Efecto experimental de las radiaciones ionizantes en el pulmón:
Original Article Characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from raw milk and milk products (lben and jben) in North Morocco
Abdrezzak Bendahou,1,2 Mariam Lebbadi,3 Latifa Ennanei,2 Fatima Z. Essadqui,1 Mohammed Abid.2 1Département de Sécurité Alimentaire & Environnementale, Institut Pasteur, Tanger, Maroc 2Département de Recherche scientifique, Laboratoire de biologie moléculaire,Institut Pasteur, Tanger, Maroc 3Département des Sciences de la vie, Faculté des sciences & technique, Tanger, Maroc
Abstract Background: To investigate the incidence and antibiotic resistance of staphylococcal strains isolated from milk and milk products and to trace the ecological origin of the Staphylococcusaureus isolated. Methodology: Eighty-one samples of raw milk, lben (whey) and jben (cheese) were analyzed for the presence of staphylococcal strains. Isolates were identified by Gram stains, tests for coagulase, the API staph system and the WalkAway® 40/96, which also determines the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. The S. aureus strains were biotyped, and variable regions of the coagulase gene were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. Results: The identification results showed a predominance of coagulase-negative staphylococci (54 %). Coagulase-positive staphylococci that were identified were divided into 3 groups comprising S. aureus (40%), Staphylococcusintermedius (2 %) and Staphylococcushyicus (4%). Among the S. aureus that was isolated, biotype C was the predominant biotype. Among 40 coagulase gene PCR-amplification products, 37 produced a single band, while 3 isolates produced two bands. The antimicrobial susceptibility-profile of the staphylococcal strains revealed a high incidence of S. aureus to penicillin G. In addition, Staphylococcuslentus presented considerable resistance to the oxacillin, erythromycin and lincomycin. Conclusions: The presence of staphylococci in raw milk, lben and jben in areas of northern Morocco poses a health hazard, so it is necessary for the public health inspectors to properly examine the conditions during production, storage and commercialization of all products made with unpasteurized milk. Key Words: milk products, Staphylococcus, coagulase-gene typing, biotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3):218-225. Received 13 March 2008 - Accepted 29 April 2008 Copyright 2008 Bendahou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Introduction
implicated in SFP, and often contaminated raw
Staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) is one of
milk is involved [2]. These products are highly
the most prevalent causes of gastroenteritis
susceptible to a variety of microorganisms
worldwide [1]. Symptoms of SFP have a rapid
because of their high nutritive value and complex
onset (2 to 6 hours) of abdominal cramps, nausea,
chemical composition. The biological changes
and vomiting, sometimes followed by diarrhoea
produced by these organisms can be either
[2,3]. Patients become symptomatic after ingestion
desirable or undesirable. They may have a useful
of thermostable staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE)
function in the preparation of fermented milk
of an approximate dose of 0.1 to 1.0 mg/kg of body
products such as lben (whey) and jben (cheese) or
weight [4]. Since SE are more stable than S.
they may have undesirable effects and produce
aureus bacteria, it is possible to test a food product
changes in the odour, colour, taste, texture or
and obtain negative S. aureus culture results and
appearance of the food. Furthermore, most of
positive SE tests. The hazard to public health is
these bacteria produce toxins and cause food
particularly linked to the ability of 50% of these
poisoning frequently. The presence of the
strains to produce thermostable enterotoxins
pathogen depends on ingestion of contaminated
associated with food poisoning [5]. Milk and milk
feed followed by amplification in bovine hosts and
products are common vehicles for staphylococcal
faecal dissemination in the farm environment. The
food poisoning [6-11]. They have frequently been
final outcome of this cycle is a self-maintained
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
reservoir of a pathogen that can reach the human
trace the ecological origin of the S. aureus strains
population by direct contact, ingestion of raw
using the simplified scheme of Devriese [15] and
contaminated food (raw milk, cheese or whey
also to use coA gene polymorphism to identify S.
made with raw milk), or contamination during the
processing of food. Isolation of strains with similar
biotypes from dairy farms and human cases and
Materials & Methods
outbreaks substantiate this hypothesis [12].
