Journal of Ethnopharmacology 66 (1999) 11–17
Antioxidant and eicosanoid enzyme inhibition properties of
pomegranate seed oil and fermented juice flavonoids
Shay Yehoshua Schubert a, Ephraim Philip Lansky b, Ishak Neeman a,*
a Laboratories of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa32000, Israel
b Rimoni Corporation, Science Park, Nesher, Israel
Received 8 April 1998; received in revised form 9 November 1998; accepted 20 November 1998
The antioxidant and eicosanoid enzyme inhibition properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fermented juice
and seed oil flavonoids were studied. The pomegranate fermented juice (pfj) and cold pressed seed oil (pcpso) showedstrong antioxidant activity close to that of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and green tea (Thea sinensis), andsignificantly greater than that of red wine (Vitis 6itifera). Flavonoids extracted from pcpso showed 31–44% inhibitionof sheep cyclooxygenase and 69–81% inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase. Flavonoids extracted from pfj showed21–30% inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase though no significant inhibition of sheep cyclooxygenase. The pcpso wasanalyzed for its polyphenol content and fatty acid composition. Total polyphenols in pcpso showed a concentrationby weight of approximately 0.015%. Pcpso fatty acid composition showed punicic acid (65.3%) along with palmiticacid (4.8%), stearic acid (2.3%), oleic acid (6.3%), linoleic acid (6.6%) and three unidentified peaks from which two(14.2%) are probably isomers of punicic acid (El-Shaarawy, M.I., Nahpetian, A., 1983). Studies on pomegranate seedoil. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel 83(3), 123–126). 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Pomegranate; Cyclooxygenase; Lipoxygenase; Antioxidant; Eicosanoids; Punica granatum1. Introduction
main use of pomegranate is as table fruit, butlarge amounts are used in the beverage and liquor
Pomegranate (Punica granatum), a small tree
industries (Nagy et al., 1990). The pericarp, con-
originating in the Orient, belongs to the Puni-
taining up to 30% tannins, is used in tanning
caceae family (Harde et al., 1970). Pomegranate is
grown mainly in Iran, India and the USA, but
In folk medicine, pomegranate preparations,
also in most Near and Far East countries. The
especially of the dried pericarp, but also of theroots, barks of the tree and roots, and the juice of
* Corresponding author. Fax: +972-4-832-0742.
the fruit, are employed as per orum medication in
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S.Y. Schubert et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 66 (1999) 11–17
the treatment of colic, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery,
collection from the Neve Yaar Research Station,
leucorrhea, menorrhagia, oxyuriasis, paralysis and
Volcani Agricultural Research Organization,
rectocele, and as external applications to caked
Ministry of Agriculture, State of Israel in the
breast (Duke and Ayensu, 1985) and to the nape
southern Galilee. A sample of mixed cultivars was
headache (Ayensu, 1981). Further, a number oftherapeutic actions of these materials have been
2.2. Preparation of fermented plant juice (pfj )
described including vermifugal, taenicidal, astrin-gent, antispasmodic, antihysteric, diuretic, carmi-
The seeds of the fruit containing the intact juice
native. sudorific, galactogogue and emmenagogue
sacs were manually separated from the pericarps,
and the sacs ruptured by very light agitation in an
Flavonoids, a broad class of polyphenolic com-
electric blender for 2–3 s. The mixture of the juice
pounds widely distributed among photosynthesiz-
and the seeds was then added to a high quality
ing cells, possess an impressive array of
sterilized plastic jug (ordinarily used for storing
pharmacological activity (Hasten, 1983). These
spring water). To 16 l of this mixture was added 5
include: free radical scavenging, inhibition of a
g of wine yeast, Saccharomycs bayanus (Lalvin
vast spectrum of enzymes, and estrogenic activity.
