To obtain reimbursement (up to $50.00) for attending a
smoking cessation class, call HNE to obtain a log number,
fill out this form, cut along the dotted line and bring it to
class with you. Mail the completed form to:
Your Member ID Number: _______________________________________ Call HNE Your Log Number: 413-787-4000 or 800-842-4464 _______________________________________
HNE is behind you in your efforts to become and
Your Name:
remain smoke free. In fact, we believe so strongly that quitting smoking will improve your quality of life and
overall health that, we will pay up to $50.00 for you to attend a smoking cessation class. This offer is available
Class Dates and Location:
to HNE members who have diabetes, asthma, high
cholesterol, coronary heart disease, and/or are pregnant.
Many smoking cessation programs recommend the use
of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT or Zyban®) to supplement and support your efforts. Your doctor
(obstetrician if you are pregnant) should decide if these are safe options for you. Depending on your Health
Class Instructor(s):
New England insurance policy, if you are enrolled in a
Name: ________________________________
smoking cessation program, you may be eligible to get
Phone: _______________________________
these medications for a limited time for a copay. (Individual coverage/copays vary by employer group).
Name: ________________________________
Check with your Benefits Administrator for possible coverage of the following:
Phone: _______________________________
Nicotrol® nasal sprayNicotrol® inhalerZyban®Chantix®
HNE USE ONLY: (Note: These medications, if covered, Effective Date: ___________________________ Group #: _______________________________ of doses per prescription and refillsPaid Date: ______________________________ per calendar year. Call HNE forupdated information.) Check # ________________________________ For HNE members with diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, pregnancy
Health New England Smoking Cessation Program Voucher •ENCLOSED•
Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA "Freedom from Smoking" (run by the Pulmonary Rehab Dept.) 413-794-2255, The Professionals
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, MA 413-582-2649 or 413-582-2400, Sue Lesser, RN
Baystate Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield, MA 413-773-2454, Rose Deskavich, OTR
Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield, MA 413-499-2602, Carol McMahon, MS
Lung Disease Help Line American Lung Association of Western, MA (staffed by Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Smoking Cessation Specialist)
Noble Hospital, Westfield, MA "Freedom from Smoking" (run by the Respiratory Therapy Dept.) 413-568-2811, Ext. 5731
Try-To-Stop Tobacco Resource Center of Massachusetts 800-trytostop (800-879-8678)
P.S. Will consider reimbursement for hypnosis programs up to $50 ONLY.
Whenever i look back upon what’s happened, whenever I recall this unlikely and appalling series of events, I’m always taken back to the same moment. It’s a perfect Friday afternoon in November, I’m cycling around Sydney’s beautiful Iron Cove and, for the first time in my life, I have nothing to worry about at all. Honestly, nothing. As I take in the untroubled sky and the water that’s
So hier kommt mein dritter Artikel. Ich habe mich dieses Mal einem Thema gewidmet, was in dieser kalte Jahreszeit sicherlich alle betrifft. Die Sonne scheint kaum und die Laune wird schlechter und man will sich am liebsten ins warme verkriechen. Das hat mit Vitamin D zu tun. Denn die Sonne sorgt dafür, dass unser Körper es produziert. Doch dies funktioniert leider nicht so gut wie im Sommer. So