Pesach 2013 to Purim 2014 Aviv New Moon Calendar for Appointed Times
ALL DATES WILL OCCUR AS POSTED OR ONE DAY LATER DEPENDING ON WHEN THE 1st , 7th , 9th, and 12th If Aviv Moon is sighted in If Aviv Moon is sighted in MOONS ARE SIGHTED FROM ISRAEL. The 1st Moon of the calendar, the Aviv Moon, is the first Moon sighted in Israel on 3/13/2013 the Israel on 3/14/2013 the Israel after significant amounts of Barley have been sighted throughout the Land by two or more validated Appointed Times will be: Appointed Times wil be: witnesses. For the traditional feasts of Chanukah & Purim many elect to go by the Jewish/Hillel Calendar dates.Light blue background provides the most likely Moedim dates.Dates Moedim will actually fall on. Visibility 2% if not cloudy Visibility 5% if not cloudy Pesach – 14th Day of 1st Moon; Leviticus 23:4,5 (Passover) {Seder to be done in home} [Celebrating Yeshua 1st Day of 7 of haMatzot – 15th Day of 1st Moon; Leviticus 23:6,7 (Unleavened Bread) {Public Gathering}
[Celebrating the entry into the 7000 Plan of Salvation to Remove Sin from the Earth and from our Lives, and
of the re-establishment of the Torah in the Earth]
W-day night/Th-day Day Th-day night/F-day Day
First Fruits Wave Offering – 1st Day after 7th day Sabbath Fol owing Pesach; Leviticus 23:11-14 (Ceremony
of Elders) {Public Welcome, but not Mandated} [Celebration of Yeshua’s Ascension to the Father on the 1st
Day of the Week Fol owing His Resurrection Occurring at the Close of the Sabbath the Previous Day]
Sat-day night/S-nday Day Sat-day night/S-nday Day
7th Day of 7 of haMatzot – 21st Day of 1st Moon; Leviticus 23:8 (Unleavened Bread) {Public Gathering}
[Celebrating the Final Rest in the Mil ennial Kingdom Resulting from this Process]
Shavuot – 50th Day Fol owing the 7th Sabbath from Waving of the First Fruits; Leviticus 23:15,16 (Pentecost) Dusk of 5/18/2013 to
{Public Gathering} – Always Fal s on 1st Day of the Week. Blowing of 1st Trump; Exod. 19:16 [Celebrating the Dusk of 5/19/2013
Grafting in of the People Living Among the Nations into this Plan]
Sat-day night/S-nday Day Sat-day night/S-nday Day
If 7th New Moon is If 7th New Moon is From here, only follow the column corresponding to the actual date that the 7th New Moon is sighted! sighted on 9/7/2013 sighted on 9/8/2013 Visibility 2% if not cloudy Visibility 7% if not cloudy Yom Teruach – 1st Day of 7th Moon; Leviticus 23:23-25 (Day of Trumpets, Rosh Hoshannah) {Public
Gathering}. Blowing of Last Trump. Josh. 6:16; Ezek. 37:1-14; Matt. 24:31:36; I Cor. 15:52; I Thess. 4:16.
[Celebrating the Coronation of Yeshua as King Over the Earth, the Resurrection of those who wil reign with
Him as kings and as priests over the earth for 1000 years, and celebrating of the Writing of our names in the
Yom Kippur – 10th Day of 7th Moon; Leviticus 23:26-32 (Day of Atonement) {Public Gathering}. Blowing of
Great Trump. Lev. 25:8-10. The Day of YHWH. [Observing the Day of God's Vengeance in 2027 (the year 6000 Dusk of 9/17/2013
from Adam), the Day of Final Atonement for Yahuweh’s People, of those Who Repented Over the 10 Days of M-day night/T-day Day
Awe. The Writing of their Names in, and the Final Closing of, the Book of Life prior to the Mil ennial Kingdom.
