Selective isolation for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (pr EN 12780:1999, UNE-EN 12780:2003, BOE 259 of 29/X/2002) in packaged water. COMPOSITION
Gelatine pancreatic peptone
(Formula per liter) Final pH: 7,1 ± 0,2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 24 hours
Dissolve 52,6 g of medium in 1 liter of destiled Water. Add 10 ml of glicerol. Heat till Boiling point,shaking for its disolution. Autoclave to 121 ºC during 15 minutes. Leave cold down medium 45-50 ºC and, if you wish follow the Standard prEN 12780:1997word by word, add 0'015 g/l of Nalidixic Acid (SMS034Z). DEHYDRATED CODE: DMT220
Elaborated in our laboratory; it is prudent repeat it in your laboratory always conditions change (more than three months without use it, after disinfect your laboratory, after keep it to higher temperature, when it acquires bizard aspects although expire date is correct,…) DEHYDRATED: Thick powder, White
CUANTITATIVE GROWING CONTROL 48 h to 37°C more or less, or room temperature (21-28°C more or less): Staphylococcus aureus MKTA 6538P, Inhibited. E.coli MKTA 25922, Inhibited. Pseudomonas aeruginosa MKTA 27853, Good, Pigment, Green-yellowish colonies, fluorescents. Regarding to standard PCA *, counting >99%, but selective. Burkholderia cepacia MKTA 25416, Correct,white-cream colonies. Refarding to standard PCA *, counting 55%, but selective.
* The one which carry out with a recuperation higher than 92-125% according to cuantitative strain traceables to type strain.
PRESENTATION: Dehydrated medium (BASE), TUBES 20 ml, BOTTLES 100 ml, SMALL HERMETIC MF PLATES, 2 ml MF vials, princkable vials 100 ml. SPREAD AND INTERPRETATION Smelt tubes and bottles and pour 20ml in each sterile Petri plate. Leave cold down. Spread in surface. With contact plate, touch surface for an instance, without move it or introduce it in an equipment for air control. Incubate to 35- 37ºC more or less, during 18-24 hours and 40-48 hours. Incubation to 42ºC more or less is more selective, but it can scape some starin of Ps.aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa grow as green-yellowish colonies, confirmatives. If they are not of that colour but they are fluorescent ( above all 366nm light, tourch MICROKIT), confirm with Acetamide Broth (DMT003). If they are not green neither fluorescent, but browns, confirm with strip of citocromo-oxidase KOT050 (do not use nicrom handle, but exclusively of paltinum: VCS147), with Acetamide broth (DMT003) and with fluorescence in King B Agar (DMT182). Also, identification test are very useful (MICROKIT KBH262). Final user is the only responsible of elimination of microrganism according current environmental legislation. Autoclave before throw it to the rubbish.
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DSC Notice: 40/2001 Data Standards: Supporting revised Cessation of Smoking Monitoring Requirements Implementation Date: Immediate DATA SET CHANGE CONTROL PROCEDURE This paper gives notification of changes to be included in the NHS Data Dictionary & Manual and the NHS CDS Manual as appropriate. These will be consolidated into the publications in due course. Sum