Functional and comparative genomics of pathogenic bacteria Gary K Schoolnik
Microarray expression profiling and the development of data-
needed to identify significantly regulated genes [14••,15•,16•].
mining tools and new statistical instruments affords an
Although not the topic of this review, some of the most
unprecedented opportunity for the genome-scale study of
comprehensive microarray studies to date concern the
bacterial pathogenicity. Expression profiles obtained from bacteria
non-pathogenic model systems Escherichia coli K-12 [17–23],
grown in media simulating host microenvironments yield a portrait
Bacillus subtilis [24] and Caulobacter crescentus [25].
of interacting metabolic pathways and multistage developmentalprograms and disclose regulatory networks. The analysis of
This review focuses on two aspects of bacterial pathogenicity,
closely related strains and species by microarray-based
gleaned from an emerging literature that describes the use
comparative genomics provides a measure of genetic variability
of genome microarrays to study the biology of infectious
within natural populations and identifies crucial differences
agents. Included here are expression profiling studies of
between pathogen and commensal. In the near future, the
bacteria cultured in vitro under conditions intended to
combined use of bacterial and host microarrays to study the
induce in vivo transcriptional programs, to define regulon
same infected tissue will reveal the host–pathogen dialogue in a
membership, and to illuminate crucial biosynthetic pathways.
gene-by-gene and site- and time-specific manner. This review
Also discussed are the capacity of comparative genomic
discusses the use of microarray-based expression profiling to
studies by microarray methods to characterize the genetic
identify genes of pathogenic bacteria that are differentially
variability of natural populations, and to identify differences
regulated in response to host-specific signals. Additionally, the
between pathogen and commensal, and between related
review describes the application of microarray methods to
pathogens that occupy different host niches or vary in some
disclose differences in gene content between taxonomically
other subtle manner. The review concludes with a brief
related strains that vary with respect to pathogenic phenotype.
summary of expression studies of infected host cells andthe promise that this holds for capturing the dialogue
Beckman Center, Room 241, Stanford Medical School, Stanford,California 94305, USA; e-mail:
Microarray expression profiling of pathogenic Current Opinion in Microbiology 2002, 5:20–26 bacteria The ultimate goal of whole genome expression studies of
pathogenic bacteria is the identification of bacterial genes
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
that are differentially regulated in the host. Within this class
of genes are those that adapt the microbe to host-specific
microenvironments or encode virulence determinants.
Ideally, studies of this kind would compare expression
profiles of bacteria within infected tissues with profiles from
bacteria cultured under standardized in vitro conditions ofgrowth. Unfortunately, this technically formidable goal has
not been achieved using non-amplification methods because
A microarray is a device that provides a surface containing
the number of organisms within infected tissues is often
representations of all (or most) of the identified open
small, RNA from host cells is vastly more abundant than
reading frames (ORFs) of a sequenced and annotated
bacterial RNA, and no efficient method to differentially
genome. Whether fabricated as a glass-spotted microarray
extract stabilized bacterial RNA from tissues has been
[1–3], high-density oligonucleotide array [4,5] or nylon
described. Because of these considerations, all published
membrane macroarrray, this simple experimental system
microarray reports of pathogenic bacteria have studied
provides the basis for two quite distinctive experimental
organisms grown in vitro. Inherent in this experimental
paradigms. Functional genomics uses expression profiling
design is the quite reasonable assumption that the expression
of mRNA to provide a condition-specific and time-
of genes encoding virulence determinants can often be induced
specific genome-scale snapshot of the transcriptome [6,7]. in vitro by simple modifications of laboratory media [26].
Comparative genomics contrasts two or more genomes atthe ORF-content level of resolution [8,9]. Both applications
Iron limitation
entail the use of clustering algorithms [10,11] and pathway
Paustian et al. [27•] studied the transcriptional response of
databases [12,13] to identify co-regulated genes that
the animal pathogen Pasteurella multocida growing under
perform common metabolic and biosynthetic functions.
iron-limited conditions in vitro. Available free iron is limited
However, microarray expression profiling data poses special
in host tissues and iron deprivation is known to induce a
analytical challenges that have required the development
complex iron-scavenging response. To characterize the
of new statistical instruments and the recognition that
P. multocida low-iron response, the organism was grown
multiple biological replicates of the same experiment are
either in an iron-replete medium or in the same medium
Functional and comparative genomics of pathogenic bacteria Schoolnik 21
containing an iron chelator. The expression profile,
acidic environment. To identify the transcriptional
obtained with a DNA microarray containing 96% of the
response of H. pylori to acidic conditions of growth, Ang et al.