A total of 81 samples of milk and milk products
consisting of raw milk (27), lben (27) and jben (27)
(whey) and jben (Moroccan traditional fresh
were aseptically collected on a random basis from
cheese) are widely manufactured and consumed
different localities (weekly rural markets) in North
by the peoples of North Morocco. However, these
Morocco [Tanger, Tetouan and Larache] between
products have not been subjected to hygiene or
May 2005 and May 2006. Each locality was visited
sanitary control, because they are made at home.
monthly (except in bad weather, when farmers
The incidence of staphylococcal food poisoning
cannot offer their products). Three samples
due to the consumption of dairy products is not
consisting of 1 raw milk, 1 jben and 1 lben were
uncommon in our country. The contamination of
collected during each visit so that at least nine
these products can be attributed to the occurrence
samples were collected monthly. All the samples
were placed in sterile plastic bags and immediately
organisms can gain access to milk (raw material)
taken in a container containing ice cubes to the
either by direct excretion from udders with clinical
laboratory for bacteriological analysis.
and sub-clinical staphylococcal mastitis or by
contamination. The contaminants reach the
Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus
products either during cooling or handling after
cooking [13]. Several easy steps can be taken to
Twenty-five grams of each cheese sample and
lower the risk and to render milk and milk products
25 ml of raw milk and lben were stirred separately
safe for consumption. Proper sanitary measures
into 225 ml of sterile buffered peptone water.
are needed to improve the hygienic conditions
Baird-Parker plates were then spread with 0.1ml of
the dilution of each sample. Additional plates were
manufacturing of cheese and whey in order to
prepared with successive 1/10 dilutions. The
guarantee the quality of these popular products in
plates were incubated for 48 hours at 37° C. The
North Morocco. These measures must include a
identification of the Staphylococcus genus was
program of sanitary education for the milking
done by microscopic observation, Gram-staining
and catalase determination. All staphylococcal
strains were checked for purity and tested for their
between origin, biotype and antibiotic resistance of
ability to coagulate citrated rabbit plasma. Further
staphylococcal strains isolated from milk and milk
identification, biochemical system “API Staph
products have not yet been conducted, except
system” (both from Bio Merieux, Marcy-l’Etoile,
works which have dealt with 56 strains isolated
from thirty samples of soft fresh traditional
WalkAway® 40/96 DADE BEHRING: designed for
Moroccan cheeses made from fresh milk and
use for identification to the species level and/or
collected at three milk farms in the city of Rabat. antimicrobial agent susceptibility of facultative and The results show that 16 (29%) of the strains are
some fastidious aerobic gram positive cocci) were
enterotoxigenic and 40 (71%), 12 (22%) and 4
used to determine the species more precisely.
(7%) belonged to ovine, human and unspecified
The objective of the present study was to
Each of the 40 S. aureus strains isolated from
investigate the incidence and antibiotic resistance
fresh milk, cheese [jben] and whey [lben] was
of staphylococci isolated from raw milk and
biotyped following the simplified system proposed
products made with raw milk, such lben and jben,
by Devriese [15]. Characteristics examined were
collected from various locations of the northern
rural areas of Morocco. The study further aimed to
coagulation of bovine plasma and the type of
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
growth on crystal violet. The strains were classified
of French Company of Microbiology (CA-FCM). All
in various biotypes: human (A), bovine (C), ovine
the identified Staphylococcus strains were tested
(D) and poultry (B). The strains that could not be
classified in one of the biotypes was regarded as
vancomycin (Van), oxacillin (Ox), penicillin (P),
Augmentin (Aug), tetracyclline (Te), fosfomycine
lincomycin (Lin), kanamycin (K), tobramycin (To),
DNA of all the bacteria was extracted using the
