Microsoft word - nurse_screener_pds_092809.doc

Participant Screener – Nurse PDS

frog design is looking to speak with qualified nurses with experience in providing education
and instruction to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients on the self-administration of biologic RA
drug treatments. All interviews would be conducted in a facility in Los Angeles.
 3 nurses -must have done auto-injection training with patients  Three 2 ½ hour group sessions with 1 nurse recruits in each session  One session per day  Mixed groups, one nurse per group  Market: Los Angeles  Incentive of $300/nurse. Schedule interviews to occur between 10/19-21 with 1 session per day preferred (exact dates TBD)
All participants should meet the following requirements:
 Have between 2-25 years in practice  Currently work in a Rheumatology practice  See at least 15 RA patients per month with self-injectable biologics (e.g. Enbrel,  Train at least 5 RA patients per month on how to self-inject.  Are not affiliated (or have family members affiliated) with a pharmaceutical company, healthcare company, or advertising agency as a primary clinical investigator, consultant, or researcher  Have not participated in marketing research in the past 3 months RECRUITMENT SCREENER
The following pages outline a series of recommended questions to help recruit the appropriate
Hello, my name is ____________ from _______________, a healthcare research firm. The
purpose of our study is to speak with nurses about HealthCare solutions to improve the lives of
RA patients. We are seeking participants for a research study. We are not selling anything. I’m
contacting you to see if you qualify as a participant.
The study sessions will consist of a 2 ½-hour group session with discussion and product
evaluation/ideation activities. Participants will be paid $300 to attend a 2 ½-hour focus-
group session at our facility in ___________. Parking will also be paid for during the
session. May I ask you a few more questions to see if you qualify?
# Question
or one-on-one interview in the past 3 months? D. Student E. Retired F. Stay-at-home parent patients? (as opposed D. 60-80% to clinical trials, biologics (e.g. Enbrel, C. 10 – 15 patients/mo approximately how many different patients using these biologics do you treat? (Select all that apply) G. Kineret H. Methotrexate/Rheumatrex I. Azulfidine J. Hydroxychloroquine K. Plaquenil L. Sulfasalizine M. Lefluenomide N. Orencia that I would like you to B. Very sure of self went, what fun things
you did, and anything
you discovered to be
new and interesting?

* Note: These dates and times are TBD and will be based on project start date and facility
availability. Times will be adjusted if needed for the best research participants.
We’d like to invite you to participate in an interview discussion on [DAY, DATE]
______________at [TIME] ___________________. The interview will take place at our facility at
_________________ and last 2 ½ hours. At the conclusion of the interview, you will receive
$300 for your participation and parking is included. We assure you that all information will
be confidential and the purposes are for research only.
Would you be willing to
(IF YES) I’d like to stress the importance of your participation in this study. A confirmation
letter will be mailed to you. If you find for any reason you cannot attend the discussion, please
call us at [PHONE #], so we may make other arrangements and still meet our obligation to our
We will call you to confirm the date and time of the discussion, and send you a reminder letter containing your appointment time.


Microsoft word - guatemala_semanasanta.doc

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