The HANDLE® Institute 7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B110 San Rafael, CA 94903 415-479-1800 CASE STUDY ADD, Autism, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory
Processing Disorder in 14-year-old female
Presented by Peg Simon, certified HANDLE® Practitioner, from Judith Bluestone’s client notes
These case studies, each submitted by a Certified HANDLE® Practitioner, demonstrate outcomes achieved through implementation of an individualized HANDLE program. The acronym stands for the Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency. The HANDLE paradigm for understanding behaviors and their root causes is thoroughly explained in The Fabric of Autism: Weaving the Threads into a Cogent Theory, by Judith Bluestone, the creator of HANDLE and the founder of The HANDLE Institute. For intimate insights into client and family experiences of HANDLE, see The Churkendoose Anthology, with commentary by Judith Bluestone.
For each of the clients in these Case Studies, the practitioner began with a comprehensive assess- ment, the findings of which led to a Neurodevelopmental Profile, which in turn formed the basis for a program of activities complex in their neuroscientific premises and very simple to implement. Thereafter the client’s program was modified about monthly in accord with changes achieved in the interim. Each client participates in twelve to fifteen activities regularly; the practitioner, in writing up the case study, names those activities in brief without the full details and explicit information each client-family receives in why and how to implement the program. Go to for more information. Clinical history
a fussy eater, does not drink much water, and
prefers chocolate and cola. She is under the
Client is the only child of well-educated parents.
care of a psychiatrist specializing in autism. She
She has a history of ADD, autism, and sensory pro-
was seen for suspected sleep apnea, but did not
cessing disorder; diagnosed with central auditory
meet criteria for diagnosis; went to school for
processing disorder (CAPD); at time of HANDLE
special children for elementary years; had many
assessment was taking Depakote, Trileptal, Foc-
years of sensory processing disorder therapy;
will continue speech therapy in group setting. Early Health and Developmental History Placement At time of assessment, client was entering seventh
Mother’s pregnancy and delivery were normal,
grade at a public junior high School.
with mild jaundice and some feeding problems at birth. Client suffered numerous ear infections in
Participation in HANDLE® Program
early childhood. She had high fevers, with febrile
Referral Concerns
seizures and no diagnosed dehydration. All devel-
Client’s mother came to a HANDLE informational
opmental milestones were reported met; reported
presentation, and subsequently set up appoint-
difficulty/delay with playing ball sports and with
ment for her daughter. The referral concerns were
Nutrition and Current Health
Educational concerns: dealing with transitions
• It was observed at HANDLE assessment that
in junior high; organizational skills; auditory
client has pudgy feet and generally tight skin,
and cannot tolerate closed shoes—wears flip flops only. Client has nocturnal enuresis. She is
Social concerns: social ability is limited in
negotiating and compromising in a group; has Other notes: Client has difficulty in modulating no friends.
voice and gets easily upset/angry. Mother felt need
Specific perceptual and/or processing con-
cerns: CAPD, Sensory Integration Disorder,
Initial HANDLE Program
Attention, Hyperactivity, Visual Perception, Autism.
Client was given an initial HANDLE program to address the referral concerns by organizing and
strengthening the disorganized/weak systems
Initial Assessment: Sept. 7, 2007
Client is hypersensitive to most light touch, with
tactile sensitivity limiting food choices; she also
Crazy Straw and Blowing activity to enhance
blocks pain sensation. Grinds teeth at night, and
the visual functions, auditory functions,
needs to chew ice or gum, indicating trigemi-
interhemispheric functions, and muscle tone;
nal nerve is disorganized. Lymph is not flowing
in addition, Crazy Straw was given to aid with
well, causing tight skin and puffy feet with easy
Buzz Snap (hands, face, feet) to enhance
Vestibular system disorganized. Client requires
muscle tone, proprioception, and to help get
stimulation (likes to spin, jump, etc.) to focus,
falls asleep in moving car or when overheated;
Face Tapping to enhance interhemispheric
dizziness is a factor during movement if wearing
functions, tactility, differentiation, auditory
glasses (for near point vision). Her muscle tone is
mildly diminished, and differentiation not com-plete (there is mild overflow to mouth when track-
Skull Tapping to enhance interhemispheric
ing and startles to unexpected sound). Auditory
functions, tactility, auditory functions, and to
sequencing challenged by guttural sounds (prob-
Proprioception is compromised (requires mother
system flow, vestibular system, and auditory
beside her in order to fall asleep). She often
Chocolate Ears to enhance auditory functions,
Visual Systems: Ocular motility is challenging as
vestibular system, and to improve digestion;
sustained tracking leads to mild nystagmus—cli-
Crossed Arm Bounce to enhance interhemis-
ent prefers to move head or body instead. Bin-
ocularity not fully established as left eye tends to
2-Finger Spinal Massage to aid the autonomic
over-converge, and she sometimes closes left eye
to focus. There is mild light sensitivity.
