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Narrow band UVB phototherapy in dermatology
Sunil Dogra, Amrinder Jit KanwarDepartment of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. A. J. Kanwar, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Postgraduate Institute of MedicalEducation & Research, Chandigarh - 160102, India. E-mail: ajkanwar@sify.com
for the treatment of psoriasis and uremic pruritus.5However, broad band UVB phototherapy was less
The first report of the use of ‘phototherapy’ in the
efficient for treating psoriasis than PUVA and so never
treatment of skin disorders dates from 1400 BC from
achieved popularity. The breakthrough came after 1988
India when patients with vitiligo were given certain
when narrow-band UVB (NB-UVB) phototherapy was
plant extracts (whose active ingredients included
introduced for the treatment of psoriasis by van
psoralens) and then exposed to the sun.1 The real
interest in the use of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in thetreatment of various skin diseases started in the 19th
century when Niels Finsen received the Nobel Prize(1903) for his therapeutic results with UV irradiation
A potential advance in UVB-based phototherapy has
in lupus vulgaris, the only dermatologist ever to be
been the introduction of fluorescent bulbs (Phillips
awarded one.2 This marked the start of modern
model TL-01) that deliver UVB in the range of 310 to
phototherapy. It was used in thermal stations for the
315 nm, with a peak at 312 nm. It has a relatively narrow
treatment of tuberculosis, in the treatment of leg ulcers
spectrum of emission which when compared with the
in wartime, and various other skin diseases.3 It was a
older broad band UVB source has a reduction in
very long journey from the use of plant extracts and
erythemogenic wavelengths in the 290-305 nm range
sun exposure to treat vitiligo to the use of oral
and 5-6 fold increased emission of the longer UVB
psoralens and total body UVA-irradiation cabins (PUVA)
wavelengths, thereby resulting in a higher
to treat various skin diseases. In a landmark
development, in 1974 Parrish et al reported the usefulrole of high intensity UVA tubes in combination with
oral psoralens in the treatment of psoriasis leading towhat is now known as PUVA therapy.4
In the skin, NB-UVB radiation is absorbed by DNA andurocanic acid and alters antigen presenting cell activity.
The history of UVB phototherapy is not as old as the
NB-UVB is about 5-10 fold less potent than broad band
history of photochemotherapy. Wiskemann introduced
UVB for erythema induction, hyperplasia, edema,
irradiation cabin with broad band UVB tubes in 1978
sunburn cell formation and Langerhans cell depletion
How to cite this article: Dogra S, Kanwar AJ. Narrow band UVB phototherapy in dermatology. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2004;70:205-9.
Received: May, 2004. Accepted: July, 2004. Source of Support: Nil.
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol July-August 2004 Vol 70 Issue 4
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Dogra S, et al: UVB phototherapy in dermatology
from the skin. It has a relatively more suppressive effect
than broad band UVB on systemic immune responsesas judged by natural killer cell activity,
NB-UVB schedules can be tailored according to patient
lymphoproliferation and cytokine responses.8 The
skin type and local experience. There are two regimens
mechanism of action of NB-UVB phototherapy has not
that are most commonly used; the first involves
been completely understood. In psoriatics, NB-UVB
determination of the individual’s minimum erythema
phototherapy lowers peripheral natural killer cell
dose (MED) by means of a separate bank of TL-01 tubes.
activity, lymphocyte proliferation and immune
Often 70% of the MED value is used for the first
regulatory cytokine production by both Th1 (IL-2, IFN-
treatment; thereafter therapy is given three times or
γ) and Th2 (IL-10) T-cell populations.8,9
more in a week with 40, 20 or 10% incrementsdepending on local experience and skin type tolerance.
