Microsoft word - helping children learn to pay attention
When I talk with parents or teachers these days, I can be sure that one of their first questions will
have to do with getting kids to pay attention � and for good reason. Attention and its partner, self-
regulation, are the foundations of learning, but these so-called "executive skills" are an increasing
problem in our multitasking society. More and more children each year are diagnosed with "attention
deficit disorder," and teachers describe increasing difficulties with students' self-control and
concentration � causing problems with everything from math tests to social relationships to
Are we in the midst of an inattention "epidemic?" What can parents do to help forestall problems � or
to deal with them once they arise? Fortunately, new brain research on the neural mechanisms
underlying attention sheds some light on these questions. While basic attention abilities may be
inborn, the good news is that many attention skills can be learned. These core abilities are rooted in
the physiology of the brain, but home and school environments have a great deal to do with how a
child learns to use his particular attention mechanisms.
Genetic factors, prenatal toxins, drugs and alcohol, as well as prematurity put children more at risk for
attention deficits. Yet ADHD, or Attention Deficit (with or without Hyperactivity) Disorder, is
controversial, since definitions and testing procedures for the disorder are vague and vary greatly
among different communities and professionals. Moreover, the idea of giving one's child a
psychoactive drug is often very worrisome to a parent. Dramatic increases in the United States of
prescriptions for drugs like Ritalin, for example, have come under question because of potential side
effects and uncertainty about long-term outcomes. Some physicians voice concerns about using a pill
alone as a remedy for problems that should be addressed at a more systemic level. While such drugs
often help children (and adults) control their behavior more effectively, they are not a "cure" and
should always be accompanied by behavioral treatment and careful monitoring.
Many ADHD children are very bright and creative. In fact a number of highly successful and productive
adults might have been so labeled if this category had been around when they were growing up. Some
educators have suggested that schools' expectations for children may be out of line when so many
otherwise able kids fail to conform to them.
Attention changes with age � a normal lack of inhibition in a four-year-old becomes a serious problem
in a ten-year-old. Moreover, a regularly bumptious child (usually a boy) may seem very much out of
place in an overly restrictive and stressful classroom. When normally active youngsters are
condemned to desks and routine pencil-and-paper tasks all day, we should not be surprised if they
show up with problems. Many schools are increasingly restricting children's free playtime; children
who need to work off physical energy don't have much of a chance. Moreover, many of today's
children are so heavily scheduled that they are actually sleep-deprived. All these factors may
Attention difficulties are also found in many children with language or reading problems; sometimes
treating the underlying condition makes it easier to focus on learning. Too much time with TV and
video games also exacerbates attention difficulties. A recent study linked amount of preschool
television exposure with later symptoms of ADHD. One Mom just told me at a workshop that after
their house burned down, destroying their son's game cube, his attention problems magically
Paying attention requires maturation and use of a number of widely scattered brain areas, all the way
from the brainstem up to the top level of the prefrontal cortex. Interconnecting loops pass through
structures in the limbic system, or "emotional" brain, including areas involved in memory and
motivation. These connections function partially on neurotransmitters in the catecholamine system
called dopamine and norepinephrine. Drugs used to treat ADHD, such as Ritalin or Strattera, regulate
these chemicals, although no one has agreed on exactly how they do it. We also do not know how
much of one's neurotransmitter balance is determined by genetics and how much by experiences,
Research has shown that there is a hereditary tendency for attention difficulties, but the brain's
chemical balance can also be changed by environmental factors. For example, chronic stress revs up
the brain's fight-or-flight chemical systems which can even kill off neurons. On the other hand,
numerous studies suggest that learning to keep one's brain quiet, as in reflection, meditation, or
absorption in self-directed play, has the opposite effect. Many of our children today rarely have a
chance to experience a quiet, self-directed mind, undistracted by adult demands or electronic
stimulation. Perhaps it is not surprising that their growing brains are showing the effects.
Practical Steps for Building Attention Skills
Intervention to build positive attention habits should begin as early as possible and definitely before
age seven. You should be particularly mindful of this possible "sensitive period" if anyone in the child's
family suffers from distractibility, mental disorganization or impulsivity. Nonetheless, changes are still
possible at any age, especially if the individual is highly motivated.