EC-1118) obtained from Lallemand, Montreal,
Consequently, a potential role for these com-
Canada. A sterile surgical glove was affixed to the
pounds in several therapeutic functions is appar-
neck of the bottle with a rubber band which
ent. As anti-inflammatory agents, flavonoids may
served as a pressure release valve, and fermenta-
be effective against parodentitis and local pain,
tion was allowed to proceed at room temperature
without the gastric irritating effects of aspirin and
until complete (10 days). A portion of the wine
was then decanted and gradually evaporated to
(which also act through inhibition of cyclooxyge-
one-tenth of its original volume to yield the pfj
Flavonoids have also been suggested as cancer-protective agents, if not therapeutic ones (Hasten,
2.3. Preparation of cold pressed pomegranate seed
1983) and the consumption of dietary flavonoids
was inversely correlated with coronary heart dis-ease in a population of elderly men (Hertog et al.,
After the completion of fermentation of the
1993). In the present work we studied pcpso and
juice, the seeds were removed by straining and
pfj for their antioxidant activity (Hammerschmidt
dried in the sun, or alternatively, over an electric
and Pratt, 1978) and inhibitory effects on lipoxy-
radiator. The dried seeds were then cold pressed
genase and cyclooxygenase, key enzymes in the
in a Tiby Press Type 55 machine with a 7-mm
eicosanoids pathway. Lipoxygenase inhibition was
nozzle manufactured by Skeppsta Maskin of Ore-
determined using soybean 5-lipoxygenase (Gross-
bro, Sweden. A 5.3% yield of oil per dry weight of
man and Zakut, 1979) and cyclooxygenase inhibi-
tion using sheep cyclooxygenase from sheepvesicular glands (Van der Ouderaa et al., 1977).
2.4. Fla6onoid extraction from pcpso
Flavonoid extraction from the pcpso was ac-
2. Materials and methods
complished with the method previously describedfor olive oil (Vazues et al., 1973). A 10-g aliquot
of pcpso was moved with 50 ml hexane in aseparation funnel and polyphenols extracted with
Plant material was collected by one of the
three volumes of 60% methanol. The methanol
authors (E. Lansky) through the courtesy of the
phase was then moved to a second separation
late Professor Dan Palevitch from the cultivar
S.Y. Schubert et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 66 (1999) 11–17
methanol phase was then collected and dried
taken immediately after addition of the emulsion
with anhydrous Na2SO4 and again dried in a
to the antioxidant solution against a blank con-
vacuum evaporator at 40°C. The resultant
taining absolute ethyl alcohol (Carlo Erba,
polyphenols were resuspended in methanol and
Italy). The tubes were stoppered and placed in a
extracted with three portions of chloroform,
water bath at 50°C, with readings taken at 15-
each half the volume of the methanol phase.
min intervals for 90 min. Controls consisted of
The chloroform was removed and the methanol
butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA, Sigma), green
dried again in the vacuum evaporator at 40°C.
tea (Bi Luo Chun, Hua Sheng Wen Ju Factory,
The polyphenols were resuspended in water and
Su Zhou, China) and red wine (Cabernet Sauvi-
extracted with petrol ether (60–80) until a clear
organic phase was obtained. The water phasewas saturated with NaCl and extracted with
four portions of ethyl acetate (EA), each a thirdof the water phase volume. The EA fractions
Polyphenols were determined using a spec-
trophotometric method (AOAC, 1990). Folin
Na2SO4. The EA was dried in a vacuum evapo-
phomolybdic acid (20 mg, 50 ml) were distilled
for 2 h in reflux, chilled and diluted to 1 liter inDDW. Subsequently, 35 g Na
2.5. Fla6onoid extraction from pjf
solved in 100 ml DDW, left overnight for crys-tallization and filtered.
