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Helmut Erich SEGNER
Born 10th September 1954 in Tauberbischofsheim, GermanyNationality: German Professional address:Centre for Fish and WildlifeUniversity BernPostbox 8466CH-3001 BernTel. +41-31 631 2441/2465, Fax +41-31 631 2611, Email: ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS
Habilitation in Zoology, University Karlsruhe: “Morphology, biochemistryand environmental plasticity of teleostean liver” Doctoral Thesis in Biology (Dr. rer. nat), University Heidelberg: "Theinfluence of environmental factors (nutrition, heavy metals) on theultrastructure of teleostean hepatocytes" Staatsexamen" in Biology and Chemistry, University Heidelberg POSITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
Head of the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health, University Bern Head of the Research Group "Aquatic Ecotoxicology" at the Centre forEnvironmental Research, Leipzig.
1988-1992 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Zoophysiology, University Karlsruhe 1987-1988 Scientific Employee of the R&D Department of Tetra Company, Melle, Research Assistant at the Institute of Zoomorphology, UniversityHeidelberg CURRENT RESEARCH
See webpage EDITORIAL BOARDS (past/present)
Aquatic Toxicology (since 2000)BMC Comparative Hepatology (on-line journal) (since foundation in 2002)Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (since 2002) Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (since 2001)Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3-year-term 1995-1998)Environmental Pollution (since 1999)Journal of Applied Ichthyology (since 2003) REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (last 5 years)
Burkhardt-Holm P, Peter A, Segner H (2002). Decline of fish catches inSwitzerland. Aquatic Sciences 64:36-54.
Lange A, Ausseil O, Segner H (2002). Alterations of tissue glutathionelevels and metallothionein mRNA in rainbow trout during single andcombined exposure to cadmium and zinc. Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology 131C:231-245.
Ortiz-Delgado JB, Sarasquete C, Behrens A, Gonzalez de Canales ML,Segner H (2002). Expression, cellular distribution and inducibility ofcytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, brain.
Aquatic Toxicology 60:269-283.
Quabius ES, Nolan DT, Segner H, Wendelaar Bonga SE (2002).
Confinement stress and starvation modulate the induction of ERODactivity after dietary exposure to PCB 126 in the Mozambique tilapia,Oreochromis mossambicus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 25:109-119.
Wahli T, Knuesel R, Bernet D, Segner H, Pugovkin D, Burkhardt-Holm P,Escher M, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2002). Proliferative kidney disease inSwitzerland: current state of knowledge. Journal of Fish Diseases 25:491-500.
Altenburger R, Segner H, van der Oost R (2003). Biomarkers and PAHs –prospects for the assessment of exposure and effects in aquatic systems.
In: Douben PET (ed). PAHs: an ecotoxicological perspective. John Wiley &Sons Ltd., London, pp. 297-328.
Burr SE, Wahli T, Segner H, Pugovkin D, Frey J (2003). Association of typeIII secretion genes with virulence of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.
salmonicida. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 57:167-171.
Castano A, Bols NC, Braunbeck T, Dierickx P, Halder M, Isomaa B,Kawahara K, Lee LEJ, Mothersill C, Pärt P, Repetto G, Sintes JR, Rufli H, Smith R, Wood C, Segner H (2003). The use of fish cells in ecotoxicology.
The report and recommendations of ECVAM workshop. ATLA 31:317-351.
Eggen RIL, Segner H (2003). The potential of mechanism-basedbioanalytical tools in ecotoxico-logical exposure and effect assessment.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 377:386-396.
Knuesel R, Segner H, Wahli T (2003). A survey of viral diseases in farmedand feral salmonids in Switzerland. Journal of Fish Diseases 26:167-182.
Maack G, Segner H (2003). Morphological development of the gonads inzebrafish. Journal of Fish Biology 62:895-906.
Maack G, Segner H, Tyler CR (2003). Ontogeny of sexual differentiation indifferent strains of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Fish Physiology andBiochemistry 27: 122-128.
Navas JM, Chana A, Herradon B, Segner H (2003). Induction of CYP1A bythe N-imidazole derivative, 1-benzylimidazole. Environmental Toxicologyand Chemistry 22:830-836 Schubiger C, Segner H, Wahli T (2003). PKD: Die proliferative Nieren-erkrankung bei Fischen. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 145:471-481.
Segner H (2003). The need for integrated programs to monitor endocrineactive compounds. Pure and Applied Chemistry 75:2435-2444.
Segner H, Braunbeck T (2003). End points for in vitro toxicity testing withfish cells. In: Mothersill C, Austin B (eds). In vitro methods in aquatictoxicology. Springer Praxis, Chichester. pp. 77-141.
Segner H, Caroll K, Fenske M, Janssen CR, Maack G, Pascoe D, SchäfersC, Vandenbergh GF, Watts M, Wenzel A (2003). Identification of endocrinedisrupting effects in aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates: report from theEuropean IDEA project. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 54:302-314.
Segner H, Navas JM, Schäfers C, Wenzel A (2003). Potencies of estro-genic compounds in in vitro screening assays and in life cycle tests withzebrafish in vivo. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 54:315-322.
