EURAM-EDAMBA-EIASM DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM 2005 EURAM 2005 Pre-Conference Event Wednesday, May 4th 2005 (9:00 - 15:45 h) at the TUM Business School, City Campus, Munich, Germany, Room 1601 EURAM (European Academy of Management), EDAMBA (European Doctoral Programs Association in Management and Business Administration) and EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) invite doctoral students to participate in the Doctoral Consortium. This invitation is especially addressed to doctoral students enrolled in a PhD or DBA program on Management, Economics or related topics, who have already a research project or are completing it for their dissertation.Scientific Committee
Eduard Bonet, ESADE, URL Gianmario Verona, Bocconi University Frank Piller, Technische Universitaet Muenchen / MIT
9:00 – 10:00 Opening Panelsession on PhD Research(Room 1601)
10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 12:00 Parallel sessions for research projects (seminar rooms) 12:00 – 13:10 Lunch (Restaurant Raffaele, Luisenstraße 47, see map on last page) 13:10 – 14:40 Parallel sessions for research projects (seminar rooms)
14:40 – 15:45 Closing Panel Session on General Comments on the Research Projects (Room 1601) Chairman: Gianmario Verona Panellists: All faculty members Closing words: Pierre Batteau, EDAMBA President
16:00 – 19:30 EURAM Conference Opening Event (Audimax)
HRM 1 (Room 2567, Seminarraum Lst Kaserer) Faculty: Guje Sevón and Tony Lingham
How compensation work in three garment factories in Vietnam
Determinants of Wage Heterogeneity in Finland
Sustainable Use of Human Capital in Organizations
High Performance Work Systems and Employee Outcomes
Outsourcing HR -operations - implications to performance
HRM 2 (Room 1713, Fakultaetssitzungsraum BV) Faculty: Joerg Siebert and Niklas Wagner
Self-efficacy as a predictor of occupational stress and of
organizational commitment Research on the other side of the story: New antecedents and
consequences of organizational citizenship behavior analyzed
under a gender perspective Impact of Spirituality and Value System on Transformational
Leadership: Consequences for Followers’ Self-Concept and
Emotional Intelligence -The relationship between an innovative
construct and successful training in Management Schools
Management, Sture, J.F., University of Bradford
An Evolutionary Account of Managerial Cognitions: When
Managers' Mental Models Overcome Structural Inertia and When
They Do Not The impact of the natural environment on business: explaining
PUBLIC MANAGEMENT/ETHICS (Room 2403, Seminarraum Lst. Lueck) Faculty: Anne Huff and Michael Henke
Patrizio Monfardini, Department of Business and
Ethics and Public Administration: a Contingent Approach
Social Studies University of Siena (Italy)
On Knowing in Non-Competitive and Non-Market Sectors: The
Facets of Trust of Patients in Health Care – A Qualitative Approach
to Understanding the Market of Health Care Services
Dissertation Proposal: Contractual Choices in Public-Private
STRATEGY (Room 1341, Seminarraum Lst. Ann) Faculty: Iris Hausladen and Giovanni Battista Dagnino
Value creation in a networked business environment
Project organizing and knowledge sharing - A study of boundary
objects and boundary spanning activities
Strategic Change as shifting discursive practices: A micro-
perspective look “Institutional and Managerial Aspects of Market Entry Assistance
for Foreign Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME) Entering
China post WTO Accession” Multi Channel Strategy Formation: The Role and Organization of
GOVERNANCE (Room 2529, Dekanat WI) Faculty: Ralf Reichwald and Anne Fearfull
the corporate social responsibility dilemma: conflicting industry and
Stock Options for Better-Aligned Corporate Governance
Society's case for corporate responsibility
Strategic Decision Making in Russian Boards of Directors
KNOWLEDGE (Room 1545, MBA social room) Faculty: Udo Zander and Frank Piller
From the Traditional Organization to the E-Organization: Sense
Making of the Internet Assessing Specialised Knowledge Capability Formation in Project
Organisations: An Ongoing Research Community ‘Co-Creativity’: A Practice-Based Spiral Model for
Organizational Knowledge cultures: Evidencing their existence in a
contextual setting and exploring their impact on Knowledge
Impression Management Process: A Self-Regulation Perspective
Maastricht University; Ad van Iterson, Maastricht University
MARKETING (Room 1646, MBA social room) Faculty: Christian Blümelhuber and Frank-Martin Belz
Market Driving Strategies: Antecedents and Consequences
Markus Stolper Carola Hillenbrand, Henley
Customer and Employee Expectations of Corporate Responsibility
Relationship between Consumers’ Perceived Service Attributes,
their Attitudinal Consequences, Behavioral Intentions and
Profitability in Service Setting Variety effect on consumer satisfaction: visual perception and
cultural differences. The Relationship Between Technology-Mediated and Face-to-Face
TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION (Room 2550, Fakultaetssitzungssaal WI) Faculty: Gianmario Verona and Paul Robertson
The Impact of Organizational Culture and Climate on Innovation
Integrative Method with Extensive Visualization to Support Time-
critical, Strategic Decisions in the Development Process of
The Supply of Integrated Solutions: Analysis of Firm’s Boundaries
MEASUREMENT (Room 1601) SESSION WILL START AT 13:10 !!!! Faculty: Christoph Kaserer, Simon Dolan, and Pierre Batteau
The model of enterprise performance measurement
Perofmance Measurement in Tourism Industry
EPISTEMOLOGY (room 0564, communicate Sitzungssaal) Faculty: Alfons Sauquet and Eduard Bonet
Van Rossem Annick Hogeshool Ghent - Buelens
Management Concepts: How do Managers deal with them?
