Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Connecticut Community- Technical Colleges 2012-2013
Connecticut Community-Technical Colleges is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan
underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All enrolled students are eligible to enroll in the
Optional 24-Hour Injury and Sickness Plan on a voluntary basis. Eligible Dependents of students enrolled
in the Optional plan may also enroll on a voluntary basis.
2012-201337-2. *Policy terms andconditions subject to regulatoryapproval. Highlights of the Coverage and Services offered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources are:
● Up to $100,000 Per Insured Person, Per Policy Year Maximum Benefit for Covered Medical Expenses.
● $1,000 Deductible for Preferred Providers Per Insured Person, Per Policy Year, $2,000 Deductible for you enroll. The certificate of
Out of Network Providers Per Insured Person, Per Policy Year.
● Covered Medical Expenses for Preferred Providers are payable at 80% of Preferred Allowance and coverage including costs,
Out of Network benefits are payable at 60% of Usual and Customary charges (all benefits are subject
to satisfaction of the Deductible, specific benefit limitations, maximums and copays as described in the
● Preferred Provider Out-of-Pocket Maximum of $10,000 Per Insured Person, Per Policy Year. Out-of- may be continued in force. Copies
Network Out-of-Pocket maximum of $15,000 Per Insured Person, Per Policy Year. After the Out-of-Pocket
Maximum has been satisfied, Covered Medical Expenses will be paid at 100% up to the policy Maximum
Benefit subject to any applicable benefit maximums. Refer to the plan certificate for details about how the
● Prescription Drug Benefits: $15 copay for Tier 1 / $35 copay for Tier 2 / $70 copay for Tier 3 up to
a 31-day supply per prescription filled at a UnitedHealthcare Network Pharmacy (UHPS).
Prescriptions must be filled at a UHPS network pharmacy. Mail order through UHPS at 2.5 times the
● Coverage available for eligible Dependents.
● The Preferred Provider Network for this plan is UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus. Preferred Providers can The Policy is a Non-Renewable
● Scholastic Emergency Services – Domestic Students are covered when 100 miles or more away from
their campus or home address. International Students are covered worldwide except in their homecountry. Your student health insurance coverage, offered by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company may not meet the minimum standards required by the healthcare reform law for restrictions on annual dollar limits. The annual dollar limits ensure that consumers have sufficient access to medical benefits throughout the annual term of the policy. Restrictions for annual dollar limits for group and individual health insurance coverage are $1.25 million for policy years before September 23, 2012; and $2 million for policy years beginning on or after September 23, 2012 but before January 1, 2014. Restrictions on annual dollar limits for student health insurance coverage are $100,000 for policy years before September 23, 2012 and $500,000 for policy years beginning on or after September 23, 2012, but before January 1, 2014. Your student health insurance coverage puts a policy year limit of $100,000 that applies to the essential benefits provided in the Schedule of Benefits unless otherwise specified. If you have any questions or concerns about this notice, contact Customer Service at 1-800-767-0700. Be advised that you may be eligible for coverage under a group health plan of a parent's employer or under a parent’s individual health insurance policy if you are under the age of 26. Contact the plan administrator of the parent’s employer plan or the parent’s individual health insurance issuer for more information.
UnitedHealthcare StudentResources Each Child Pre-existing Condition means any condition which is diagnosed, treated or
employment and was continuous to a date not more than 150 days prior to their
recommended for treatment within the 12 months immediately prior to the
effective date under this policy. This Pre-existing Condition Limitation will not
Insured's effective Date under the policy. Routine follow-up care to determine
apply to (a) newly Insured Persons who were covered for such Pre-existing
whether a breast cancer has reoccurred in a person who has been previously
Conditions, under previous Qualifying Coverage when (a) the preceding
determined to be breast cancer free shall not be considered as medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment unless evidence of breast cancer is found during or
Qualifying Coverage was continuous to a date not less than 120 days prior to
as a result of such follow-up. Genetic information shall not be treated as a
their effective date under this policy; or (b) newly Insured Persons who apply
condition in the absence of a diagnosis of the condition related to such
within 30 days of initial eligibility under this policy and whose previous Qualifying
information. Pregnancy shall not be considered a pre-existing condition.
