Writer, activist, and academic specialising in neoliberalism, gender, and sexuality. Co-founder, Against Equality. Volunteer Policy Director, Gender JUST.
1. RAE @rrrakia 13h @timjacobwise @NairYasmin here goes one person:
https://twitter.com/rrrakia/status/354021467115110401 …
@timjacobwise Anyway, just thought you'd want to know that this queer, POC, immigrant sees right through YOUR bullshit.
2. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin bc why? bc POC were shocked by Snowden revelations? Please show me one
who was truly shocked that US govt spies on peopleExpand
@timjacobwise Um, again, not doing too well with evasion, are we? Did I sayyyyyy no POCs were shocked? Is that even the point?
4. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin that was my argument. My only argument. The one you took issue with…
deal with it to admit you just don't like me personallyExpand
@timjacobwise You've just indicated that, in the face of real critiques, your onlytactic is to burrow deeper into really bad evasion.
6. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h My work here is done. I shall now ascend. Be well, y'all.
10:48 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin
Image will appear as a link7. View more in conversation →
2. Fire Tom Friedman @firetomfriedman 13h @rrrakia funny how he's ignored this tweet and continued his "not one POC" screed.
Retweeted by Yasmin Nair View conversation
@timjacobwise But, to wrap up. You: Jesus Christ. Me/Us: POCs who can't speak. GG + ES = useless white men who twiddle around all day. OK.
4. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Well, this isn't a seminar paper - it's a tweetfrontation, remember?
And so far, you've been sounding like a stuck record. View conversation
@DailyWak3Up @timjacobwise Eh, all he'd need to do is play a stuck record. He's been saying the same thing, over and over.
1. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+
3. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin I said no POC shocked that govt spies on folk; u said I was "speaking
for POC." I dared u 2 show me 1 POC who was shocked. Expand
@NairYasmin …u could not, because I was right. So my point is valid and you just don't like it for whatever reason (I can guess why).
5. Joyce Hatton @joyce_hatton 13h @timjacobwise @NairYasmin I don't think she knows All The POC.
6. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @joyce_hatton @timjacobwise Tim Wise, on the other hand, has spoken to all x
billion of us. Damn. All while walking on water. Hide conversation
Reply to @NairYasmin @joyce_hatton @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
7. View more in conversation → 6. Vopat @Vopat 13h
.@timjacobwise Also might want to remember government categorically lying about the spying. That part is kind of important. @NairYasmin
7. Prison Culture @prisonculture 13h Battered & staggering @timjacobwise makes the mistake of walking into
@NairYasmin's verbal haymakers. Retweeted by Yasmin Nair
1. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
2. RAE @rrrakia 17h actually, my mother was shocked. & she's a black caribbean immigrant. stop talking
about what ALL PoC think. then stop talking @timjacobwise
Retweeted by Yasmin Nair Hide conversation
6:37 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @rrrakia @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link3. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex.
4. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+
6. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin I said no POC shocked that govt spies on folk; u said I was "speaking
for POC." I dared u 2 show me 1 POC who was shocked. Expand
@NairYasmin …u could not, because I was right. So my point is valid and you just don't like it for whatever reason (I can guess why).
8. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Get off your high horse, don't worry - you'll still be able to speak
for POCs, and "white privilege?" TOTES yours to own. Hide conversation
10:35 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link9. JR @DailyWak3Up 13h
@NairYasmin @timjacobwise y'all should record a convo. This shit is great. Expand
@DailyWak3Up @timjacobwise Eh, all he'd need to do is play a stuck record. He's been saying the same thing, over and over.
11. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All
POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex. Expand
@NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what is your beef? If so…wow
13. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're
just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+Expand
@NairYasmin I said no POC shocked that govt spies on folk; u said I was "speaking for POC." I dared u 2 show me 1 POC who was shocked.
15. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin …u could not, because I was right. So my point is valid and you just
don't like it for whatever reason (I can guess why). Expand
@timjacobwise Okay, that just hurts my head, to even ponder. You're welcome to keep poking back in this series of rants, but I'll end with
10:34 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link17. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex.
18. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+
20. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin I said no POC shocked that govt spies on folk; u said I was "speaking
for POC." I dared u 2 show me 1 POC who was shocked. Expand
@NairYasmin …u could not, because I was right. So my point is valid and you just don't like it for whatever reason (I can guess why).
22. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise So, in other words, nothing I can is valid and everything of yours
is "valid" because I just don't like and you can guess why. Hide conversation
10:34 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link23. Doug Henwood @DougHenwood 3h
@NairYasmin @timjacobwise I missed so much by going to bed early!Expand
@NairYasmin @timjacobwise But here's a poll showing a majority of whites think thegov collected info on them: http://www.people-press.org/2013/06/17/public-split-
over-impact-of-nsa-leak-but-most-want-snowden-prosecuted/ …
25. Doug Henwood @DougHenwood 3h @NairYasmin @timjacobwise but, hey, black is black and white is white and the two
This can only end two ways with a "No Mas" or a KO. Either way @NairYasmin emergeswith hair coiffed and nails still perfect. LOL!
@timjacobwise For instance, I have no doubt that Barack Obama is witty, warm, and a great dad. As a Pres? Sucks. See the difference?
10. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise You've just indicated that, in the face of real critiques, your only
tactic is to burrow deeper into really bad evasion. View conversation
notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POCassume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till now
2. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise Anyway, just thought you'd want to know that this queer, POC,
immigrant sees right through YOUR bullshit. Expand
@NairYasmin bc why? bc POC were shocked by Snowden revelations? Please show me onewho was truly shocked that US govt spies on people
4. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Um, again, not doing too well with evasion, are we? Did I sayyyyyy
no POCs were shocked? Is that even the point?Expand
@NairYasmin that was my argument. My only argument. The one you took issue with…deal with it to admit you just don't like me personally
6. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise I don't know you personally, and I'm sure you're a divine dinner
companion and all the rest. Your work? Yeah, I detest it. Hide conversation
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
7. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin and yet u haven;t made a single substantive argument against it…
@timjacobwise Well, this isn't a seminar paper - it's a tweetfrontation, remember?And so far, you've been sounding like a stuck record.
9. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise But, to wrap up. You: Jesus Christ. Me/Us: POCs who can't speak. GG
+ ES = useless white men who twiddle around all day. OK. Expand
@timjacobwise yknow Tim, you can offer racial justice context w/o dismissing this as important news or joining the attacks on Glenn/Snowden.
11. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h @adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial
profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never. Expand
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong. http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
@michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshit
14. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise I mean, really, you're now going to claim that @ggreenwald hasn't
been emphatic enough about profling? Scared you're losing +Expand
@NairYasmin @ggreenwald r u high? Glenn Greenwald -- defender of Ron Paul -- a champion of anti-profiling? Jesus. Your ignorance is stunning
16. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise @ggreenwald Um, again, not the point, is it? It's like talking to a
five-year-old who just really, really wants the red ball. Hide conversation
10:29 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @ggreenwald
Image will appear as a link17. View more in conversation →
18. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
@timjacobwise Anyway, just thought you'd want to know that this queer, POC, immigrant sees right through YOUR bullshit.
20. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin bc why? bc POC were shocked by Snowden revelations? Please show me one
who was truly shocked that US govt spies on peopleExpand
@timjacobwise My advice to you - and I really DO have to finish this piece - wipe the egg off your face, and bow out.
10:27 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link22. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h
@NairYasmin my advice to you…make an argument. otherwise, go to bedExpand
notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POCassume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till now
24. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise Anyway, just thought you'd want to know that this queer, POC,
immigrant sees right through YOUR bullshit. Expand
@NairYasmin bc why? bc POC were shocked by Snowden revelations? Please show me onewho was truly shocked that US govt spies on people
26. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Um, again, not doing too well with evasion, are we? Did I sayyyyyy
no POCs were shocked? Is that even the point?Hide conversation
10:27 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link27. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h
@NairYasmin that was my argument. My only argument. The one you took issue with…deal with it to admit you just don't like me personally
28. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise I don't know you personally, and I'm sure you're a divine dinner
companion and all the rest. Your work? Yeah, I detest it. Expand
@timjacobwise You've just indicated that, in the face of real critiques, your onlytactic is to burrow deeper into really bad evasion.
30. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise For instance, I have no doubt that Barack Obama is witty, warm, and
a great dad. As a Pres? Sucks. See the difference?Expand
@NairYasmin and yet u haven;t made a single substantive argument against it…fascinating.