Marc, Ghent University and Vlerick Management School
Application Proposal for Doctoral Consortium- Statement of
Research Interests In Search of Transnational Communities: The Case of International
Improving European Research Collaboration
Universities and Regional Industrial Transformation: An Overview
ABSTRACTS (sorted by Paper ID numbers)
How compensation work in three garment factories in Vietnam
The paper tried to analyse how compensation works in different ways in three garment workshops in Vietnam. Although the three workshops tried to formulate responsible management as the organizational identity, they followed different tracks of management practices. Compensation in term of material support, emotion and working hours are the strategies management in these workshops to defend their discourses of responsible management.
Universities and Regional Industrial Transformation: an Overview and Research Agenda Vadim Grinevich, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge (St Edmund's College)
It is often emphasised that the UK has entered a knowledge or innovation driven phase of economic development. The key challenge for the UK is to convert the very best in science and technology in universities to the successful commercialisation of new ideas by businesses. Understandably, the policy emphasis is on increasing the level of business collaboration with universities. The narrowing of inter- and intra-regional disparities in economic development is another important challenge facing the UK. Again, universities are seen as institutions that play an increasingly important role in regional economic development. In relation to these two challenges, the proposed study attempts to get further insights into the economics of university-industry links by analysing them in the context of the interplay between sectoral and regional dimensions of the innovation system.
Impression management process: a self-regulation perspective of success and failure Sara Safay, Maastricht University; Robert A. Roe, Maastricht University; Ad van Iterson, Maastricht University
Impression management is the process whereby people try to make a particular impression on other people to influence their future thinking and behavior. As organizations, especially in services, specify rules and norms that identify which behaviors are appropriate and how behaviors should be expressed to others, impression management can be seen as a crucial component of work performance. Although the focus of impression management is on creating the aimed for image in the eyes of others, it is clear that impression management can fail. However, the literature gives little explanation for impression management success and failure. The purpose of this conceptual paper, therefore, is to present a model of impression management based on self-regulation theory that describes underlying processes and identifies potential sources of impression management success and failure. It is postulated that self-regulation processes implied in impression management can go awry and affect IM failure.
The supply of integrated solutions: analysis of firm’s boundaries and capabilities Federica Ceci, University of San Marino (SM)
Integrated solutions are a bundle of products and services highly customized around customers need. This strategy can help firms to exploit new characteristic of the demand. That is happening in many sector but the characteristics of these changes are different according to the specific feature of the sectors in which the firms are operating and the different capabilities developed over time by the firms. 1. What types of services, technologies, and capabilities must be developed as suppliers move in the value stream? 2 .How inter-firm relationships change in this shift in the value stream? Empirical evidences show that strategic decision about the capabilities that have to be internalized or outsourced changes among different firms also within the same industry. 3. What are the factors (nature of the core business, position in the value stream, size of the market…) that justify different decisions and how these different strategies are related to the firm’s performance?
Business in a deliberative society Julia Roloff, International Graduate School Zittau
As a reaction to globalization policy-making tends to be more often organized as a deliberative process that takes place in multi-stakeholder networks. Representatives from civil society, business and governments jointly seek solutions to problems that can not be handled on a national level. Corporations assume a central role in this process: They are not only involved in negotiating a solution, but also in implementing it. An example is the definition and enforcement of social standards in the textile supply chain. It is argued that deliberation is not only essential for the policy-making process, but also for implementing the objectives. For example, a corporation can only implement social standards and foster social change, if it is ready to negotiate the local adaptation. Otherwise social standards might be viewed as economical and cultural unreasonable demands. This hypothesis is tested drawing on research conducted among Moroccan suppliers of the German sport apparel company Puma.
Integrated stakeholder trust management
Trust is commonly seen as basis for a successful human interaction. The World Economic Forum 2003 issued a survey, which rated trust in companies worldwide at unprecedented low levels. Other surveys also show that trust in corporate leadership is on a drastic decline. However, the increased complexity of contemporary society and the business environment lead to a growing demand for trust. As trust is the lubricant for interaction and communication, it is becoming more and more relevant. We can therefore see two developments: On the one hand, trust is decreasing; on the other hand trust is needed today more than ever. A trust gap has emerged. If companies want to capitalize on the benefits of increased options they need to dispose of organizational trust and trustworthiness as facilitator. An integrated Stakeholder trust management framework is proposed as a basis for corporate boards to manage the current trust crisis.
Value creation in a networked business environment Katharina Wratschko, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Recent research in strategic management has focused on the study of alliances and networks as vehicles to boost competitive advantage. Whereas performance remains the ultimate goal of the individual firm, value creating activities span firm boundaries. This paper focuses on the strategic alliance as locus of value creation. It presents a theoretical framework to explain the logic of value creation in a networked business environment. While the resource-based view and transaction cost economics have contributed largely to our understanding of value creation in alliances, they are limited in taking into account the networked business context. Dyadic alliances are embedded in a wider network of business relationships, which might influence value creation and value distribution at the dyad and individual firm level, respectively. By incorporating social network theories into the framework, a more comprehensive picture can be drawn.
Patterns of core competence development Urban Ljungquist, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University
Core competence is a well-known concept among strategic management scholars and practitioners. Due to its vague definition and despite the acquaintance we seem to lack deeper understanding of the concept and its immediate surroundings. By penetrating these surroundings, which in this thesis consists of associated elements of competence, capability and resources, and their links to core competence, we might better understand the concept. This thesis calls for conceptual and methodological considerations of core competence: use of distinctive definitions among elements associated to core competence; need to maintain a reference to the concept’s initial definition; benefit of longitudinal, few-case studies; urge of data analysis to maintain, not refrain, complexity. Findings can be divided in: Nodes and links. Different forms of analysis, at several levels, are suggested.
