Aspirin, aspirin-related products, ALL herbal products and Vitamin E must not be taken during the two weeks prior to and after surgery because they increase bleeding. For this reason, it is very important that contents of any “over the counter preparations” are checked carefully prior to their use. Many headache preparations, cold remedies and “hangover cures” contain ASPIRIN. The chemical name of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. These drugs must not be taken during the TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO SURGERY. Examples of drugs containing salicylates are as follows: Acetidine Alka-Seltzer Anacin Anahist APC Aspirin BC Bromo-Quininn Bromo-Seltzer Bufferin Coricin Darvon Compound Diflunisal Disalcid Dristan Ecotrin Empirin Excedrin Inhiston Liquiprin Midol Pepto-Bismol Persistin Salflex Stanback Theracin Trigesic Vitamin E Many arthritis and pain medications have effects on bleeding similar to aspirin. However, the effects are shorter lived. These drugs must be stopped ONE WEEK prior to surgery. The chemical names of the drugs are ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxyn, tolmetin, and piroxicam. Some of the brand names are: Advil Aleve Anaprox Ansaid Arthrotec Betra Carafelm Celebrex Clinoril Daypro Diclofenac Doldobid Feledene Indocin Lodine Mobic Motrin Naprosyn Nuprin Orudis Ponstel Relafen Sulindac Tolectin Toroadol Vioxx Voltaren Prescription medications should be stopped only with the approval of the physician who prescribed the medication. Some prescription medications can create serious life-threatening problems during surgery or anesthesia.
These medications must be DISCONTINUED before surgery – but only with the approval of the prescribing physician.* Please contact our office immediately if you are taking any of these medication. Adipex (Phentermine) Blocadren Cartrol Corgard Daimon Esidri “Fenphen” Hismanal *Inderal Inderide Levatol Pondimin (fenfluramine) *Propranalol Redux (Dexfenfluramine) Visken *Inderal/Propranalol should be stopped TWO weeks prior to surgery* Other blood pressure medication can be taken the night before surgery but not the morning of surgery. NICOTINE interferes with healing by reducing the blood flow. You are advised to avoid smoking, gums, and patches which contain NICOTINE for TWO weeks prior to surgery and TWO weeks after surgery. ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING THE MORNING OF SURGERY. These are some recommendations to help promote healing:
• Vitamin C 500mg twice daily for ONE or TWO weeks before surgery and after surgery.
• Mulit-Vitamin, use Centrum or your preference
• Arnica Montana, take ONE following surgery and continue for ONE to TWO weeks
• Bromelain, begin taking THREE days prior to surgery and continue for ONE to TWO
LA SIGNIFICACION DE LA COMUNA Henri Lefebvre (1962) La insurrección del 18 de marzo y los grandes días de la Comuna que siguieron, suponen la apertura ilimitada hacia el porvenir y lo posible, sin prestar atención a los obstáculos y a las imposibilidades que pueden atajar el camino. Una espontaneidad fundamental separa los sedimentos depositados por los siglos: el Estado, la burocr Úgy másfél éve történt, hogy a következő mondat visszhangzott a fejemben:A TULSI TEA KÉPES SEGÍTENI AZ AUTISTA GYERMEKEKNEK. Nem tudtam megmagyarázni, de igen erős meggyőződésként hatott. Így aztán sok alkalommal mondtam autisztikus gyermekek édesanyjának vagy édesapjának, hogy esetleg érdemes megpróbálni. Néhány kivéte