What others like and admire about Rachel Her ‘model-looks’: she is a stunner! wicked sense of humour Her ability to make friends and connect with people Her taste in men, music and DVD’s! Her long eye lashes and expressive eyes She is a funky babe! Important To Rachel Contact with her family, especially her mum and sister Lindsay. Listening to pop music, especially boy bands and hunky gorgeous male artists (favourites at the minute –Mc Fly; Shayne Ward; Westlife) Having people around her who she can have a laugh and a giggle with. Having fun and getting messy – like water fights in the bath; being nibbled by Button her hamster. Looking stylish in trendy clothes and accessories in her favourite colour – pink. Loves having her hair and nails done –‘girlie pampering’ Her mobile phone to keep in touch (calls and texts) with what is happening! Being supported by people who know her well and who she likes Not to be in her chair any longer than she has to be – must get out of it as soon as possible, prefers to lie on the floor or on her tummy on her bed That everyone who supports Rachel understands her communication (see communication charts) That only female staff support her around her personal care Important To Rachel for the future Getting to a football match – with a crowd and all the gear! Going to a star-studded ‘flash’ event where she can dress-up and impress the men. Going on holiday and livin’ it up! (Preferably abroad) Living in her stylish bachelorette pad Important For Rachel (support needs) Rachel has complex needs and these must be fully understood before you can properly support her. You need to read the details of her file (including her health action plan) before supporting heras it contains vital, detailed information around staying healthy and safe Having the right equipment on hand to meet her needs – e.g. Day-bed, hoist fully charged, suction machine Rachel eats and drinks using a PEG (gastrostomy tube) she does not take any food, drink or medication orally, Rachel takes medication daily – refer to her medication chart for up-to-date information. Rachel has epilepsy – refer to her care plan around how best to support her when she needs emergency medication for prolonged seizures Rachel needs to stay calm and cool. If she gets upset she becomes hot and finds it difficult to control her saliva and manage her swallow – you need always to have suction equipment with you. She also must wear cool, loose-fitting Rachel is allergic to SORBITOL which is found in many forms of liquid medication and anti-biotic’s Rachel takes Baclofen her GP and dentist must always be reminded of this due to the risks associated with her neck and swallowing difficulties. Rachel is prone to chest infections
Rare but serious complications can occur in patients dealing with the common bacterial infection known as strep throat. Welcome to this edition of Patient Listening a Podcast service from Marshfield Clinic where we present health topics to you without all the technical jargon so you can get information that is easy to understand and useful to you in your everyday life. I’m your host John
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