Ethics and public administration: a contingent approach Patrizio Monfardini, Department of Business and Social Studies University of Siena (Italy)
The main research purpose is to emphasise the ethical profiles in the Public Administration field from a business administration and a managerial point of view; indeed, the existing literature on the topic in extremely vast, but a whole theory of ethics applied to the Public Administration is still missing. As a matter of fact, some of the scholars are arguing for a Ethical Theory of Public Administration. As a result, the development of the field does not seem to have been systematic at all and its boundaries are hazy. The proposed approach tries to systematise the field suggesting to divide the relationship between Public Administration and Ethics into three different levels, two of which referred to an inter-organizational perspective, and the last one focused into an intra-organizational point of view. The analysis will focus mainly on the second level, considering the existing literature on Administrative Ethics, and investigating the role of accounting and reporting.
Research on the other side of the story: new antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behavior analyzed under a gender perspective Barbara Beham, University of Linz
This study investigates new antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Research to date, typically examined OCB under a very favourable light, focusing on the positive features of OCB, while overlooking potential negative aspects of such behavior. An examination of the relationships between the work-family interface and OCB intends to shed light on new antecedents of OCB such as, work-family conflict, dissatisfying family lives, etc. Furthermore, possible negative consequences of exaggerated performance of OCB on employees’ well-being are explored. Where differences in the experiences of men and women are expected, a gender analysis is applied.
The model of enterprise performance measurement
The continuously changing business environment with still quicker and harder impacts particularly to small enterprises enforces their high performance efficiency providing in order to be able to survive. An endangered position of small enter-
prises was an impulse for my dissertation thesis theme and subject. This paper points out the aims of the thesis (research, practical and teaching) and research questions. There are described the basic concepts, especially the author´s view on the performance measurement model. Then the paper is focused on the conceptual framework of the thesis (the system, subsystems and elements of model).
Project organizing and knowledge sharing - a study of boundary objects and boundary spanning activities Eva Maaninen-Olsson, Uppsala University
The organizations of today are increasingly using multi-project organizational context. This paper takes its starting point from Kasvi et al. (2003) quest for more empirical research on and how knowledge is managed within project organizations. In this way I hope to enhance the understanding of the sharing and creation of knowledge and the boundary spanning activities and objects that are present from a project management perspective. The notion is that you need to take into account both the intra- and inter organizational perspective, i.e. other projects within the organization as well as customers, customers and partners, in order to manage the knowing and learning within a multi-project organization. The chosen method is a longitudinal case study, where the central actors involved in the projects were interviewed. The two studied projects were conducted after another. The case is based on interviews, observations and written documents.
Facets of trust of patients in health care – a qualitative approach to understanding the market of health care services
The health care industry in Germany currently ranges between the state of regulation and liberation, which results amongst other things in a modified patient-physician-relationship. This development also raises the importance of trust between patient and health care provider. The main objective of my dissertation project is to detect the multi-faceted role of trust in the German health care system via a qualitative approach. By using focus groups and in-depth interviews with patients I plan to identify objects of trust and different trust levels in the medical context as perceived by patients in order to analyze their relations to each other. Furthermore, all parameters influencing trust on different levels are to be collected.
Innovativeness: Its antecedents and their synergic integration
Although the merits of maintaining the innovativeness have been extensively discussed in the literature, studies examining the empirical link between its antecedents have shown mixed results. The relationships among learning orientation, market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation and their influences upon innovativeness as four cultural competitiveness elements are rarely investigated in a holistic perspective. This leads to reductionism in modeling and prevents the full exploration of the potentially complex relationships among these variables and their impact on innovativeness. Based on a review of relevant literature and theoretical conceptionalizations, this study argues that among the key antecedents to innovativeness, market orientation, learning orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation which are influenced by a culture orientation have a positive impact on innovativeness. Furthermore, this study extends, integrates and develops previous works by considering the mediating effects of environmental characteristics between the orientations and innovativeness. The data will be collected in Swiss watch firms because of their recognition as innovative firms in depth-interviews with marketing managers. A survey questionnaire of a stratified random sample will be drawn from a list of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry and the relationships among the variables will be analyzed through regression approach.
Managing change in universities Ingrid Schönwald, Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning
Managing change in universities is becoming an increasingly relevant task of university leaders. The traditional practices and values of higher education teaching and research are increasingly confronted with manifold requests of the modern knowledge society. However, implementing educational innovations in educational organizations is a challenging undertaking. Unlike the corporate sector, universities are characterized by a high autonomy of its professional members, which makes it difficult to plan, initiate and control change processes. This paper explores whether change management approaches from the management literature are feasible to apply in an organizational context of higher education. The findings of this analysis will be applied to the integration of eLearning in universities as a specific change objective.
Assessing specialised knowledge capability formation in project organisations: an ongoing research
This paper presents a brief description of an ongoing research that is being performed inside a highly-specialised project organisation in the Greater Manchester Area, United Kingdom. It contains a few empirical findings and a brief discussion on the formation of what is referred to as organisational specialised knowledge capabilities. The objective of this ongoing research is to find out how specialised knowledge creation is leveraged by technologies in practice, which implies the existence of specialised individual knowledge enacted in recursive interactions between technological artefacts and users.
Perofmance measurement in tourism industry
Tourism industry consists of various players and tourism demand is met by the joint efforts of these players. Although recent works demonstrate an increasing interest to performance measurement in tourism industry it is still an immature area. At this doctoral research project, performance measurement subject is handled in four phases. First phase search for the company wide performance measurement systems with relating it to the size, structure and strategies. At the second phase, subject is taken in the tourism value chain concept. Main aim of this phase is to answer the question of how a performance measurement system be created for vertically integrated or coordinated companies in the tourism industry. Third phase takes the findings of first two phases and correlate them with the industry-wide and macro economic indicators so as to evaluate the impacts of tourism industry on national economy. By doing this it could be possible to determine the resource allocation more efficiently. Last phase of the research is related with the comparison of three phases with the findings of competing tourism countries to evaluate the overall framework in more detail.