32. View more in conversation → 33. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex.
34. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise + and S. really, really care about POCs. Your words are luminous with unintended irony. Incandescent, even.
Hide conversation 10:26 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
36. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All
POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex. Expand
@NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what is your beef? If so…wow
38. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise + to tweet the excellent analysis you pretend to have invented, then
pretend that what really matters are whether or GG+Hide conversation
10:25 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link39. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex.
40. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
42. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin I said no POC shocked that govt spies on folk; u said I was "speaking
for POC." I dared u 2 show me 1 POC who was shocked. Expand
@NairYasmin …u could not, because I was right. So my point is valid and you just don't like it for whatever reason (I can guess why).
44. RAE @rrrakia 13h @timjacobwise @NairYasmin here goes one person:
https://twitter.com/rrrakia/status/354021467115110401 …
45. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise So, in other words, nothing I can is valid and everything of yours
is "valid" because I just don't like and you can guess why. Expand
@timjacobwise Okay, that just hurts my head, to even ponder. You're welcome to keep poking back in this series of rants, but I'll end with
47. View more in conversation → 48. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 Tim Wise, you're going from making shit up ("never") tonow just trying to backtrack ("fraction").
49. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin @adamhudson5 didn't do either, whoever you are.
50. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise @adamhudson5 Oh, no, he's moving into the "whoever you are"
mode.I'M SO HURT. Seriously. Read your own thread. Hide conversation
10:24 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @adamhudson5
Image will appear as a link51. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex.
52. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Who said I was or was not shocked? You're not very good at the wholeevasive manoeuvre thing, are you?
Hide conversation 10:23 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
54. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
56. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Which, incidentally, I begrudge no one, and would like. Ah-HEM, world.
Hide conversation 10:22 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
58. John Halle @JGHalle 3h @NairYasmin @DougHenwood As @brucedixon notes "nobody's career has ever suffered
for sucking up to a president." c.f. @timjacobwise's careerExpand
@JGHalle @NairYasmin @brucedixon @timjacobwise but poor @MHarrisPerry can't get a job with the admin - TW is further down on the list even
60. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
62. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood + to feel when others might be veering too close to your territory. NOT just abt. speaking fees.
10:21 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood
Image will appear as a link64. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege.
65. John Halle @JGHalle 14h @NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them)
depend crucially on his not understanding these points. Expand
@JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speakingfees…nor Doug effing Henwood.
67. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood But larger point: about the banality of your
"white privilege" discourse and how threatened you seem +Hide conversation
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
68. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
70. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood But I'm sure MHPerry, Colorlines and all the rest will keep having you on their panels, so don't worry.
Hide conversation 10:20 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
72. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
74. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Look, basically, BIG FAIL on your part to recuperate your corner of the White Privilege.
Hide conversation 10:19 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
76. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
78. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood I mean, you're just floundering today, aren't you? First: "never" was quickly changed when confronted.
Hide conversation 10:19 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
80. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR
POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege. Expand
@NairYasmin @DougHenwood: @timjacobwise's speaking fees (and those who pay them) depend crucially on his not understanding these points.
82. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 14h @JGHalle @NairYasmin @DougHenwood yeah cuz Glenn Greenwald doesn't charge speaking
fees…nor Doug effing Henwood. Expand
@timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Oh, no, he's ANGRY! Watch out for the white man when he gets ANGRY! Yeah, okay, SO not the point, yeah?
Hide conversation 10:18 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @JGHalle @DougHenwood Image will appear as a link
84. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin @JGHalle @DougHenwood cuz Doug Henwood has never been angry…I like
@NairYasmin @timjacobwise you don't have a shrine of my white knight in shining armor tim wise in your closet? I sure do. *puke*
Retweeted by Yasmin Nair View conversation
Let me conclude, B4 returning to work: @timjacobwise should rest assured that his branded banality on white privilege remains uncontested.
13. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h @bangpound 'Tis true.
14. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h Now, if you'd just taken the time to tweet out articles BY POCs about surveillance
society.but then you'd lose your place, wouldn't you?Expand
Like, dude, @timjacobwise, hate to remind you: That kinda defines white privilege. Expand
Consider the irony: White Man, @timjacobwise, uses his bully pulpit to SPEAK FOR POCs while criticising other white men 4 white privilege.
