Microsoft word - folleto preliminar euroataxia. pilar-patrocinadores
of Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa. University Autónoma of
˜ Announce the actual state in the investigation of recessive
08,45-09,00 Data collection.
Madrid. “Human neuronal cell models and gene therapy
and dominant ataxias in Europe and all over the world”
˜ Keep in touch those Scientifics who work with ataxias in
09.00 - 09.30 OFICIAL INAUGURATION 12.30-12.50 Dr. Salvador Martínez Pérez. Institute of
Europe with specialists who can organize medical trials”.
Neurosciences. University Miguel Hernández. Campus de San
˜ Incorporate researchers and doctors (with great experience in
Joan. Alicante. “Celular therapy on ataxia: Possibilities of
different areas of investigation) into different investigation
Isabel Campos. Deputy chairwoman of Fedaes. “Presentation video of FEDAES” Discussion on results facilitated by Dr. Francesc Palau Francesc Palau: Deputy chairman of Euroataxia.
˜ Show the advances of the different groups and set up new
“Director of CIBER of rare diseases, Valencia- National 13.30-15.00 lunch.
“Plan strategies to the recovery of patients”.
strategy on rare diseases”
“Establish colaboratation strategies among all European
15.10-17.00 Session II – General Investigation on dominant 09,30-13,30 Session I – General investigation on recessive
˜ Spread scientific advances in ataxia among researchers and
members of European and north American associations”.
15.10-15.30 Dr. David Genís. Servicio de neurología. General 09.30-09.50 Dr. Massimo Pandolfo. (Hôpital Erasme-
˜ Establish collaboration mechanisms to apply for the financial
Hospital of Gerona. Spain. “Current state of the investigation
support of the VII Marco Program of investigation”.
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) “Current state of
histone deacetylase inhibitors investigation’’.
15.30-15.50 Dr. Antoni Matilla Dueñas. Investigator in 09.50-10,10 Dr. José Vicente Llorens Department of CONTENTS TO DEVELOP:
Neurosciences of the Spanish National Health System
- Current state of the study about histones deacetilases
Genetics. University of Biology. University of Valencia.
Coordinator of Basic Research in Ataxias and
“Drosophila and frataxin: effects of its reduction and
Neurodegenerative diseases. Neurosciences Department and
-Growth factor IGF-1. Study on animal models-Biochemical
Neurology Service Health Sciences Research Institute
10.10-10.30 Dra. Daniele Marmolino. Laboratoire de
Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) Autonomous University of
Neurologie Expérimentale, Hôpital Erasme, Université Libre
Barcelona. “Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1): molecular
de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium. “PPAR-gamma
pathways, pathogenic mechanisms, and therapy.”
-Gamma receptor agonist in Friedrich's ataxia
Agonist Azelaoyl PAF Increases Frataxin Protein and
15.50-16.10 Dr. Luís Pereira de Almeida. Faculty of
-Clinical trials with: Idebenone, Riboflavine, EPO, IGF-1,
mRNA.expression. New Implications for the Friedreich’s
Pharmacy & Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology
University of Coimbra. Portugal “RNA interference on SCA-
10.30-10.50 Dr. Ignacio Torres Alemán: Laboratory of
Neuroendocrinology. (Institute Cajal. CSIC. Madrid)
SUBJECTS: Neurologists, neuro-pediatricians, researchers 16.10-16.30 Dr. Manuel Álvarez Dolado. Savilla. "Cell
and management members of European ataxia associations.
" Response of Friedreich ataxia murine models to the IGF-1 "
Therapy in a Mosuse Model Purkinje Cell Degeneration, o
10.50-11.10 Dr. Isaac Amela Abellán. Laboratory of
Bioinformatics Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
PARTICIPANTS: 80 persons. Discussion on results facilitated by Dra. Mercedes Pineda.
(IBB) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona “Friedreich Ataxia,
computacional dynamic Model of the proteins that form the
complex Iron - sulphur in Saccharomyces cerevisiae”
11.10 – 11.30h: Coffee break 17.00-17.20 Dr. Francisco Javier Arpa. Department of DATE: 25 th and 26 th september 2009.
Neurology. Hospital La Paz.- Madrid. “Clinical trials in 11.30-11.50 Dr.Dr. Juan Antonio Navarro. Universität
Regensburg. Germany.“Altered lipid metabolism in a
adults with Deferriprone, idebenone, Riboflavin, IGF-1” TIMETABLE: established in the programme. 17.20-17.40 Dr. José Luis Muñoz. Servicio de Neurología.
Drosophila model of Friedreich Ataxia“
Hospital Gregorio Marañón. Madrid. “Clinical trials with GH 11.50-12.10 Javier Diaz Nido. Departament of Molecular PLACE: Hotel Meliá Olid. Plaza San Miguel, nº 10.
Biology. Centre of Molecular Biology "Severo Ochoa"
17.40-18.00 Dra.Mercedes Pineda Marfá y Dra. Asunción
(CSIC-UAM). University Autonoma of Madrid.
Aracil. Neuropediatrics. Hospital San Joan de Deu. Barcelona.
”Knock-down of frataxin gene expression in human neuron-
“Ataxia with Co Q deficiency in children”.
like cells as a cell model for Friedreich´s ataxia”.
12.10-12.30 Dr. Filip Lim. Faculty of sciences. Department 18.00-18.30 Coffee break 18.30-18.50 Dr. Rafael Artuch Iriberri. Hospital Sant Joan de Deu. Department of clinical
biochemistry. “Friedreich ataxia’s patients Monitorship” 18.50-19.10 Dr. Giuseppe De Michele. Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche Università
Federico II. Nápoles. Italia. “New therapeutic strategies for hereditary ataxias, in particular our results on erythropoietin” 19.10-19.30 Dr. Pierre Rustin Hopital Robert Debre, Paris. Francia. "Pioglitazone in FRDA: Why and How? "19.30-19.50 Dra. Benedicta Catalán. Hospital Universitario de Valladolid. “Results of the clinical trials with Fosfatil-B vitamin complex” 19.50-20.10 TAKEDA. “Results of the multicentric clinical trial with idebenone”.WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION Discussion on results facilitated by Dr. Antoni Matilla
21.30h: Dinner ASSOCIATIONS PROGRAMME: 26 th september 2009. 10.00-13.00 Session IV. Interventions of patient’s associations
-¿What activities could we develop to achieve european financing?
-Meeting of the steering committee of Euroataxia.
SOCIAL PROGRAMME: From 10.00 to 13.00 we will organize a touristic tour going round all the emblematic places of Valladolid. (It will be to the participants who haven’t to take part in Session IV) DATS AND CREDENTIALS
The participants who (have filled) the booking form, shall remove the conference documentation
from Friday 25th september, 08.45h, in the place conference will take part.
For any further information about the programme and the social work of FEDAES in:
Actualização de rendas Entrada em vigor: Contratos habitacionais anteriores a 1990 Contratos não habitacionais anteriores a 1995 Coeficiente de actualização – art. 24º da Lei 6/2006 Publicado no DR até 30 de Outubro de cada anoRegra geral a que poderemos ter de recorrer se a actualização nos termos do artigo 35º (RABC) for inferior ao valor que resultaria da actualizaç
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