hile globalization is perceived as a challenge both inthe United States and in Europe, the policy debate inboth regions differs widely with even the position ofthe right and left sometimes reversed.
Following standard stereotypes, it is clear that
WAmericans are more pro-market than Europeans.
Does not the old continent struggle with the conse-quences of its politicians continuously fiddling
around with the free-market forces? According to the same clichés, part of the differ-ence stems from the stronger leaning of Europeans towards the political left as the leftworldwide usually pushes for stronger government interventions.
A closer look at current national policy debates reveals a much more nuanced pic-
ture. In some fields, such as free trade, it can even be argued that Europe is at themoment more free-market than America, with parts of the American left playing muchmore protectionist tunes than their European counterparts. And in other fields, theEuropean left surprisingly takes positions which in the United States are today oftenassociated with a certain breed of free-market Republicans. THE MAGAZINE OF
While on both sides of the Atlantic challenges from globalization have been a
dominant topic in economic policy debate, the reactions have been quite different. Both
the European Union and the United States have experienced extremely strong growth
Sebastian Dullien is economics correspondent at the Financial Times Deutschland. In January and February 2007, he was DAAD-Fellow at the American Institute forContemporary German Studies in Washington, D.C.
in Chinese imports over the past years, with the respectivebilateral trade balances with China deteriorating sharply. In both regions, stories about the offshoring of thousands
When it comes to simple trade in goods
of jobs have featured strongly in the national media. Onboth sides of the North Atlantic, a very small portion ofthe toys or apparel sold is still made at home. or services, calls for policy intervention
However, it has been mainly American politicians
who have started to blame the rest of the world for thedomestic industries’ problems. Not only is Democratic
in Europe have been extremely rare.
presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton (NY) regu-larly referring to the American middle classes’ fear of hav-ing their jobs shipped abroad, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)stated in his reply to President George Bush’s State of the
cost countries while destroying jobs at home. There were
Union address that it is the duty of the U.S. government to
never calls for restricting trade or even having other coun-
“to insist that [the American workers’] concerns be dealt
tries adjust their exchange rates. Instead, the debate
with fairly in the international marketplace.” The union-
focused on domestic policy reforms to cope better with
supported Economic Policy Institute even called for “a
pause” in passing new trade agreements—something that
The second surprising difference between the eco-
would be unthinkable from a German union think tank.
nomic policy debate in Europe and the United States
The U.S. Congress is now working on a number of broad
emerges when it comes to how agents from the different
trade and currency bills which again might threaten puni-
ends of the political spectrum position themselves with
tive tariffs against low-wage countries which actively
respect to public deficits and possible bubbles in asset
markets. While in Europe, conservatives are the primary
In Europe, by contrast, there might be resistance to
advocates of the reduction in government deficits, and the
globalization as a symbol (as witnessed in the occasional
left is more willing to accept higher borrowing, the situ-
tearing down of a McDonald’s restaurant in France), or
ation in the United States is reversed. Here, successive
against foreign companies taking over domestic corpo-
Republican White House aspirants have claimed that
rations and laying off parts of the workforce. However,
“deficits don’t matter” and advocated tax cuts even at the
resistance against foreign investment can also be wit-
expense of significantly increasing public deficits, while
nessed in the United States, as seen in the current CFIUS
the Rubin Democrats have demanded austerity and more
(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States)
disciplined fiscal policy. In Europe, mainly conservatives
renewal following the Dubai Ports World incident. And
warn against both an overly lax monetary policy and the
when it comes to simple trade in goods or services, calls
encouragement of asset price bubbles, while in the United
for policy intervention in Europe have been extremely
States it is a collection of left-of-the-center pundits whohave been sounding alarms about bubbles in the real estatemarket. The laissez-faire officials in the BushAdministration, as well as the current and former Fed
chairmen, have been much more benign towards possi-ble asset market misalignments than their colleagues atthe Frankfurt Euro-Tower.
Surely some part of these contrasts in the economic
policy debates can be explained by differences in eco-nomic structure between the United States and most con-
tinental European economies. First, all Europeaneconomies are much more open than the United States. While at first sight this might increase the fear of global-ization, it seems to have the opposite effect. Workers
rare. In Germany the long period of job losses after the
employed in the export sector learn quite quickly how
2001 recession gave rise to Hans-Werner Sinn’s idea of
important foreign business is for the well-being of their
the “Bazaar economy”—the claim that German industry
company, and their own job and income. For the workers
was only expanding its export market share by out-
in the Mercedes factories in southern Germany, the rest of
sourcing the production of intermediary inputs to low-
the world not only competes with their autos, but also
helps secure those jobs in the first place with low-value
more protected in Europe, their representatives might not
production going to foreign markets.
fear the consequences of a bursting bubble as much as
In contrast, if European companies do not sell much
abroad, it might be easier for managers to use globaliza-
Moreover, low-income workers in the United States
tion as both an excuse for results from bad management as
might actually be hit harder by the popping of a bubble
well as a tool to put pressure on its workers. In this con-
than those in Europe. A special feature of the macroeco-
text, it is interesting to note that even within largely pro-
nomic imbalances and possible bubbles in the United
trade Europe, the more open countries seem to be less
States is the existence of the twin deficits in both the cur-
prone to protectionism. France, perhaps the most protec-
rent account and the government budget. This lack of
tionist country in Europe, actually is the second-least open
domestic savings makes the American economy very
country in the Eurozone (after Italy), with an import pen-
dependent on the import of foreign capital. Most scenar-
ios of a correction of U.S. asset prices include a sharp
A second factor helping the Europeans more easily
devaluation of the U.S. dollar. This devaluation might
accept globalization than the Americans is the more gen-
well burden low-income earners disproportionally. In this
erous social safety net. Especially in the very open
group, a larger share of income is spent on food and man-
Scandinavian countries, workers are well-cushioned from
ufactured goods, both of which can be expected to become
trade-induced structural changes, but in Germany or
more expensive as the dollar depreciates.