17. Ayesha @ashsultana 14h @NairYasmin I am jusy beyond bored with kinds of TimW and them ranting abt "white
privlege" as we dont know abt itRetweeted by Yasmin Nair
1. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h POCs know perfectly well we live in a surveillance society - and we don't need
WHITE PEOPLE telling us how OTHER WHITE people don't know it. Expand
@NairYasmin i went hard on this earlier today.folks ain't trying to hear itExpand
@surlyurbanist It comes down to cultural property - and a money-making enterprise. Dude's just terrified he'll lose his slice of the WP pie.
9:26 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @surlyurbanist
Image will appear as a link4. Keep It Surly @surlyurbanist 14h
@NairYasmin not to mention he did it in the most hamhanded way possible.total loss
5. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h That last tweet was for you @timjacobwise aka, Tim White, aka, Saviour of All
POCs. Please, get rid of your Christ complex. Collapse
9:24 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link6. Jazmyn @TgrrrlJazmyn 14h
@NairYasmin @timjacobwise you don't have a shrine of my white knight in shining armor tim wise in your closet? I sure do. *puke*
7. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @NairYasmin 4 real.were u shocked by Snowden revelations? Honestly? If not, what
@timjacobwise Who said I was or was not shocked? You're not very good at the wholeevasive manoeuvre thing, are you?
9. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise Go back and read the thread, and stop making shit up. Mostly, we're
just aghast that a) you'd speak for POCs w/out bothering+Expand
@timjacobwise + to tweet the excellent analysis you pretend to have invented, thenpretend that what really matters are whether or GG+
11. View more in conversation → 12. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h
POCs know perfectly well we live in a surveillance society - and we don't need WHITE PEOPLE telling us how OTHER WHITE people don't know it.
Reply to @NairYasmin Image will appear as a link
13. Keep It Surly @surlyurbanist 14h @NairYasmin i went hard on this earlier today.folks ain't trying to hear it
14. Alex Moffett @AMoffettB 14h @NairYasmin pretty much
15. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 14h @surlyurbanist It comes down to cultural property - and a money-making enterprise.
Dude's just terrified he'll lose his slice of the WP pie. Expand
@NairYasmin not to mention he did it in the most hamhanded way possible.total loss
17. Nick Taylor @ikostar 14h @NairYasmin @shoutcacophony You might be better referring to PEOPLE as 'PEOPLE',
if you want PEOPLE to give a flying fuck. Expand
Will someone please reassure @timjacobwise that deluded progressives of all colours will still buy his books and give him $$$ to speak?
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
19. liarsparadox @liarsparadox1 14h @NairYasmin You forgot idealistic college students who don't have enough cynicism
20. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks
this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroesExpand
@timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy.
22. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h @adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial
profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never. Expand
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong. http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
@michaelarria @timjacobwise Tim Wise, dude, it's okay - deluded white and POC liberals will STILL buy your repetitious books. Breathe.
9:18 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @michaelarria @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link18. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 Tim Wise, you're going from making shit up ("never") tonow just trying to backtrack ("fraction").
1. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks
this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroesExpand
@timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy.
Retweeted by Yasmin Nair Hide conversation
6:05 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @adamhudson5 @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link3. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h
@adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never.
4. Adam Hudson @adamhudson5 18h @timjacobwise Actually, Glenn's spoken out a lot against racial profiling of
Muslims & Islamophobia. E.g.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/03/sam-harris-muslim-animus …
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong. http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
@michaelarria @timjacobwise Yep. That's another example of Glenn criticizing racial profiling & repression of Muslims.
7. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h @adamhudson5 @michaelarria When did Ed Snowden ever say shit about it? Never.
Glenn has said a little but nothing like what he says nowExpand
19. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h Hey, y'all, @timjacobwise needs some loooooove. He's mad because NO ONE's talking
about him and white privilege right now. Expand
@adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never.
2. Michael Arria @michaelarria 18h @timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong.
http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
3. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h @michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on
NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshitExpand
@timjacobwise +POCs are a tad tired of the white privilege drum, esp. when beaten by a white man. We get it. No need to speak for us.
5. liarsparadox @liarsparadox1 15h @NairYasmin the term white privilege sounds kinda disneyfied, like ppl are too
scared to say white supremacy. cough @timjacobwise coughExpand
@liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise I envision some scary rides, on that White Privilege rollercoaster. And the House of Horrors.