Similar to PUVA therapy, NB-UVB may exert its effects
Another approach, as commonly practiced in India,
in vitiligo in a two-step process. Both steps may occur
involves a standard starting dose (280 mJ/cm2), with
simultaneously, the first being the stabilization of the
stepwise increase (usually 20%) depending upon the
depigmenting process and the second, the stimulation
patient’s erythema response. In the photodermatoses,
of residual follicular melanocytes.10,11 The well-
the approach is more cautious with only 10%
documented immunomodulating effects of UV
incremental regimen on sun-exposed sites.9 In case of
radiation can explain the stabilization of the local and
mild erythema, the irradiation dose is held constant
systemic abnormal immune responses.12 It is also likely
for subsequent treatments or until resolution of
that NB-UVB, similar to PUVA therapy, stimulates the
symptoms. The goal of therapy is to achieve persistent
dopa-negative, amelanotic melanocytes in the outer
asymptomatic erythema. In case of painful erythema
hair “root sheaths, which are activated to proliferate,”
“with or without edema/blistering, further treatment
produce melanin and migrate outward to adjacent
is” withheld till the symptoms subside. After resolution
depigmented skin resulting in perifollicular
of overdose symptoms, the dose administered is 50%
repigmentation.11 The ability of NB-UVB radiation to
of the last dose and subsequent increments should be
systemically suppress the major components of cell
mediated immune function is thus likely to be linkedto its beneficial effect in several inflammatory skin
In India, vitiligo is associated with marked social stigma,thus demanding its effective management. NB-UVB is
NB-UVB phototherapy cabins contain fluorescent TL-
a new addition to the armamentarium of therapies for
01 (100 W) tubes as the source of irradiation. The cost
vitiligo. Clinical experience with NB-UVB in vitiligo is
of a chamber and lamps show considerable variations
limited, with only a few published reports.13,14,15,16
between countries and distributors. NB-UVB cabins
However, initial results have been encouraging and
available commercially either incorporate TL-01 alone
there is a growing interest in its use in vitiligo
or in combination with UVA tubes. Combination
worldwide. While earlier reported studies have
chambers take longer to administer a treatment dose.
evaluated its role mostly in Western population, our
Thus, although they provide flexibility, they may
experience in Indian patients is further evidence of its
represent an unsatisfactory compromise for a busy
efficacy in the treatment of vitiligo.17,18
phototherapy unit. Recently, shorter tubes of NB-UVBhave also become available in small area treatment
In 1997, Westerhof and Nieuweboers-Krobotova13 first
equipments (hand and foot unit, NB-UVB comb) for the
reported the use of NB-UVB phototherapy for the
treatment of vitiligo. In their comparative study, 67%
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol July-August 2004 Vol 70 Issue 4
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Dogra S, et al: UVB phototherapy in dermatology
of patients undergoing NB-UVB phototherapy showed
episodes, increased efficacy and longer remission when
repigmentation compared with 46% of patients
compared with broad band sources.22 When NB-UVB
receiving topical PUVA after 4 months of therapy. In a
phototherapy and PUVA were compared, there was little
recently published study, NB-UVB was reported to be
overall difference in efficacy.23,24 Coven et al compared
effective and safe in childhood vitiligo.14 In this open
the therapeutic effectiveness of half-body exposures
trial, 51 children with generalized vitiligo were treated
to NB-UVB or broad band UVB in moderate to severe
twice weekly with NB-UVB radiation therapy for a
psoriasis.25 Clinical resolution was achieved in 86% of
maximum period of 1 year, resulting in more than 75%
sites treated with NB-UVB vs. 73% treated with broad
overall repigmentation in 53% of patients and
band UVB including faster clearing and more complete
Scherschun et al retrospectively analyzed their
Although treatment with NB-UVB is reported to be
experience of treating vitiligo with NB -UVB
highly effective in clearing psoriasis patients, whether
administered as monotherapy 3 times a week.15 Five
this therapy represents a modest advance or a real
of their seven patients achieved more than 75%
breakthrough is not clear. If NB-UVB is to replace PUVA
repigmentation with a mean of 19 treatments, whereas
therapy in the treatment of more severe psoriasis, it
the remaining two patients had 50% and 40%
must not only achieve a comparable clearance rate in
repigmentation after 46 and 48 treatments respectively.