Coverage was terminated due to the involuntary loss of employment and was
Exclusions and Limitations
continuous to a date not more than 150 days prior to their effective date under
No benefits will be paid for: a) loss or expense caused by, contributed to, or
this policy; (This exclusion will not be applied to an Insured Person who is under
resulting from; or b) treatment, services or supplies for, at, or related to:
Acne; acupuncture; allergy, including allergy testing; except as specifically
28. Prescription Drugs, services or supplies as follows:
a) Therapeutic devices or appliances, including: hypodermic needles and
Milieu therapy, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, parent-child problems,
syringes, except for hypodermic needles or syringes prescribed by a
conceptual handicap, developmental delay or mental retardation, except as
Physician for the purpose of administering medications for medical
specifically provided in the policy; except as specifically provided in the Benefits
conditions, provided such medications are covered under the policy,
support garments and other non-medical substances;
b) Immunization agents, biological sera, blood or blood products
Congenital conditions, except as specifically provided for Newborn or adopted
c) Drugs labeled, “Caution - limited by federal law to investigational use”
or experimental drugs except for drugs for the treatment of cancer that
Cosmetic procedures, except cosmetic surgery required to correct an Injury for
have not been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration,
which benefits are otherwise payable under this policy, or for newborn or
provided the drug is recognized for treatment of the specific type of
adopted children; removal of warts, non-malignant moles and lesions;
cancer for which the drug has been prescribed in one of the following
Custodial care; care provided in: rest homes, health resorts, homes for the aged,
established reference compendia: (1) The U.S. Pharmacopeia Drug
halfway houses, college infirmaries or places mainly for domiciliary or custodial
Information Guide for the Health Care Professional (USP DI); (2) The
care; extended care in treatment or substance abuse facilities for domiciliary or
American Medical Association’s Drug Evaluations (AMA DE); or (3) The
American Society of Hospital Pharmacist’s American Hospital
Dental treatment, except as specifically provided in the Policy;
Formulary Service Drug Information (AHFS-DI);
e) Drugs used to treat or cure baldness; anabolic steroids used for body
11. Eye examinations, eye refractions, eyeglasses, contact lenses, prescriptions or
fitting of eyeglasses or contact lenses, vision correction surgery, or other
f) Anorectics - drugs used for the purpose of weight control;
treatment for visual defects and problems; except when due to a disease
g) Fertility agents or sexual enhancement drugs, such as Parlodel,
Pergonal, Clomid, Profasi, Metrodin, Serophene, or Viagra; except as
12. Foot care including: flat foot conditions, supportive devices for the foot, care of
specifically provided in the Benefits for Infertility Treatment;
corns, bunions (except capsular or bone surgery), calluses, toenails, fallen
arches, weak feet, chronic foot strain, and symptomatic complaints of the feet;
i) Refills in excess of the number specified or dispensed after one (1) year
13. Health spa or similar facilities; strengthening programs;
14. Hearing examinations or hearing aids, except as specifically provided in the
29. Reproductive/Infertility services including but not limited to: family planning;
Benefits for Hearing Aids for Children; or other treatment for hearing defects and
fertility tests; infertility (male or female), including any services or supplies
problems. “Hearing defects” means any physical defect of the ear which does
rendered for the purpose or with the intent of inducing conception, except as
or can impair normal hearing, apart from the disease process;
specifically provided in the Benefits for Infertility Treatment; premarital
examinations; impotence, organic or otherwise; tubal ligation; vasectomy; sexual
reassignment surgery; reversal of sterilization procedures;
Immunizations, except as specifically provided in the policy or Benefits for
30. Research or examinations relating to research studies, or any treatment for which
Preventive Pediatric Care; preventive medicines or vaccines, except where
the patient or the patient’s representative must sign an informed consent
required for treatment of a covered Injury or as specifically provided in the policy;
document identifying the treatment in which the patient is to participate as a
18. For Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit only, no indemnity will be paid
research study or clinical research study, except for a procedure, treatment or
for loss caused by the voluntary use of any controlled substance as defined in Title
the use of any drug as experimental if such procedure, treatment or drug, for the
II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, as now
Sickness or condition being treated, or for the diagnosis for which it is being
or hereafter amended, unless as prescribed by his Physician for the Insured;