The economic value added for university Nopadol Rompho, University of Glasgow
This paper attempts to propose the uses of a financial management tool, the Economic Value Added (EVA® ) for university. Although there are reports of widely uses of the EVA® in many for-profit organisations, there is no evidence in literatures that it has been adopted as a financial management tool for university or any other type of non-profit organisation. In this paper the application of the EVA® for university is proposed. It shows how EVA® can increase the awareness of importance of asset utilisation in university and guide university to better manage its resources.
Sustainable use of human capital in organizations Nelli Sauri, Universität St. Gallen
The paper focuses on the sustainability of the use of human capital in organizations. It is divided in three parts: part one begins with a literature review on the changes, which the employment relationship has gone through during recent decades. In part two, the development of human resource management practices is analysed from the firm point of view. Here articles in selected academic and popular management journals in the USA and Europe are analysed, and comparisons between different journal types and the two continents are made. Part three focuses on the title topic, raising the normative question of how sustainability of the use of human capital in organizations is defined. Here again the firm point of view is adopted. The paper ends with discussion on the practical problems, which may emerge on the individual and societal level, if sustainability is seen only from the firm point of view.
Self-efficacy as a predictor of occupational stress and of organizational commitment Claire Edey-Gamassou, Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University
Occupational stress has been a deeply worked on issue in various fields since the late 1950’s. Its antecedents are well known and managerial tools have been created in order to avoid its consequences. But at the same time, organizational commitment enhancement has become an aim for managers and has been deeply studied. Based on the Conservation of Resources Theory developed by Hobfoll, this thesis project examines the links between occupational stress and organizational commitment. Drawing on data from a survey conducted among municipal employees, who happen to be civil servants in France, this research will report on the role of occupational self-efficacy and of social and organizational support at work in occupational stress- and organizational commitment development.
Market driving strategies: antecedents and consequences Markus Stolper, University of Dortmund
The importance of market driving strategies as an alternative approach to being market oriented is just beginning to receive attention by theorists. To get further insights into the topic, the goal of my dissertation project is to analyze the antecedents and consequences of market driving activity. Specifically, the project will contribute to the following questions: (1) Why are some organizations better able to drive a market than others? (2) What effects does a market driving orientation have on business performance? (3) Does a market driving orientation work better under specific environmental conditions? Steps to achieve this goal are the further development of a measurement instrument for market driving, case study research among market driven and market driving firms, and a quantitative, model-based study. Quantitative data will be analyzed using structural equation modelling.
Customer and employee expectations of corporate responsibility Carola Hillenbrand, Henley Management College
This paper aims to contribute to an understanding of stakeholder expectations of Corporate Responsibility by asking stakeholders a fundamental question: “What is a business responsible for?”. The motivation for working on this question conceptually and empirically is to define responsibilities of businesses from the perspective of stakeholders as a starting point for organizational analysis and responsible management. The conceptual part discusses the research question in light of the broad debate on Corporate Responsibility and brings together literature on Corporate (Social) Responsibility, Business Ethics, Stakeholder Relationships and related fields. The empirical research sets out to understand expectations of Corporate Responsibility from the perspective of two stakeholder groups who are most closely linked to a business: its customers and employees. The methodological part describes the inductive, exploratory research design and outlines how data is analysed using a qualitative clustering technique. Some preliminary research results are presented and discussed. It is the aim of the ongoing PhD research project to provide a comprehensive analysis of empirical data from customers and employees and a review of academic streams of thinking as a basis for stakeholder-oriented definition, measurement and evaluation of business responsibilities.
The impact of the natural environment on business: explaining corporate climate strategies
This paper examines the motivation of companies to respond to the environmental issue of global climate change. Drawing on insights from the environmental management literature a theoretical framework is proposed that puts the role of stakeholders central in the process of developing a proactive climate strategy. Companies have three types of strategic options – internal measures, supply-chain measures, and market-based measures – to respond to or anticipate stakeholder pressure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on organizational attributes, such as geographic spread, type of industry, degree of vertical integration and diversification, companies prioritize particular stakeholder groups, which is reflected in their climate strategies.
The corporate social responsibility dilemma: conflicting industry and society norms
This paper will put some order on the complexity that the firm faces in the field of business ethics by discussing it in light of the tension between the neoclassical economics theory and the social contract theory which are attempting to define firm responsibility. As each ideological framework has distinct implications for the social responsibility perspective of the firm, it
will in turn affect the practice and social performance of it. Therefore, the two ideologies will be incorporated into the three-dimensional framework of the corporate social performance model to suggest a means of understanding social performance according to the ideology that is being applied in the firm’s social context and industry practice.
Determinants of expatriates' variable pay: an agency and institutional theory model Christelle Tornikoski, University of Vaasa
Variable pay of expatriates holds a strategic interest for organizations as it aims at motivating and rewarding employees who perform and contribute more. However, existing compensation practices do not seem to satisfy entirely expatriates who require an international basis of comparison for their compensation rather than the existing domestic one. Based on this observation this theoretical article couples agency and institutional theories to examine factors affecting expatriates’ variable pay. It proposes that three different levels - individual, organizational and country - of determinants have to be taken into account. A theoretical model based on the above is presented. It stresses the complexity of the international institutional environment in which individual and organizational agency relationships are interrelated and embedded. Implications of this theoretical approach in the field of international compensation are discussed at the end of the paper.
