Microsoft word - rist infertility questionaire.docx
Infertility Questionnaire Please answer all questions thoroughly and accurately. Fee free to use a separate page, if you need additional room. Patient name Husband/Partner name
How long have you been trying to get pregnant?
MENSTRUAL HISTORY Date of onset of your last menstrual period
Date of onset of your previous menstrual period
How many days occur between your menses, usually
What is the average amount of flow (<6 or >6 pads or tampons per day)
Severe (require pain meds and bed rest)
Have you ever taken birth control pills?
Have you ever had an intrauterine device (IUD)?
Do you use vaginal lubricants during intercourse?
What were the outcomes of these pregnancies?
PAST HISTORY (please check if any are applicable)
Have you ever had any type of pelvic surgery?
Have you ever had surgery or treatments for an abnormal PAP smear?
If yes, when and what type of treatment?
Do you have any allergies to medications?
Are you currently taking any medications?
Has a post-coital test (PCT) been performed?
Has a hysterosalpingogram (X-ray of fallopian tubes) ever been performed?
Have you had an endometrial biopsy performed:
Have you ever had chromosomal studies performed?
Have you had other infertility studies performed?
PREVIOUS INFERTILITY TREATMENT Clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene) with timed intercourse
Clomiphene citrate with intrauterine insemination
Gonadotropins (Pergonal, Metrodin, Repronex, Gonal F, Follistim) with timed
intercourse Gonadotropins with intrauterine insemination
Please document in chronological order information regarding your treatment cycles. Please be detailed as possible.
Surgical History Date Location Procedure Findings Medical History Problem Date Diagnosed Treatment FAMLY HISTORY Is there a history of breast, colon or ovarian cancer in your family?
Any females with ovarian cysts formation problems?
Any females with a problem with uterine fibroids?
Any chromosomal abnormalities in the family?
Sibling or family history of infertility disorder (please check):
Do any diseases run in your family? Do any of your relatives suffer from a major illness?
Check one Comments
Do you have allergies to any medications?
Are you currently taking any medication, vitamins or
MALE PARTNER DATA Date of Birth: Marriage #: Number of pregnancies conceived with current partner:
Number of pregnancies conceived with previous partners:
Please give approximate dates and outcomes of any pregnancies conceived with a previous partner:
If you have had a semen analysis, please indicate date and results:
Location of Concentration Motility (%) Morphology (%) Analysis (million/ml)
Medical History Problem Date Diagnosed Treatment
Surgical History Date Location Procedure Findings
Family History (Do any diseases run in your family? Do any of your relatives suffer from a major illness? Check one Comments
Does anyone in your family have a history of birth
defects? Do you have a family history of recurrent pregnancy
loss? Additional Male Partner Information Check One Comments
Do you use recreational drugs or steroids?
Do you have difficulties with ejaculation?
Are your genitals exposed to excessive heat?
Have you had an injury to your genitals?
Have you had any infections of your penis or
testicles? Have you had an infection of your prostate
Have you had an undescended testicle as a
What has been your understanding of your previous diagnoses and expectations for successful treatment?
What is your expectation with our office?
Thank you for taking your time to fill out this form! RIST Team
Evaluation Scheme Mid Sessional Subjects Subject Name PRACTICAL/PROJECT L: Lecture; T: Tutorial; P: Practical; CT: Class Test; As: Assignment; At: Attendance. DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY (IInd Year) PHARMACEUTICS II (i) Prescriptions-Reading and understanding of prescription; Latin terms commonly used (Detailed study is not necessary), Modern methods of prescribi
Washout Periods for Brimonidine for latanoprost ( n ؍ 17) was 4.4 ؎ 3.2 weeks ( P ؍ .24). 0.2% and Latanoprost 0.005% In all but one patient, brimonidine returned to baseline by 5 weeks and latanoprost returned by 8 weeks. William C. Stewart, MD, Keri T. Holmes, and CONCLUSION: After discontinuing latanoprost or bri- Mark A. Johnson monidine, a wide variation exist