InstaGenee Matrix (Bio-Rad, Marnes-la-Coquette,
France). The kit was used according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. From each sample, 5 pefloxacin (Pef). µl of total cellular DNA were then evaluated by
PCR with appropriate primers and cycling
conditions. The PCR primers used for the
Identification of Staphylococcus Species
identification of the coa genes were those reported
The 100 staphylococci isolated from the 81
by Hookey et al. [16]. Sequences of the primers
samples of milk and dairy products examined (27
lben, 27 milk and 27 jben) were isolated and
observed on Baird Parker, then tested for the
production of coagulase on rabbit plasma and
For PCR reaction, the conditions described by
characteristics. They could be divided into 4
Hookey et al. [16] were used. Amplification was
groups: the first comprised the species S. aureus
conducted in a thermal cycler (iCycler; Bio-Rad
with a total of 40 isolates (40%); the second and
Laboratories) as follows: An initial denaturation at
third were represented respectively by the species
94° C for 45 seconds. The cycling proceeded for
S. intermedius, with 2 isolates (2%) and S. hycius
30 cycles of 94° C for 20 seconds, 57° C for 15
hycius with 4 isolates (4%); the last contained 54
seconds, and 70° C for 15 seconds with a final
(54 %) isolates that were found to be coagulase
step at 72° C for 2 minutes. The tubes were cooled
Table 1. Distribution of staphylococciisolated from milk,
(wt/vol) agarose gel in the presence of ethidium
bromide then photographed and analysed under
UV light in the gel-doc system (BioRad, MuK
nchen, Germany). The 100-bp DNA ladder (EZ
Load 100 bp, Bio-Rad Laboratories) was used as a
The antimicrobial susceptibility tests were
performed by dilution in liquid medium and
application to substrates dehydrated in a Mueller-Hinton
magnesium or other factors critical for the bacterial
suspension and incubation at 35° C for 16 hours, Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was
determined by the lowest antibiotic concentration
presenting growth inhibition. For these panels,
dilutions of antibiotics used correspond to the
concentrations of the Committee of Antibiorgamme
NI: Species not identified (regarded as rare biotype).
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
Biotypes of Staphylococcus aureus
were resistant to erythromycin (10%); lincomycin
The data shows that of the four coagulase
(10%) and kanamycin (10%). Coagulase-negative
types, 18 (45%) have been reported to be of
staphylococci are more susceptible to penicillin.
bovine origin (C) and more dominant than the
The overall penicillin resistance rate for CNS was
other biotypes. The distribution of the remaining
biotypes for the isolates of the S. aureus were
respectively 12 (30%), 6 (15%), and 4 (10%) for
Figure 1. Electrophoretic profile, in 2% agarose gel, of
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of S. aureus
unspecified (IND). Isolates that could not be
coagulase gene isolated from milk and milk products (whey and jben):
determined as biotypes A, B, C bovine or C ovine
(A) Isolates with only 1 amplicon. Lane 1: molecular weight marker 100 bp
according to Devriese’s scheme were classified as amplicon; Lane 2: 400 bp amplicon. Lanes 3, 4: 560 bp amplicon. Lanes 5, 6: an unspecified biotype. It can be noted that this
720 bp amplicon; lane 7: negative controls, S. epidermidis; lanes 8: S. intermedius.
biotype was often very similar to the C bovine
(B) Isolates with 1 amplicon or with 2 amplicons. Lane 1: molecular weight marker 100 bp amplicon; Lane 2: 700 bp amplicon. Lane 3: 560-800 bp
amplicon; Lane 4: 480-700 bp amplicon; Lane 5: 900 bp; Lane 6: 700 bp
amplicon; Lane 7: 700 bp amplicon; Lane 8 : 480-700 bp amplicon.
According to culture, chemical properties, and
the positive tube coagulase test, 40, 4 and 2 isolates used in the present study could be respectively identified as S. aureus, S. intermedius and S. hyicus. The coagulase gene typing was effective in subdividing strains of S. aureus from milk products [L, J and M] as all yielding a PCR amplification product. In contrast, no amplification product could be obtained from the strains of the other coagulase positive staphylococcal species investigated.