organism’s 2014 ORFs, comprised 135 genes (~7% of the
[31] grew a recent gastric isolate on Columbia agar titrated
genome), including many known in other organisms to be
either to pH 7.2 or to pH 5.5. An expression profile
iron-regulated. However, the differential regulation of
obtained 48 hours thereafter with a membrane macroarray
many other genes showed that the transcriptional response
containing 96% of the 1534 predicted ORFs of H. pylori
to a change in the concentration of only one metal is
strain 26695 identified 80 acid-upregulated ORFs. Sixteen
complex and pleiotrophic, and points to the interdependency
ORFs were previously known to be acid-induced either
of multiple metabolic pathways. This result also raises the
in H. pylori or in other species, whereas an additional 43
following question, typical of many whole genome
functionally annotated ORFs code for proteins not pre-
expression responses: which genes in the overall expression
viously known to be acid-regulated. Thus, only a minority
profile compose the primary or direct response to iron
of the identified acid-regulated genes could be directly
limitation, and which are secondary, downstream conse-
associated with acid tolerance by a plausible physiological
quences of an intracellular deficiency in iron that might
mechanism or by reference to prior work. In part, this
affect multiple pathways? Direct effects are best identified
could reflect the complex and relatively unexplored nature
by the use of short time courses and experimental conditions
of the acid-resistant phenotype in this species and the
that do not cause differences in growth rate between the
large number of its ORFs that code for proteins of
unknown function. However, in part, this may also comefrom this study’s use of a solid medium, which could result
Adaptation to acidic microenvironments
in a heterogeneous growth environment because of the
The pH of some host microenvironments, like the con-
generation of metabolic gradients in the surrounding agar.
centration of available iron, challenges the capacity of
It may also result from the protracted 48-hour time course,
bacteria to adapt, especially in strongly acidic organs. The
at the end of which the transcriptome likely reflects a new
most extreme of these, the stomach, normally reaches pH
steady state rather than the adaptive process itself.
values as low as 2.0, and virtually all bacteria that ultimatelycompose the rich and varied microflora of the colon and
Cell-density-dependent gene regulation
distal small intestine have successfully transited the
Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common cause of pneumonia
‘gastric acidity barrier’ before coming to reside in the more
and meningitis, ordinarily colonizes pharyngeal mucous
alkaline environment of the intestine. Some pathogenic
membranes, a site where the development of genetic
species, particularly Shigella spp. and the enterohemorrhagic
diversity in this species is favored by transformation with
and enteroinvasive E. coli biotypes are particularly acid-
DNA from the other strains and species that inhabit this
resistant [28], explaining why infections with these
ecosystem. Competence — the capacity to bind and take up
organisms can be initiated by fewer than 30 bacteria.
extraneous DNA — is a transient, temporally programmedphysiological state induced by competence-stimulating
Growth of E. coli with acetate, which lowers the intracellular
peptide (CSP). Rimini et al. [32••] studied the kinetics of
pH, significantly increases the acid resistance of the E. coli.
CSP-induced gene expression using a S. pneumoniae
To learn more about the mechanism of acetate-induced acid
membrane macroarray. After addition of CSP, results from
tolerance, Arnold et al. [29•] incubated enterohemorrhagic
expression profiling corroborated the kinetics of the
E. coli serotype O157:H7 in a pH 7.0 medium, with or
previously documented early and late competence
without 100 mM acetate, and then obtained an expression
transcriptional patterns. However, the identification of
profile using an E. coli K-12 genome membrane macroarray
23 other upregulated genes not previously recognized to be
lacking the 1387 ORFs that are present in the E. coli
associated with competence was more important, as was the
O157:H7 genome but absent in the genome of E. coli K-12
unexpected discovery of seven downregulated CSP genes.
[30]. Despite this limitation, among the 26 upregulated
This study demonstrates how microarray expression
genes were six genes previously known to specify functions
profiling can illuminate a programmed physiological
that defend the intracellular pH during acidic conditions of
process by relating the transcriptional state of genes to a
growth. Also induced by acetate were: cfa, whose product
time course that marks its initiation, manifestation and
cyclopropanates unsaturated fatty acids in the inner
decline. It also shows that a genome-wide study will nearly
membrane, possibly decreasing its permeability to protons;
always reveal new information, even about a well-studied
hdeA, which specifies a periplasmic chaperon hypothesized
phenomenon. Other examples of this kind with non-
to prevent acid-induced denaturation of periplasmic
pathogenic bacteria include studies of the cell cycle in
proteins; and three oxidative-stress genes, dps, katE and
C. crescentus and sporulation in B. subtilis [24,25]. grxB, indicating that exposure to acetate generates reactiveoxygen species.