Step 1: Work for a positive and understanding emotional climate. Parents who are overly permissive
or overly bossy are more likely to have children with problems. Authoritative caregiving produces
children most able to manage their own behavior (self-regulation), who get into less trouble in school,
are better adjusted socially and who develop more powerful attention and motivation systems. These
adults are (most of the time � no one's perfect!) firm, loving, reasonably patient, empathetic, willing
to listen to the child and negotiate rules, and available to give emotional support when the child needs
it. Emotion, motivation, and attention are wound together so tightly in the brain that it is impossible to
Step 2: Establish reasonable expectations for behavior, set clear rules, and discuss or negotiate them
with the child, including consequences for infractions. Make sure all caregivers are consistent. Check
the child's understanding by asking her to tell you what you just talked about. Please heed the word
"reasonable." Sometimes parents tell me they insist their five or six-year-old sit and work on
schoolwork with them each night for an hour or more. Many adults have trouble understanding the
real limitations that immaturity places on the ability to stay with one task � especially one that the
child didn't choose. On the other hand, some parents have never learned to say "no," which is,
unfortunately, part of their job. It is not kind to the child or the world to turn loose an individual who
has never had a chance to experience and internalize a reasonable control system.
Step 3: Establish a well-regulated household environment. If your child inherited the attention
problem from you, this task is a real challenge � but your child needs it. Uncontrolled households,
where routines are never made clear and that blast young brains with too many stimuli and too little
structure impose stress on the growing brain and may diminish the development of internal control
systems. Ongoing background noise stresses out adult brains, and it can be a real trial for a child's
tender synapses. Conversely, rigidly structured households that place unrealistic demands on children
or cause them to fear making a mistake can be equally damaging.
You can help your child find the best stimulus level during different activities. We have instinctive
drives to regulate the amounts of stimulation � auditory, visual, and tactile � that come into the
brain, but children can miss their own cues. Watch for signs of unusual behavior, overexcitedness,
wildness, or withdrawal, which signal a need for protection from sensory bombardment. Do not expect
children to realize when they have had enough excitement. The same goes for "screen time." It is
much harder to turn off a TV or computer than to turn it on � even for adults.
Step 4: Teach your child to use words to plan and control behavior. Language is a major route to good
social relationships, which are often jeopardized because the impulsive child is annoying to peers in
play or cooperative learning situations.
Step 5: If you think your child has an attention deficit that is inconsistent with age and has persisted
more than six months, you may decide to consult your pediatrician or a pediatric neurologist for a
clearer diagnosis. First, inform yourself by reading several books, since there are so many points of
view on this "disorder." Be aware that chronically hurried physicians are noted for prescribing
medications, period. Experts agree that any treatment plan � whether or not you choose to use
medications � must include behavioral counseling for parents, regular caregivers, and the child. A
good professional can help you understand how to manage the child's behavior most effectively.
Systems of clear, short-term rewards and consequences are often spelled out, so the child can start to
take control of himself. The school should also be informed and involved in the treatment program, as
a helpful teacher can make a big difference. Remember that if your child has a real self-regulation
problem, he is not doing this on purpose. Keep the emotional supports and conversation in place, and
It is best, of course, to work with your child from the beginning to encourage the development of the
brain's executive centers. These areas continue to develop even throughout adolescence, so the
teenager actually has many new brain connections to call on for tackling old problems. Moral: Don't
give up! The general suggestions below are for younger children, but may be adapted for any age
In a Nutshell: Helping the Attention Regulator
Establish firm limits and predictable routines. Teach your child what "no" means � but not
punitively. Naturally, these rules will change as the youngster matures.
As the child grows, make sure she feels she has more say in setting rules and some choices in
Insist on a regular bedtime and adequate rest. Insufficient sleep can cause attention problems.
Make a routine of story or "talk" time before bed. One parent of a jumpy little boy discovered that
a brief back rub before sleep was almost instantly calming (for parent as well as the child).
Insist on a noise level in the home within reasonable limits. Some parents refer to "indoor voices"
and "outdoor voices" to give children a concrete cue. Moderate or eliminate background TV noise.
Remember that you have a framework of experience that helps you screen out sounds, while the
young child does not. One little boy was terribly distracted until his mother finally realized he was
frightened by the sound of airplanes overhead that she hadn't even noticed. After she showed him
what they were, he was able to concentrate better.
Make sure the young child has a quiet space of his own to go to at any time � even if it is only a
card table covered by a blanket. Keep TV sets and computers out of the child's room and in a
central area where use can be monitored. Teens vary in their ability to handle their own personal
media, so your parental judgment is important.
Keep adult-type stimulation to a minimum (e.g., inappropriate movies, TV, or adult magazines;
overly exciting or alarming adult conversations). Help "mediate" your child's response by
Limit TV viewing. Be tough � it's important. Too much viewing may change brain patterns and
make it harder for a child to concentrate in school.
Supervise and restrict both the amount of time and the content of computer use. Even many so-
called educational software programs may cause problems if overused. (My book, Failure to
Connect, explains possible brain effects and contains specific guidelines for computer use at
Insist that your child get some physical exercise every day, preferably outdoors.
Some youngsters with attention problems also have difficulty managing sequences of movements.
For a child like this, individual sports like swimming, bowling, or hiking may be preferable to team
sports. Sometimes training in tae kwan do, karate or yoga can enhance control systems.
