lower rate for he suppression only. The higher rate will DO NOT allow spray or spray drift to come into contact with foliage or green bark of desirable trees as clandestinum), Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) Band Spraying: Band spraying may be done immediately after the sowing operation. DO NOT allow wiper surface to come into contact with any apart of the tree.
Mount the nozzles behind the coulter/tyne/press wheel assembly of the band seeder. This product does not provide residual control.
Adjust to spray 0.5 to 1.0m strips. Ensure minimal disturbance of the pasture. domestic and public service areas, commercial Excessive dust created in the seeding operation may reduce herbicide activity. Pasture and industrial areas and around buildings.
seed must be drilled at the appropriate depth and covered by soil.
Barbed wire grass (Cymbopogon refractrus), Black Leucaena (Qld ONLY): Rows should be 4m apart Use 2L/ha with single taper fan For Weeds Control ed refer 800mL -2.4L/ha A pply post-sowing and at least 7 days before emergence of onion shoots. Do NOT apply to emerging onion plants as severe injury wil occur. For smal annual weeds use the lower rate for larger annual (Hederopogon confortus), Wire grasses nozzle LF1-80 mounted at the rear of the single row planter providing a 1m swath.
(Anstida spp.), Love grasses (Erorostis spp.), Red Natal weeds (as a guide greater than over 15cm in height) and where perennial weeds are present, use the For Weeds Control ed refer For Application rates 2. Selective Application (See Wiper Equipment) 3. Boom Applications are used in pasture control prior to re-seeding of improved pasture crop.
Weeds Controlled
Rate Vol/ha Critical Comments
See Protection of Livestock, Wiper Equipment and Conservation Tillage sections of this label.
ALL TREES AND VINES: Do NOT spray near trees or vines less than 3 years old. Do NOT allow wiper Bathurst burr (X. spinosum), Noogoora Use the lower rate on light infestations of small weeds, where the crop canopy allows adequate spray coverage of Nuts (including Almond, Pecan, Macadamia, burr (X. occientale), Winter annual the weeds. Increase to the higher rate when the crop canopy may limit coverage, when treating dense infestations, Pistachio and Walnut), Pome fruit, Litchi, Stone Avocado, Banana, Guava, Kiwifruit, Litchi, Mango, Paw Paw, and Stone Fruit: Spray drift can cause or when treating larger weeds. Apply alone or in tank mixtures with Dropp or Harvade. Apply when at least 60% fruit, Vineyards, and Citrus fruit, Avocado, Guava, damage if al owed to contact any part of the vine, palm, trunk or tree. Be careful to avoid contact with split of bol s are open and immature bol s cannot be easily cut with a sharp knife. Where a leafy canopy limits spray bark on Kiwifruit and green stems on Paw Paw.
Citrus, Litchi, Olives, Pome Fruit, Nuts and Vineyards. Do NOT allow spray to contact any part of the plant.
coverage, reduced weed control can be expected. For better results under these conditions, delay application until canopy re-opens following initial conditioning treatment.
For Weeds Control ed refer See Wiper Equipment See Section entitled ‘For Wiper Equipment’ in this booklet. Apply to weeds growing 15 cm above the crop Cot on, Navy Beans, Peanuts, Soybeans, Sugar to list of species under canopy or weeds growing between rows.
Where control of Nutgrass or Noogoora burr is required, treatments should be applied prior to the onset of frosts. Do NOT allow the product to come into direct contact with crops or solution to drip onto crops.
When tank mixed with defoliants, a slightly higher proportion of cotton leaf may be retained, particularly where the Where Wiper equipment or Shielded Sprayers Do NOT apply in crops less than 20cm high. higher rate is used. Read and follow all label directions for tank mix product.
are used to control weeds in row crops.
Shielded Sprayers (Cotton only) – apply to weeds growing between crop rows using a shielded sprayer.
Apply this product to weeds growing between crop rows using a shielded sprayer. Do not apply in crops less than 20cm Northern Australia: In fallows or prior to high. Do not allow spray or spray drift to contact any part of the cotton plants as severe injury or destruction may result.


Title Medication Adherence: Commonly Used DefinitionsAuthor Xiangyang Ye, Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center,University of UtahMaintainer Xiangyang Ye <>Description Medication Adherence: Commonly Used Definitionsadherence-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . medCMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Årsrapport 2008 .1 Mission .2 Organisation.3 Aktiviteter .5 Netværk .11 Bilag 1 .13 Oversigt over forsøg, GCP-enheden har modtaget protokol for i 2008 .13 Missionen for Københavns Universitetshospitals GCP-enhed var i 2008: ”Formålet med Københavns Universitetshospitals GCP-enhed er at hjælpe sundhedsfaglige forskere ved planlægning, udførelse og gennemfø

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