Fast balanced scorecard for SMEs
One of the most problematic aspects of strategically successful organisational improvement initiatives using Balanced Scorecard is the critical amount of time and resources that it demands from the institution pursuing for the introduction of the management model. Many organisations, especially SMEs and governmental sector cannot devote their resources for organisational development in such a magnitude how the creators of Balanced Scorecard concept Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton foresee (1996, 2004). This has sometimes resulted in lost resources or unsuccessful Balanced Scorecard implementation attempts. For this purpose simplified method - Fast Balanced Scorecard - has been developed according to which some stages of the Balanced Scorecard implementation are abridged. Subsequently the implementation efforts in practice have proven to be faster and success rate presumably higher. The article analyses briefly the methodology and illustrates it with a case study.
Society's case for corporate responsibility
Corporate responsibility is often analysed from a corporation's point of view and researchers argue by means of a 'business case for corporate responsibility'. Changing perspective towards society's case for corporate responsibility recognises business role in society and puts two levels of societal needs into focus. Basic societal needs have to be covered in order to ensure the possibility of a common future (futurability). Additional societal needs address the well-being of society. Social sanction mechanisms can be applied by society in order to coerce business to respect basic societal needs, whereas the fulfilment of additional societal needs merit reputation of the firm. However, several obstacles have to be overcome for society's case for corporate responsibility to come true.
Impact of spirituality and value system on transformational leadership: Consequences for followers’ self- concept and performance
This thesis is an exploration into the core personality of transformational leaders and to understand their fundamental motivational drives. As antecedent variables to transformational leadership, I propose to study leaders’ values systems and spiritual orientation. The two proposed outcome variables are collective identity and followers’ performance. For measuring followers’ performance, I propose to use the model of contextual and task performance hitherto unexplored in the domain of leadership. The main contribution of this proposal lies in its pioneering work linking transformational leadership with leaders’ spirituality and Schwartz’s (1992) model of human values, as well as test the differential impact of transformational leaders on objective (task) and psychological (contextual) performance. I propose to use structural equations modeling to test the concurrent effects of all the variables in the model. This findings will tell us the value profile of leaders, their spiritual orientation, and how these individual level dimensions would impact the bottom line (measured through performance).
Integrative method with extensive visualization to support time-critical strategic decisions in the development process of complex products Holger Eckstein, Fraunhofer IAO & University of Stuttgart, IAT
How can time-critical problem solving in the new product development process of complex products be improved by a combination of extensive visualization possibilities and state-of-the-art information and communication technologies? The overall objective of this research is the development, realisation, and validation of an integrative visualization method to support the making and implementation of strategic product-related decisions during the development process of complex products. The research implements a practical approach integrating existing methods, instruments, and systems for decision making and problem solving. Emphasis is placed on team-oriented information visualization. It frequently happens during the new product development process of complex products that product-related problems occur unexpectedly, which have to be solved in a short-term manner. The NPD process of complex products is characterized by unavoidable engineering changes with problem solving under urgency and troubleshooting at different stages.
Strategic decision making in Russian boards of directors Dmitri Melkumov, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
Russia is at the crossroads of deciding on the more appropriate board of directors (Judge and Naoumova 2004). Many Russian organisations, regardless of their origins, industry and age are now in need of sound, educated and serious strategic decisions with long-term commitment and performance evaluations. This calls for an investigation of the degree of strategic involvement of the board in decision-making, the constructs utilised and the importance of board’s involvement in formulating and carrying out an organisation’s strategy. This research proposal outlines a doctorate project, which includes 3 articles: a theoretical article on corporate governance in Russia, a qualitative article on strategic making behaviour of the
Russian boards in natural resource and manufacturing sectors and a quantitative article on comparison of Western and Russian strategic decision making behaviour on the boards.
High performance work systems and employee outcomes
The field of research into High Performance Work Systems has developed over the past ten years and many researchers have presented their own perspectives on HPWS attempting to render the subject more understandable. Two main approaches can be identified: those focusing on beneficial organisational outcomes such as productivity, the other mounting a critique of HPWS outcomes such as stress, increased control and work intensification. However, both of these perspectives overlook the key role of the employee as a ‘subject’ of these HPWS practices. In this conceptual paper, it is argued that a ‘rebalancing of the debate’ is needed in order to understand more fully the role of the worker as an agent of HPWS. Justice theory is recommended as a corrective to some of the deficiencies evident in the extant literature. Through the lens of justice theory, it is anticipated that potential linkages between HPWS and employee perceptions and outcomes can be explored and/or their absences exposed, incorporating issues such as trust, equity, voice and satisfaction.
Creativity and innovation in organizations: an approach at team level María del Mar Bornay, Pablo de Olavide University
Since employees´ creative ideas can be used as building blocks for organizational innovation, change, and competitiveness, organizations need to take advantage of their employees´creative potential, (Woodman, Sawyer & Griffin, 1993). The management and academic press increasingly emphasizes the importance of teams for organizational success in the modern economy but few energy has been devoted to answering the question about what factors influence the extent to which teams generate and implement ideas for new and improved products, services, and ways of doing thing at work (West & Farr, 1989). There are several bodies of work that attempt to explore and explain innovation and creativity at work, such as work environment perceptions, team engagement in creative processes (Gilson & Shalley, 2002, 2003; Gilson et al., 2004), and leadership creativity (Tierney et al., 1999; Scott & Bruce, 1994), but they have been examined separately offering a partial vision on team creativity and innovation (Woodman, Sawyer & Griffin, 1993). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address these issues testing personal and context variables at team level in conjunction, what it could offer a more complete model of team creativity and team innovation outcomes.