De Saizieu et al. [33••] used a high-density oligonucleotideAffymetrix S. pneumoniae array to study a bacteriocin-like
Helicobacter pylori is the most remarkable of the acid tolerant
peptide (BlpC) two-component quorum-sensing system
group. It chronically colonizes gastric mucous membranes
that is remarkably similar with respect to its regulation,
and is, thus, normally exposed, often for decades, to an
processing, export and signal transduction to the competence
Host–microbe interactions: bacteria
system described above. The expression profile that was
factors are of particular interest because, in other species,
induced by the addition of BlpC to an exponentially
some have been found to confer adaptive responses to
growing culture included 16 genes that are clustered on
environmental factors and stress or to be required for
the chromosome near bfpHR, which encodes the cognate
virulence. Manganelli et al. [38••] used a combination of
two-component system. These results and the demonstration
mutational and microarray methods to define the function
by Throup et al. [34] that a blpHR mutant exhibits attenuated
and characterize the regulon of the M. tuberculosis ECF σ
virulence in a murine model of pneumococcal pneumonia
factor, σE. Disruption of sigE yielded a strain that was more
shows that microarray expression analysis was able to
sensitive than the wild-type parent to heat shock, the ionic
identify a quorum-sensing system that is expressed in vivo
detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and to oxidants,
and that exhibited impaired growth in macrophage celllines. To identify σE-regulated genes, expression profiles
Low-oxygen gene regulation and induction of dormancy
were obtained from mid-exponential-phase cultures of a
Like S. pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis mainly infects
σE mutant and the wild-type parent that had been exposed
the lung. However, unlike patients with pneumococcal
to 0.05% SDS, a treatment that likely perturbs cell
pneumonia, an acute infectious process, most people
envelope lipids. Twenty-three genes were identified
infected with M. tuberculosis have a latent form of the
whose SDS-induced expression required σE. Among these
disease and are non-infectious and asymptomatic. In vitro,
were sigB, aceA (which encodes isocitrate lyase of the
a state of non-replicating persistence can be produced by
glyoxalate shunt, an activity required for full virulence in a
allowing a non-stirred culture to generate a low oxygen
murine model of tuberculosis) [39] and fadB2 (which
gradient as the respiring bacteria settle to the bottom of a
encodes 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase, a component
culture tube [35]. Non-replicating cultures of this kind,
of the fatty-acid β-oxidation pathway that may enable
viable for months and perhaps years, can be resuscitated to
assimilation of host fatty acids). These data and results from
the replicating state by re-introduction of oxygen. To
the preceding study demonstrate that microarray expression
identify M. tuberculosis genes differentially regulated by
analysis can, in principle, identify gene sets whose regulation
hypoxia, Sherman et al. [36••] shifted an early exponential-
requires, directly or indirectly, each of the annotated
phase culture from growth in air (~20% O2) to growth in a
alternative σ factors or two-component regulators in the
hypoxic atmosphere (0.2% O2, 99.8% N2). The genes
genome. Moreover, because some of the regulated genes will
induced by hypoxia were identified using a DNA
be other transcription factors, it should be possible to recon-
microarray containing >97% of the 3924 identified ORFs.
struct hierarchies of regulatory networks from these data.
Forty-seven ORFs were upregulated and, althoughapproximately two-thirds of the induced genes are of
Inhibition of biosynthetic pathways and the identification
unknown function, several with annotated functions are
of new drug targets
plausibly involved with adaptation to hypoxia. Among these
M. tuberculosis is not only a formidable human pathogen,
genes is acr, which encodes α-crystallin, a 14 kDa protein
but is also increasingly difficult to treat because of
with chaperone activity that was previously shown to
emerging resistance to one or more antitubercular drugs,
accumulate during non-replicating persistence [37]. Several
including isoniazid (INH). It has long been known that
genes coding for putative transcription factors were also
INH blocks the biosynthesis of mycolic acids, an essential
identified within the induced gene set, including two
component of the mycobacterial cell envelope, and recent
within a three-gene operon. One of these two is predicted
biochemical studies indicate that it does so by inhibiting
to encode a membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase and
the type II fatty-acid synthase (FAS-II) complex that is
the other a two-component response regulator. Mutational
required for the production of the full-length meromycolate
analysis of this operon showed that disruption of the
chain, either by binding NADH within the active site of
response regulator, but not the adjacent sensor histidine
enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (InhA) [40] or by forming
kinase, prevented hypoxic induction of acr, whose
a ternary complex with β-ketoacyl-ACP-synthase (KasA)
expression was thought to reflect the transcriptional state of
and the acyl carrier protein, AcpM [41].
