Pre-surgery instructions are to help reduce risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, and promote healing in the recovery period. The surgical facility or hospital will contact you before the procedure to review the preoperative instructions. Surgery may be delayed or cancelled as needed, if this pre-surgical guideline is not followed. Please contact Dr. Lipschitz with any questions. 3 to 6 Weeks Prior to Surgery Schedule and complete preoperative testing ordered by Dr. Lipschitz and/or your Primary Care Physician (PCP). Preoperative testing may include routine blood and urine tests, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG), and a physical examination by your PCP. If you have any heart history or medical problems, a stress test or cardiologist evaluation may also be required. Preoperative testing should be completed no sooner than 6 weeks and no later than 1 week prior to the date of surgery to ensure results are current. This comprehensive preoperative medical evaluation is important to ensure you are physically ready to have the surgery and anesthesia. Please have your PCP send a copy of test results, your physical exam, and his/her written note to our office. 2 Weeks Prior to Surgery
Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, or similar anti-inflammatory medication,
Other blood thinners, such as Coumadin or Plavix, must also be discontinued, under
the guidance of your PCP or cardiologist. Dr. Lipschitz will advise you when you may resume taking these medications, which may be a few days.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be taken for pain or headaches before surgery
Stop herbal medication, supplements, and teas, as these substances may increase
Herbals with an increased risk of bleeding include, but are not limited to Vitamin E,
garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, kava, and St. John's Wort
Stop any diet medication Stop smoking
Smoking greatly increases the risk of anesthesia, surgery, wound healing, &
Patient Initial ______ Avron H. Lipschitz, M.D. Plastic Surgery, LLC
509 Riverside Drive, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994-2579
The Day Before Surgery
Stop all alcohol consumption. Have a light dinner. DO NOT eat or drink from midnight prior to the day of surgery. This restriction
includes water, milk products, chewing gum, mints, candy, coffee, and juice. You make take your regular medications with a very small sip of water. Your stomach should be empty for several hours before anesthesia.
The Day of Surgery Please have a list of your current medications as well as the name(s) and phone number(s) of your PCP, other physicians you visit, and friends and family. DO take your regular medications as ordered by your PCP with a very small sip of water. You make take any of these medications:
Heart Medication Blood Pressure Medication Anti-Acid Reflux medication Birth Control Medication Steroids and Immunosuppresants Thyroid Medication Anti-Seizure Medication Asthma Medication Insulin (only take HALF of your normal dose)
DO NOT take the following medications:
Chewable antacids (TUMS, Rolaids, etc) Diuretics (water pills, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide) Oral hypoglycemics or Diabetic pills (Glucophage, Avandia, Actos, DiaBeta,
Aspirin (and aspirin-containing compounds) Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory pills (ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Mobic, Orudis, etc) Potassium Weight reduction pills Vitamins Herbs and supplements
Patient Initial ______ Avron H. Lipschitz, M.D. Plastic Surgery, LLC
509 Riverside Drive, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994-2579
Do not bring jewelry, large amounts of cash, or other valuables Do not wear hairspray, perfume, makeup, or nail polish Do not wear false eyelashes, artificial nails, or wigs Do not wear dentures Do not wear eye contacts lenses. Bring your eyeglass case, and hearing aid case, if
Bring your current insurance card, photo ID, your copayment, and advance directive
Be sure to arrange a ride home after your procedure, as you will not be able to take
a taxi, use public transportation, or drive yourself home after having anesthesia.
Arrive at least 90 minutes prior to your scheduled surgery time.
After Anesthesia
Plan to rest on the day of surgery Advance your diet slowly from liquids to soft. Nausea may last several hours after
No smoking or alcohol Do not drive a car or operate machinery (lawn mower, saws, etc) until 24 hours after
Do not make any personal or legal decisions until 24 hours after anesthesia Apply warm compress to any redness or swelling at the IV site in your hand or arm You will be given narcotic pain medication that contains acetaminophen. Do NOT take additional acetaminophen or Tylenol for pain or headaches. Follow the postoperative instructions specific to your procedure.
Please sign as your acknowledgement for receipt of all preoperative instructions: Signed by: _______________________ on the ________________________ at the (Print Name)
_______________________ (Office Location) Patient Signature:
Avron H. Lipschitz, M.D. Plastic Surgery, LLC
509 Riverside Drive, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994-2579
Dioxin: Summary of the Dioxin Reassessment Scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal agencies and the generalscientific community have conducted a reassessment of dioxin exposure and human health effects since 1991. This information sheet summarizes the draft reassessment, which is entitled Exposure and Human HealthReassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorod
With the vacation behind us, StaffDev emails are back. This next series is based on a book I read recently entitled "Vital Friends" (Gallup Press, 2006, ISBN: 1-59562-007-9). The book is subtitled "The People You Can't Afford to Live Without". It's by Tom Rath, who co-authored one of our previous studies ("How Full Is Your Bucket?", February - April 2005) together with his