Denning garden - plant list

June 12, 2011

(!!) - never browsed in my garden
(*) - browsed but plants recover and bloom
SUNNY SITES - drought tolerant, deer resistant

(!!) Nodding Onion - Allium cernum - July/Aug. - pink
(!!) Willow Bluestar - Amsonia tabernaemontana - June - blue - late spring/early summer
(!!) Arkansas Bluestar - Amsonia hubrichti - June - blue - late spring/early summer
(*) Coneflower - Echinacea - summer - 1-2’
(*) Joe-Pye Weed - Eupatorium fistulosum - red-purple - late summer - 3-4’
Pussytoes - Antennaria plantaginifolia - white - early spring

(*) Butterfly weed - Asclepias tuberosa - July/Aug. - orange - 2’
Blue false Indigo - Baptisia australis - early summer - 3-5’
White false indigo - Baptisia latea - early summer - 3-5’
Cream false indigo - Baptisia bracteata - cream - 1-2’

(!!) Tickseed - Coreopsis - summer - yellow - 2’
Flowering spurge - Euphorbia corol ata - summer - white
Helen’s flower - Common sneezeweed - Helenium autumnale - late summer - yellow

(*) Rough Blazing star - Liatris aspera - summer - lavender - 2-5’

Mountain mint - Pyncanthemum muticum - pink /white tinged leaves
Wild bergamot - Monarda fistulosa - violet - summer - 3-4’
Purple Bergamot - Monarda media - magenta - summer - 3-4’
Bee-balm; Oswego Tea - Monarda didyma - summer - red - 3-4’

(!!) Showy Goldenrod - Solidago speciosa - late summer/fal - yellow - 1=3’
Bowman's Root - Porteranthus trifoliatus early summer - white - part sun
Rattlesnake Master - Eryngium yuccifolium - white - summer
Wild quinine - Parthenium integrifolium - white summer - 3-5’

(!!) Anise Hyssop - Agastache foeniculum - purple - 1-3’ biennial- self-sows ?
Butterflyweed - Asclepias tuberosa - summer - orance - 2-3’
Harebell - Campanula rotundifolia - blue - summer /fal - 1-2’
Prairie smoke - Geum triflorum - pink - spring - 6”
Purple Prairie clover - Dalea purpurea (Petalostemum) - 2-3’ - summer
Wild Geranium - Geranium maculatum- pink - 1’ -spring

(!!) Northern Blue Flag - Iris versicolor - blue - late spring/early summer - maybe not
drought tolerant but fine in my garden without extra watering
Thalictrum pubescens - Tall Meadow Rue - white - summer - 3-9’ - part shade wet??
Boltonia asteroides -fall - white -3-4’
Pasqueflower - Anemone (Pulsatil a) patens var. multifida - 6-8” - early spring

(*) Coralbells - Heuchera americana - 1-2’ - deer have nipped my common coralbel s but
not those like Purple Palace
Foamflower - Tiarel a cordifolia var. col ina (wherryi) or var. cordifolia - 1-2’


(!!) Wild columbine - Aquilegia canadensis - late spring - red & yel ow - 10-24”
(!!) Yellow Columbine - Yel ow columbine - late spring - 12-1”
(!!) Crested Iris - Iris cristata - violet - spring - 4-8”
Wild ginger - Asarum canadense - ground cover
Eurybia divaricata - white wood aster - fall - white w/red center
Wintergreen - Gaultheria procumbens - red berries - fall- evergreen groundcover
Early meadowrue - Thalictrum dioicum - early spring - white/gold - 2-4’

(!!) Wild bleeding heart - Dicentra eximia - mid-summer - pink - 1-2’
Shootingstar - Dodecatheheon meadia - spring - white or pink w/ yel ow/red centers
Maianthemum canadense - Canada Mayflower - groundcover

(*) Celandine poppy - Stylolphorum diphyl um - yellow - spring - 2’
Jack in the Pulpit - Arisaema triphyl um - red berries late summer - 1-2’
Virginia bluebells - Mertensia virginica - blue - spring - 1-2’
Mayapple - Podophyl um peltatum - spring - white - groundcover - 8-16”
Canada Mayflower - Maianthemum canadense - spring- white -rapid spreading
Downy Skullcap - Scutel aria incana - violet or blue - mid/late summer - 2-3’
False Solomon’s Seal - Smilacina racemosa - creamy white - 1-3’
Bloodroot - Sanguinaria candensis - white/yellow - 5-12”

(*) Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa - white - 3-4’


(!!) Sweetshrub - Calycanthus floridus - maroon or greenish yel ow - 4-10’
Serviceberry - Amelanchier canadensis - spring -10-20’
Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis - pink - 10-20’ - may need protection
Flowering Dogwood -Cornus florida - 12-20’ - may need protection

(*) Summersweet - Clethra alnifolia - white or pink - summer - 4-9’
Common Witch-hazel - Hamamelis virginiana - golden yellow - fall - 8-20’
Pinxter azalea

Lindera benzoin - Spicebush

Multi-stemmed, deciduous, understory shrub. Subtle yellow blooms along stems in spring. Red berries on female plants in fall. Exudes spicy scent when bark is scratched or leaves are crushed. Height: 8-15'. Spread: 6-15'. Part shade. Best in moist, fertile soil, but adaptable. Butterfly plant. Rain garden plant. Deer resistant, but protect until well-established and sizeable.

New Jersey tea - Ceanothus americanus
- white - summer -2-3’

Senna hebecarpa - Northern Wild Senna

Clusters of yellow flowers in summer. Attractive seed pods. Height: 3-7'. Width: 4-6'. Sun to part sun. Moist to moderately dry, rich soil. Drier, leaner soils produce shorter, less floppy plants. Choose planting site carefully as it is difficult to move or divide. Self-sows. Use for vertical impact in large borders or as a screen. Seeds attract birds. Rain garden plant. Deer resistant.
Spiraea alba - Meadowsweet
Frothy clusters of white blooms in mid- to late summer. Height and width: 2-5'. Width: 2-5'. Part sun. Medium to moist, average soil. Best for naturalizing in meadows or for mixed plantings. May be cut back yearly when dormant. Excel ent nectar source. Rain garden plant. Deer resistant.


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