Microsoft word - 1_patient_medical_information_080513
Patient Name:____________________________________________________________ Today's Date:______________
Primary Doctor: _______________________________ Referring Doctor/Clinic: _________________________________
Physicians/Specialists you want us to send correspondence of today’s visit to:___________________________________
Please check any medical conditions that you have or are being treated for from the list below: ____ Diabetes(age of onset____) ____ High Cholesterol ____ Multiple Sclerosis
____ Rheumatoid Arthritis ___Meningitis __________________
Females ONLY: Are you currently pregnant? YES or NO. If yes, please give due date: ___________________ Are you currently nursing? YES or NO Have you ever had an eye or head injury? YES or NO? If yes, specify: _________________________________________________ Have you ever had eyesurgery? YES or NO? If yes, list what type of eye surgery/laser and year performed: __________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you had any general surgeries? (DO NOT include eye surgery) YES or NO? If yes, list______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY: Please circle all of the following that apply to your immediate family (blood relatives): UNKNOWN | NONE | Alzheimer's | Diabetes | High Blood Pressure | Cancer | Glaucoma Macular Degeneration | Crossed Eyes | Blindness | Retinal Problems Are you allergic to any medications? YES or NO? If yes, list the medication you are allergic to and reaction:___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List current EYE Drops (Include ALL over the counter eye drops and eye supplements):____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List all of your current medications or provide copy of your current list.(Please include over the counter meds, vitamins and supplements): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***Have you ever taken Flomax (tamsulosin), Hytrin, or any bladder intolerance medications? YES or NO? *** These medications may cause an issue with the dilation process of the pupils, even if you are no longer taking them.
Pharmacy: _______________________________ Address:__________________________________Phone#:__________________________
Do you use tobacco products? YES or NO. If yes, what type and how often?_____________________________________________
Do you consume alcohol? YES or NO. If yes, how often?________________________________________________________________
**If you are having a specific problem today with your eyes or vision, please describe the problem on the line provided below and/or check problems from the following list: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Visual loss? (sudden or gradual change) ____ Burning sensation in the eyes? ____ Blurred vision at near?
____ Difficulty seeing when working with small
Presented by: Howard L. Owrutsky - Sr. IT Manager for Exelon Nuclear & Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant Contact Info: Work: 717-456-3900 Academic Summary: BSEE, MBA, MSCIS, Previously taught IT, Robotics and computer design for 10 years at RETS, published author, radio host and special needs advocate (Book: Raising Superman by H. L. Ho has worked in Information Tec
Fakta schizofreni 1. Psykossjukdomar I Sverige insjuknar mellan 1 500 och 2 000 personer varje år i psykos varav schizofreni är den vanligaste formen. En psykos kan definieras som ett tillstånd där en persons verklighetsuppfattning är förändrad med symtom som hallucinationer, förföljelsemani, svårigheter att tänka och bristande sjukdomsinsikt. Det är oklart vad som ors