Hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, organisations of
health care professionals, etc., are increasingly merging together even on a cross-border
level. In view of this kind of globalisation in the health care sector, our three law firms
specialised in health care have decided to create a European network specialised in
medical law and health law, named EuMedLex.
With our law firms we aim to build a highly specialised network to meet the demands of
customers in this European and globalised market. We are pleased
to send you a newsletter that deals with some recent developments at the European
level that are of importance for health care actors. They relate to medical devices,
EuMedLex will inform you regularly through publications, lectures, brochures etc. of
future developments that may be of interest of our customers in the health care sector.
EUMEDLEX is a network of medical law firms. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND ISSUES RELATING TO E-HEALTH AND TELEMEDICINE 1. The importance of e-health - Electronic health records in hospitals and DNA banks
The European single market in health care is developing and cross-border activities in health
Member States are working on the introduction
care are increasing. Patients tend to be treated
of electronic health records, i.e. comprehensive
more in other Member States than in the past,
medical records providing ready availability of
especially if waiting lists exist in the country
health data for medical treatment and allied
where they live. Moreover, doctors ask for more,
and more varied, telematic information from
their colleagues. Hospitals are creating hospital
The Data Protection Directive provides several
networks that store a great deal of medical data on measures to be taken by the controller of a file in patients. Patients often order medicinal products
order to guarantee the right to privacy of the data
through the Internet from pharmacies that are
subject. However, article 8 of the Directive is too
located in other countries. All these developments
vague to provide for good legislation at the EU-
are related to e-Health. E-health refers to
level with regard to the further use of data and the
information and communication technologies for
creation of electronic health records nation-wide or
in big hospital chains. The Article 29 Working Party is not convinced
The European Commission has invested in the
that relying only on the obligation to professional
past in several research programmes related to
confidentiality provides sufficient protection. If
e-Health. Moreover, the European Commission
more persons may have access to the record
established an action plan for a European E-Health
because the records are kept by hospital chains,
area in 2004. However, the Commission observed
more specific safety measures must be taken and
a low implementation of telemedicine applications
the patient must be asked for consent as to which
in real-life medicine and is now identifying the
categories of persons may have access to the
barriers and triggering factors. The Commission
plans to issue a Communication on Telemedicine and innovative ICT tools for chronic disease
University centres also often store blood and
human tissue samples that can be used for research purposes. Since DNA sequences of
2. Towards more European rules
samples can be analysed via and stored on computers, it is obvious that the distinction
between the processing of human tissue and the
e-Health is important. The organisation of
processing of health data becomes small. Several
health care is up to the Member States but e-
European documents already refer to the use of
Health (including telemedicine services) has the
human tissue, such as Directive 2004/23/EC and
potential to be used in cross-border settings.
the Regulation on Advanced Therapy Medicinal
The Commission has a specific mandate to
Products. However, these documents remain too
address cross-border care issues which cannot
vague to provide Member States with guidance on
be addressed on a national basis alone (see
further use of tissue, blood and DNA sequences for
also EUROPEAN COMMISSION, “Questionnaire.
Telemedicine. I2010 eHealth sub group Members”,
ment and
2007, p. 2.). This is why it is desirable that e-
- Reimbursement and telemedicine liability
Health gets much more attention at the EU-level. Several issues need to find a more European
The E-Commerce Directive does not regulate the
reimbursement of telemedicine services, which
falls under the competence of the Member States.
3. Medicinal products and the Internet Internet
European and international telemedicine projects have often failed because they were too expensive
The EU has enacted several directives and
for the patients and reimbursement by their health
regulations on medicinal products and medical
insurance funds was not possible. An essential
condition for reimbursement was never fulfilled, i.e. the physical presence of the (tele)-physician
However, it is important to verify how ICT and
with the patient at the moment of performing
in particular the Internet is playing an important
the medical treatment. The refusal to reimburse
role in the selling of medicinal products. The
medical costs if there was no physical presence
Community Code of medicinal products regulates
might have been reasonable in a period without
marketing authorisations for medicinal products,
ICT. It could be argued that a physician who only
manufacture and distribution of medicinal
listens to a patient on the phone cannot make a
products, publicity issues, etc. but does not
good diagnosis and that therefore reimbursement
have specific rules on the internet and medicinal
would not be possible. The revolution in the ICT
sector makes it perfectly possible nowadays to collect the required medical information for a
It is legal, at least for OTC products, to buy
diagnosis at a distance without being physically
medicinal products without being physically in the
present. The question is then whether it is still
pharmacy. However, Member States will enact
reasonable under EU law to refuse reimbursement
different rules for prescription medicinal products.
