Oriental ginseng is more stimulating than white Oriental ginseng Cultivation: Ginseng is native to northeastern China, eastern Russia, and North Korea, but is now extremely rare in the wild. Ginseng cultivation requires great skill. It is propagated from seed in spring and requires rich, moist, but well-drained soil. The plant takes at least 4 years to mature. The root is then normally harvested in autumn, washed, and steamed before being dried. History: Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb of all. It has been valued for its remarkable therapeutic benefits for about 8,000 years and was so revered that wars were fought for control of the forests in which it thrived. An Arabian physician brought ginseng back to
Europe in the 9th century, yet its ability to
improve stamina and resistance to stress
Panax ginseng
became common knowledge in the West only
in the 18th century. It was used extensively by
Family: Araliaceae Names: Korean Ginseng, Chinese ginseng,
monopolized the rights to harvest it and wars
have been fought over it. A 2,500 year old
Chinese myth from the Province of Sheni tells
of villagers hearing a loud voice calling them
Description: a perennial growing to 3 feet with
from underneath a plant shaped like a man,
oval, toothed leaves and a cluster of small
which they named Jen-shen or Ren-shen,
green-yellow flowers. Red and white ginseng
meaning “man root.” It is said to be a
are not plant species, but rather are terms used
manifestation of Tu Ching, the Spirit of the
to describe the processing that the root has
Ground, the Chinese went on spiritual quests to
undergone. All ginseng roots, when picked and
find ginseng, reciting an ancient chant before
dried are white. Processing the root with steam
digging it. I is also told that ginseng is found
is what makes it red. In addition to changing its
where a bolt of lightning strikes a clear spring,
color and preserving it, the process makes the
ginseng more warm." Consequently red
cohesiveness and earth solidity produces this crystallized essence.
Constituents: pan-axos meaning all-healing. It is from the
ginsenosides, acetylenic compounds, panaxans,
same word as panacea, which means cure-all.
va-pang-suis and their profession was
Action: adaptogenic, tonic, stimulant
extremely dangerous. They were preyed upon
by vicious bandits called the White Swans, who
Energetics: warm, sweet, slightly bitter
killed many of them to get the root. The only
redeeming feature of these bandits was that
Meridians/Organs affected: spleen, lungs
they believed that no prospector should be
Medicinal Uses:
bordered flag to the unfortunate victim to
for generations to be a panacea by the Chinese
signify to other bandits that he had already
disorders, such as acute inflammatory diseases,
for which it is not recommended. It usually is
expensive pieces of root that they can afford.
not taken alone, but combined in formulas with
sometimes lined with lead to “preserve the
investigators, Russian I.I. Brekhman, coined
radiations emitting from the root”. Inside, the
the term “adaptogen” to describe ginseng’s
root itself is carefully wrapped in silk or tissue
ability to regulate many different functions. It
paper. It will be taken home and nugget-sized
can have different responses, depending on
pieces will be boiled in a little silver kettle
what an individual needs. Studies show that
designed specifically for the purpose. Or the
root may be kept in brandy for years, the family
efficiency and resistance to stress and disease.
eking out the precious liquid by taking it in
little sips and offering a little to the most
observed according to Rorschach. Studies done
at the Chinese Academy of Medical Science in
The Jesuits were responsible for the real
Beijing, China, showed that the ginsenosides
start of trade in American ginseng. In 1704, a
increase protein synthesis and activity of
French explorer returned to Paris with what
neurotransmitters in the brain. They are also
turned out to be American ginseng he’d found
probably responsible for ginseng’s dual role of
in southern Canada. Jesuits officials (who
sedating or stimulating the central nervous
maintained a substantial missionary presence in
system, depending on the condition it is being
China) sensed a potential commercial bonanza,
taken to treat. Studies also show that ginseng
and instructed their missionaries in Canada to
improves carbohydrate tolerance in diabetics.