The pomegranate fermented juice extract was
To obtain a calibration curve, to different
combined with two times its volume of EA,
concentrations of tannic acid were added 0.5 ml
shaken vigorously, and left for 8 h. The EA
phase was then dried in the vacuum evaporator
lowed by DDW until a total volume of 10 ml
was achieved. Readings were taken at 760 nm
after 30 min. Polyphenols were determined in asimilar manner, but instead of tannic acid the
2.6. Determination of antioxidant acti6ity
Antioxidant activity was determined by mea-
suring the coupled oxidation of carotene and
linoleic acid (Fluka, Germany), a modificationof a method previously reported (Hammer-
schmidt and Pratt, 1978). Approximately 10 mg
vesicula seminalis (Yamamoto, 1982). Ten vesi-
trans-b-carotene (type 1 synthetic, Sigma, St
cles from freshly slaughtered sheep were homog-
Louis, MO) was dissolved in 10 ml of chloro-
enized in three volumes of potassium phosphate
form. The carotene–chloroform solution, 0.2 ml,
was pipetted into a boiling flask containing 20
ml linoleic acid and 200 ml Tween-40 (Sigma).
centrifuged at 12000cg for 15 min and the
After removal of the chloroform with N2, 50 ml
surfactant centrifuged at 100000cg for 1 h.
of double distilled water (DDW) was added to
The pellet containing the microsomal fraction
the flask with vigorous swirling. To tubes con-
was dissolved in Tris–HCl buffer (Sigma) con-
taining the putative antioxidants in 2 ml
ethanol, 5 ml of the aliquots of these emulsions
and 20% glycerol, centrifuged at 27000cg for
were each added to final concentrations by
30 min, and the surfactant containing the dis-
weight of 0.01%. Spectrophotometric readings at
solved enzyme was collected into small contain-
470 nm (Ultraspec II spectrophotometer) were
S.Y. Schubert et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 66 (1999) 11–17
2.9. Determination of the acti6ity of
flame ionization detector and coupled to a Ku-
The activity of cyclooxygenase was determined
coated with 10% FFAP. Column temperature was
using a polarographic assay employing an O2
programmed from 190 to 210°C. Nitrogen was
electrode. Oxygen uptake was measured as the
the carrier gas. Mixtures of authentic standard
change in dissolved oxygen concentration cata-
fatty acids methyl esters were chromatographed
lyzed by cyclooxygenase and measured using a
under the same conditions for comparison.
Clark (O2) electrode. The substrate was arachi-
donic acid 90% purity (Sigma), 0.1 mM in Tris–HCl, pH 8.0 buffer and Hemin (chlorid) (FlukaGermany) 1 M. The enzyme was preincubated for
3. Results and discussion
2 min with the inhibitor, then added to the reac-tion cell containing the substrate at 30°C. Hy-
droquinone (Fluka Germany), 0.041 mg/ml, was
pomegranate fermented juice (pjf) extract and
added immediately prior to the reaction. In-
pomegranate cold pressed seed oil extract (pcpso)
domethacin (Sigma), a known cyclooxygenase in-
are compared with the chemical antioxidant stan-
hibitor, was used as a positive control.
dard, BHA, and the most popular botanical an-tioxidants, green tea and red wine. As can be
2.10. Determination of the acti6ity of
pomegranate fractions was significantly superiorto that of red wine. Conversely, the antioxidant
The activity of soybean lipoxygenase (Sigma)
activity of the pomegranate fractions approached,
was similarly determined using a polarographic,
but did not surpass, the antioxidant activity of
oxygen-measuring assay. Oxygen uptake was as-
sessed as the change in dissolved oxygen concen-
The measurement of antioxidant activity de-
tration catalyzed by lipoxygenase and measured
picted in the figure is accomplished through a
using the aforementioned Clark electrode. The
coupled oxidation of linoleic acid to a variety of
substrate in this case was linoleic acid, 7.5 mM,
future oxidation-provoking oxidation products,
dispersed in water with the help of Tween 20, and
and b-carotene, whose pigment is readily and
Case Scenario 1 A 53 year old white female presented to her primary care physician with post-menopausal vaginal bleeding. The patient is not a smoker and does not use alcohol. She has no family history of malignancy. She had an endometrial biopsy that was positive for endometrial adenocarcinoma. She was sent to have a CT of the abdomen and pelvis and was found to have thickening of the uterus
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