just because the physician did not see the patient
Some Member States may argue that online selling
should not be legal while other Member States may accept ordering prescription products through the
- Liability and telemedicine
internet. To ensure that medicinal products are sold safely over the internet it might be desirable
We believe that the EU may play an important role
for new rules to be enacted at the EU level.
even with regard to the liability issue. It is not good for the free movement of patients and health care services in Europe if patients are subject to different liability schemes. Some countries like
Stefaan Callens
France and Belgium have recently enacted so called
Lawyer at the Brussels bar
no-fault legislation related to health care. The no-
fault issue is already considered in the EU Directive on products liability but is being increasingly expanded to other domains like health care delivery. Good compensation for patients if something goes wrong during a medical intervention might indeed be considered an important right for patients. It is not good for patients or health care professionals if this right is regulated all over Europe in a different way. This will not promote the use of telemedicine. Therefore, EU legislation should require Member States to provide similar rules for compensation; this would enhance the free movement of patients and health care services and ultimately the use of e-Health tools.
COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN MEDICAL DEVICES AND INCURRED RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Introduction 3. Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 Directive 93/42/EEC
(In) compatibility between medical devices:
in Annex I concerning Essential Requirements
brings into conflict manufacturers, some
deals with compatibility between medical devices
affirm to be compatible with those of other
Point 9.1: “If the device is intended for
use in combination with other devices or
quality and performance of the combination,
equipment, the whole combination, including
must not impair the specified performances of
where applicable, other persons, medical
the devices. Any restrictions on use must be
practitioners or private/public hospital
indicated on the label or in the instructions for
personnel, and make them responsible for
non-observance of the instructions for use
instructions for use must contain the following particulars: […] (c) if the device must be
Directive 2. Directive 2007/47/EC of 5 September 2007
installed with or connected to other medical
devices or equipment in order to operate as
on medical devices did not modify either the
required for its intended purpose, sufficient
provisions of Article 12 of previous Council
details of its characteristics to identify the
Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 about
correct devices or equipment to use in order to
particular procedures for systems and procedure
packs, or the definition of “accessory” referred to in Article 1.-2.(b) as “an article which while
Therefore, an obligation as to security and
not being a device is intended specifically by its
performance of the assembly, as well as an
manufacturer to be used together with a device
obligation to communicate restrictions on use in
to enable it to be used in accordance with the
the notice and in labelling, is clearly imposed in the
use of the device intended by the manufacturer
of the device”. As Article 1.-1 provides that “accessories shall be treated as medical devices in
4. French Health Products Safety Agency AFSSAPS
their own right”, for the purposes of the Directive
(AFSSAPS)’s clarification of 14 February
accessories are not themselves medical devices
but are “treated as” medical devices.
AFSSAPS published a Clarification to users in which
manufacturer puts together in order to place them on the market as a system or procedure pack on
“It is essential to verify the assertions of the
his own responsibility as to the result.
manufacturer of the medical device announced as compatible in its instructions for use. Indeed, they
The difficulty appears, in practice, when two
are the fundamental element which allows explicit
or several producers’ medical devices are put
determination of the claims which engage the
together by the users while a producer of at least
one of the elements of the combination does
“When a manufacturer of a medical device
not approve this assembly and mention it in the
announced as compatible with another does not
mention in the instructions for use the list of
medical devices considered as compatible, the
his civil and penal liability if the medical device
user may ask the manufacturer for confirmation of
concerned becomes dysfunctional and causes
“The user’s responsibility is engaged for using medical devices outside the scope of the
Numerous declarations of incidents are registered
within the framework for oversight of medical devices and users, hospital pharmacists,
5. Conclusion:
doctors, bursars of public and private health establishments, and patients at home have to
Any actor in the market should be aware of the
exercise caution and rigour in dealing with such
risks, as they often rush to take advantage of
a distributor in declaring "compatible" an
promotional prices on accessories when the
association of an accessory (that he sells) with
qualities claimed by the distributors do not equal
the medical device of another manufacturer
those of the original medical devices of proven
who rejects the assertion of compatibility and
limits his guarantee to associations of medical devices which he enumerates,
a user in assembling elements the various manufacturers of which did not unanimously
Isabelle Lucas-Baloup Avocat à la Cour de Paris
constitute a high-performance medical device.