Strategic change as shifting discursive practices: a micro-perspective look Widar von Arx, University of St. Gallen and University Hospital Basel
The role of language in constructing social phenomena is essential to organisation theory (Hendry, J. 2000). Mumby and Clair (1997) say, that “organisations exist only in so far as their members create them through discourse”. The shortcoming in understanding discursive practices adequately is their reduction to the text, where the social is described as a self-reproducing system of codes (Reckwitz, A. 2003). This is criticized as intellectualism, where actors, contexts and the social practices are forgotten. Further, much of the research is ahistorical, aporcessual and acontextual (Pettigrew, A. M. 1990). The purpose of this project is an empirical, micro-perspective look on how this process of communication is “regulated” through a set of practices in time and space. What makes organisations to move from one template of organizing to another? (Tsoukas, H. & Chia, R. 2002). Ethnographic field research (Van Maanen, J. 1988) in a university hospital shed light on manager's everyday practices (Bourdieu, P. 1990). The researched initiative is about to overcome the "balkanized" functional structure and to create centres by merging all involved specialists in cross-functional teams around an organ.
Institutional and managerial aspects of market entry assistance for foreign small and medium size enterprises (SME) entering China post WTO accession Leif E. Goeritz, University of St. Gallen
While big corporations have been rationalizing and streamlining their operations the number of newly founded ventures and small and medium sized enterprises has consistently increased and became an important issue for policy makers. In Europe the SME sector accounts for more than 95% of all businesses and up to 75% of private sector jobs. SMEs successfully internationalise scale and scope of their operations despite volatile environments. Policy makers of all countries are trying to assist these efforts. Little research has been undertaken to analyse how policy makers try to assist small and medium sized enterprises entering an emergent market, specifically the Chinese market. Following a resource based approach, this study aims to determine and map specific country profiles for institutional market entry assistance. Propositions towards a model to assess and compare countries institutional profiles and the perception of market entry assistance by managers will be introduced.
Relationship between consumers’ perceived service attributes, their attitudinal consequences, behavioral intentions and profitability in service setting
The research project focuses on uncovering the relationships between consumers’ perceived service attributes (e.g. service quality, image, etc.), their attitudinal consequences (e.g. customer satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, etc.) and behavioral intentions (e.g. behavioral loyalty, purchase intentions, propensity to switch, etc.), discussing impact of these on profitability of consumers on the example of grocery retail sector. Empirical information of the research project is based on primary data derived from the consumer survey carried out by GfK division among the representative sample of consumers. This research extends the literature on customer loyalty, service quality, Service Profit Chain and many other strategic decision areas related to marketing, consumer behavior and competitiveness of a company.
Management concepts: How do managers deal with them? Annick H. D. Van Rossem, Hogeshool Ghent; Marc Buelens Marc, Ghent University and Vlerick Management School Ghent-Louvain
This work attempts to link the diffusion of managerial practices, summarized by popular management concepts, to cognition and ultimately to the course of action of a company. The present starts with the assessment that most writings in the fields of strategy and organization since the 1990s pointed to external factors which would have created major organizational
changes. These changes were summarized by (new) management concepts and communicated by transmission agents. In the fields of strategy, a lot has been written on the domains and elements constituting these management concepts, but little on the cognitive interpretation of them. We will search whether or not managers have developed mental models about these latest popular management concepts and if so, how these mental models look like. We will contrast these models with mental models about classic management concepts. The used method (RGT) for drawing these mental models and major findings will be discussed.
In search of transnational communities: The case of international management consulting Mehdi Boussebaa, Warwick Business School
Over the last decade or so, increasing attention has been devoted to the study of multinationals. Some researchers have recently argued that such companies are giving rise to transnational spaces within which ‘transnational communities’ are developing. Focusing on the under-studied management consulting sector, the proposed research aims to explore the extent to which such communities are emerging in practice. Through qualitative interviews and observation, the research will investigate how international management consultancies coordinate and organise work across national borders and what this means to consultants - how it impacts them and affects their identity and practices. To what extent are these less directly embedded in national institutional environments? In these ways, the research will make a significant contribution to our understanding of international management consulting, national business systems, multinationals, self-identity, and globalisation more generally.
Organizational knowledge cultures: Evidencing their existence in a contextual setting and exploring their impact on knowledge management programmes Peter Weller, ESADE Universitat Ramon Llull
This paper outlines a proposed research into the fields of Knowledge management and Organisational Culture. It is argued that a synergy of these two fields could bring significant benefits for organisations by increasing the understanding of the factors that influence performance of knowledge management efforts. Specifically, the concept of “organizational knowledge cultures” is proposed. Given both a shared emphasis of tacit elements and the growing interest in combining research into knowledge typologies and organisational culture, it seems promising to further explore these dimensions as part of a research programme that locates types of knowledge against organisational culture in an empirical setting. In order to capture a highly contextual framework, a longitudinal, multi-method approach building on action research is proposed. Addressing an important issue as well as using action research, an additional ambition is a contribution to bridging the practitioners-academics gap
Improving European research collaboration Christopher Schwand, University of Vienna
The framework programs of the European Commission provide the backbone of the transnational European research and development. Scale and scope of the programs are growing; this paper takes a look at information flows, project administration and execution and explores the potential of new ICT solutions to solve problems in communication and cooperation. Bearing usability in mind, the ultimate goal is to provide a blueprint for a set of tools to further improve the performance of in-project communication and a scheme of best practices to deal with arising problems like the redistribution of funds and tasks when partners quit or become bankrupt.
Multi channel strategies: exploring and understanding strategies in multi channel retailing
The research project outlined in this proposal addresses the current diversity of multi channel strategies. The project aims to explore the different roles and relative positions of online and offline channels by identifying and describing different multi channel strategies. Furthermore, it aims to contribute to an understanding of why and how decisions on divergent multi channel customer interfaces were made. This proposal addresses the objective and scope of the proposed project, gives an overview of the research approach and design and discusses contributions of the study.
