
Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Originalarbeiten in
Journalen mit Peer review (Stand Dezember 2009)
1. Saletu B., Oberndorfer S., Gruber G., Divos H., Lachner A., Mandl M., Parapatics S., Saletu M., Strobl R., Tschida U., Winkler A., Anderer P.: Efficiency of CPAP versus
Theophylline therapy in sleep apnea:comperative sleep laboratory studies on objective and subjective sleep and awakening quality. Neuropsychobiology 1999, 39:151-159
2. Saletu M., Hauer C., Anderer P., Gruber G., Oberndorfer S., Mandl M., Popovic R.,
Saletu B.: Tagesmüdigkeit korreliert mit nächtlichen Atmungs- und Arousal-Variablen bei Schlafapnoepatienten: Polysomnographische und EEG-Mapping Untersuchungen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 2000, 112(6): 281-289
3. Saletu B., Gruber G., Saletu M., Brandstätter N., Hauer C., Prause W., Ritter K., Saletu
Zyhlarz G.: Sleep laboratory studies in Restless legs syndrome patients as comparedwith normals and acute effects of ropinirole:I)Findings on objective and subjective sleep and awakening quality . Neuropsychobiology 2000, 41 (4): 181-189
4. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu B., Hauer C., Mandl M., Oberndorfer S., Zoghlami A.,
Saletu-Zyhlarz G.: Sleep laboratory studies in Restless legs syndrome patients as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole: II)Findings on periodic leg movements, arousals and respiratory variables. Neuropsychobiology 2000, 41 (4): 190-199
B, Gruber G, Anderer P, Saletu M, Mandl M, Saletu-Zyhlarz G.
Theophylline in Snoring and Sleep-related Breathing Disorders: Sleep Laboratory Investigations on Subjective and Objective Sleep and Awakening Quality. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 2000, 22(4):
6. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Prause W., Semler B., Zoghlami A., Gruber G.,
Hauer C., Saletu B: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) - acute placebo-controlled sleep laboratory studies with clonazepam. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2001, 11(2):153-161
7. Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B, Hauer C, Mandl M, Semler B, Saletu-Zyhlarz G. Sleep
Laboratory Studies in Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental 2001, 16 (2): 177-187
8. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu B., Lindeck-Pozza L., Hauer C., Saletu-Zyhlarz G.: EEG
mapping in patients with restless legs syndrome as compared with normal controls. Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging 2002, 115: 49-61
9. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Hauer C., Saletu B.: Acute Placebo-Controlled
Sleep Laboratory Studies and Clinical Follow-Up with Pramipexole in Restless Legs European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2002, 252(4): 185-194
10. Högl B., Saletu M., Brandauer E., Glatzl S., Frauscher B., Ulmer H., Poewe W.: Modafinil
for treatment of daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease. A double blind, randomized, cross over placebo-controlled polygraphic trial. Sleep 2002, 25(8): 62- 66
11. Saletu M., Anderer P., Högl B., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Kunz A., Poewe W., Saletu B.: Acute
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Sleep Laboratory and Clinical Follow-Up Studies with a Combination Treatment of RR-L- Dopa and SR-L-Dopa in Restless Legs Syndrome. Journal of Neural Transmission 2003, 110(6): 611- 626
12. Saletu B., Anderer P., Saletu M., Hauer C., Lindeck-Pozza L., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. EEG
mapping, psychometric and polysomnographic studies in RLS and PLMD patients as Sleep Medicine 2002, 3: 35-42
13. Saletu M, Esberger-Chowdhury M, Zeitlhofer J, Deecke L: Diagnostik und Therapie des
Restless Legs Syndrom in den österreichischen Arztpraxen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 2004, 116/15-16: 552-560
14. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. M., Mandl M., Arnold O., Nosiska D., Zeitlhofer
J., Saletu B.: EEG-mapping differences between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with modafinil. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2005,255(1):20-32
15. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. M., Mandl M., Arnold O., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B:
EEG-tomographic studies with LORETA on vigilance differences between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with Journal of Neurology 2004, 251: 1354-1363
16. Högl B., Kiechl S., Willeit J., Saletu M., Frauscher B., Seppi K., Müller J., Rungger G.,
Gasperi G., Wenning G., Poewe W.: Restless Legs Syndrome in the general community: Prevalence, severity and risk factor associations. Neurology 2005, 64:1920-24
17. Wenning G.K., Kiechl S., Seppi K., Müller J., Högl B., Saletu M., Rungger G., Willeit J.,
Poewe W.: Prevalence of movement disorders in men and women aged 50-89 years (Bruneck Study cohort): a population-based study. Lancet Neurology 2005 4(12):815- 20
18. Saletu M., Nosiska D., Kapfhammer G., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer
J.: Structural and serum surrogate markers of cerebrovascular disease in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Association of mild OSA with early atherosclerosis. Journal of Neurology 2006, 253: 746-752
19. Saletu M., Anderer P., Semlitsch H.V, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu
B. Low- resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) identifies brain regions linked to psychometric performance under modafinil in narcolepsy Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging 2007, 154: 69-84
20. Saletu M., Sauter C., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Kapfhammer G., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer J.
