Microsoft word - cv peter doeve_uk 20080218.doc

Peter Doeve


Studied Organization and Leadership and General Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam (Drs),
Business Economics at the Erasmus University (through KUR) (Drs), with specialization in Business
Administration. Finalized his dissertation at Alliant University & Preston University in the United States of
America with respect to Value Based Management in strategic co-operation with not for profit organizations and
financing international projects through secured investment programs at International Organizations.
Audit course (AA&CO), advanced marketing (BC AA&CO), Organizational change (BC AA&CO), Specialized
International Telecom MD Training (BC AA&CO), International Management Development Program (IMD Lausanne), International Accounting (USC, USA), International Business USC, USA), FDIB International Managerial Accounting (USC, USA), International Strategic Management (USC, USA), Change Management (P. Senge, USA). The new line of business “the new financial function of the future” has been set-up including the Global Best Practice Database for the Arthur Andersen SC organization. He developed a financial analysis workshop “Finance for non-financial managers” and a financial analyst program for the CFA courses. He has added the Theory of Constraints of Elli Goldratt in the financial analysis tools. He also followed additional courses in the field of Change Management and implementation tooling at the Free University of Amsterdam. WORK EXPERIENCE

Role: Co-founder and CFO
Set-up of a company for sustainable energies: waste to energy by combining technologies such as biomass,
direct gasification, UTOM process in order to use waste as raw material and transfer it into green energy and
into cement and green fertilizers. The set-up of the Waste to Energy plant is based on the North Holland waste management situation and the open ended question of the Province of North Holland for the sustainable energy market. The Business plan and Business Case has been finalized and the search for financing has started. Possible investors are De Leeuw Engineers in Pretoria, the Nigerian Government, Gaz de France / GTIO Suez, various informal investors, bank consortia, Merchank Banking in the USA and the European Union.

Business Spirals is a consultancy firm formed out of three companies, which is focused on the revitalization of
companies in the area’s of Supply Chain Management, Turn-around Management, Customer Knowledge
Management, Information Management, Process Management and Competence Management. The educational
institute Echelon University with its graduate business school Echelon Institute of Management Development and the Polytechnic co-operations are structured under Business Spirals Academy and are used as Action Learning implementation instruments for the consultancy assignments. Role Innovations: Director Business Spirals and Turn-around Management Expert. Role Academy: Director Echelon University, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors of the accrediting Role in assignments: Turn-around Manager and Financial Engineer & Financial Specialist. The role of Financial Engineer has been developed and the role as Crisis Manager and Business Developer has been pointed out. Both roles can be played. From January 2003 until now Business Spirals is focused on the development of co-creation sessions as part of an entrepreneurial network of company directors. Participants are attracted through topics like passion, entrepreneurship, performance management, profit improvement and improving the sales function. Until March 2007 a group of 150 directors has regularly participated in these sessions. In 2007 Business Spirals developed a Next Level Scan in order to evaluate the company and improve the sales, profit, process effectiveness & efficiency and the employee productivity to bring these companies to a next level.
ƒ Turn-around Management for Agricultural companies: Business Spirals performed 24 turn-around
management assignments in the agricultural business. The program is sponsored by regional and national
subsidies. (Product Leadership)
ƒ Spoorflex: Development of the Commercial Function within the sales team and the rest of the personnel in order to grow towards the customers and deliver what they actually want. The processes within the
company are changed in order to focus on customers and results for the customers. (Customer Intimacy)
ƒ DPA Supply Chain People: Delivery of a long term education program to help implement the integration of companies and set goals for the company. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Netherlands Bone Bank (NBF): Integration of several tissue banks into one Dutch bank and make the organizations transparent and efficient. (Operational Excel ence)
ƒ DSM Supply Chain Academy: Development of a Supply Chain Academy using workshops and education and executing real life projects in order to score success and financial results in the supply chain management of
this process industry. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Stryker: Implementation of an Oracle ERP system and using education as implementation instrument in order to fill the steering data. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Royal Navy: Implementation of Asset Management Control in their maintenance company for the complete Dutch fleet. (Operational Excellence )
ƒ Customers Turn-around Management: The Turn-around Management jobs have been performed in the following industries: Office Supplies, Software Services, Potato Starch Manufacturing Plant, IT company, Governmental Health Care companies, Agricultural companies and Transportation company. Result: realized
turn-around and building up the business to a sustainable entity. (Product Leadership)
ƒ SAS IT: Improving the commercial strength using the Balanced Score Card Model and the Talent Management Development Program. Result: improving the sales hit ratio with 25%, increasing the sales
volume with 30% and filling the pipeline up to 125%. (Customer Intimacy)
ƒ AKZO Nobel / Organon: Development of a Maturity Model for the Procurement Organization including the measurement of success. Result: cost saving program of 8% over the total spend amounting to US$ 1,2 B and bringing Procurement to an earlier stage in the R&D process. Procurement has become more strategic
and the decision making process has been professionalized and objective which saves more by making the
right make-or-buy decision. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ INTERREG III B North Sea Programme in Offshore Wind Energy: Coordination and program management of the European Union Project POWER Interreg III B North sea Programme (total spend € 386 B), which is an offshore wind energy program. The task is to develop new educational courses for the OWE industry and
build a decision support system for the location choices. (Operational Excellence)