Stock options for better-aligned corporate governance
Few issues in media and academia alike have received as much attention lately as executive compensation. This research deals with a highly controversial yet widespread practice in executive pay: stock options plans. It expects to contribute to the current debate on such a heated corporate governance issue by presenting a systematic comparative analysis of stock option design in large capitalization companies in the United States and Spain. Such companies are the entire population of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Ibex 35 indices. The specific design features to be examined are: strike price, vesting period, option maturity, option repricing and trading restrictions. A blend of the optimal contracting and the managerial power approaches are applied to explore for significant deviations from the incentive-alignment paradigm.
# 693: Emotional Intelligence -The relationship between an innovative construct and successful training in management schools Wolfgang G. Scherl, Bradford, School of Management; Judi F. Sture, Bradford, Postgraduate School
This paper introduces a PhD research project undertaken by Scherl at the University of Bradford, England. The concept of Emotional Intelligence has been widely taken up by social scientists, but little, if any, study so far has focused on the application of Emotional Intelligence in the management training context. This study proposes a repeated measures evaluation of applied Emotional Intelligence training in two postgraduate management training programmes, one in Germany and one in England. A control group will be tested alongside an EI-trained group of management students at each school. Repeated tests throughout the programme will seek evidence of any effect and/or effectiveness that may represent an association between Emotional Intelligence training and the outcome of student performance in their chosen management course. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be sought via questionnaires and interviews, from students and tutors. This research is preliminary in nature and seeks associations and trends, not causal relationships.
# 744: On knowing in non-competitive and non-market sectors: The case of social entrepreneurship Ignasi Martí, IESE Business School
The world cries out for repair and social entrepreneurs are called to play a central role in fighting against deep-seated problems of human misery – problems widespread all over the world. Although some authors restrict social entrepreneurial phenomena to the non-for-profit arena and research field, there is a growing agreement on that social entrepreneurship should be considered as an independent and extremely diverse and intersectorial phenomenon. The rise of social entrepreneurship as a practice and as a theoretical endeavour provides a unique opportunity to challenge, question, and rethink central assumptions and concepts of management research. The motivation of this paper is to advance our understanding about whether and how socio-entrepreneurial initiatives that have proven successful attacking certain basic human needs issues can be replicated, imitated, or scaled out, elsewhere, contributing thus to the nascent literature and practice of social entrepreneurship and to the knowledge management literature as well.
# 746: Contractual choices in public-private partnerships
The purpose of my dissertation is to contribute to the understanding of public and private sector collaborative agreements (public-private partnerships) for the provision of public services that previously were responsibility of state and local government. In particular, my research will be based on a comparative analysis of performance for different contractual arrangements (e.g. concessions, lease, management contracts) in the water supply industry. I am interested in identifying the factors that determine the organizational form (contract type) and their effect on performance of water service delivery while aiming to developing theory in this important area for managerial practice in public service delivery. For this purpose, the two research questions that guide my dissertation are the following: “What are the determinants of contractual choice?” and, “What is the relationship between the arrangement chosen and its performance?” I plan to complete my dissertation in the format of three interrelated papers. The paper number one proposes a theoretical framework aimed at establishing a conceptual bridge and a helpful perspective at the time of going to the field and collecting data concerning the type of partnership chosen by governments and their predicted performance. In this sense, papers two and three are aimed at “grounding” the framework and propositions developed in paper one. Both papers are developed in different contexts but seek to apply the theory developed for studying the water supply industry. The basic contextual difference between them is that paper three is developed in an international context and tests the effect of institutional environment on contract choice. Conversely, paper two controls for the institutional environment and test the effect (on performance) of transaction characteristics that are relevant in the provision of water in Spain.
# 762: Community ‘Co-Creativity’: the practice-based socio-cognitive platform for knowledge creation Jun LI, CNRS-BETA, Louis Pasteur University
The main purpose of this research is to provide a theory of knowledge creation in a socio-cognitive learning’s perspective. In this paper I extend the knowledge-based view of firm, drawing on knowledge is a process and resides in practice by providing an explanation of the dynamics of knowledge creation as a knowledge spiral model in a socio-cognitive platform. This study focuses on the interaction between hard architecture of knowledge and soft architecture of knowledge within the socio-cognitive platform. By exploiting Chinese university-industry linkages, innovation outsourcing, technology platform and knowing communities, in the way of building a multi-platform governance structure, to unleash innovation with enhanced ability to co-develop and co-creative new product that fast local market demands. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and further research is indicated.
# 770: Statement of research iInterests
My major research and teaching interests are E-Business, Strategic Management and International Entrepreneurship. The topic of my doctoral dissertation is opportunity recognition in the context of internationalization of internet start-ups. The aim is the development of a cognitive empirical model for the internationalization of German internet start-ups on an individual level. The model will be based on assumptions derived on the basis of three streams of theoretical literature, i.e. network-based theory, resource-based view and the internationalization strategy approach (Uppsala approach). The focus is on the nascent entrepreneur and what leads him to internationalize versus entrepreneurs who do not exploit the opportunity. In addition, I have submitted a paper to the EURAM Conference: Explaining entrepreneurial orientation: conceptualization of a cross-cultural research framework- together with Tobias Kollmann and Andreas Kuckertz. The paper aims at conceptualizing a research framework based on Lumpkin & Dess’ (1996) Entrepreneurial Orientation construct.