Introduction of the 120th Jubilee from Adam reigning in the Mil ennial Kingdom]
1st Day of 7 of Succot – 15th Day of 7th Moon; Leviticus 23:34,35 (Tabernacles) {Public Gathering}
[Yahuweh’s Throne on Earth and Dwel ing with Man for 1000 Years. It is where the Resurrected of Yeshua
Reign with Yeshua over the Earth over the Remaining Mortals until Sin and Death are Ultimately Subdued
Shemini Atzeret – 22nd Day of 7th Moon; Leviticus 23:36 (The Last Great Day, the 1st day fol owing the 7th
day of Succot) {Public Gathering} [The Great White Throne Judgment; the New Atmosphere and New Earth;
the Handing over of the Earth and its Kingdoms back to the Father; The arrival of the New Jerusalem to the
1st Day of Chanukah – 25th Day of 9th Moon; Yahuchanan (John) 8:12; 9:5; 10:22; “Jewish/Hil el Calendar” Dusk of 11/29/2013 to
{Public Gathering Optional for Chanukah}
Celebrating Yeshua’s Conception in Miriam’s Womb, of Yeshua as Light of the
F-day night/Sabbath Day S-turday night/S-nday Day
world; and of the Power of Light Over Darkness. The Study of Antiochus Epiphenes W-day night/Th-day Dayand the Pictures of the “Anti-“ Christ (False Messiah) that he Foreshadows for the
8th Day of Chanukah – Yahuchanan (John) 8:12; 9:5; 10:22; {Public Gathering
“Jewish/Hil el Calendar” Dusk of 12/6/2013 to
Optional for Chanukah} [The Final Triumph Over that “Anti” Messiah (False
F-day night/Sabbath Day S-turday night/S-nday Day
Purim (2 days) – 14th & 15th Days of the 12th Moon; Hadassah (Esther) 9:20-22
“Jewish/Hil el Calendar” Dusk of 2/14/2014 to
{Public Gathering Optional for Purim} [Another theme Celebrating the Divine
Intervention that Prevented Our Ultimate Extermination at the hands of an "Anti" Dusk 3/17/2014
Messiah (False Messiah) type shadow picture]
The soonest and latest that the Appointed Times can occur based on past observation and under current “pre” Yesh’yahu (Isaiah) 24:18b-20 conditions. The soonest Pesach can currently occur: Mar. 26. The latest Pesach can currently occur: Apr. 24. The soonest Shavuot can currently occur (Adjusted for Aviv style Omer count): M-y 18 (M-y 14 by Hil el). The latest Shavuot can currently occur (Adjusted for Aviv style Omer count): Jun. 19 (Jun. 13 by Hil el).
Go to the "Contact Us" section of our website located at to request to be placed on our "New Moon" contact list for notification of when
the 1st, 7th, 9th, and 12th New Moons are sighted from Israel for determining, respectively, the dates for Pesach, Yom Teruach (Rosh Hoshanna), Chanukah and Purim; or visit our home page to access more studies on Pesach and the other Moedim. 03/28/2013 Edition.
This ministry believes in doing what we pray, “Father, Your will be done on Earth as it is done in haShamayim (Heaven)”. Hil el, which is based on mathematical conjunction calculations) is not how it is done in haShayim; and is not how it was done in Yeshua's day or when the Temple was standing. Everything in haShayim is done Jerusalem time, (the Torah wil go out from Zion, all males are to appear before Yahuwah in Jerusalem, al nations are to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot). Likewise, the sighting of the New Moon during the Aviv harvest of barley is the time table that Yeshua observed His Pesach in.
Likewise, the New Moon in Scripture is the first sliver of moon sighted. As it is written “Rosh Kodesh”, kodesh coming from the root word kadash, which means to be bright, shiny and new, and is sometimes used to refer to a scimitar sword in Scripture which just happens to also be crescent shaped.
Additionally, with Yeshua's Pesach taking place on a T-day night fol owed by His crucifixion taking place on a W-day day of the year 28 CE (AD); See Time Line 3, is the only time the 14th day of the New Moon fell on this day of the week between the years 25 CE (AD) and 35 CE (AD). The 1st day of this New Moon of Yeshua's Pesach and death was likewise, a sliver, not a conjunction (This is verifiable through astronomical software); See Time Line 10 for the astronical info. See “On Passover & the Resurrection” for when to keep Passover.
There is a big push for everybody to be on the same page concerning the keeping of the Moedim, but this will never happen by fol owing the calendars of men. If we are going to have Yahuwah's blessing on this effort, it can only be by doing it at the same time as haShamayim does it. If we are out of sync with haShamayin, then not only are we being insincere when we pray “Father, your wil be done on Earth AS in haShamayim”, but we are also violating Torah, and following the traditions and dictates of man instead of the requirements of His holy Word, and likewise cheating ourselves and everybody around us out of His blessing upon our efforts to unify.
