Microsoft word - hedley-tempephoneix-medicalhistory.docx
DATE:__________________ PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY FORM HEIGHT: WEIGHT: CHIEF COMPLAINT: WHY are you here today? WHICH side is involved: ___Right ___Left ___Both HOW did the INJURY or PROBLEM Happen? ___Accident ___ Auto Accident ____Work Accident __Other WHEN did the INJURY or PROBLEM Begin? SURGICAL HISTORY:
Have you ever had a general anesthesia? ___Yes ___No Have you ever had any problems with anesthesia? ___Yes ___No / Explain Reaction: List ALL of the surgeries that you have had:
ALLERGIES: Please Circle the medications below that you are allergic to: Latex Aspirin Codeine Sulfa Penicillin Keflex Betadine Tape List any other Medication Allergies:
Work status: ___Full time ___Part time ___Work at home ___Retired ___Disabled ___Student
Marital Status: ___Married ___Separated ___Single ___Live with Spouse or Other ___Live Alone
Recreational Drug Use: ___Yes ___No / What kind of drug:
Alcohol use: ___Yes ___No / ___Daily ___1-2 drinks per week ___More than 2 drinks per week
Tobacco Use: ___Yes ___No / Packs per day:
Mother ___Alive ___Deceased / cause of death:
Brother ___Alive ___Deceased / cause of death:
MEDICATIONS INCLUDING ALL VITAMINS, MINERALS AND HERBS: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Please Circle all of the following Medical Problems or Conditions that you have, or have had: Constitutional: unexplained weight loss/gain, fever chills, fatigue Eyes: corrective lenses, blurred/double vision, eye pain ENT: Headache, difficulty swallowing, nose bleeds, ringing in ears, earaches Cardiovascular: Chest pain, palpitations, fainting, mummers, High Blood Pressure, Pacemaker Respiratory: Short of breath, wheezing, cough, tightness, snoring, inspiration pain Gastrointestinal: Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, bloody/tarry stools Genitourinary: Frequency, urgency, difficult / painful urination, Flank pain, bleeding Musculoskeletal: Joint Pain, Swelling, instability, stiffness, redness, muscle pain Skin: Skin changes, poor healing, rash, itch, redness Neurologic: Numbness/ tingling, unsteady gait, dizziness, tremors, seizures Psychiatric: Nervousness, anxiety, depression, hallucinations Hematologic: easy bleeding, easy bruising Endocrine: excessive thirst or urination, heat or cold intolerance, Diabetes Allergic: Reaction to foods or environment Sleep Apnea / Use C-pap Machine Hepatitis HIV / AIDS Other Medical Problems: Patient Signature___________________________________ Form Reviewed ______________________M.D. Page 2
CURRICULUM VITAE __________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL NAME AND DEGREE/S: EDUCATION: Institution ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: 1995-1996 Research Assistant, M .S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India 1996-1999 Teaching Assistant, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Canada 1999-2000 Res