# 772: An evolutionary account of managerial cognitions: when managers' mental models overcome structural inertia and when they do not
This research project is rooted in three of the most important fields of research of strategic management (i.e., managerial cognition, organizational inertia and capabilities). The aim of this research is to explain the process through which the mental models of the managers of firms, that operate in hypercompetitive markets or in high-velocity environment and that are endowed with particular capabilities, lead the firms to conform to the changes of the surrounding environment. I argue that the cognitive maps and the mental frames of top management, together with the capabilities of the firms, do not only produce states of inertia, but also on another level (when a managerial group moves from one firm to another) drive the firm to mobilize these capabilities and to adapt them to the new environment. Since the aim of this research is to establish the relationship between managerial cognition, inertia and capabilities, I have chosen to adopt a qualitative methodology and a longitudinal perspective with the aim of understanding the evolutionary nature of these analytical categories. Empirical evidence of the theoretical framework will be drawn from the analysis of the work of Marco Tronchetti Provera and his managerial team at the time of his move from Pirelli to Telecom Italia.
# 818: Emotions in technology use: The importance of context in analysis Rachel A. McCalla, Henley Management College
Research-in-progress concerned with an investigation of the impact of service technologies on boundary-spanning personnel (BSP) is presented in this paper. Specifically, the overall research programme seeks to investigate the interplay between technology use, emotional expression and service quality perceptions in a call centre environment and takes a sociological view of emotions. Highlights from initial data collection and analysis is presented and discussed. The analysis shows that whilst context was always recognized as important during the research design phase, the analysis has emphasized the crucial nature of in-depth contextual analysis (such as the ethnographic analysis conducted in this research study) in uncovering important social dynamics at play. It is argued that a greater importance on ethnography as a tool in emotions research could add great value to the body of knowledge.
TUM Center for Entrepreneurial & Financial Studies
Technische Universität München / MIT Sloan
Abdoulhakem Saleh Almhdie, Teesside Business School (
Pierre Batteau, iae university Cezanne at Aix-Marseille (
Barbara Beham, Johannes Kepler University of Linz (
María del Mar Bornay, University of Pablo de Olavide (
Mehdi Boussebaa, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick (
Federica Ceci, University of San Marino (
Julia Christofor, Chair for E-Business, Multimedia Campus, University of Kiel (
Maria Cristina Cinici, University of Catania (
Edey Gamassou Claire, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (
Pablo G. Collazzo, ESADE (
Corrado Cuccurullo, università federico II napoli, italy (
Adel J Dawe, Manchester Business School (
Doris Felbinger, Technical University of Berlin (
YingFei Gao, University of Surrey (
Will Geoghegan, NUIG (
Leif Erik Goeritz, University of St.Gallen (
Vadim Grinevich, University of Cambridge (
Margaret Heffernan, National University of Ireland, Galway (
Vanessa Julia Hessenkamp, University of Dortmund (
Carola Hillenbrand, Henley Management College (
Carianne Hunt, Centre for Diversity and Work Psychology (
Amaia Ibanez de Opacua, University of Glasgow (
Marja Helena Känsälä, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (
Barbara Kruse, Zollverein School of Management and Design gGmbH (
Sophia Maria Kusyk, Fundacion ESADE (
Jun Li, CNRS-BETA, Louis Pasteur University (
Urban Ljungquist, Växjö University (
Eva Maaninen-Olsson, Uppsala University (
Albinus Mketa Makalle, University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS) (
Cristian Margaretic, Manchester Business School (
Ignasi Marti, IESE Business School (
Rachel McCalla, Henley Management College (
Dmitri Melkumov, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration (
Deelip D Mhaske, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (
Marie Mikusova, Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic (
Patrizio Monfardini, University Of Siena (
Gordon Mueller-Seitz, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (
Claas Müller-Lankenau, University of Münster (
Jonatan Pinkse, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam graduate Business School (
Michael A. Pirson, Universität St. Gallen (
Marko Rillo, Tallinn University of Technology (
Julia Roloff, International Graduate School Zittau (
Nopadol Rompho, University of Glasgow (
Michael Ruess, University of St. Gallen (
David Gerard Russell, EM LYON (
Sarah Safayssoure, Maastricht University (
Gholamhossein Salehi Zalani, keele university (
Katharina Sammer, Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWÖ-HSG) (
Alberto Peixoto San Martin, The University of Manchester (
Nelli Julia Sauri, University of St. Gallen (
Wolfgang, Georg Scherl, University of Bradford, School of Management (
Ingrid Schönwald, Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) (
Christopher Schwand, University of Vienna (
Terje Skjølsvold, Norwegian School of Management (
Ivar Soone, HANKEN, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration / Tallinn University of Technology / Estonian Business School (
Heiko Spitzeck, University of St. Gallen - Institute of Business Ethics (
Markus Stolper, University of Dortmund, Department of Marketing (
Rüdiger Süß, German Aerospace Center (
Külliki Tafel, Estonian Institute for Futures Studies (
Kayhan Tajeddini, Bradford University (
Christelle Tornikoski, University of Vaasa, Finland (
Annick, Hortense, Dominique Van Rossem, Hogeschool Gent (
Widar von Arx, Universität St. Gallen (
Peter Weller, ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull (
Pingying, Zhang Wenstøp, The Norwegian School of Management (
Michael Wirtz, MWCoaching (
Helen Woolnough, Mnachester Business School (
Katharina Wratschko, University of Economics and Business Administration (
Yildirim Yilmaz, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Business Administration (
Hugo Zarco, IESE Business School (
1 = Room 1601, Doctoral Consortium Registration 2 = Lunch Restaurant Doctoral Consortium 3 = Central Conference Registration, EURAM Opening EVENT
Surveillance Summaries Giardiasis Surveillance United States, 1992–1997 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Continuing Medical Education for U.S. Physicians and Nurses August 11, 2000 The MMWR series of publications is published by the Epidemiology Program Office,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.
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