Triebskorn R, Adam S, Behrens A, Beier S, Böhmer J, Braunbeck T,Casper H, Dietze U, Gernhöfer M, Honnen W, Köhler HR, Konradt J,Lehmann R, Luckenbach T, Oberemm A, Schwaiger J, Segner H, StrmacM, Schüürmann G, Siligato S, Traunspurger W (2003). Establishingcausality between pollution and effects at different levels of biologicalorganization: the VALIMAR project. Human and Ecological RiskAssessment 9:171-194.
Bernet D, Wahli T, Kueng C, Segner H (2004). Frequent and unexplainedgonadal abnormalities in whitefish (central alpine Coregonus sp.) from analpine oligotrophic lake in Switzerland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms61:137-148.
Fenske M, Segner H (2004). Aromatase modulation alters gonadaldifferentiation in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology67:105-126.
Maack G, Segner H (2004). Life stage-dependent sensitivity of zebrafish(Danio rerio) to estrogen exposure. Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology 139C:47-55.
Navas JM, Zanuy S, Segner H, Carillo M. (2004). β-naphthoflavone altersnormal plasma levels of vitellogenin, 17β-estradiol and luteinizinghormone in sea bass broodstock. Aquatic Toxicology 67:337-345.
Navas JM, Chana A, Herradon B, Segner H (2004). Induction of cyto-chrome P4501A (CYP1A) by clotrimazole, a non-planar aromatic com-pound. Computational studies on structural features of clotrimazole andrelated imidazole derivatives. Life Sciences 76:699-714.
Segner H (2004). Cytotoxicity assay with fish cells as an alternative to theacute lethality assay with fish. ATLA-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals32:375-382.
Babin M, Casado S, Chana A, Herradon B, Segner H, Tarazona JV, NavasJM (2005). Cytochrome P4501A induction caused by the imidazolederivative prochloraz in a rainbow trout cell line. Toxicology in Vitro 19:899-902 Behrens A, Segner H (2005). Cytochrome P4501A induction in brown troutexposed to small streams of an urbanised area: results of a five-year-study. Environmental Pollution 136:231-242.
Burkhardt-Holm P, Giger W, Güttinger H, Ochsenbein U, Peter A, ScheurerK, Segner H, Staub E, Suter MJF (2005). Where have all the fish gone ?Environmental Science and Technology 39:441A-447A.
Burr SE, Pugovkin D, Wahli T, Segner H, Frey J (2005). Attenuatedvirulence of an Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida type IIIsecretion mutant in a rainbow trout model. Microbiology 151:2111-2118.
Fenske, M., Maack, G., Schäfers, C., Segner, H (2005). An environmentallyrelevant concentration of estrogen induces arrest of male gonad development in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Environmental Toxicology andChemistry 24:1088-1098.
Nehls S, Segner H (2005). Comet assay with the fish cell line rainbowtrout gonad-2 for in vitro genotoxicity testing of xenobiotics and surfacewaters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:2078-2087.
Ortiz-Delgado JB, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2005). Cellular distributionand induction of CYP1A following exposure of gilthead seabream, Sparusaurata, to waterborne and dietary benzo(a)pyrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin: an immunohistochemical approach. AquaticToxicology 75:144-161.
Segner H (2005). Developmental, reproductive, and demographicalterations in aquatic wildlife: establishing causality between exposure toendocrine-active compounds (EACs) and effects. Acta Hydrochimica etHydrobiologica 33:17-26.
Shved N, Berishvili G, D’Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Eppler E, Segner H,Reinecke M (2005). A survey on the expression of IGF-I in the earlydeveloping bony fish with special emphasis on the tilapia, Oreochromisniloticus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1040:469-471.
Sturm A, Segner H (2005). P-glycoprotein and xenobiotic efflux transport infish. In: Mommsen TP. Moon TW (eds). Biochemistry and MolecularBiology of Fishes. Vol. VI. Environmental Toxicology. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
pp. 496-533.
Vermeirssen ELM, Burki R, Joris C, Peter A, Segner H, Suter M, Burkhardt-Holm P (2005). Characterization of the estrogenicity of Swiss midlandrivers using recombinant yeast bioassay and plasma vitellogeninconcentration of feral male brown trout. Environmental Toxicology andChemistry 24:2226-2233.
Berishvili G, D’Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Segner H, Reinecke M. 2006.
Differential expression of IGF-I mRNA and peptide in the male and femalegonad during early development of a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromisniloticus. General and Comparative Endocrinology 146:204-210.
Burki R, Vermeirssen ELM, Körner O, Joris C, Burkhardt-Holm P, SegnerH. 2006. Assessment of estrogenic exposure in brown trout (Salmo trutta)in a Swiss midland river: integrated analysis of passive samplers, wildand caged fish, and vitellogenin mRNA and protein. EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry 25:2077-2086.
Hoby S, Walzer C, Slotta-Bachmayr L, Segne H, Robert N. 2006.
Untersuchungen zur Pathologie von Wildungulaten im Nationalpark HoheTauern, Österreich. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 93:104-112.