Hide conversation 9:14 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
7. View more in conversation → 8. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h
@adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never.
9. Michael Arria @michaelarria 18h @timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong.
http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
10. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h @michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on
NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshitExpand
@timjacobwise +POCs are a tad tired of the white privilege drum, esp. when beaten by a white man. We get it. No need to speak for us.
12. liarsparadox @liarsparadox1 15h @NairYasmin the term white privilege sounds kinda disneyfied, like ppl are too
scared to say white supremacy. cough @timjacobwise coughExpand
@liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise HAHA! True. And, like ownership of cultrual terms. TimW is just mad no one's paying attention to him.
Hide conversation 9:13 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
14. View more in conversation → 15. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h
@timjacobwise Anyway, just thought you'd want to know that this queer, POC, immigrant sees right through YOUR bullshit.
Hide conversation 9:13 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
16. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
@timjacobwise +the larger context of state surveillance - which is, yes, absolutely tied to race as well - to petulantly declare "bullshit"?
Hide conversation 9:12 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
18. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
@timjacobwise We get it, we get it, you're Tim Wise, you own the copyright to "white privilege" - but this is fucked up, to ignore+
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
20. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
@timjacobwise I mean, seriously, Tim White, how do you turn this whole thing around and MANAGE TO MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU?
Hide conversation 9:11 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
22. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks
this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroesExpand
@timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy.
24. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h @adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial
profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never. Expand
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong. http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
@michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshit
27. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise +POCs are a tad tired of the white privilege drum, esp. when beaten
by a white man. We get it. No need to speak for us. Hide conversation
9:09 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link28. liarsparadox @liarsparadox1 15h
@NairYasmin the term white privilege sounds kinda disneyfied, like ppl are too scared to say white supremacy. cough @timjacobwise cough
29. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise HAHA! True. And, like ownership of cultrual terms.
TimW is just mad no one's paying attention to him. Expand
@liarsparadox1 @timjacobwise I envision some scary rides, on that White Privilege rollercoaster. And the House of Horrors.
31. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h @liarsparadox1 @NairYasmin i say white supremacy all the time, thank you very
much…white privilege is one aspect of WS…not complicatedExpand
Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroes
33. Adam Hudson @adamhudson5 18h @timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or
Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy. Expand
@adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never.
35. Michael Arria @michaelarria 18h @timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong.
http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
36. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h @michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on
NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshitExpand
@timjacobwise +too much ground to him, or something? This is shoddy, just shoddy. You're not the king of white privilege, fyi. and some +
Hide conversation 9:08 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise Image will appear as a link
38. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks
this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroesExpand
@timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy.
40. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 18h @adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial
profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never. Expand
@timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong. http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
@michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshit
43. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise I mean, really, you're now going to claim that @ggreenwald hasn't
been emphatic enough about profling? Scared you're losing +Hide conversation
9:07 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @ggreenwald
Image will appear as a link44. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 13h
@NairYasmin @ggreenwald r u high? Glenn Greenwald -- defender of Ron Paul -- a champion of anti-profiling? Jesus. Your ignorance is stunning
45. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 13h @timjacobwise @ggreenwald Um, again, not the point, is it? It's like talking to a
five-year-old who just really, really wants the red ball. Expand
Let's b clear: Glenn Greenwald was a moderately decent college debater who thinks this is his moment. It isn't. You nor Snowden r heroes
47. Adam Hudson @adamhudson5 18h @timjacobwise Real issue is egregiousness of mass surveillance, not Snowden or
Greenwald's characters. Focus on former b/c it harms privacy. Expand
@adamhudson5 right, but when did Glen or Edward ever say shit about racial profiling, or surveillance of POC/Muslims? Answer: never.
49. Michael Arria @michaelarria 18h @timjacobwise @adamhudson5 The answer is not never. You're wrong.
http://www.salon.com/2012/02/22/nypd_spying_program_aimed_at_muslims/ …
50. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h @michaelarria @adamhudson5 Glenn has spent a fraction of the time he's spent on
NSA dealing with racial/Muslim profiling. I call bullshitExpand
@timjacobwise @ggreenwald knows I've had my beef with some parts of his work, but I'd never stoop to erasing his work on Muslim profiling.