The 40 isolates of S. aureus could be
differentiated from each other on the basis of two characteristics of their PCR products, i.e., the presence of one or two PCR products and their
size(s). A single PCR product with sizes of approximately 400 pb, 560 pb and 720 pb from 37 isolates was found, while two products from 3 isolates were amplified. The sizes of the PCR products ranged approximately from 400 to approximately 900 bp (Figure 1A and 1B). Two isolates of coagulase-negative and positive staphylococci(S. epidermidis which served as negative controls and S. intermedius) produced no coagulase
amplification (Figure 1A). Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Antibiotic-resistance patterns of the CNS and
CPS strains isolated from milk and milk product sources in North Morocco are shown in Table 2. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile revealed a
high resistance of S. aureus to penicillin (50%). A
low prevalence of resistance was detected for
According to our results, it was also shown that
tetracyclline (25%), oxacillin (15%). Few strains
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
high number of CNS isolated may be due to the
bad conditions of hygiene during milking and lack
of hygienic measures in the manufacturing,
Table 2. Frequencies of antimicrobial resistance in
preparation, handling and storage of whey and
jben. Also, the method of their sale is entirely
based on tradition. Because CNS are a part of the
Themost resistant
normal teat skin flora and mucosa of humans and
Antibiotic S.
animals, some species are also found free-living in
the environment [17], and therefore are a common cause of contamination of milk and milk product. In
addition, unpasteurized milk may contain CNS if
the cow suffers from mastitis, an inflammation of
In the past, CNS were often regarded as skin
flora opportunists but emerging data now indicates
that they are associated with several sub-clinical
It appears from the biotyping results with
regard to the 40 S. aureus strains that a high
proportion of the strains belonged to the C bovine
ecovar. Approximately 45% of the S. aureus
isolates belong to this biotype indicating the
preponderance of the contaminations coming from
raw milk used. Most literature indicates that S. aureus appears in milk from cows afflicted with
mastitis [23]. The data from literature also suggest
that the persistent colonization of the teat skin
occurs and may be an important predisposing
factor for S. aureus contaminations. [24]. About
30% of our strains possessed the characters of the B biotype, a fact easily explained by the
interchange of staphylococci among different
animals due to their frequent contact [25].
Identification of A biotype strains in the other group
NID: Staphylococcus species not identified by the MicroScan
of isolates suggests contamination of the products
with staphylococci of human origin during
No resistance for glycopeptides was observed
Routine bacteriological tests used in the
for S. aureus; however, 10.8 % of CNS showed
identification of S. aureus, such as mannitol
fermentation, DNAse production, VP, etc., are not
For the remainder antibiotics, we found an
Nevertheless, coagulase production is one of the
most reliable criteria for the identification of S.
pefloxacine 21.6% and tobramycin 18.9%. Finally
aureus [28]. The PCR products of the gene
it should be noted that none of the milk and milk
encoding staphylococcal coagulase displayed
product isolates had augmentin (amoxicillin-
gene polymorphisms and allowed a genotypic
characterization of the bacteria. Length and
sequence of the polymorphisms of the coagulase
gene and its use for genotypic characterization of
The results showed that coagulase-negative
S. aureus had been already shown [16,29-33]. The
staphylococcal (CNS) species more frequently
coagulase gene has been found polymorphic and
occurred in milk and milk products (54%). This
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
genotypically variable among S. aureus strains
the S. aureus and CNS strains respectively
isolated in this study. The polymorphism obtained
isolated from goat mastitis were resistant to
was clearly revealed due to multi-allelic forms at
penicillin G [22]. Messadi et al. presented very
the 3- end of the gene (tandem repeats) which
similar data with 64% against 18.6% [39]. No
differ in their sequences and restriction sites.