Instructions for use and certificates of compatibility engage the responsibility of the manufacturers and the distributors who establish them. If requirements are void, updated, exceeded by the technical or technological evolution of one of the elements of the combination, and the relevant material is not revised at the appropriate time, the author of a deceitful assertion engages
standards of health economics. Especially
the cost structure of drugs from the past encounters scepticism, since pricing is influenced
The German pharmaceutical market and its
by development of generics and fixed pricing
significant role in international pricing is confronted schemes. This gives way for the question at what
with a potential new barrier to market entrance.
In recent years reimbursement restrictions have
An example: AChE-inhibitor’s DDD cost was at
already been imposed by the Joint Committee
1.08 € in the 90s. They are down to 0.11 € by
(GBA) some of which are based on benefit
now. Substantial benefits from a new therapy will
assessment reports issued by the newly founded
exceed this cost by far. What shall the basis of an
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care
(IQWiG). Germany has followed the UK (NICE) and France (HAS) in Health Technology Assessment
The most recent statement of the highly reputed
with a different model. IQWiG merely lays the
‘Verein für Socialpolitik’ (the largest German
grounds for reimbursement decisions without own
speaking community of economists founded in
decisive power. On this basis, however, the vast
1837) focuses on five major points of criticism
majority of drugs assessed so far, e.g. short acting
insulin analogues, atorvastatin and montelukast have been classified as “without additional benefit”
The suggested cost-benefit-assessment is
and subject to restriction in reimbursement and
confined to the perspective of the Statutory
pricing has followed or is expected. Latest legal
Health Insurance (SHI). Cost effects in other
reforms have introduced a new task for IQWiG’s
parts of the social security system need to be
director, Professor Peter Sawicki. Since 1st April
taken into account to be in line with the legal
2007 cost-benefit-assessment shall be undertaken
preconditions according to §35b SGB V.
for drugs with patented substances and other
The method paper neglects basic categories
drugs ‘that are of particular importance’.
of relations between cost and benefit. Thus important questions of economic evaluation
On 24th January 2008 IQWiG presented a method
are not been dealt with in an international
proposal based on an ‘Efficiency Frontier Analysis’.
The innovative concept also includes an analysis of
There is no precise definition of the term
budget impact. The ‘Efficiency Frontier’ is a graphic
‘benefit’ in the paper. The requirement for
presentation determined on the one hand by
determining a clear and transparent procedure
benefit units and cost units on the other. According
to determine different benefit components is
to the IQWiG the cost axis illustrates the costs that
are accrued in order to achieve the specific benefit
The concept of determining an efficiency
previously determined. This graphic presentation
frontier is unrealistic since it is based on
will be used to ‘make it clear at a glance which
the assumption that all drugs included in
existing therapies are efficient and which are not.’
the procedure can be assessed in the same
manner. However, there is no scientific or normative reason that can support such a
This method has been presented to the public
on several occasions and is subject to severe
According to the paper economic evaluations
criticism. The pharmaceutical industry and many
are confined to the particular indication
specialists in health economics agree that such
(disease). If reimbursement decisions are
a procedure does not at all suffice the legal
based on such a strategy the impact on the
requirement of taking into account international
allocation of resources is being neglected.
If the methodology will be accepted as suggested
the impact on international pharmaceutical
parameter for benefit like QALY is required
pricing might be noteworthy. Pharmaceutical
to raise reimbursement decisions of the Joint
innovations would be assessed on the basis
of an efficiency frontier that is based on price development in particular indications and be
All over all the ‘Verein für Sozialpolitik’ deems this
subject to a somewhat arbitrary scale. Looking
proposal of cost-benefit-assessment as unsuited to
at the importance of the German market in terms
comply with legal and practical requirements.
of international pricing these effects will be more than national. Facing this predicament some within
What are the next steps? According to recent
the pharmaceutical industry feel that producer-
experiences with IQWiG experts consider it
to-funds negotiations on pharmaceutical pricing
improbable that the public discussion will bring
might be favourable. However, the public dispute
about major changes to IQWiG’s new methodology.
on these issues in the course of this year will be a
The legal frame work does not foresee a specific
accountability of IQWiG to the Joint Committee nor to the Ministry of Health concerning the methods.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Dierks
However, it can be expected that IQWiG’s Board of
DIERkS + BOHLE Attorneys, Berlin
Directors will have some influence on the further development. Since the board is dominated by funds and health care professionals (the industry is not represented) the cost containment potential of the method might be the decisive factor.
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