Spend some time working with your child and showing him how to solve problems systematically.
Play a game, start a project, take up a hobby, such as model building or cooking together. Talk
together about the steps you take to attack each problem.
Let attention span develop naturally by also allowing time for a child to become actively engaged
Be sure there is someone to whom the child can go to be hugged, held and calmed down if
Physical contact (hugging, rocking) is still necessary for children beyond infancy.
An overexcited child may respond to a gentle but firm touch. Hold him gently by the shoulders or
sit close to him with your arm around him.
Get the child's attention with eye contact before you give a direction. Check understanding by
You may need to help a young child shift focus from one activity to another; pave the way in
advance. ("When you finish putting the books away, I'm going to ask you to wash your hands for
Prepare the child for potentially alarming or upsetting situations.
Some attention problems may show up as lethargy or "spaciness." While the dimensions of this
problem are not entirely clear, it too may warrant a consultation with a specialist.
Some children may have trouble regulating attention because of allergic responses to food or
environmental substances. If you suspect allergy, check with a specialist and observe your child
carefully to try and identify possible triggers.
Pay attention to nutrition. Excess sugar or sugar substitutes in a child's diet may contribute to
"hyper" behavior and mood swings. Maintain a firm hand here. Some nutritionists are convinced of
the benefits of essential fatty acids or certain vitamins in a wholesome diet.
Avoid frenetic scheduling. Your child's brain will grow better with some quiet downtime instead of
Use words along with actions when showing something to the child; language is the ultimate
The Power of Language in Regulating Attention
The effectiveness of the brain's prefrontal cortex, which governs the executive system, may be
improved by using words to guide behavior. Most adults instinctively use this brain-building "inner
language" to work through problems or plans � literally talking to themselves inside their heads.
Studies show that even little children perform a task better when they use "private speech" along with
action. Parents can help a toddler by describing what she is doing and encouraging her to use words,
e.g. "You are pounding the pegs into the board. Let's say 'hit' every time you pound one." Household
tasks such as cooking present many opportunities: "Let's go over the steps before we start." "What
ingredients do we need?" " Did I do it right?" "What's the next step?"
An interesting long-term study started with kindergarteners and ended when they took the SAT years
later. Experimenters gave each child a marshmallow with the instruction that if they could wait a
certain number of minutes before eating it, they would get two marshmallows to eat. Those who were
able to control their impulses and wait had higher scores years later on the SAT than those who were
unable to defer gratification and gobbled up the treat at once. The strategies that successful "waiters"
used included trying to ignore the marshmallow and, significantly, talking to themselves about how
important it was to wait and how happy they would be when they received the extra marshmallow.
The gobblers had no such strategies to help put their brains in charge of their behavior.
Caregivers who themselves use language to explain, reason with, or even discipline children are the
models for this development. In addition, children of all ages should be encouraged to talk through
situations before plunging in. I frequently ask a distractible youngster, "Sit on your hands and tell me
what you think you should do with this problem (worksheet, drawing, sentence, math equation)." The
child thinks it is funny, but it gets her brain into communication with itself, and she does a better job.
I remember one impulsive eight-year-old who could not remember to bring both book and pencil to
the reading table. Every day the teacher said to her, "Tell me what you will need. Now ask yourself,
'Do I have my pencil? My book?'" She thought this was a wonderful game, and soon we only had to
say, "Have you asked yourself the question?" Eventually, Daneesha was able to do it herself. Now a
sophisticated preteen, she sidled up to me in the hall not long ago with a big grin on her face. "You
know," she said, "I still ask myself the question."
Helping our children develop good attention and self-management skills is one of our most important
jobs. Studies of successful adults have suggested that "smarts" � or even advanced degrees � are
actually less predictive of success than a person's ability to focus effectively on a challenging problem
and exercise the self-control to stick with it. After all, what good is frantic "multi-tasking" if a person is
unable to "task" effectively? Many factors in today's culture of childhood conspire to erode attentional
abilities, but wise, patient, and caring adults can provide foundations and models that will stick for a
Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., is a teacher and educational psychologist whose major area of interest has been
identifying practical applications in current brain research for teachers and parents. She is the author
of Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence (3rd edition,
2004); Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children's Minds � and What We Can Do About
It (1998); Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think and What We Can Do About It (1990).
This article is adapted from Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to
Adolescence, 3rd Edition, Doubleday/Broadway Books, 2004.
The Influence of the Menstrual Cycle and the Oral Contraceptive Pill on the Female Singing Performance Filipa Lã1, Jane Davidson1, William Ledger2, David Howard3 & Georgina Jones4 Affiliation: Universities of Sheffield and York. Music Department, University of Sheffield1; Academic Unit of Reproductive and DevelopmentalMedicine, University of Sheffield2; Electronics Department, University
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