Phenotypic variations were demonstrated clearly in
clavulanate) was observed both from strains of S.
the production of staphylocoagulases among milk,
aureus and CNS in this study. Thus, the results
whey and jben isolates which may be due to
polymorphism of the gene. In order to assess the
resistance in S. aureus and CNS isolates could be
feasibility of using coagulase gene typing as an
due to production of β-lactamases. El-Ghodban et
epidemiological marker, a large number of isolates
al. found that 75% of Libyan S. aureus strains
from different geographic regions and different milk
originating from food were resistant to penicillin
products were analyzed. The ease of analysing
and were positive for β-lactamase [40]. Ann Hébert
coagulase gene polymorphism within a large
et al. showed that all seven isolates of CNS strains
number of strains and the multiple distinct
from hospital were β-lactamase positive and
polymorphic patterns generated support the use of
resistant to penicillin but were susceptible to the
this technique in epidemiological investigations of
other antibiotics tested [41]. The second-highest
resistance was observed to tetracycline (25%) and
The primer pair amplified more than one PCR
oxacillin (15%) for S. aureus strains, and to
product in 3 isolates, which suggests the presence
tetracycline, oxacillin, erythromycin, lincomycin,
of different allelic forms of the coA gene. With the
kanamycin, tobramycin and pefloxacin for CNS,
PCR method, an amplification product was not
especially S. lentus. Little to no resistance was
observed for the DNA of other coagulase-positive
seen with the other antimicrobial agents tested (0
species of Staphylococcus (S. hyicus hyicus and
to10%). The findings suggest the requirement of
S. intermedius). These results are in accordance
proper use of β-lactam antibiotics for mastitis
with Aarestrup et al. [34], who studied the
therapy. To prevent the unnecessary use of β-
amplification of sequences of the coA gene in 187
lactams and to achieve effective therapy, isolation
strains of S. aureus, 10 strains of S. intermedius,
of the microorganisms and determination of
3 strains of S. hyicus, 1 strain of S. delphini and 1
antimicrobial susceptibility is essential before the
strain of S. schleiferi subspecies coagulans and
verified the presence of bands only in S. aureus
In conclusion, our results showed high levels of
[35]. These authors suggested that coagulase
CNS contamination in the samples of raw milk,
gene typing might also be useful as an additional
lben and jben. In the classification scheme of
identification criterion to differentiate among
Devriese (1984), about 45 % of all the CPS strains
coagulase positive staphylococci [36, 34]. The
tested were found to belong to C (bovine) biotype.
extensive polymorphism observed suggests that
A high genotypic uniformity of different-sized
the coagulase gene may be an important virulence
determinant for this organism’s characterization demonstrated. The PCR method based on [30].
coagulase gene typing is able on one hand to
In our study, the highest resistance was
identify and discriminate between coagulase-
registered for penicillin G by both S. aureus (50%)
positive Staphylococcus species and on the other
and CNS (37, 5%) strains obtained from milk,
hand to classify all S. aureus strains.
whey and jben. This is not surprising because
We conclude also that sanitary measures are
ampicillin is one of the most commonly used
needed to improve the hygienic conditions during
antibiotics for treatment of infections in humans
milking and manufacturing of jben and lben, in
and animals [37]. Different rates of penicillin
order to guarantee the quality of these highly
resistance have been reported for S. aureus and
CNS obtained from different sources. Acco et al.
Finally, it should be noted that for all the S.
showed that 70% of strains of S. aureus isolated
aureus strains isolated from all samples, none
from food handlers were resistant to penicillin [38].
Benhassen et al. reported that 64% and 22.6% of
(amoxicillin-clavulanate) or vancomycin. This is
Bendahou et al. – Staphylococcus in artisanal dairy products
J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(3): 218-225.
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mastitis in south-eastern Brazil. The Can J Vet Res 69:
Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest is declared.
BeFlex Plus case Study Project No. 134538LLP120071BEERASMUSEMHE 1. Title: Increasing access to and preparation for higher education (HE) from people with few of no educational entry qualifications 2. Institutions: Staffordshire University, Stoke College, Stafford College, Burton College, Acacia Training, Lifelong Learning Network 3. Context, purpose, objectives The skills of
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET BioGuard Burn Out 35 Date-Issued: 04/01/1997 MSDS Ref. No: BBIO22835 Date-Revised: 03/20/2006 Revision No: 8 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: BioGuard Burn Out 35 GENERAL USE: Swimming pool shock. CHEMICAL FAMILY: Hypochlorite MANUFACTURER 24 HR. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Poison Control Center (Medical) : (8