PRATO, 24/06/2012 Elasticized linen, the patent comes from Prato Elasten is the company which produced it. A few weeks ago the patent application. Now the market response is expected.
Its code name is WO 2012/056436A2, actually it's nothing but a yarn. A yarn that might reveal very precious and be included in the list of inventions that have made Prato the textile capital of Europe. The patent application was presented at the World Organization for Intellectual Property a few weeks ago by Elasten, a company in Prato. The application discloses elasticized linen, a fabric typology which has been on the market for some months and seems doomed to become twin of what today is a irreplaceable fabric, elasticized cotton. Elasticized cotton was first introduced on the market by another company of Prato, Milior Spa, which is tied to Elasten as is run by one of its associate, Franco Miliotti. Paolo Benelli, one of the associate of Elasten, can be considered the father of elasticized linen. After many trials, he succeeded in finding the right compromise between elastic fibre and linen. The fabric that has already been tested on the market (in fact the protection from patent is retroactive, it starts from the day of application) found the approvation of customers even though it needs some time in order to be known and appreciated by al fashion houses and consumers. "With our linen, hemp and ramiè yarns - explains Mr Benelli- we are progressively increasing the production e getting ready to sel 1.000 kgs". In fact before such a product explodes, consumers need to find it in shops, wear it and feel comfortable. It needs to enter the common use. This is how it goes when a new product is launched. Actual y elasticized linen can be found on stock by the biggest wool mill in Prato and was presented at textile fairs. "We know -adds Benel i- that it is considered good in terms of quality. An obstacle today is represented by the starting price (30-40% more than normal linen) due to production costs. This barrier can be overcome only when the demand of this specific product wil increase". This invention didn't come out by chance and now is supposed to enter wardrobes massively. " I'm 63 years old and have been working for 40 years - adds Benelli - thus, experience is not lacking.
Elasten Srl.
59100 PRATO (ITALIA) Via Lungo il Ficarel o 12 Tel. +39.0574.663022 Fax +39.0574.668133
R.E.A. FI n. 408938 Reg. Soc. Trib. Prato n. 15182 C.F. 01519600975 P.I. 01519600975
Many trials were made before finding the right formula: it's almost like aspirin, it's the result of right combination. Even though I like to think it's the result of pray." A recommendation to heaven because an invention is useful now in this situation of crisis and may contribute to a new start. "This is not the case, I know - adds Mr Benelli - but I like to think it. I prayed heaven to give me a hand and the right combination of elastic and linen came up". This invention alone may not be enough to save Elasten from crisis suddenly. "We suffered from the current crisis because we still have the machinery which we used for production in 2001 and since that year production has obviously decreased. In order to achieve interesting results we need to increase sales in every product's typology. If continual growth of this product takes place, as happened for elasticized cotton, is done!"
Elasten Srl.
59100 PRATO (ITALIA) Via Lungo il Ficarel o 12 Tel. +39.0574.663022 Fax +39.0574.668133
R.E.A. FI n. 408938 Reg. Soc. Trib. Prato n. 15182 C.F. 01519600975 P.I. 01519600975
drug conjugates and the drugs which may be present in the urinesample, for binding to antibodies. In the test procedure, a sample ofurine is placed in the Sample well of the device and is allowed tomigrate upward. If the drug is present in the urine sample, itcompetes with the drug conjugate bound to the dye, for the limitedantibodies immobilized on the membrane. If the level of drug ordrug metab
Qalivere , Josese March 26, 2008 Josese Qalivere, 62, of Lahaina, a waiter, died at home. He was born in Fiji. He is survived by wife Likusiani "Liku"; sons Emori, Sonny and Libert; stepsons John and Foley Tukana; daughters Reapi Kaina, Sivoki, Vani and Vevila; stepdaughter Cecilia Tukana; brothers Vatimi Tatukivei; sisters Latileta and Lavinia; and 22 grandchildren. Services: 11