Canadian Jesuits shipped some to their Canton
ginseng along with alcohol, their blood alcohol
brethren who sold it for $5 a pound. For the
level was 32% to 51% lower than that of the
next 25 years, Canadian Jesuits shipped tons of
American ginseng to China. They kept the
trade a secret to protect their monopoly but
immune system of both animals and humans. It
eventually word leaked out and by the 1740s
revs up the white blood cells (macrophages and
colonists were scouring the countryside for the
natural killer cells) that devour disease-causing
plant. By the late 1770s, ginseng fever had
virtually wiped out the plant along the Eastern
production of interferon, the body’s own virus-
seaboard. The search for ginseng played a key
fighting chemical, and antibodies, which fight
bacterial and viral infections. It reduces
cholesterol, according to several American
studies. It also increases good cholesterol.
Ginseng has an anticlotting effect, which
are experiencing a “collapse” of your “chi”,
reduces the risk of blood clots. It reduces
blood sugar levels. Ginseng protects the liver
from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol, and
varies. In China, ginseng is best known as a
other toxic substances. In a pilot human study,
stimulant, tonic herb for athletes and those
ginseng improved liver function in 24 elderly
subject to physical stress, and as a male
people suffering from cirrhosis. Ginseng can
aphrodisiac. It is also a tonic for old age, and is
minimize cell damage from radiation. In two
traditionally taken by people in northern and
studies, experimental animals were injected
central China from late middle age onward,
with various protective agents, then subjected
helping them to endure the long hard winters.
to doses of radiation similar to those used in
cancer radiation therapy. Ginseng provided the
over the past 20-30 years in China, Japan,
best protection against damage to healthy cells,
Korea, Russian, and many other countries. Its
suggesting value during cancer radiation
remarkable “adaptogenic” quality has been
significantly improves the body’s capacity to
particularly beneficial for the elderly. As
cope with hunger, extremes of temperature, and
people age, the senses of taste and smell
mental and emotional stress. Furthermore,
ginseng produces a sedative effect when the
addition, the intestine’s ability to absorb
body requires sleep. The ginsenosides that are
nutrients declines. Ginseng enjoys a reputation
responsible for this action are similar in
as an appetite stimulant and one study showed
structure to the body’s own stress hormones.
it increases the ability of the intestine to absorb
Ginseng also increases immune function and
nutrients, thus helping prevent resistance to infection, and supports liver undernourishment. This is a yin tonic, taken
in China for fevers and for exhaustion due to a
chronic, wasting disease such as tuberculosis.
been recognized as effective n reducing alcohol
It can help coughs related to lung weakness. In
the 1960s, a Japanese scientist, Shoji Shibata,
hangovers. A clinical experiment demonstrated
at the Meiji College of Pharmacy in Tokyo,
that ginseng significantly enhanced blood
identified a unique set of chemicals that are
alcohol clearance in humans. In regards to
largely responsible for ginseng’s actions. They
cancer, a number of experiments have shown
are saponins, biologically active compounds
that ginseng can help restore physiological
that foam in water. Ginseng’s unique saponins
balance within the system and significantly
reduce the side effects when used along with
anticancer drugs. For diabetes, when patients
beneficial effects on metabolic function,
are treated with ginseng at the early stages,
immunity, mood, and physiological function at
conditions can return to normal. In advanced
the most basic cellular level. It doesn’t benefit
stages, the blood glucose level is significantly
everyone; recent studies of elite athletes reveal
lowered. When combined with insulin, insulin
that it has no demonstrable effects on athletic
requirements are reduced while still effectively
performance. Yet in older people, studies show
lowering blood glucose level. Other symptoms
that it reduces fatigue, improves performance,
such as fatigue and decreased sexual desire are
and boosts mood. This makes sense in classic
terms because why would world-class athletes,
with superior yang energy, want to take a root
taken in small amounts over a long period of
for people with “devastated” yang? But if you
time, improves regulation of the adrenals so
are recovering from a drawn-out illness, feeling
that stress hormones are produced rapidly when
fatigued, or feeling the effects of age—if you
needed. Whole root is best. Extracts, even
beginning of each season, supplemented by
those that contain specific guaranteed-potency
other appropriate culinary-medical herbs, to
ginsenosides, don’t have some of the other
prepare the body and mind for the changing
compounds in ginseng that may be beneficial.