Is excessive daytime sleepiness a predictor of carotid atherosclerosis in sleep apnea? Atherosclerosis. 2008, 196: 810-816
21. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B. Event-
related-potential low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (ERP-LORETA) suggests decreased energetic resources for cognitive processing in narcolepsy; Clinical Neurophysiology. 2008, 119: 1782-1794
22. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B. Modafinil
improves information processing speed and increases energetic resources for orientation of attention in narcoleptics: Double-blind, placebo-controlled ERP studies with low- resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Sleep Med. 2009; 10 (8): 850-858
23. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M; Parapatics Silvia, Gruber Georg
Nia Saba , Saletu Bernd Comparative placebo-controlled polysomnographic and psychometric studies on the acute effects of gabapentin vs. ropinirole in restless legs Journal of Neural Transmission.; accepted/ in press
24. Saletu M. Sleepiness and atherosclerosis in sleep apnea; Letter to the editor
Atherosclerosis accepted/ in press
25. Kotzian S., Stanek J., Pinter M., Grossmann W., Saletu M. Subjective evaluation of
sleep apnea is not sufficient in neurorehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair; in submission
Reviews und Fortbildungsartikel:
26. Saletu M. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) - aetiology and treatment. Brain Pharmacology 2002, 1: 103-119 (invited review article) 27. Poewe W., Saletu M. Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom (RLS) - Diagnose und Therapie. Promed Praxisthema (Springer Verlag) 2001, 7-8 28. Saletu M. Männerkrankheit – Schnarchen ? Hausarzt 2002, 7-8:10-14 29. Saletu M. Ärztliches Vorgehen und Differenzialdiagnostik bei Restless Legs Syndrom. Doktor in Wien Fortbildungsbrief 230 der Wiener Ärztekammer 4/2005 : 40-43 30. Saletu M. Online Fortbildung: Restless-Legs-Syndrom für das AKH-Consilium 5/2006; 31. Saletu M. Schlafstörungen und Schlaflabor Eine Spielwiese für Spezialisten? Jatros Buchkapitel:
32. Michael Saletu and Bernd Saletu- Diffential Diagnosis of Insomnia; Chapter 4 in Clinical handbook of insomnia; Edited by H.P. Attarian und C. Schuman; Humana Press Springer 33. Michael Saletu - Die Neurobiologie des melatonergen Systems; Chronopsychiatrie Der Mensch und seine Zeit; Herausgeber Michael Lehofer, Gerald Pail; erscheint Auswahl an Kongreßbeiträgen und
Michael Saletu, Catharina Hauer, Stefan Oberndorfer, Magadalena Mandl , Georg Gruber, Peter
Anderer, Rainer Popovic, Bernd Saletu: Tagesvigilanz korreliert mit nächtlicher Atmung und
Arousals bei Schlafapnoepatienten: Somnopolygraphische Untersuchungen und EEG-
Mapping. Klin.Neurophysiol. 1999, 30: 193
M.Saletu, P.Anderer, G.Gruber, M.Mandl, G.Saletu-Zyhlarz, R.Popovic, B.Saletu: Zur
Korrelation zwischen nächtlichen Apnoen und Arousals des Apnoikers und
Tagesmüdigkeit, objektiviert mittels EEG-Mapping
Lungenkrankheiten, Jahrgang 25,Nr.9/1999,S.516)
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B, Hauer C, Oberndorfer S, Gruber G, Saletu-Zyhlarz G:
Das Restless legs Syndrom und periodische Beinbewegungen im Schlaf -
Polysomnographische Studien zur Therapie mit dem Dopaminagonisten Ropinirol.
Neuropsychiatrie 2000, 14 (2): 120
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B: P300-Studie zur kognitiven Dysfunktion bei
primärem Scharchen und schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen. Neuropsychiatrie
• Högl B, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Saletu M, Seppi K, Poewe W: Schlaf-Wach-Störung bei Morbus
Parkinson. Somnologie 2000, 4 (Suppl 1): 15
Saletu MT, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Seppi K, Poewe W, Högl B: Pergolide induced insomnia and
daytime sleepiness in a patient with parkinson's disease resolved bs switch to ropiniole.