other genes within the low-oxygen stimulon. Compared tothe wild-type parent strain, this mutant survived less well
Wilson et al. [42] obtained expression profiles from
in late stationary phase. The identification of the cognate
INH-treated mid-log phase cultures of M. tuberculosis; only
response regulator of this low-oxygen response exemplifies
14 differentially regulated ORFs were identified out of the
how microarray expression analysis can be used to identify
3834 whose expression state had been modified. Amongst
transcription factors and dissect regulatory networks.
these genes was the induction by INH of an operon-likecluster that encodes components of the FAS-II complex,
σ factor regulator cascades
including AcpM and KasA. This result, evident after only
M. tuberculosis dormancy may be considered to be a kind of
40 minutes, indicates that an expression profile can
developmental program that is characterized by temporally
provide useful information about a compound’s mode of
ordered transcriptional events governed by a hierarchy of
action and demonstrates that inhibition of a biosynthetic
transcription factors, including alternative σ factors. The
pathway is sensed and responded to at the transcriptional
extracytoplasmic function (ECF) subset of alternative σ
level within minutes. Also induced was fbpC, which
Functional and comparative genomics of pathogenic bacteria Schoolnik 23
encodes trehalose-dimycolyl transferase, an activity at the
of the tested pathogenic M. bovis strains. Furthermore,
end of the mycolate biosynthetic pathway that esterifies
compared to pathogenic M. bovis strains, five additional
mycolic acids with cell-wall carbohydrates. This result
regions containing 38 ORFs were deleted from one or more
shows that an expression result can illuminate components
of the tested BCG strains. Analysis of the regions deleted
of a multicomponent pathway that are remote from its
from BCG, but present in the sequenced M. tuberculosis
direct site of action — newly identified pathway components
strain, showed that genes classified as transcriptional
could contribute to the drug discovery process by disclosing
regulators were lost disproportionately and may, thus,
control the expression of genes required for virulence. When analyzed within a historical context, these results
Microarray-based comparative genomics
show that microarray-based comparative genomics can be
Genetic variability and natural selection yield strains and
used to reconstruct the genealogy of related strains at the
species adapted to particular microenvironments of the host
genomic level of resolution. In a second study by the same
and result in phenotypic differences between non-
group, Kato-Maeda et al. [46•] used a high-density oligonu-
pathogenic commensals and virulent biotypes. Accordingly,
cleotide Affymetrix array to compare 19 recent clinical
genomic comparisons between pathogenic and non-
isolates of M. tuberculosis. Compared to the sequenced
pathogenic strains of the same species can be particularly
reference strain, each unique clinical isolate was found to
informative because genes exclusively present in the former
have lost, on average, ~17 ORFs corresponding to ~0.3% of
may be required for infectivity, virulence or adaptation to a
the H37Rv genome. In all, 25 deleted sequences were
particular host niche. Microarray-based comparisons
detected, including 22 intergenic segments and all or part
between a fully sequenced genome and an unsequenced,
of 93 ORFs. On the basis of their functional annotations,
but related, genome can provide valuable information
several of the deleted genes could conceivably affect
about the diversity and evolution of pathogens and
virulence, including three encoding phospholipase-C, one
symbionts [8,9]. Comparisons of this kind employ a
encoding a polyketide synthase and three encoding
microarray containing representations of all the ORFs of
putative transcriptional regulators. Remarkably, strains
the sequenced, reference strain and labeled DNA from
that had sustained the most deletions were less likely to
the unsequenced, experimental strain. The resulting
have been isolated from patients with pulmonary cavitation.
hybridized array will disclose genes common to both strains
Cavity formation is a hallmark of tuberculosis and essential
and genes that are present in the reference strain but absent
for the efficient transmission of the organism to susceptible
in the experimental strain. This method, however, cannot
hosts. Thus, degradation of the genome may be associated
detect genes present in the experimental strain but absent
in this species with a trend to decreased infectivity.
in the reference strain: point mutations, includingframe-shift mutations; small deletions and deletions in
H. pylori strain diversity
homologous repetitive elements; rearrangements of the
H. pylori infection of the upper gastrointestinal tract
genome that have not resulted in deletion of a gene; and
causes a spectrum of conditions ranging from asymptomatic
differences in the number of multicopy genes [8,9,43••].