It’s not recommended to take even good quality
Traditionally, different forms of ginseng
extracts for more than 2-3 weeks at a time, but
have different “energies.” The strongest, most
the whole ginseng root, in small amounts can
“yang” is red Korean, followed by red Chinese;
this is ginseng that has undergone a process
that may concentrate ginsenosides. American
Science at Hokkaido University in Sapporo,
ginseng is purported to have a cooler, milder,
ginsenoside, Rb2. In mice given lung tumors,
Pharmacological studies confirm that red
“oral administration of ginsenoside Rb2 caused
a marked inhibition of both neovascularization
ginsenosides that stimulate the central nervous
system than white ginseng does and that
Neovascularization, also called angiogenesis, is
the tendency of tumors to create tiny blood
stimulatory, more sedating ginsenosides.
vessels that feed their malignant growth.
between P. pseudo-ginseng and P. notoginseng,
about 2,000 patients admitted tot eh Korea
and whether or not they do differ notably in
Cancer Center Hospital in Seoul to another
constituents is not clear. P. quinquefolius was
2,000 noncancer patients. Those with cancer
discovered in the 18th century by Jesuit
were about half as likely to use ginseng as
colleagues of Pere Jartoux, who deduced that
those without cancer. Cancer risk was lower
similar plants might exist in North America. It
with those who took ginseng for a year but
was first collected for export to China by
much lower for those who took ginseng for up
to 20 years. Fresh ginseng, white ginseng
Chinese medicine in 1765. Regarded as more
extract, white ginseng powder, and red ginseng
yin than P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius is given to
were all associated with reduced cancer risk.
children and young people, for whom P. ginseng would not be appropriate.
ginseng for a month on, a month off. Whole
Remedies: Capsules: for nervous exhaustion,
root, in food or tea, can be taken for a longer
period of time, a year or more. Good whole
Soup: is a common way of taking ginseng in
ginseng root is thick, long, and intact.
Commercially grown ginseng root is often very
soft and, when you break it, spongy. This is
Tablets: are a convenient way of taking
inferior. Good ginseng, is compact; the roots
ginseng. Take for short-term stressful events,
are much harder, with plenty of wrinkles
around the top. The best ginseng root is at least
Decoction: Take 3-10 g in 500 ml as a general
five or six years old. To determine the age,
count the scars, each one represents a year.
Tincture: use for diarrhea related to weak
digestive function. For asthma and chronic
beneficial as a tonic than concentrated extracts
or supplements. In China, Korea, and other
Asian countries, there is a tradition of cooking
with ginseng, of integrating it into the diet. It is
Indications: nervous exhaustion; lack of
appetite, night sweats; cold extremities;
strengthening soup or stew. Once might make
recuperation after surgery, long illness, or
childbirth; short-term memory loss; impotence;
stroke; diabetes; hypertension; anemia; heart
and broth into soup bowls, stir, and serve.
palpitations; adrenal deficiency; immune
gastritis; morning sickness; deficient energy;
Chocolate Peanut Butter Ginseng Cookies Incompatibles: with iron and other metal
compounds and utensils; amethyst; Veratum
nigrum; opium; dairy products; tea; white
Toxicity: Ginseng is a safe herb with low
toxicity, but too much can cause headaches,
cake mix, eggs, oil and ginseng. Stir in
insomnia, heart palpitations, or a rise in blood
chocolate chips and roll batter into 1" balls.
pressure in some people. Don’t take with high
Place onto lightly greased baking sheet and
flatten slightly. Bake 9 - 11 minutes. Cool
cookies for one minute and place on wire rack.