prescribed, has successfully completed a Phase III clinical trial of the Federal
19. Injury or Sickness for which benefits are paid or payable under any Workers'
Food and Drug Administration; except as specifically provided in the policy;
Compensation or Occupational Disease Law or Act, or similar legislation;
31. Routine Newborn Infant Care, well-baby nursery and related Physician charges;
20. Injury or Sickness outside the United States and its possessions, Canada or
except as specifically provided in the policy;
Mexico, except for a Medical Emergency when traveling for academic study
32. Routine physical examinations and routine testing; preventive testing or
treatment; screening exams or testing in the absence of Injury or Sickness;
21. Injury sustained by reason of a motor vehicle accident to the extent that benefits
except as specifically provided in the policy;
are paid or payable by any other valid and collectible insurance;
33. Services provided without charge by the Health Service of the Policyholder; or
22. Injury sustained while (a) participating in any intercollegiate or professional sport,
services covered or provided by the student health fee for which the Insured is
contest or competition; (b) traveling to or from such sport, contest or competition
as a participant; or (c) while participating in any practice or conditioning program
34. Skeletal irregularities of one or both jaws, including orthognathia and mandibular
retrognathia, except as specifically provided in the Benefits for Treatment of
Craniofacial Disorders; temporomandibular joint dysfunction; deviated nasal
septum, including submucous resection and/or other surgical correction thereof;
25. Outpatient Physiotherapy; except for a condition that required surgery or
nasal and sinus surgery; except for treatment of chronic purulent sinusitis;
Hospital Confinement: 1) within the 30 days immediately preceding such
35. Skydiving, parachuting, hang gliding, glider flying, parasailing, sail planing,
Physiotherapy; or 2) within the 30 days immediately following the attending
bungee jumping, or flight in any kind of aircraft, except while riding as a
passenger on a regularly scheduled flight of a commercial airline;
26. Participation in a riot, civil disorder or a felony, except when Injury occurs when
the Insured Person has an elevated blood alcohol content or when under the
influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or both. Participation means to
38. Injury resulting from suicide or attempted suicide while sane or insane (including
voluntarily take a part or share with others assembled together in some activity.
intentional drug overdose); or intentionally self-inflicted Injury;
Riot means a violent public disturbance of the peace by a number of persons
39. Supplies, except as specifically provided in the policy;
40. Surgical breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast implants or breast
Pre-existing Conditions for a period of 12 months except for congenital
prosthetic devices, or gynecomastia; except as specifically provided in the
anomalies of a Newborn Infant or, except for individuals who have been
Benefits for Reconstructive Breast Surgery and Benefits for Treatment of Tumors
continuously insured under the school's student insurance policy for at least 12
consecutive months. Credit will be given for Pre-existing Conditions for newly
41. Treatment in a Government hospital for which the Insured is not charged, unless
Insured Persons who were covered under previous Qualifying Coverage, but not
there is a legal obligation for the Insured Person to pay for such treatment;
covered for such Pre-existing Conditions under the Qualifying Coverage when
42. War or any act of war, declared or undeclared; or while in the armed forces of
(a) the preceding Qualifying Coverage was continuous to a date not less than
any country (a pro-rata premium will be refunded upon request for such period
120 days prior to their effective date under this policy; and for (b) newly Insured
Persons who apply within 30 days of initial eligibility under this policy and whose
43. Weight management, weight reduction, nutrition programs, treatment for obesity,
previous Qualifying Coverage was terminated due to the involuntary loss of
except surgery for morbid obesity, surgery for removal of excess skin or fat.
Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association0002-9432/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0002-9432.76.1.134Emotional Effects of Sertraline: Novel Findings Revealed by MeditationUse of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors continues to increase, as does concern about previouslyunrecognized, subtle side effects and questions about whether these drugs produce effects on healthysubjects. The auth
P A R L E M E N T E U R O P E E N E T A T S - G E N E R A U X D E L A R E C H E R C H E E C O N O M I E P O L I T I Q U E D E S O G M Le 17 juillet 1997, lors de la première discussion de la directive 98/44, les parlementaires ontété accueillis à Strasbourg par une manifestation d’handicapés, vêtus par les industriels des« sciences de la vie » de maillots jaunes portant l’ins