Laundry article

Ozone System is key to OPL’s savingsNursing Facility in New York using alternative sanitizer for laundry - producing higher quality finished linens and saving thousands of dollars a year and water costs by 65% and chemical costs Health Administration) inspected us, they couldnʼt believe it was a laundry. They the Hudson Valley has taken advantage of equipment manufactured by ClearWater Tech, San Luis Obispo, CA, says Tom further reduced its labor costs by complet- laundered with the aid of ozone are also fresher, whiter and generally improved, he this proportion is no small prize this year in this region, which has suffered through Compact and Cleansing
including reusable underpads, an increase between this laundry and a typical institu- tional laundry are the cool, comfortable For What itʼs Worth
quality,” says Shumsky. “There are no enheit to a range of 50º to 60º F; cutting more holes in our goods: tensile strength has improved. Thereʼs little or no shrink- a day to six; and slashing the number of age because of hot water use. The staff can two - a detergent capsule and a softener. A third chemical, a liquid surfactant, is used wash cycles, according to soil type. Our as needed when goods are heavily soiled.
patients are pleased with the quality of Ozone is used to process the facilityʼs entire inventory, including bed and table “as short and as effective as possible,” says ICS President Robert Strong. “We started many of the facilityʼs disposable goods, according to Shumsky, with each pad replacing equipment, the laundry staff executed a smooth an average of six to eight disposable pads daily. transition in use of the new system.
The HDO3-II ozone system has also prodcued Dalhoverʼs 25 years of experience in the another noticeable benefit: sewage and waste- laundry industry as a chief engineer and his water treatment volume have also been sub- knowledge of laundry systems benefited Pine stantially reduced, though savings have not yet Haven during the transition. Staff members were been quantified, says Shumsky. Additionally, quickly brought up to speed with proper training the corona-discharge ozone system helps to to operate and monitor equipment. The laundry improve overall air quality by killing odor-caus- operates with three full-time and four part-time “We pay $26,000 every three months to “Whatʼs different about this ozone system is dump waste water,” he says. “We can prob- not only its simplicity, but also the fact that Dal ably save 60% or more of that with the new Equipment and ClearWater Tech stand behind it Touted for its simplicity and compact size, ClearWater Techʼs system - measuring 20 inches Come a Long Way
by 29 inches by 66 inches - saves Pine Havenʼs laundry 13 feet of space. Its compact features bled “10th grade science projects,” according to enabled the nursing home to remove the water Shumsky, and didnʼt always enjoy a solid back- tank, pump and ozone generator associated with the laundryʼs previous ozone system. “Floor “In the beginning, ozone systems sprang space is important in the laundry,” Shumsky up everywhere,” Dalhover says. “But did they notes. “We use a lot less floor space because function properly and did their manufacturers we donʼt have all those 55-gallon drums of stand squarely behind them? did they offer chemicals anymore. Those products add much extended product warranties? There were many more cost and labor and take up needed space. Ford Pintos out there. I think that hurt the indus- Thereʼs considerable energy involved in receiv- ing, lifting and positioning the drums, even Shumsky compares his plantʼs system to a before you hook them up. Plus, thereʼs the safety Cadillac and maintains that it will extend not factor involved in handling them. What if a spill only the life of his linen, but the life of his laun- The ozone industry seems to have come a pill capsules and liquid softener from 5-gallon long way from the days when a marketing guru pails. It uses 1.5 to 2 ounces of detergent per shocked members of a media organization by downing a glass of ozonated wash water from a “Much more space-efficient and easy to heavily soiled load of goods as proof of ozoneʼs handle,” Shumsky says of the capsules.
Equally important, staff members are no “The ultimate proof of a good system is not longer subject to contact with hot washers in the in smoke and mirrors,” Shumsky. says. “Itʼs in laundry, in which space is at a premium.
“Stainless steel washers become a danger to laundry workers because of the chance of being Richard Merli, who edited American Laundry News burned by temperatures of 160 or 170 degrees,” for 10 years, lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. Future Beckons
tion here for 24 years, revamped the plant four years ago, installing new washing and drying Rochester, N.Y., installed a 50-pound washer and two 75-pound and two 120-gas fired dry- Plans are in the works for further renova- tions and improvements. Shumsky is one who is never quite statisfied with the success he has achieved. With the help of Dan Dalhover, president of Dal Equipment, based on Port St. Lucie Fla., which installed the ozone


Biomarker associations - osteoporosis

Disease Report Osteoporosis Table of Contents Introduction Description Reduction of bone mass without alteration in the composition of bone, leading to fractures. primary osteoporosis can be of two major types: postmenopausalosteoporosis (osteoporosis, postmenopausal) and age-related or senile osteoporosis. Synonyms Post-Traumatic Osteoporosis; Age-Rela

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