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La Casa de mi Padre
(My Father’s House)
August 1 – 8, 2009
The Roanoke Team
Lauren Altieri*
Colin Forbes*
Lauren Hodges
Katherine Holt*
Megan Kesler*
Sydney Smith*
Sarah Songer
Holly Todd*
Scott Crosby
Aubrey Knight
Michael Lautigar
Bob Rouse*
Phyllis Rouse*
Jeff Todd*
*CSBC members

Thank you for your commitment to pray for our La Casa de mi Padre team
on a daily basis. Please take some time out of your daily schedule and pray
for as many of our team members, by name, as you can. Your prayers,
combined with those of other church family members, will be the groundwork
for a successful week.

Pray that God will begin to work on the hearts of those families we will serve in El
Salvador at the children’s home, in the clinics and others we come in contact with
throughout the week. Pray for Christ to be present and for the Holy Spirit to move
among us each day.
This week we will have clinics at three locations. One will be held at Shalom,
another children’s home in El Salvador. A second one will be held at Immanuel
Church in Santo Tomas. This is the town La Finca is located in and we minister to
those in this town to build relationships so that when La Casa is able to build at La
Finca, the town will be ready to receive the children and those that care for them.
The third clinic location is unknown at this time.
The day we go to Immanuel Church we will also provide a one night VBS for the
children that Pastor Armando is ministering to in Santo Tomas. We hope to have
our exact schedule known before going and we will provide that schedule so you
may be in prayer for specific locations we are serving in that day. Pray we will be
able to plant seeds in the heart of the children in this town so their future may be
changed for eternity.
This trip we hope to have a few prayer walks. One in the area of Immanuel Church
and the surrounding streets there near the church. We hope to do a prayer walk in
the neighborhood of the children’s home and to also have a time of prayer when we
visit La Finca with the children this week.

Our team will leave for the Dulles Airport today, our flight from Dulles is at
9:35AM and we arrive in San Salvador at 12:30PM (2:30EST). Please pray we have
someone to drive us on the church bus. Please pray for safety on the road.
Especially pray for our bus driver as he/she transports us to the airport and then
makes the return trip back to Roanoke. Begin to pray for the hearts of our team
that they might be focused on the mission at hand.

Today we attend church with the children and a few of the Tias and Tios. Pray we
will feel the Holy Spirit move throughout the church today and that the language
barrier will not be an issue for us. The afternoon will offer a change to rest, prepare
the bags for our first clinic and review our schedules for the week as a team. It will
also be a chance to separate the craft material and VBS teaching material for the
week and be sure everyone is ready for their Monday assignment.

The time difference is two hours. At 9:30 AM EST (7:30 AM) we will gather for our
morning devotion. Pray the Holy Spirit will guide our time together through praise
and worship and then through a short devotion led by Bob Rouse or Gary Powell
(missionary at La Casa). Pray that God will continue to bless the team with safety.
Pray our team members remain healthy and that no one becomes dehydrated.
Today part of our team will lead a VBS at the children’s home while others go to a
clinic and provide medical services. It is possible we will all be at the clinic
depending on the location and the need to provide activities for the children. Pray
we have an opportunity to share the gospel with someone despite the language
barrier for many of us on the team.

Pray that during our devotion time this morning someone on the team will have a
special “Jesus moment” to share from Monday. That we will have seen His hand in
our day and know that only our Lord could have made it happen. Pray for the team
and that everyone stays hydrated today. Again the group may go in two different
directions today or be together at a clinic to provide medical services as well as a
time with the children in the area where will be working. As the students hand out
the gospel bracelets, pray that someone will ask questions and that our student will
have the chance to pray with the individual to receive Christ as their personal
Savior. Pray for boldness today and that our team and the translators will plant
many seeds for His Kingdom.

Pray for those leading our devotion time. Our days are long, the heat and humidity
is worse than at home and many may be feeling tired and sluggish by today. Pray
the team will focus on why we are there today…to share the love of Christ with
those we serve. Pray we have the chance to share with someone or to pray with
someone in need. Again our group may either be divided between the children’s
home and a clinic or it is possible we will all be together at both locations depending
on the clinic location today. Pray that we will see many lives changed today by our
medical care, medications we can provide and by the love of Jesus we will share
through our care for them and moments of witnessing.


Today our doctors on the team will be giving medical talks at a local hospital and
our Californian surgeon may be assisting with some surgeries. The remainder of the
team will be at La Casa providing VBS classes for the children, doing minor repair
work and offering tutoring activities to those who need assistance. Pray that the
language barrier would not hinder the team as we teach the children about Jesus
and His love today. Pray our actions today will speak of our love for Him and that
the children will see that love for Him. We will take the children and go to La Finca
today, the site of the future new home site; or we will go tomorrow. Pray for a sweet
time on the property and the ability to drive in so we do not lose precious time due
to washed out roads.

Today is our free day. Pray for our safety as we travel around town and do various
fun activities and some local shopping. This evening we will return to the children’s
home and have devotion time with the children as our week ends. Pray we are able
to reach the children and teach them something about Jesus Christ that they do not
know that will make a difference to them. Pray that we may provide hope to the
children and their care givers. Several children have recently been adopted and
many of those left at the home will wonder why they cannot be adopted and why are
their friends gone. Pray we will be able to show His love and care to them and ease
their pain.


Today is our last morning of devotions as a team. Pray that we will have many
“Jesus moments” to share with each other and that the Holy Spirit will move among
us today. We will pack for the return trip today and hopefully get to visit with the
children one last time and say our good-bye’s until the next time. Pray for the
children as well as those on the team. This good-bye is difficult for everyone as our
hearts break at this sweet departure. We have seen the poverty and heard stories of
heart break this week and at the same time we have seen Jesus at work this week
and seen His provision. We have come to love the children as our own if we are new
on the trip. For those who have been before, we love “our children” even more!
Pray for road travel safety when we head to the airport and for a good flight back
home. Pray for our bus driver as he/she heads to Dulles today to be there to pick us
up after we have our luggage. Our flight leaves San Salvador at 4:45PM (6:45PM
EST) and we arrive in Dulles at 10:50PM. Pray for the return trip home and for our
bus driver to remain alert at all times.

- Adult and children's Claritin
- Robitussin or generic cough syrup (for adults and children)
- Mucinex or generic expectorant (for adults and children)
- Children’s Benadryl
- Baby Wipes
- Diaper Cream
- Monetary donations to purchase VBS supplies for the children


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