(Sleep 2001, volumne 24,abstract supplement A 370)
Saletu M, Högl B, Brandauer E, Seppi K, Glatzl S, Poewe W: Pergolid induzierte Insomnie und
Tagesmüdigkeit bei Patienten mit M. Parkinson. EEG-EMG 2001
M. Saletu, P. Anderer, G. Gruber, B. Saletu, C. Hauer: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and
periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)- Polysomnographic studies with the
benzodiazepine clonazepam. Klin Neurophysiol 2001;32: 54
Saletu M, Brandauer E, Glatzl S, Ulmer H, Wenning GK, Poewe W: A double blind,
placebo-controlled study of modafinil treatment for daytime sleepiness in parkinson's
disease. Somnologie 2001, 5 (Suppl.2): 68;
Saletu M, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Poewe W, Högl B: Vergleich des Pupillographischen
Schläfrigkeitstests mit dem Multiplen Wachbleibetest in der Messung von exzessiver
Tagesschläfrigkeit bei Morbus Parkinson. Somnologie 2001, 5(Suppl.2): 45

Saletu M, Anderer P, Högl B, Saletu-Zyhlarz G, Kunz A, Poewe W, Saletu B: Acute double -blind
placebo-controlled sleep laboratory studies with a combination treatment of rr-L-dopa and sr-
L-dopa in restless legs syndrome. (399) JSR 2002, 11(Suppl.1): 200
• Saletu B, Anderer P, Saletu M, Hauer C, Saletu-Zyhlarz G: Acute placebo-controlled sleep
laboratory studies with pramipexole in restless legs syndrome. (398) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl.
• Brandauer E, Frauscher B, Saletu M, Muigg A, Poewe W, Högl B: Complete remission of severe
restless legs syndrome after relief of iron deficiency: a case report. (47) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl.
Saletu M, Brandauer E, Glatzl S, Frauscher B, Ulmer H, Wenning G, Poewe W: Modafinil
treatment of daytime sleepiness in parkinson’s disease. (205) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl. 1): 102
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu-Zyhlarz G, Mandl M, Arnold O, Saletu B: EEG-mapping differences
between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double- blind, placebo-controlled
studies with modafinil. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2002 24(Suppl D): 154
Saletu M, Nosiska D, Kapfhammer G, Lalouschek W, Saletu B, Benesch T, Zeitlhofer J:
Cerebrovascular surrogate markers in sleep apnea. Sleep Medicine 2005 6 (suppl.2): 60-61
• Saletu-Zyhlarz GM, Semlitsch HV, Saletu M, Anderer P, Zick D, Böck G, Saletu B, Zeitlhofer J:
Identifying brain target regions of modafinil in narcolepsy by low-resolution brain
electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) and psychometric correlation analyses. Sleep
Medicine 2005 6 (suppl.2): 129
Saletu M.T., Sauter C., Kapfhammer G., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer J:
Excessive daytime sleepiness predicts carotid atherosclerosis in sleep apnea. Young
scientist`s Symposium Journal of Sleep Research Volume 15(suppl1) Page 1 - September
Saletu M, Anderer P, Semlitsch H.V, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B. Low-
resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) identifies brain regions linked to
psychometric performance under modafinil in narcolepsy. Narcolepsy-Hypersomnias P021
Journal of Sleep Research Volume 15(suppl.1) Page 74 - September 2006
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B. Low-resolution
brain electromagnetic tomography (Loreta) applied to event-related potentials reveals
impaired event-encoding in untreated narcoleptics Sleep Volume 30, 2007 Abstract 0652
• Saletu B, Anderer P, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Saletu M, Zeitlhofer J Modafinil improves
information processing speed and increases energetic resources for orientation of
attention in narcoleptics double-blind, placebo-controlled ERP studies with Low-resolution
brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) Sleep Volume 30, 2007 Abstract 0652
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B. Parapatics S, Gruber G, Stanek J, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M.
Comparative placebo-controlled polysomnographic and psychometric studies on the acute
effects of gabapentin versus ropinirole in restless legs syndrome (RLS) Journal of Sleep
Research Volume 17 (Issue S1) - December 2008
Saletu M; Kotzian S, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Stanek J, Pinter M. Subjective and
objective evaluation of sleep apnea in neurorehabilitation: Clinical and respiratory
correlations ÖGN/ÖGNR Tagung Villach 2009
• Stanek J; Kotzian S, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Saletu M, Pinter M. Excessive daytime
sleepiness (EDS) appears not common in stroke rehabilitation. ÖGN/ÖGNR Tagung Villach
Saletu M, Kotzian S, Grossmann W, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Stanek J, Pinter M Sleep
apnea predicts stroke in neurorehabilitation: Somnologie Band 13; Supplement 2,
November 2009

Source: http://www.dr-saletu.at/neurologie/images/stories/wissenschaft/pblistedez2009.pdf

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