infection to gastritis, gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer
Additionally, in contrast to high-density oligonucleotide
disease and gastric cancer. Comparison of two complete
arrays, DNA-spotted microarrays and membrane macroarrays
H. pylori sequences revealed that ~6% of each genome was
do not ordinarily include representations of intergenic
not present in the other genome and that recombinations,
regions of the genome and, thus, cannot detect deletions
insertions and deletions, changes in repetitive elements
within these non-coding segments, even though these
and single-nucleotide substitutions had created considerable
specify promoter elements and small, non-translated RNAs
diversity [47]. To further explore the genomic diversity of
and thus could be functionally important [44]. Despite
this species, Salama et al. [43••] used a microarray representing
these limitations, the few published studies of this kind
98.6% of the ORFs of both sequenced species to examine
have been quite informative, in part because events leading
the genomic content of 15 H. pylori strains. They identified
to gene acquisition and gene loss are a major source of
1281 ORFs that were common to all the tested strains;
diversity in bacterial pathogens [8] and many changes of
these represent the ‘functional core’ of this species’
this kind are readily detected by microarray methods.
genome. Among them were genes coding for metabolicand biosynthetic pathways and for cellular and regulatory
M. tuberculosis, M. bovis and BCG vaccine strains
functions. By contrast, 362 ORFs, comprising 22% of the
Behr et al. [45], in perhaps the first example of a study of
genome, were absent from one or more of the tested
this kind, used a DNA microarray to compare the genome
strains; these comprise strain-specific genes and were
composition of the sequenced M. tuberculosis laboratory
hypothesized to encode functions that adapt the organism
strain H37Rv with the closely related pathogenic
to a particular host niche. An intriguing aspect of this study
species, M. bovis, and with several strains of the bacille
was the use of a clustering algorithm for the analysis of
Calmette–Guerin (BCG) vaccine variant that was produced
strain-specific genes and the identification of several genes
by serial in vitro passage of M. bovis between 1908 and
that may have been co-inherited with genes in the patho-
1921. Compared to M. tuberculosis, 11 regions containing 91
genicity island and may therefore also encode virulence
ORFs were found to have been deleted from one or more
determinants. In a separate study, Israel et al. [48] used the
Host–microbe interactions: bacteria
same H. pylori microarray to compare the genomic content
expression studies of infected host cells have been
of two clinical strains that produce significantly different
conducted as well and hold considerable promise for
levels of gastritis, cellular proliferation and apoptosis in the
capturing the intricate sequence of measure and counter-
gerbil gastritis model. The microarray results showed that
measure between pathogen and host. Thus far, however,
the less proinflammatory strain had sustained a large
all such studies have been carried out in vitro. Technical
deletion of the cag pathogenicity island, providing a
innovations will be necessary before microarray-based
genetic explanation for its relative attenuation.
bacterial expression studies of infected tissues can beconducted. The availability of improved methods and more
Profiling the dialogue between pathogen
powerful bioinformatic tools will provide whole-genome
portraits of the transcriptomes of pathogen and host in a
Pathogenesis entails not only the differential expression of
time-, tissue- and cell-specific manner.
bacterial genes, but also responses by the host. In principle,then, microarray expression analysis of bacterially infected
cells and tissues can identify, simultaneously and in the
I thank past and current members of my laboratory for their contributions tothe art and science of microarray expression work in my laboratory, which
same sample, host and pathogen genes that are regulated
was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AI 39521,
during the infectious process. Although not within the
AI 43422 and AI44826) and the Glaxo Group Research Action TB Program.
scope of this review, the host contribution to this processhas been the focus of five published microarray studies
References and recommended reading
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analysis of microarray expression data on the basis of a linear analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) model. Use of this instrument to analyze an E. coli K-12
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Functional and comparative genomics of pathogenic bacteria Schoolnik 25
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likely to have been co-inherited with the cag pathogenicity island and, thus,
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human macrophage cell death. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001,
a transformed bronchial epithelial cell line. The study showed that, in addition
to a generalized NFκB-dependent, pro-inflammatory response, the following
An array containing 22 571 human genes and ESTs was used to study the
genes were indicated: genes specifically activated by pertussis toxin; genes
macrophage response to S. typhimurium and to an isogenic phoP mutant.
coding for respiratory tract mucins; and genes that specifically encode anti-
PhoP was found to be required for the induction of macrophage genes
apoptosis factors. The resulting expression profile provides a transcriptional
associated with programmed cell death.
portrait that is congruent with the histopathology of whooping cough in man.
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The patient was referred by her therapist for diagnostic clarification and treatment considerations. Specifically, oatterns of behavior which seem to impede her functioning, especially related to wo-c. were a ocus of examination. • Clinical Interview • Review of Neuropsychological Evaluation (11/20/2006) • Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Ed - (Bender.2) • MitLón Clinical Multia