France as well the social system provides some relief from
In Europe, in contrast, the possible bursting of a bub-
the mishap of unemployment. Moreover, the stronger
ble (say in the real estate sector of Spain or Ireland) is not
redistributive policies in continental Europe make even
necessarily associated with a depreciation of the currency.
permanent losses in some professions due to international
The Eurozone’s overall current account is almost bal-
trade more bearable as their relative loss in social status
anced, and a decline in value of the euro in a magnitude as
and disposable income will often be far less than the ini-
some believe possible for the greenback seems unrealis-
tic. Moreover, a larger part of Europe’s workers still work
Europe’s rather generous social safety net might be
in the manufacturing sector. Any strong depreciation of
another reason why the political left in Europe is much
the euro, while of course hurting the workers’ purchasing
less concerned about asset price bubbles than the left in
power, would at the same time make their jobs more
the United States: As seen at the end of 2001, the bursting
secure and might even provide for an increase in incomes
of bubbles can cause recessions and job losses, especially
as the profit situation of their companies improves, thus
for the low-qualified as this group always loses out first in
mitigating the initial loss in real income.
a labor market downturn. Since this group is relatively
Finally, the difference in attitudes towards the gov-
ernment budget deficit between the political left and righton both sides of the Atlantic might be explained with thespecial political economy of tax increases in America. At
The laissez-faire officials in the Bush
least since George H.W. Bush lost the presidential electionin 1992 after breaching his promise not to raise taxes, it istaken for granted that American voters punish tax
Administration, as well as the current
increases. But there is little evidence of such a consistentlarge voter response to tax policy among Europeans. Inthe United States, a large fiscal deficit might be used to
and former Fed chairmen, have been
push through cuts in government expenditure, especiallyin social programs (exactly as advocated by some con-servatives under the term “starve the beast”). In Europe,
where citizens are actually keen on generous public spend-ing, a structural budget deficit might at the end be filled byhigher taxes without political recoil. Recent developments
asset market misalignments than their
in Germany illustrate this. The grand coalition of ChristianDemocrats and Social Democrats hiked the national VATrate by three percentage points with the larger part of the
colleagues at the Frankfurt Euro-Tower.
revenue being used to fill shortfalls in the budget, withoutstructurally touching any expenditure or seeing signifi-cant response in the polls. The Deficit
be attributed to structural differencesbetween the economies. One addi-tional reason seems to be the nature of
America. At least since George H.W. Bush lost the presidential election in George H.W. Bush
response to tax policy among Europeans. In the United States, a large fis-
cal deficit might be used to push through cuts in government expenditure,
especially in social programs (exactly as advocated by some conservatives
under the term “starve the beast”). In Europe, where citizens are actually
keen on generous public spending, a structural budget deficit might at the
end be filled by higher taxes without political recoil.
mum wage in Germany and the UnitedStates exemplifies this difference. In Germany, parts of
The more diverse economic debate in the United
the Social Democrats demanded the introduction of a legal
States might have made it easier for politicians on both
minimum wage, with proposals ranging from €5.00 to
sides to deviate both from what is perceived as common
€7.50 an hour. In the United States, Congress has voted to
knowledge as well as from their own ideological preju-
increase the legal minimum wage by 40 percent to $7.25
dices. For the left in America, the prospect of violating
per hour. While a significant number of economists spoke
the accepted economic wisdom that all countries benefit
out for the proposal in the United States, it is hard to find
from free trade thus might not seem to be as threatening
a single prominent German economist who would sup-
as in Europe, especially now that they can more easily
port introducing any legal minimum wage.
find at least some academics who show how some of their
What is more, even the analysis of the consequences
clientele might be better off with some kind of protec-
differed widely. In the United States, surveys among
tionism. And for the political right, deviations from the
economists show that they believe on average that an
New Classical ideas of hands-off-approaches to the econ-
increase in the minimum wage by 10 percent would cut
omy, both in macro stabilization as well as in agreeing to
employment in the low-earnings sector by perhaps one
a higher minimum wage, might be more acceptable—at
percent (which would translate into a labor demand elas-
least if giving up basic principles pragmatically helps to
ticity of 0.1). In contrast, German economists claim that
respond to pressing problems such as a recession or the
an increase of wages at the bottom of the wage distribu-
feeling of the average American of being left out of the
tion by 10 percent would cut employment by 10 to 20
percent (translating into a labor demand elasticity 10 to
While this openness may lead to inconsistent policy
20 times as high). While U.S. economists have produced
and some resistance to globalization in the United States
a vast body of empirical literature on the effect of higher
that is not found in Europe, it also has its benefits. After
minimum wages to support their low estimates of the
all, at least over the past two decades, the United States
demand elasticity for low-wage labor, the German empir-
managed a much more impressive overall economic per-
ical evidence is thin and often fails to distinguish changes
formance than Europe with its more open-minded policy
in macroeconomic environment and in the relevant wage
approach, even with the occasional call for protectionism
Dental endosseous implants in the medically compromised patient. Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, London, UK. c.scully@eastman.ucl.ac.uk Abstract The literature contains numerous observations on the significance of systemic disorders as contraindications to dental endosseous implant treatment, but the justification for these statements is often apparently allegorical
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