psoriasis, but it must also maintain remission at a
In a recent meta-analysis of non-surgical therapies in
comparable frequency of treatment. At present, small
generalized vitiligo by Njoo et al,19 higher success rates
studies do provide some hope in this respect.26
were observed with NB-UVB (63%) than with oral PUVA(51%). As in the western population, NB -UVB
phototherapy produces a cosmetically good color
Fortunately atopic dermatitis (AD) is less severe in the
match in Indian patients.18 Its distinct advantages over
Indian population and can be mostly managed by
PUVA include the lack of psoralen related side effects
topical therapies.27 Recently NB-UVB has been reported
and precautions, cosmetically better color match, and
to be effective for the treatment of AD and is one of
its safety in children. However, the relative stability of
the first line therapies in moderate-to-severe AD in
NB-UVB induced repigmentation over PUVA, its
western countries.28,29 To optimize the patient’s
maximum safe duration and cumulative dose allowed
personal comfort, air conditioning is incorporated into
the irradiation cabin.30 Available data indicate that NB-UVB seems to be a promising modality for the treatment
of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis and is favorably
The NB-UVB lamp was developed as a ‘new’ UVB
accepted by patients. It offers an effective alternative
phototherapy source with an emission spectrum within
the therapeutic waveband for psoriasis phototherapy. NB-UVB phototherapy has a higher ratio of therapeutic
to erythemogenic activity, resulting in increased
Prophylactic low dose NB-UVB has been found to be
efficacy, reduced incidence of burning and longer
useful in various predominantly UVA induced
remission. Results from two therapeutic action
photosensitivity disorders like polymorphic light
spectroscopy studies indicated that wavelengths of the
eruption, actinic prurigo, hydroa vacciniforme and the
range 295-320 nm are effective in clearing psoriasis,
cutaneous porphyrias by providing a ‘hardening
whereas shorter wavelengths are more erythemogenic,
photoprotective’ effect. A typical course involves 10-
15 treatments given in early spring.31 We have also
therapeutic.20,21 Subsequent clinical studies have tended
observed a beneficial role of NB-UVB in patients with
to report significantly greater improvement of psoriasis
airborne contact dermatitis to Parthenium hysterophorus,
with NB-UVB including reduced incidence of burning
a frustrating problem for both the patient and the
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol July-August 2004 Vol 70 Issue 4
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Dogra S, et al: UVB phototherapy in dermatology
Table 1: Narrow band UVB responsive dermatoses
The general advantages of NB-UVB therapy over PUVA
(*Dermatoses that may flare up)
include safe use in children and pregnant women, no
need for post-treatment eye protection, no drug
ParapsoriasisGeneralized lichen planusPityriasis rosea
As with other forms of UV exposure, in addition to the
expected immediate sunburn effects, chronic NB-UVB
Seborrheic dermatitisPityriasis rubra pilaris
exposure is likely to increase photoaging and the risk
of carcinogenesis.8 Presently there is insufficient human
data available to provide recommendations regarding
the safe maximum NB-UVB dose. However, according
to a dose response model it has been calculated that
the long-term risk for carcinogenesis with its use may
physician.32 Other less frequently tried indications are
be less than that of PUVA therapy.38 Clinical experience
with NB-UVB is limited and currently there is noestablished safe limit for its maximum safe duration of
use in vitiligo. Njoo et al recommend that responsivepatients can be given this treatment for a maximum of
In psoriasis, NB-UVB has been used in combination with
24 months.37 After the first course of one year, they
topical therapies like tar, dithranol, calcipotriol and
recommend a resting period of three months to
tazarotene. There are some reports suggesting faster
minimize the annual cumulative dose of UVB. In
clearance, but the benefit of their combination with
children, the maximum duration allowed is 12 months.
NB-UVB over NB-UVB used alone in the treatment of
Subsequently, if required, only limited areas should be
psoriasis is still debatable.33,34 However, it should be
exposed. If no response is observed after six months,
remembered that for most patients an attractive feature
further therapy should be discouraged. Further, the risk
of NB-UVB monotherapy is the absence of topical
of cutaneous malignancies in vitiligo can be reduced
therapy. There is hardly any published information on
by skin saving principles, i.e. covering the parts that
the role of combination therapy in vitiligo. Broad band
have repigmented satisfactorily and shielding the
UVB has also been used in combination with psoralen
(PUVB),35 but its comparative efficacy and safety overNB-UVB and PUVA remain to be determined.
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