Echelon Institute of Management Development is a graduate business school in the fields of: Procurement
Management, International Business and Turn-around Management. In 2008 we will start a new MBA Program
in the field of Entrepreneurship. We perform educational services to companies and business academies and
have our own MBA activities executed at de Baak Management Centre VNO NCW. The MBA in Procurement
Management is the most successful program with large companies as customers. Echelon Institute of
Management Development has been set-up in 1997 and has grown into a mature educational business.
Role: Director and majority shareholder of Echelon University, Echelon Institute of Management Development,
Echelon Consultancy BV, Quality Service Holding BV.
ƒ Biomet: Professionalizing the European Procurement Function. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ LIOZ: Set-up of a Shared Service Centre within the Health Care sector; (Product Leadership)
ƒ Avebe: Supply Chain Management assignment: The execution of a Process Overview Workshop in order to
stimulate the critical chain thinking. Besides the managing of problems, the implementation of solutions and
generating innovative ideas and new technologies we scored the following results: cost saving program for
€ 20M, process improvements with savings of at least € 5-8 M. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Municipality of Harlingen: This organization chose to develop their personnel and management team by presenting them an education program which focused on improvement of the organization, building the strategies of the organization, and accepting the changes in the public sector. The individual employees
should focus on their personal growth and knowledge sharing was the prime target for the first period.
Results: developed strategy for the organization, which was fully accepted by all personnel, results in terms
of the improvement of processes within the municipality. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Jager Demmenie: Management Development Program for the management team of the Jager Group. After many take overs and mergers of organizations in the office supplies, furniture & fixtures and office machines,
the management team needed to come at bachelor’s level. Through education the company improved
considerately and the cost savings result was € 250k per month. The program was ended with four projects,
which improved the commercial, financial, delivery and supply chain side. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Marketech BV / Debis / T-Systems: Integration process between a small IT company, Daimler Chrysler and Deutsche Telekom. The process was implemented through a Talent Management Development Program with
the complete management team of all entities.
Results: Professionalizing the company and perform management assessment; strategy development and
improving the supply chain and delivery performance of the company. Cost cutting program of 20% realized.
(Operational Excellence)
ƒ Hillenbrand Funeral Services Group: Research over how to penetrate the European Death Care Industry by this American company. We did research in 9 European countries and developed a penetration strategy for
the Hillenbrand group. We developed a Death Care database and evaluated four mergers. (Customer
ƒ Georgia Hortensia Project: Development of a plant and flower business in Georgia (Former Russia) in close cooperation with the EBRD, World Bank and FMO. We performed the education of 500 employees and a CFO
of the organization. Next to that we set-up the complete organization strategy. (Product Leadership)
ƒ Albania 2000+ Project: Project for the World Bank in order to set-up an independent Higher Education Institute on Master and Bachelor level in Tirana, Albania. Implementing the financial structure of the project
through debentures and the set-up of study financing through insurances. (Product Leadership)
ƒ Developed European Business cases for several American Universities. ƒ Other small assignments: Execution of specialized workshops for international companies, mergers evaluation for small sized companies, implementation of female Viagra within Pfizer and Organon, set-up of competence management in the Ministry of Defense, projects for accrediting education programs.
Role: Director SOC Travel Group with travel entities and tour operators in The Netherlands and Indonesia.
ƒ Process Management evaluation and finding large savings.
ƒ Sale of the sales organisation in The Netherlands and filling up the capacity in the hotels in Indonesia.
ƒ Development of diving travel arrangement with pinisi ships in Indonesia.
ƒ Setting up Echelon Travellers Business Travel and implementation of new business concepts in the travel
ƒ From May 1996 – July 2000: Being a director for Echelon Travelers and development of company from a 1M to a 30M operation. In July we sold the organization to World Travel Hol and.
Role: Accountant and Business Consultant
In 1988 recruited as assistant accountant at Arthur Andersen & Co Sc in Amsterdam. Within two years helped to
set-up the Business Consulting practice and became Senior. One year later promoted to manager and built up
the Business Consulting practice and audit practice with large accounts. Subsequently Telecom expert within
the group with customers such as: Italia Telecom, KPN, Deutsche Telekom, GTE and Alcatel.
Left AA&CO in 1995 as experienced manager in Business Consulting and Audit.
Business Consulting Assignments:
ƒ Financial Director at Benckiser Group for General Cosmetics in Alkmaar and Europe;(Operational Excellence)
ƒ Financial Director activities for ECN (Energy research company) (Operational Excellence)
ƒ Turn-around management jobs at Italia Telecom, KPN Telecom, GTE and Swedish Telecom. (Operational
ƒ Sybase Europe: Professionalizing the sales function by letting all salesmen cooperate in their sales of hardware and software. The job lead to 25% increase in sales. (Customer Intimacy)
ƒ Reorganization of the Finance Function of the Ministry of Education for student financing in Groningen. (Operational Excellence)
ƒ TNT Express Worldwide: international operational excellence job for cost saving programs. (Operational
ƒ Merck Incorporated: streamlining royalties of Enalapril and Socor. (Operational Excellence)
Supply Chain Council in Barcelona:
Procurement and Supply Chain Management: How to Combine Accounting for Managers- financial function of the future Change management in learning organizations Higher education, subsidies and accreditation in accordance with TSM Business School (Municipality Kampen): Outsourcing within the municipal government LTB Accountants: Change management and increasing the commercial strength of Implementing ERP software and return on investment issues. Strategic alliance between profit and non-profit organizations Classes in the MBA in Procurement Management, International Business, Turn-around Management, Information
Management and Asset Management Control.
Result orientation, financial expert for analysis and process evaluation, change manager, peoples manager,
facilitator, process manager, project oriented approach, communication on board level, global thinking and
working level, entrepreneur.


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