by Laura Poole
Ever since I was an infant, I had asthma and severe allergies. When I turned 7 years old, the doctors started treating me for my allergies intensively. They would give me shots of each allergen, such as down, dust, pollen, mold, cat, and dog.
They also gave me a bee test. It turned out I was allergic to all.
This testing was done every six months and the testing itself would make me
so sick I could not get out of bed for two weeks. That went on until I turned 18 years old. By that time I was on so many drugs I didn’t know what was causing what. They started me with Theodur, which is a steroid. I took that daily. It caused so many side effects I would take something else for that, and then another pill for that side effect.
Finally, at 19 years of age I tried to stop every thing. I tried acupuncture and
herbal therapy but it didn’t work very well.
I was pretty athletic all my life. I loved basketball and soccer. I was able to
play, but every game was followed by an oxygen tank, nebulizer, or sometimes a drive to the emergency room. I was okay as long as I didn’t go outside, play sports, walk up stairs, laugh too hard, wear perfume, or be around pets or flowers. I couldn’t even go on a roller coaster. I was 24 and felt like 80. Even 80 year olds were in better shape than me.
At 24 my condition was getting severe and the doctors told me if I didn’t start
treatment again my lung would collapse. So I tried the “new” natural (yeah right) medications.
They started me on Claritin; they said it was harmless and would get me
through allergy season. That was followed with Flonase for my nose, Severent for my lungs, Flovent daily, Albuterol for emergency use and an epi-pen to give a self shot. Then Flonase caused my blood to thin so I had to take something for that and Claritin caused migraines so I had to take Xanex and Percoset. The steroids caused severe heart burn and ulcers and so I was put on Zantac. Al this made my stomach sick so I was then put on Compazine. This was supposed to strengthen the lung, but it ended up making it collapse. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and had to be revived. My Mom begged doctors to please help her daughter, so they doubled all the drugs and sent me home with home care. I was out of work for a year and Valley Home Care treated me.
I remember looking at my dresser each day and counting my pills. The count
would always get larger. Finally I stopped at 22 different bottles.
One day my friend told me she used a chiropractor and then I remembered
Wolyniec treating me in high school for an injury caused by a car accident.
mentioned it to my Mom she said through that year I was going to him I didn’t
have any attacks after my soccer games. I started talking to Dr. Wolyniec, but I was scared and dependent on my drugs. Dr. Wolyniec and Dr. Jacoby both felt that they could help me, but it will be a long haul and require a change of diet.
Dr. Wolyniec and Dr. Jacoby started treating me regularly on June 10th of
1999 (27 years old). Little by little I was weaning off of my drugs. I stayed on my inhalers only. I kept every allergy pill just in case. I started with getting adjusted daily. With all the medications I was on I gained over 200 pounds. Just after a month of treatment I saw not only a weight change from being off of the drugs, but I was able to walk better and sleep. On drugs I was always up until 3 a.m.; with chiropractic I started getting tired by midnight. Now I’m in bed by 10:00 p.m.
In November, 1999 I went to Arizona. I still lugged all of my medications
along just in case. We climbed a mountain in Saratoga and when I got to the top I cried. Never, since I could remember, have I been able to do anything like that without taking my inhaler. My friends were just as emotional because they always had to help me. Not this time. I could have climbed ten more mountains.
When I got back to the hotel room I dumped every pill in the toilet bowl and
until this day, I never had to take one again.
In December, 1999 while housesitting I got a phone call the next morning. The
lady had known me all my life and she knew about my allergies. She asked if I was okay because the bed I slept in had a down pad, down comforter and down pil ows. I told her I was fine and laughed. When I got off the phone I thought about it and realized that if that were to have happened six months earlier I would
I went back to Dr. Wolyniec with emotions to tell him what happened. He told
me that it was just the beginning and it would get even better. I started working for him that month and stil got adjusted at least four times a week.
I am now a full time nanny for three kids. I am back to daily exercise without
having to take my inhaler. Dr. Wolyniec helped me with a healthy diet and vitamins daily and also showed me that through the power of prayer God can help me through anything. Dr. Wolyniec truly believed that he could help me get better and he did.
I am 29 years old and I run around winter, summer, spring, and fall. I can play
with dogs and cats and smell flowers. I feel like I’m finally enjoying a life that I never had. No more headaches, ulcers, or bladder infections because there are no more drugs. I thank God each day for helping me through these years but most of al for introducing me to Dr. Wolyniec and Dr. Jacoby.
Laura Poole Prospect Park, New Jersey April, 2001
HITCH – DER DATE-DOKTOR HITCH Regie: Andy Tennant Darsteller Länge 113 Cinemascope Stabliste HITCH – DER DATE-DOKTOR „Egal wie, egal wann, egal wer: Jeder Mann hat die Chance, eine Frau vonden Füßen zu fegen – vorausgesetzt, er hat den richtigen Besen.“ So lauteteine der Weisheiten von Alex „Hitch“ Hitchens, und der muss es wissen,denn Hitch, genannt der