You should mind the fol owing issues, when measuring your blood pressure Take place at a table and rest for about 3-5 minutes before starting the measurement.
Normal y the blood pressure on your left arm is higher than on your right arm, therefore take the measurement on your right arm. If the blood pressure on your right arm is higher, take the measurement there.
Do not speak during the measurement.
Avoid caffeine or nicotine one hour prior to the measurement.
If you need to take another measurement wait for two minutes before starting • Place the cuff at the free wrist. • The red marking should be positioned • The cuff should fit snugly around the wrist.
directly on the artery of the upper arm.
• Gently pul the cuff and close the velcro fastening. It does not need to be too tight. Important – the cuff must be placed in line with your heart • Place the arm with the cuff on the table • Place the arm with the cuff at your body as holding it relaxed and slightly bent so that shown in the picture. This will ensure, the the cuff will automatical y be in line with Cuff above heart level; the readings are too low. Cuff underneath heart level; the readings are too high.
Your blood pressure is permanently changing Differences in blood pressure are quite normal. Even in closely repeated measurements there can be differing values. One single measurement or measurements taken at random intervals do not give a clear indication of blood pressure. Therefore an accurate evaluation is only possible if measurements are taken on a regular basis.
Many units have an average function, which calculates the mean of several individual measurements. This al ows a more meaningful assessment of your blood pressure.
Blood pressure is built up by the heart: the heart Frequent exercises help to reduce high blood muscle contracts and blood is being forced into pressure. Stamina training is favourable, strength the blood vessels (systolic pressure) - the heart events may be precarious. If your blood pressure muscle extends and the heart is fil ed with blood is very high, sports should not be done without consultation of the physician, as strain instantly increases blood pressure. Nutrition and body weightHealthy nutrition is important to reduce high blood pressure. Fewer salt and less fat food help to tackle high blood pressure. A reduction of significant over-weight is an important contribu-tion to diminish blood pressure. Many persons are nervous if they visit a physician and react tense in this situation. This increases blood pressure – this phenomenon is cal ed „white coat syndrome“. Blood pressure values taken under such conditions are too high and feign a hypertension that does not exist under normal circumstances.
High blood pressure is a widespread disease: Did you know that 25% of the adult population and about half of the people over the age of sixty suffer from high blood pressure? The World Health Organisation (WHO) has set the fol owing guideline for the assessment of blood pressure values:



Problems of Forensic Sciences 2010, vol. LXXXIII DETERMINATION OF CITALOPRAM AND ITS ENANTIOMERS BY MEANS OF CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 1 De part ment of An a lyt i cal Chem is try, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land2 Laboratory of En vi ron men tal Re search, De part ment of Tox i col ogy, Uni ver sity of Med i cal Sciences, Poznañ, Po land Ab stract This pa per pres ents a r

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