Investigación original / Original research Initiation of effective postpartum contraceptive use in public hospitals in Guatemala
Edgar Kestler,1 Maria del Rosario Orozco,2 Silvia Palma,2and Roberto Flores 2
Suggested citation
Kestler E, Orozco MR, Palma S, Flores R. Initiation of effective postpartum contraceptive use in publichospitals in Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011;29(2):103–7. ABSTRACT Objective. Low frequency of effective contraceptive use remains a challenging problem.This article examines the frequency of effective postpartum contraception and the methods used before discharge in public hospitals in Guatemala. It also discusses the need to implement best practices in providing family-planning and contraceptive services. Methods. In March 2006, a surveillance system was implemented to collect data on the initia- tion of effective contraceptive methods. Postpartum women were monitored in 34 public hospitals. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed, and a chi-square test for linear trends was used to compare female surgical sterilization rates after vaginal delivery and cesarean section. Results. Between 1 March 2006 and 31 December 2008, of the 218 656 women who had apostpartum event, 31% received an effective contraceptive method before hospital discharge. The frequency of initiation of effective postpartum methods varied across hospitals. Hospital results were consistent with national data on women of reproductive age. Among women who underwent surgical sterilization, differences between those who had delivered vaginally and those who had a cesarean section were statistically significant. Conclusions. The overall frequency of initiation of effective postpartum contraceptive useis low in public hospitals in Guatemala. It is higher, however, in hospitals at lower health carelevels with strong community ties. Routine data collection revealed specific areas for improve-ment, particularly the need to enhance health providers’ knowledge of medical eligibility crite-ria for effective contraceptive use postpartum. The priority is to promote the provision of high-quality family-planning and contraceptive services in Guatemala’s public health system.Key words
Postpartum period; contraception behavior; family planning services; Guatemala.
the lowest in the region—to 71% in Costa
in 2008 (2). Nevertheless, there are sig-
Center for Epidemiological Research in Sexual andReproductive Health, Hospital General San Juan
de Dios, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Send corre-
tive services at all public health facilities
spondence to: Edgar Kestler,
(2). In Latin America, the overall use of
Ministry of Health of Guatemala, Vice Minister ofHospitals, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(2), 2011
Kestler et al. • Initiation of postpartum contraceptive use in Guatemala
ery (9%) and after cesarean section (19%)
ceived as a failure to uphold this funda-
and details about the effective contracep-
tive method chosen after counseling. Staff
Data analysis
tral office by fax, email, or personal deliv-
were done with Epi Info 2000 and Excel.
The statistical software StatsDirect 2.4.5
was used to calculate the chi-square test
and entered into Epi Info 2000 by trained
for linear trends to assess the statistical
significance of differences between vagi-
born. Second, it prevents high-risk preg-
were discussed with each hospital’s rep-
minate unwanted pregnancies, therebyreducing maternal mortality and mor-
Availability of methods
bidity and secondary infertility (5).
the basis for preventing maternal mortal-
are available at service delivery points,
cesarean sections, took place. Of all post-
ica, with trends that have not changed in
size that increased use of effective con-
mortality rates—that is, high-risk preg-
bined oral contraceptive (norgestrel, 0.3
deliveries, 29% received and initiated an
cated, type 1, class A, style 3, size 1).
use after vaginal delivery increased from
ods are available in Guatemala’s public
contrast, the share of effective contracep-
Data collection
specific abortion data are not included in
Hospital location
derwent voluntary surgical sterilization,
order by health care level, the 34 public
hospitals include 6 regional hospitals, 15
considered in this report, with the excep-
tion of two referral teaching hospitals in
reported very low rates of effective con-
traceptive provision after vaginal deliv-
Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(2), 2011
Kestler et al. • Initiation of postpartum contraceptive use in Guatemala
TABLE 1. Postpartum use of effective contraceptive method by type of hospital, Guatemala, 2006–2008
nally, at district hospitals, 20% of womenwho had delivered vaginally received
dergone cesarean sections (Table 3).
Number of deliveries (vaginal and cesarean section)
Number of women provided contraception before
Frequency (%) of effective contraceptive method at
hospital discharge (95% confidence interval)
Number of women provided contraception before
reported in 2008 (2). According to the re-
Frequency (%) of effective contraceptive method at
hospital discharge (95% confidence interval)
Number of women provided contraception before
Frequency (%) of effective contraceptive method at
hospital discharge (95% confidence interval)
condom (3%), IUD (2%), and male surgi-cal sterilization (1%) were the least fre-quently used.
did not influence initiation of effective
sterilization after a cesarean section in-
the study, linear trends for female surgi-
natural method at hospital discharge.
level hospitals, and 41% at district hospi-
cal sterilization postpartum were statisti-
tals. Post-cesarean section use of effec-
cally significant (chi-square test for lin-
ear trend P = 0.0001) (Table 2).
because of their relatively higher typical-
use failure rates postpartum, as it is quite
tion were more likely to receive surgical
livered vaginally. At regional hospitals,
surgical sterilization after vaginal deliv-
use of female surgical sterilization after
study, the use of female surgical steril-
at the Ministry of Health consists ofnorgestrel (0.3 mg) and ethinyl estradiol(0.03 mg) [Lo-Femenal and Perla], butaccording to WHO it is contraindicated
TABLE 2. Effective contraceptive use postpartum in public hospitals, Guatemala, 2006–2008
postpartum (8). According to contracep-tive eligibility criteria, the method falls
There are also theoretical concerns about
a Chi-square test for linear trend P < 0.0001.