Hutchinson T, Ankley GT, Segner H, Tyler CR. 2006. Screening and testingfor endocrine disruption in fish – biomarkers as „signposts” not „trafficlights“ in risk assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives 114,supplement 1:106-114.
Kallivretaki E, Eggen R, Neuhauss S, Alberti M, Kausch U, Segner H.
(2006). Aromatase in zebrafish: a potential target for endocrine disruptingchemicals. Marine Environmental Research 62:S187-S190.
Segner H, Eppler E, Reinecke M. 2006. The impact of environmentalhormonally active substances on the endocrine and immune systems offish. In: Reinecke M, Zaccone G, Kapoor BG (eds). Fish Endocrinology.
Science Publishers, Enfield (NH). pp. 809-865.
Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H (2007). Lebenswissenschaften undAllgemeine Ökologie: Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und gegenseitigeBeeinflussung. In: Di Giulio A, Defila R, Hammer T, Bruppacher S (Hrsg).
Allgemeine Ökologie – Innovationen in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.
Haupt Verlag, Bern. S. 103-125.
Cheshenko K, Brion F, Le Page Y, Hinfray N, Pakdel F, Kah O, Segner H,Eggen RE (2007). Expression of zebrafish aromatase cyp19a and cyp19bgenes in response to the ligands of estrogen receptor and arylhydrocarbon receptor. Toxicological Sciences 96:255-267.
Cheshenko K, Pakdel F, Segner H, Kah O, Eggen RE (2007). Interferenceof endocrine disrupting chemicals with aromatase CYP19 expression oractivity, and consequences for reproduction of teleost fish. General andComparative Endocrinology, 155:31-62.
Jos A, Segner H, Herradón B, Repetto G, Navas JM (2007). Induction ofEROD activity by 1-phenylimidazole and _-naphthoflavone in rainbow troutcultured hepatocytes: a comparative study. Toxicology in Vitro 21:1307-1310.
Kallivretaki E, Eggen RIL, Neuhauss SCF, Kah O, Segner H (2007). Thezebrafish brain-specific aromatase, cyp19a2, is neither expressed nordistributed in a sexually dimorphic manner during sexual differentiation.
Developmental Dynamics 236:3155-3166.
Knüsel R, Bergmann SM, Einer-Jensen K, Casey J, Segner H, Wahli T(2007). Virus isolation versus RT-PCR: which method is more successful in detecting VHSV and IHNV in fish tissues sampled under fieldconditions ? Journal of Fish Diseases 30:559-568.
Köhler HR, Sandu C, Scheil V, Nagy-Petrica EM, Segner H, Telcean I, StanG, Triebskorn R (2007). Monitoring pollution in river Mures, Romania. PartIII: Biochemical effect markers in fish and integrative reflection.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 127:47-54.
Nichols J, Erhardt S, Dyer S, James M, Moore M, Plotzke K, Segner H,Schultz I, Thomas K, Vasiluk L, Weisbrod A (2007). Workshop Report: Useof in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) datain bioaccumulation assessments for fish. Human and Ecological RiskAssessment 13:1164-1191.
Ortiz-Delgado JB, Segner H, Arellano JM, Sarasquete C (2007).
Histopathological alterations, EROD activity, CYP1A protein and biliarymetabolites in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata exposed tobenzo(a)pyrene. Histology and Histopathology 22:417-432.
Ortiz-Delgado JB, Behrens B, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2007). Tissue-specific induction of EROD activity and CYP1A protein in Sparus aurataexposed to B(a)P and TCDD. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety69:80-88.
Schäfers C, Teigeler M, Wenzel A, Maack G, Fenske M, Segner H (2007).
Concentration- and time-dependent effects of the synthetic estrogen, 17α-ethynylestradiol, on reproductive capabilities of the zebrafish, Danio rerio.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 70:768-779.
Segner H (2007). Ecotoxicology – how to asses the impact of toxicants ina multifactorial environment ? In: Mothersill C, Mosse I, Seymour C (eds).
Multiple stressors: a challenge for the future. NATO Advanced Workshop.
Environmental Security. Springer, Heidelberg-New York. pp. 39-56.
Segner H (2007). Assessing the hazard of endocrine-disruptingcompounds in fish: zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model species. In: WangY, Li S, Huang P, Yang Y, An Y, Sun X (eds). Progress in EnvironmentalScience and Technology. Proceedings of the 2007 InternationalSymposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Beijing,November 13-16, 2007. Science Press USA, Beijing. Pp. 99-106.
Shved N, Berishvili G, D’Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Segner H, Eppler E,Reinecke M (2007). Ethinylestradiol differentially interferes with IGF-I inliver and extrahepatic sites during development of male and female bonyfish. Journal of Endocrinology 195:513-524.
Zimmerli S, Bernet D, Burkhardt-Holm P, Schmidt-Posthaus H, VolanthenP, Wahli T, Segner H (2007). Assessment of fish health status in fourSwiss rivers showing a decline of brown trout catches. Aquatic Sciences69:11-25.


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