As an example, there are many couples out there who are not equal y yoked. One is a believer, and the other is not, or one is catholic, and the other Jewish, or whatever the case may be, and there is never complete unity. But we and my wife, I cannot even begin to count how many times we have had a disagreement that was settled by just simply going to the Scriptures and accepting Yahuwah's judgment on the matter according to His word. It is acceptance and submission to His word, and to His word only, that brings the Unity. Nothing else.
As so it is with the Moedim. If we continue to insist upon fol owing the calendars and traditions of man instead of the calendar that Yeshua fol owed and all the hosts of haShayim follow, we will never achieve the unity that we claim to so fervently desire. Thus the reason why we do all the commanded Moedim only according to the New Moons as sighted from Jerusalem, beginning with the first New Moon sighted by 2 or 3 witnesses whose testimony agrees after the Aviv barley used for the First Fruits offering is first sighted in mass in Israel.
It my desire to see the 12 tribes come together for the Moedim on the same calendar at least one time before the Master Yeshua returns. I have provided the above calendar to help facilitate this cause so that we may be echad with Yahuwah above and not with man below.
To help in this effort, I have also supplied a cut from our “Sabbaths of Yahuwah” study to help people understand the difference between a Sabbath, a Shabaton, and a Mikra Kodesh.
There are only 3 Appointed Times in Scripture referred to as “Sabbaths”, and they al fal in a pattern of 7, are al also cal ed shabatons, and are all prophetic of the Mil ennial Kingdom, the 7th mil ennium from Adam.
They are the 7th day Sabbath occurring on the 7th day. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement/Day of Vengeance) occurring in the 7th Moon, and the Year of Rest for the land, occurring in the 7th year.
The 7th day of rest is prophetic of the rest from physical labor and need for wage earning for those entering into the Millennial Kingdom through the first resurrection.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement/Day of Vengeance) is the day those of the first resurrection receive permanent rest from our enemies.
The 7th year rest of the land is prophetic of the rest that the whole Earth wil receive for 1000 years as it is restored to its former state of paradise. There is,
1-The 7th day Sabbath. Sabbath #1. V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:1-3. No kind of work, no food preparation, no buying or selling. Hebrew: Shabbat (Sabbath), Shabbat Shabaton (Sabbath day of rest) & Mikra Kodesh (Public assembly).
2-The 1st day of Hag haMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:6,7;Shemot (Exodus) 12:16 No regular work, no buying or selling, food preparation allowed. Hebrew: Mikra Kodesh (Public Assembly).
3-The 7th day of Hag haMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread); V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:6,8;Shemot (Exodus) 12:16 No regular work, no buying or selling, food preparation allowed. Hebrew: Mikra Kodesh (Public Assembly).
4-Hag Shavuot (Pentecost). V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:15-21. No regular work, no buying or selling, food preparation allowed. Hebrew: Mikra Kodesh (Public Assembly).
5-Yom Teruach (Day of Trumpets). V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:23-25. No kind of work, no buying or selling. No food preparation appears to be allowed. Hebrew: Shabaton (Time of rest), Mikra Kadosh (Public Assembly).
6-Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Sabbath #2; V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:26-32. No kind of work, no food preparation, no buying or selling. A day of fasting & prayer. Hebrew: Shabbat (Sabbath), Shabbat Shabaton (Sabbath time of rest) & Mikra Kodesh (Public assembly).
7-The 1st day of Hag haSuccot (Feast of Tabernacles); V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:34, 35,39. No regular work, no buying or selling. No food preparation appears to be al owed. Hebrew: Shabaton (Time of rest), Mikra Kadosh (Public Assembly).
8-The 8th day, following the 7th day of Hag haSuccot (Feast of Tabernacles); V'yikra (Leviticus) 23:34,36,39. No regular work, no buying or selling. No food preparation appears to be al owed. Hebrew: Shabaton (Time of rest), Mikra Kadosh (Public Assembly).
9-The 7th year Sabbath for rest of the land and for the cancel ation of debts. Sabbath #3. V’yikra (Leviticus) 25:2-7. A Sabbath, a Sabbath of rest, no planting, pruning, or harvesting of crops. Hebrew: Shabbat (Sabbath), Shabbat Shabaton (Sabbath time of rest).
10- 50th year, the Year of Jubilee. V'yikra (Leviticus) 25:8-55. No planting or harvesting. People gather food freely from the fields. It is a time the land lies fal ow, al debts are canceled, all slaves are freed, and al property is returned to the original Israeli inheritors. Copyright 3-28-2013, by the Torah and Testimony Revealed Ministry
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