Ball Back Roll and Side to Side tips to enhance
Lateralization: right side dominance with mild
the vestibular system, auditory functions,
left side weakness and lack of synchronicity seen
visual functions, interhemispheric functions,
Higher order functions: Receptive language chal-
Spinal Twist to aid with vestibular system, au-
lenged by auditory sequencing difficulties and by
ditory functions, interhemispheric functions,
client’s limited ability to read non-verbal com-
munication. Written expressive language com-promised; time management and organization
challenging; reading comprehension also compro-
ception, tactility, and muscle tone along with
Observed strengths: visual perceptual constancy;
Additional suggestions were made to begin sup-
motor planning; oral expressive language (relative
plementing with Omega 3 fatty acids to balance
the 3-6-9 EFAs, and to increase water intake while decreasing caffeinated food/beverage intake. Program Review/Reassessment Visits
address long-term organizational needs. Discon-
Activity Check: Sept. 11, 2007
tinue Buzz Snap Face, Buzz Snap Hands and Feet, 2-Finger Spinal Massage, Peacemaker Massage,
Family report: The activities have been done for
the 3 days since seen at assessment.
Clinician’s observations: Feet less puffy. Outcomes
Program revisions: Further instructions given on
Ball Back Roll and Side to Side Tips re the number
Client is now functioning well in school and ap-
of repetitions and what to gauge increases by. In-
propriately in social situations. Enuresis stopped
crease amount intense sucking with Crazy Straw.
Guidance given on more accurately doing several
Social concerns of limited social ability and
of the activities. Adaptations made in Crossed Arm
lack of friends are met. Client has friends and
Bounce. Added Jiggle Bridge to further enhance
is able to work things out with them normally
— can apologize for overreacting, or friends
can apologize for hurting feelings. She is able
Program Review #1: Oct. 16, 2007
to sleep on own and no longer needs or wants
Family report: Has girl friends for first time; enure-
sis stopped completely; no longer needs or wants
Educational concerns of transitions, writing,
mom in bed with her to fall asleep; less need for
and CAPD met. Organizational skills improv-
chewing. Activities being done regularly.
ing but still needs help for long-term projects.
Clinician’s observations: Feet not as puffy, less
Generally, school is much better. Handwriting
bruising; lymph is beginning to flow better. Im-
is precise, easy to read and fluent. She now has
provements seen in proprioception, interhemi-
4 regular teachers out of 6. New activity given
spheric functions, tactility, vestibular system,
to accomplish the goal of improved organiza-
Program revisions: Side to Side Tips—focus on
Perceptual and processing concerns: Visual
small object. Crossed Arm Bounce—4 bounces
tracking is smooth and convergence is ac-
“reading objects.” New activities: Sunrise-Sunset;
curate. Hemispheric synchronicity resolved.
Reflexology diaphragm stretch. Discontinue
Facial expressions are all appropriate, and
Chocolate ears and generalized blowing. On hold:
she is able to read and respond to non-verbal
Peacemaker Massage. Continue the others.
communication. Physical sensations more organ ized and emotional feelings in normal
Program Review #2: Feb. 25, 2008
range. Tactility issues mostly resolved, and has
Family report: Client has begun to react to pain;
begun to react to pain. Feet less puffy, with
has friends and normal problems with them;
less bruising. Wears closed shoes with ease.
sleep over at friend’s house with 5 others and no need to prep host family; organization skill is
Future plans
improved but still somewhat challenging for long
Client is enthusiastic participant in therapy and
wants to become a therapist and invent activities herself. Client will continue with maintenance
Clinician’s observations: Visual tracking smooth;
convergence accurate; bimanual circles and triangles synchronous and symmetrical; feet less
What Makes This Case Unique
puffy and can wear closed shoes now; handwrit-
This client had received many years of therapy
ing precise, easy to read, and fluent. Client carries
and had been in a special needs school for her
on meaningful conversation during session and
elementary years, yet when seen was not able to
is able to modulate voice appropriately and show
function appropriately socially or academically.
In addition, nocturnal enuresis was still a nightly
Program revisions: Introduced Hula Bounce to
problem. This client was seen four times over
nearly six months and her HANDLE program was
revised three times. At the exit interview she was func-
Client’s behaviors/symptoms leveled off for a long
tioning appropriately both socially and academically,
enough period of time that both her neurologist and
and presented as a neurotypical (and very bright)
psychiatrist agreed to begin weaning her from her
14-year-old, able to have friends and even sleep over
medications. On April 30, 2009, her mother reported
without any special arrangements with host family.
that in the last six months, with the supervision of
Nocturnal enuresis was completely resolved. Aca-
client’s neurologist and psychiatrist, she has been
demic concerns, including CAPD, were corrected, with weaned off of Depakote and Trileptal with no ill ef-long-term organizational skills still being addressed.
fects. Next they hope to wean her off of Seroquel.
Both the length of time the client’s problems had
persisted and the relatively short time of the HANDLE program in resolving the majority of the concerns are
For further information, Peg Simon can be contacted at
notable. Also notable is the very full recovery made. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
The HANDLE Institute presents these case studies to demonstrate the successes of the HANDLE approach and pique the interest of researchers and funders in engaging in clinical studies to further examine the efficacy of these interventions. For more information about The HANDLE Institute, go to or email us at You can download case studies from the website or email us to obtain pdf files. The HANDLE® Institute 7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B110 San Rafael, CA 94903 415-479-1800
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