tion, affecting the duration of breastfeed-
Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(2), 2011
Kestler et al. • Initiation of postpartum contraceptive use in Guatemala
TABLE 3. Postpartum use of effective contraceptive methods by type of public hospital, Guate- mala, 2006–2008
out evaluations and on-site visits to re-view monthly records of deliveries. Conclusion
tries like Guatemala will have to improve
provision and use of effective contracep-
tive methods. The surveillance system es-
tablished to systematically collect infor-
useful tool for health personnel. Most im-
portantly, it can also identify weaknessesin training, equipment, and supplies andcontribute to improving the health of the
ing and the newborn’s growth. It is cru-
also offers guidelines on the best ways to
mala. It is urgent that health authorities
ceptive choice and contribute to the sus-
bility criteria for choosing contraceptive
about contraceptive use at private or so-
cial security hospitals. In addition, it pre-
vise national guidelines on medical eligi-
sents data on the initiation of effective
bility criteria for contraceptive use.
done within 10 min after expulsion of the
discharge, but it does not provide follow-
Acknowledgments. This publication
all obstetric events at all public hospitals
ized, and scientifically accurate informa-
can be dispelled by the fact that Ministry
port provided by the Erik E. and Edith H. REFERENCES
1. Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia So-
5. World Bank, World Development Report. In-
9. Treiman K, Liskin L, Kols A, Rinehart W.
cial; Instituto Nacional de Estadística. En-
“IUD’s an update.” Population Reports, Se-
cuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil
ries B. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins School of
(ENSMI) 2002. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guate-
6. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Cuer-
Public Health, Population Information Pro-
navaca Public Health Institute, California
2. Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia So-
10. Finger WR. IUD insertion timing vital in post-
cial; Instituto Nacional de Estadística. En-
health initiative: strategic assessment of ma-
partum use. Network. 1996;16(2):21–2.
cuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil
ternal, neonatal and reproductive health in
11. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Mesoamerica: current situations and trends.
Health, Center for Communication Programs.
Guatemala: MSPAS; 2009. Pp. 80–90.
Cuernavaca, Mexico: National Institute of
IUD toolkit. Available from: http://www.
3. Stover J, Ross J. How increased contraceptive Accessed 30 No-
use has reduced maternal mortality. Avail-
7. Kestler E, Valencia L, Del Valle V, Silva A.
Scaling up post-abortion care in Guatemala:
initial successes at national level. Reprod
8. World Health Organization. Medical eligibil-
4. Center for Reproductive Law and Policy. Family
ity criteria for contraceptive use: a WHO fam-
planning in Guatemala. A fundamental right
ily planning cornerstone, 4th ed. Geneva:
Manuscript received on 16 February 2010. Revised ver-
not fulfilled. New York: CRLP; 2000. Pp. 100–17.
sion accepted for publication on 5 November 2010. Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(2), 2011
Kestler et al. • Initiation of postpartum contraceptive use in Guatemala
La baja frecuencia del uso de métodos anticonceptivos eficaces sigue
siendo un arduo problema. En este artículo se analiza la frecuencia con que se adoptaun método de anticoncepción eficaz durante el puerperio y los diferentes métodos an-
Inicio de un método
ticonceptivos empleados antes del egreso de los hospitales públicos de Guatemala. anticonceptivo eficaz durante
También se analiza la necesidad de mejorar las prácticas de los servicios de planifica-ción familiar y anticoncepción. el puerperio en hospitales Métodos.
En marzo del 2006, se implantó un sistema de vigilancia para recopilar
públicos de Guatemala
datos sobre el inicio de métodos anticonceptivos eficaces. Se hizo un seguimiento de mujeres durante el puerperio en 34 hospitales públicos. Se llevaron a cabo análisis de una sola variable y de dos variables, y se utilizó la prueba de la chi al cuadrado de las tendencias lineales con objeto de comparar las tasas de esterilización quirúrgica fe- menina después del parto vaginal y la cesárea. Resultados.
Entre el 1 de marzo del 2006 y el 31 de diciembre del 2008, de las
218 656 mujeres a las que se les hizo un seguimiento durante el puerperio, en 31% se inició un método anticonceptivo eficaz antes del alta hospitalaria. La frecuencia de inicio de un método anticonceptivo eficaz en el puerperio varió entre los diferentes hospitales. Los resultados hospitalarios concordaron con los datos nacionales sobre las mujeres en edad fecunda. En las mujeres que se sometieron a esterilización qui- rúrgica, las diferencias entre las que habían dado a luz por vía vaginal y las someti- das a una cesárea fueron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones.
En general, existe una baja frecuencia de inicio de un método anti-
conceptivo eficaz durante el puerperio en los hospitales públicos de Guatemala. Sinembargo, es mayor en los hospitales de inferior nivel de atención de salud cuyosvínculos con la comunidad son intensos. La recopilación sistemática de datos revelóque determinadas áreas debían ser objeto de mejora, en particular era necesario me-jorar el conocimiento de los proveedores de servicios de salud en materia de criteriosmédicos sobre la indicación del uso de un método anticonceptivo eficaz durante elpuerperio. La promoción de la provisión de servicios de planificación familiar y anti-concepción de alta calidad en el sistema de salud pública de Guatemala constituyeuna prioridad. Palabras clave
Período de posparto; conducta anticonceptiva; servicios de planificación familiar;Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(2), 2011
Medications This booklet is designed to help people understand how and why drugs can be used as part of the treatment of mental health problems. It is important for persons who use mental health services to be well informed about medications for mental illnesses, but this booklet is not a "do-it-yourself" manual. Self-medication can be dangerous. Interpretation of both signs and symp
Daniel Moreno Páramo Cirujano Oftalmólogo Especialista en Retina y Vítreo El Dr. Daniel Moreno-Páramo cursó la carrera de Médico Cirujano en la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. Se graduó con mención honorífica en la facultad de medicina. Realizó el internado en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, mismo donde inició con las labores