Hide conversation 9:06 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details
Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise @ggreenwald Image will appear as a link
52. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POC
assume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till nowExpand
@timjacobwise I mean, maybe just back off from OWNING your whiteprivilegeindustrialcomplex CEO shtick for once? We get it.
9:05 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link54. Tim Wise @timjacobwise 17h
notice white folks: NO people of color shocked by Snowden's revelations. None. POCassume this shit. #whiteprivilege lets u ignore till now
55. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 15h @timjacobwise Yes, and POCs have noted that, so why don't you tweet their
articles? Instead of doing the Christ-saviour thing again. Hide conversation
9:05 PM - 7 Jul 13 · Details Reply to @NairYasmin @timjacobwise
Image will appear as a link20. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul
@exileinflyville Well, "just" as in, five + years ago. But it stings like it was yesterday, and I STILL resent it.
21. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul Hey, people, Just a leeeeetle bit to go - so please help support Patreese by
donating and/or sharing this link! http://www.gofundme.com/2xjwpg
22. Jason Terry @JTinDC 6 Jul @NairYasmin That's basically the inside if my brain.
Retweeted by Yasmin Nair View conversation
@exileinflyville So many levels of what-the-fuckness. Send them to my house. In Uptown, but the bloody A'ville council just colonised me.
24. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul AND this! For the record, indeed, there can be no waffling (no pun) on Marmite:
You must hate it. http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/british-people-problems …
25. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul Dear Universe, I think I just found my chosen people. Okay, Brits, who will have
me over for good? For real. http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/very-british-problems …
If Out Lesbian Princess Deb Mell "seeks" Daddy's seat, she will get it. It's SO cute when corruption gets multi-culti and diverse and all.
27. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul Princess Deb Mell will likely want and get Daddy's seat as Alderman. But it's
okay, y'all. SHE'S AN OUT LESBIAN and hence can do no wrong. Expand
For more on the cluelessness of Princess Deb Mell, read this, my autopsy of the Illinois marriage disaster: http://dot429.com/articles/2422-illinois-gay-marriage-
29. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul Hey, Illinois, With Princess Deb Mell and Prince Bill Daley "seeking" offices,
Princess Deb Mell's Daddy: I hope Rahm will give my baby a fair hearing. Translation: Appoint her, mother., or I'll cut you in half.
31. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 6 Jul Update on Chicago gay politics: Princess Deb Mell will likely "pursue" her daddy's
seat, and he has already issued veiled threat to Mayor. Expand
@IolaElla :-) HAHAHA! I'll see you soon. Oh, and are you vegan?View conversation
@IolaElla Right near me - not with Gretchen Hasse and Rebecca?!? I'm confuuuuused !!
34. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 3 Jul @IolaElla You're not in the Uptown one, yeah? Email me, and I'll come over!
35. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 3 Jul @IolaElla Silly goose, of course! True story: I asked a Stone Soup member if U
were vegan so I could surprise U, but turned out: wrong one!View conversation
New AE/my interview in SF Weekly, on Gay Marriage: http://www.sfweekly.com/2013-07-03/news/against-equality-doma-proposition-8/ …
Joan Baez: "I guess I'm anti-marriage." "It ain't me you're looking for, babe." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nADCKIT_Kbw …
@prisonculture In other words, I AM THE CANARY IN THE COAL MINE OF HETEROSEXUALITY! Good night, darling!
39. Yasmin Nair @NairYasmin 1 Jul @prisonculture 2 me, at this meeting, and asked, "Were U attracted 2 him?" I said,
"Nah." He turned around and said, "He's straight."View conversation
@prisonculture Ok, I'll end w/ true story: Years ago, some of us were curious if someone we were organising w/ was queer. A friend turned +
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH ADVISORY Workplace Health and Public Safety Programme Health Canada Interim Occupational Health Advice May 1, 2009 SUBJECT: H1N1 FLU VIRUS (HUMAN SWINE INFLUENZA)/SEVERE RESPIRATORY INFECTION This guidance document is being provided by Health Canada in response to the recent outbreak of H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Influenza) in North America. T
The Indian Registry of Pathology (IRP) was established in 1965 under the auspices of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in New Delhi, India as a Centre for collection and distribution of teaching material in pathology. The Registry was renamed in 1980 as the Institute of Pathology (IOP) in view of its expanded scope and activities. As per the need of the post-independence era when a l