Culinary Uses: Small amounts of ginseng are
chopped and added to sops and stews in the
Orient, where the difference between foods and
Sex Muffins Recipes: Double Boiled Chicken with ginseng
1 small chicken, about 1½ lb or 3 chicken
for 4 hours. Drink warm. (The Family Herbal
spices and ginseng in a bowl. In the meantime,
slowly melt chocolate and butter together in top
Ginseng Steamed with Chicken Legs
of double boiler, stirring mixture until melted
ingredients in the bowl along with the honey,
milk and egg whites. Stir just enough to blend.
Pour into greased muffin tins and bake in
preheated 400F oven. Bake 20-25 minutes.
Cut each chicken leg in half at the joint;
Tossed Ginseng Salad
with a heavy cleaver chop each half into 2
1 small head of lettuce or cabbage, coarsely
pieces, including bone. Place chicken chunks
in a Pyrex or ceramic bowl, add sliced ginseng
1 fresh ginseng root, thoroughly cleaned and
and ginger, add wine or sherry. Place bowl in a
steamer basket or steamer-wok, and steam over
1 small red or white onion, sliced into rings
high heat for 1 hour. Sprinkle pepper and
1 or 2 green onion stalks, julienned 1"
minced spring onions into individual soup
Several spinach leaves torn into small pieces
bowls, then ladle chicken chunks, ginseng pulp,
Condiments such as soy sauce, sugar, sesame seeds or black pepper.
Serve with oil and vinegar or your favorite
Ginseng and Beef
dressing. Flavor with condiments of your
Fresh ginseng root, thoroughly cleaned and
1/2 pound tenderloin, cut into narrow strips or
Steamed Chicken Breast with Ginseng
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 6 ounces
Marinate beef with a mixture of soy sauce,
sherry and sugar. Stir-fry meat in oil. Add
ginseng and fry briefly while adding the
seasoning of sherry, pepper, garlic powder,
and garnish. Add chicken and cover. Marinate
sugar and soy sauce to taste. Add green onions
in refrigerator for one or more hours. Remove
chicken. Pour marinade into pot with fitted
steamer. Add water to 3/4" depth and bring to
simmer. Place chicken in single layer on
Deep-Fried Ginseng
steamer, cover tightly and steam over high heat
12 - 15 minutes. Sprinkle with sliced green
Sex Muffins
3/4 to 1 cup of water ( or use your favorite
1 tbsp. ginseng powder (equal to contents of 15
Mix egg yolk with cold water. Add flour
and salt and mix lightly. Add ginseng slices to
coat. Deep fry and serve with dipping sauce
The Book of Ginseng, Stephen Fulder, Healing
6 ounces mini chocolate chips or raisins
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix flour,
baking powder, spices and ginseng powder in
Anderew Chevallier, Dorling Kindersley, 1996;
bowl. Meanwhile, slowly melt chocolate and
butter in top of double boiler until smooth.
Facts About Ginseng: The Elixir of Life,
Add melted chocolate to dry ingredients. Add
honey, milk and egg whites and stir just enough
to blend. Pour into greased muffin tins and
The Family Herbal Cookbook, Cecilia Tan,
bake for 20 - 25 minutes. Cool two minutes
Ginseng: The Myth & The Truth, Joseph P. Hou, Wilshire Book Co., 1978; ISBN: 0-87980-367-3 Tonics, Robert A. Barnett, 1997, HarperPerennial, ISBN: 0-06-095111-7 HERBALPEDIA™ is brought to you by The Herb Growing & Marketing Network, PO Box 245, Silver Spring, PA 17575-0245; 717-393-3295; FAX: 717-393-9261; email: herbworld@aol.com URL: http://www.herbalpedia.com Editor: Maureen Rogers. Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Material herein is derived from journals, textbooks, etc. THGMN cannot be held responsible for the validity of the information contained in any reference noted herein, for the misuse of information or any adverse effects by use of any stated material presented.
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