Herewith the minutes of the last CUSU Council (minus the report given by
Minutes of CUSU Council - Michaelmas II, Wednesday 25th October 2000
Isabel Hudson took the chair, with Josh Reddaway as Chair's Aid, and Anna
1.Corrections to the minutes of the last Council: It was noted that Alison
Tatterschall of Clare College asked to know why a new CUSU building would
not house an entertainments venue, rather than Alison Ismail of Emmanuel
2.There were no matters arising from the minutes of the last Council.
3.The next meeting of Council will be on Wednesday 8th November at 7.30pm
in the Peterhouse Lecture Theatre (and not at Emmanuel as previously
Louise Capel Cure: Many External Officers have not yet replied with details
of how many tickets for theNational Demonstration they expect to be able to
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sell. Please email academic@cusu or demo@cusu to let Louise know.
Martin: There have been many complaints regarding the new University card.
Martin will bring a motion before Council 4 to decide whether to consider
reintroducing the CUSU card. Plain NUS cards (i.e. without the CUSU logo)
have been ordered; contact Martin (services@cusu) if you would like one.
Martin: The Oxford and Cambridge Careers Guide is now ready for
distribution; please ensure that all finalists (both graduates and
undergraduates) receive a copy. Please note that the Oxbridge Guide is
5.There were no questions to the Executive.
6.Objections to the order paper: Due to transport difficulties, Owain James
was delayed, and so it was necessary to postpone his presentation until
This motion was proposed by Mat Coakley. Constitutionally it was necessary
for the policy to hold a referendum to be passed by two consecutive
53 in Favour, and no votes against/abstentions. MOTION CARRIED.
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Mat Coakley took the Chair for this item and Isabel Hudson proposed the
motion. It was proposed that £520 was spent to train the PSG volunteers who
man the phoneline, It was noted that it is extremely important that such
training takes place, and that the Family Planning Association offers very
good training. Isabel pointed out that the NAC affiliation debate
illustrates how important this issue is.
Oci Scott, Sidney Sussex: How much money is in the Campaigns to Allocate
Martin: There is currently c£4000, which is set aside for precisely this
53 in Favour, with no votes against/abstentions. MOTION CARRIED.
1.Withdrawal of the NAC Affiliation Referendum.
Proposed: Paul Cruickshank (Pembroke), Seconded: Marcus Body (Pembroke).
Paul: This issue isn't about whether or not you agree with abortion; this is
about CUSU's responsibility to its students. CUSU should not risk dividing
its members; there are many Christian, Muslim and Jewish students who would
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feel deeply offended by CUSU's affiliation to the National Abortion
Mike Bourke, Christs: We have talked about this for long enough. All the
publicity has been distributed and now we need to trust our members and give
them the chance to vote. Unions always have to deal with things that are
controversial; such is the nature of democracy.
Jonathon Gaventa, Kings: Why has this been brought as an Emergency Motion,
Paul: Many people don't know about the referendum; it has only just come to
Tony McGann, Peterhouse: How would CUSU decide if the referendum did not
Marcus: CUSU would simply have to maintain the status quo, a situation that
offends no one. A vote would polarise the student population.
Martin: As Returning Officer for this referendum, I will be issuing a
statement to all JCR/MCRs presenting both sides of the issue in as factual
Paul: Never before have CUSU affiliated to any such campaign; currently the
union supports organisations like the AA, which is far form being
controversial. A lot of people feel very strongly about this, and a vote
Rachel Tripp, Girton: Surely a referendum is the most accurate way of being
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democratic, and we are a democratic union. We, as a minority, cannot decide
Marcus: People simply don't know what NAC stands for, and that is very
serious. It's not democratic to hold an ill-informed referendum.
Thomas Deas, St. Edmunds: Wasn't it your responsibility to ensure that your
Marcus: I'm not part of any committee.
Matt Hood, Magdalene: The motion is offensive in its suggestion that the
members of this university are ignorant. If the proposers consider
themselves to be well informed, why assume that no one else is capable of
Pav Akhtar, Homerton: What about the people who do support the NAC? We need
to let the students decide for themselves.
Paul: It's important that we don't find ourselves in a situation where there
is a 49/51% split, where half the student body will be dissatisfied; this is
2 In Favour, 34 Against, 14 Abstentions. MOTION FALLS.
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Allegra Stratton (prop: Natasha Philips, sec: Katy Barnes)
*Matt Hood (prop: Christina Slater, sec: Katy Barnes)*
Mike Bourke (prop: Kathryn Humphrey, sec: Neville Strachan)
*Suhasini Sakhare (prop: Fran Sainsbury)*
Allegra Stratton (prop: Natasha Philips, sec: Katy Barnes
*Delicia Reynolds and Lola Adesioye (prop: Fran Sainsbury, sec: Jon Plant)*
*Andrew Brant (prop: Karen Hayes, sec: Fernando Arvizu Ferrer)*
*Mike Bourke (prop: Kathryn Humphrey, sec: Neville Strachan)*
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*Nitharshan Srikanthapalan (prop: T. Mehrali)*
*Dave Liddilot (prop: Chris Connolly, sec: Tom Wynne)*
*Jenny Chamarette (prop: Debra Standing, sec: Ryan Ali) CHAIR*
Alex Swallow (prop: Natasha Philips, sec: Allegra Stratton)
* Anna Sandford (prop: Christina Slater, sec: Josh Reddaway)
* Josh Reddaway (prop: Christina Slater, sec: Anna Sandford)
* Josie Cluer (prop: Harriet Neuberger, sec: Lucy Stoy)
* Matt Hood (prop: Christina Slater, sec: Dave Telford)
* Louise Capel Cure (prop: Alison Tatterschall, sec: Helen Evans)
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Neville Strachan (prop: Mike Bourke, sec: Kathryn Humphrey)
10.A.O.B. Pav Akhtar: The NUS Black Students Conference will be 25/26th
November. Please ask in your colleges whether there are any students who
wish to stand for this post. Contact Pav (pka20).
Mat Coakley: We need 1500 votes for the referendum to be quorate, so
please encourage as many people to vote as possible; do all you can.
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Chapter 17 Review 17.1 : Psychoanalysis At his friends’ urging, Barney has decided to seek help for the depression he has been struggling with ever since moving away from home and starting college two months ago. He’s heard a lot about Sigmund (1) Freud’s therapy, called (2) psychoanalysis , in which patients use (3) free association to express whatever comes to mind in order to un
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