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“Discover Amsterdam!” game
Terms & conditions
Article 1 _ Organisation
KLM Switzerland, at WTC II, route de Pré-Bois Case Postal 91 CH-1215 Genève 15, organizes an online
competition on its Facebook page
Article 2_ Data management
Participation in the competition is free and reserved for entrants over the age of 18 living in Switzerland.
The competition is not open to employees of AIR FRANCE and KLM or to employees of companies
involved in the organization of the competition, employees’ relatives.
In case of dispute, documentary evidence wil be asked.
Each player accepts the “terms and conditions” of this competition.
Article 3_ Participation
The competition is only available online on the Facebook page of KLM Switzerland:
The play runs from August 5, 2013 until September 5, 2013 at midnight.
The draw wil be on September 06, 2013.
KLM wishes to clarify that the personal data (names, emails, etc.) are not transmitted to third parties.
By entering the game, the participants agree to receive the newsletter by email (unsubscriptionpossible at any time).
Article 4_ Terms
To participate, you simply must:
1. Have a Facebook account
2. Like Facebook klmswitzerland page
3. Click on the application
4. Find 3 locations out of the 10 attractions in Amsterdam using the Google Street View-based applicationYour participation is then registered.
Only one participation per Facebook account is permitted.
Inscriptions (e-mail + incomplete address), counterfeit, or not in rule with this “Terms and conditions”result in disqualification.
Any dishonest attempt by the participants of one and the same household wil lead to the invalidity of Article 5_Rewards
The fol owing prize wil be awarded to the winner of the game, according to the Article 6 of this “Terms&Conditions”: 2 economy class return flight tickets for 2 persons, departure Switzerland (Geneva, Basel orZurich) to Amsterdam. The flight wil be operated by KLM. The flight tickets must be used up by30th of June 2014 at the latest.
One room for two people in WestCord Fashion Hotel in Amsterdam for 2 nights. The hotel nightsmust be used until 30th of June 2014. Reservations are possible depending on the availablecapacity.
(Approximate worth of the prize: 2 000 CHF) The winner and the person of his/her choice must fly together on both inbound and outbound flights (at the same time and on the same Air France flight). The tickets can only be used by the winner and aresubject to conditions: they are valid in economy class only. The flights wil be operated by KLM.
Tickets must be booked at the latest on the 31st March 2014 and used until 30th June 2014 (last departure).
The prize is non-transferable and wil lose their validity in case of no use.
A prize may not be exchanged for any other prizes or services for equal or lesser value or for cash. Nofrequent flyer Miles wil be credited for the prize flights.
The prize is not eligible for cumulating Miles, neither for the winner, nor his/her and travel companion.
Transportation costs from the winner’s residence and the airport are at the winners’ expenses.
Article 6_ Winners designation
Participants who correctly attended the game, found 3 locations and completed the form wil beeligible for the draw.
A draw among those participants - described in section 3 - wil be made September 06, 2013.
The drawing wil occur at the end of the game, on „date of the drawing” without the presence of a notary.
The contestant accepts these principles when participating to the competition and accepts the outcomeannounced by the organization without requesting any evidence. Legal action is excluded.
Article 7_ Awarding of prize
At the end of the contest, the winner wil be contacted at the email address he has specified whenregistering for the game.
Prizes may not be exchanged for any other prizes or services for equal or lesser value or for cash.
If the prize can’t be awarded, because the participant didn’t answer or didn’t complete the requirementsabove, it wil be canceled and wil not be reassigned.
The name of the winner wil be published exclusively by posting on the KLM Switzerland Facebookaccount.
Article 8_ Litigation and responsibilities
KLM shall not be held liable for possible disruption to Internet services or related links occurring due to
unpermitted data sharing or il egal acts, which in turn result in disruptions of administrative procedures
and security and organization of the competition. KLM shall also not be held liable for errors, omissions,
interruptions, deletion or loss of e-mails. KLM shal be held liable for neither Internet congestion,equipment quality of the Internet user, quality of Internet connection nor transfer delays resulting fromthis.
Enrolment must: - mention a valid e-mail address where it is possible to reply to,- be completed at the time of the promotion on the web site.
Enrolment automatical y generated or generated by a technical manipulation wil not be taken intoaccount for the draw.
If due to acts of nature or reasons beyond KLM control, the prize cannot be attributed, it wil not beattributed again.
This game is hosted by the Internet site Facebook. Each participant must meet the conditions for usingthe Facebook website. The Participant confirms he is informed and aware of the terms of use and privacypolicy of the website Facebook, which can be accessed directly on the website Facebook.
Article 9
KLM reserves the right, to change, shorten, extend or cancel the event with notice and shal not be heldliable for it.
Article 10
Participation to this game involves ful acceptation of the stated terms and conditions.


Vrnkov, k

VRÁNKOVÁ, K., KOY, CH. (eds) Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature. South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies No. 1. České Budějovice: Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Death, Angels and Football – Blake’s Visions and Almond’s England. Abstract: With reference to Skellig by David Almond, I discuss how the secondary world is interwoven with that of the pri

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CITTA’ IMMAGINATE 1984 / George Orwell ; traduzione di Stefano Monferlotti. - Milano : A. Mondadori, 2004 823.91/ORW Cent'anni di solitudine / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; traduzione di Enrico Cicogna. - Milano : A. Mondadori, c1988 863.6/GAR City / Alessandro Baricco. - Milano : Rizzoli, 1999 853.91/BAR Il mago della finanza : romanzo / R.K. Narayan ; postfazione di Enrico Reggiani. - Milano : Il

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