Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 2005: 2 (2) ISSN 1743-1611 (On-Line) Acute In-Patient Mental Health: moving forward in a local unit - Townsend Court Paul Wrake DipHE (Nursing), RN(MH) Unit Manager Bedfordshire & Luton Partnership NHS Trust PRACTICE
Townsend Court is a demanding, ever evolving Acute In-patient Unit,
DEVELOPMENT always facing the new challenges placed upon it. Three of its twenty
five beds are dedicated to substance misuse - drug and alcohol detoxification programmes. An outpatient clozapine clinic is also runfrom the unit. Townsend Court serves the catchment areas ofDunstable, Houghton Regis, Leighton Buzzard and all the surroundingvillages of Luton. Townsend Court: Acute mental health unit Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 2005: 2 (2)
The Unit welcomed the visit at the end of
and Heath & Safety Executive (HSE), and
was fortunate enough to have been Community Mental Health Nurse,highlighted and praised in the recent
found that the experience of service users
bringing an extensive wealth of knowledge,
Court. The unit is used to the many visitors
it receives, and was the first to receive an
Appreciation, Sports, Quiz, Creative Writing,
also nominated to host the recent national
Arts & Crafts, Relaxation, Cooking, Yoga,
'Think Clean Day'. It is always so Community, Art Therapy and Goal Planningencouraging for the dedicated
groups. For the creative person a range of
multi-disciplinary team to receive the art materials are available, and for thosecomplimentary letters such as after the visit
who enjoy sports, a pool table, table tennis,
exercise bike, badminton, board and cardgames are available for use outside of the
structured groups. In the very near future a
lively and enthusiastic Stakeholders Group,
personal computer and printer will be made
and one of the first to be chaired by a carer.
Advocacy Worker being actively involved.
The Rethink worker then holds an establish a Medication Management Groupadditional bi-weekly patient meeting as an
independent forum. Any issues raised that
experience. John Butler also meets with the
require action are then fed back to the Unit
newly established Practice DevelopmentGroup (PDG).
A long awaited and greatly needed day carefacility has been set up, and is now fully
operational. The day care facility provides
shop twice a week at Townsend Court. This
structured therapy programme. This facility
spirit and provides an invaluable service of
is aimed at providing that additional support
Christian Church provide a weekly 'Time to
Reflect' group on the unit. Quiet rooms aremade available for individual prayer and a
Townsend Court '7 Day In-Patient & DayCare Therapeutic Programme' (see Tables
1 & 2). This therapeutic programme is tirelessly to provide a totally first class
Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 2005: 2 (2) ISSN 1743-1611 (On-Line)
patient experience from the day of information pack that is carefully admission through to discharge. Patients,
individualised for each patient's care, which
carers and visitors are warmly welcomed by
the patient can receive at anytime from the
the hospitality nurse - a new role that was
time of admission through to the point of
developed within the last year. This vital role
discharge. Discharge questionnaires andcomment cards are freely available and
contributes to a reduction in the patient's
regularly used, providing valuable feedback
anxiety levels and promotes good customer
The named nurse and patient work closelytogether to devise a comprehensive
Table 1: In-Patient & Day Care Programme - part 1 11.00 - 12noon 9.30 - 10.00 9.30 - 10.00
AM Goal Planning Group Gardening Group Exercise Group (OT) 10.30 - 11.30 10.30 - 11.30 Current Affairs (OT)
available throughout the Art Therapy (OT) week outside of Occupational Therapy Meal Prep (OT) 13.30 - 14.30 13.30 - 14.30 13.30 - 14.30
PM Sports Group (In reach Creative Writing (OT) Life Skills (OT) 15.00 - 16.00 15.00 - 15.30 Relaxation Group (OT) Relaxation (OT) 13.30 - 14.30 Art Therapy (Art Therapist) 15.00 - 16.00 Quiz (OT) Advancing Practice in Bedfordshire 2005: 2 (2) Table 2: In-Patient & Day Care Programme - part 2 9.30 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.30 10.30 - 11.30 10.30 - 11.30 Patient Meeting Yoga (OT) Ward Round Music Group Preparation Group (Nurse / Clinical 10.00 - 11.45 Community Group 10.30 - 11.30 Music Appreciation (In reach CMHN & Nurse) 10.30 - 11.45 Medication Management (Nurse x 2) 12noon - 13.30 15.00 - 16.00 15.00 - 16.00 15.00 - 16.00 Cooking (OT) Art & Craft (OT) Games Group Games Group 13.30 - 14.30 Expressive Art (OT) 16.30 - 17.30 16.30 - 17.30 Music Group / Music Group / 15.00 - 16.45 Relaxation (Nurse Relaxation (Nurse Healthy Living
Fibromyalgi: Et overblik Artikel fra Health and Rejuvenation Research Center's hjemmeside - Cayce Health Database, oversat af Kåre Netterstrøm Fibromyalgi er en kronisk forstyrrelse, karakteriseret af omfattende muskel- og ledsmerter, træthed og mangfoldige ømme punkter. ”Ømme punkter” refererer til ømhed, som findes i præcise lokaliserede områder, især i nakken, rygsøjlen, sk
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the 2010 Prohibited List which will come into effect on 1 January 2010. The Prohibited List is an international standard that outlines the substances and methods that are prohibited in sport. I encourage you and your relevant team members to familiarise yourself with the new Prohibited List to ensure your athletes are ready for the change on 1 Janu