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Kranz et al.:Intrinsic Activity, 2013; 1(Suppl. 1):A4.6 published online: 1 October 2013
Joint Meeting of the Austrian Neuroscience Association (13th ANA Meeting) and the Austrian Pharmacological Society (19th Scientific Symposium of APHAR) Vienna, Austria, 16–19 September 2013
Furthermore, our study reveals a strong dependence of regional
SSRI-induced occupancy of the serotonin transporter
SERT blockage and residual availability on pretreatment SERT
investigated with positron emission tomography
availability. These findings corroborate sustained SERT binding and
Georg S. Kranz1, Rupert Lanzenberger1,*, Daniela Haeusler2, Pia
rebinding of SSRIs in regions with high SERT availability as
Baldinger1, Markus Savli1, Marie Spies1, Gregor Gryglewski1,
mechanisms of prolonged antidepressant drug action [3].
Wolfgang Wadsak2, Markus Mitterhauser2 and Siegfried Kasper1
References 1Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of
1. Meyer JH, Wilson AA, Sagrati S, Hussey D, Carella A, Potter WZ,
Vienna, Austria; 2Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-
Ginovart N, Spencer EP, Cheok A, Houle S: Serotonin transporter guided Therapy, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University of occupancy of five selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors at different doses: an [11C]DASB positron emission tomography study.Am J Psychiatry, 2004; 161(5):826–835. Background: According to the law of mass action, and assuming
2. Gill JS, Zezulka AV, Beevers DG, Davies P: Relation between
that serotonin transporter (SERT) availability is proportional to its
initial blood pressure and its fall with treatment. Lancet, 1985;
density, SERT occupancy by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs), defined as percent signal reduction should be similar
3. Vauquelin G, Charlton SJ: Long-lasting target binding and
across regions. However, an earlier positron emission tomography
rebinding as mechanisms to prolong in vivo drug action.
(PET) study found SERT occupancies to vary across regions [1].
Br J Pharmacol, 2010; 161(3):488–508.
We therefore tested the homogeneity of regional SERT occupancy
and its dependence on pretreatment SERT availability in depressed subjects. Methods: Nineteen out-patients suffering from major depression received oral doses of either escitalopram (10 mg/day, 10 subjects) or citalopram (20 mg/day, 9 subjects) (Lundbeck A/S, Denmark) and underwent one [11C]DASB PET scan before treatment (PET1) and one 6 hours following the first SSRI dose (PET2). SERT binding potential (BPND) was quantified and occupancy was defined as: occupancy (%) = (1 − BPND PET2 / BPND PET1) × 100. Regional SERT occupancies were compared to mean occupancies across regions. Associations between SERT occupancy and pretreatment availability were tested using two different approaches to avoid statistical artefacts [2]: (i) regression of residual SERT availability on pretreatment availability; (ii) correlation of the mean between pretreatment and residual availability (Oldham’s transformation) and absolute SERT reduction. Results: Occupancies at PET2 ranged between 43.53 ± 18.09 % and 82.16 ± 7.36 %. Mean cortical occupancy values were significantly lower than mean subcortical occupancy values (65.66 ± 10.60 % vs. 72.99 ± 6.75 %, p = 0.001, paired samples t-test). Repeated-measures ANOVA and post-hoc paired samples t-tests revealed that middle and inferior temporal cortex had significantly lowered occupancies, whereas subgenual cingulate cortex had significantly greater occupancies compared to mean cortical occupancies. Likewise, subcortical regions such as the putamen and thalamus, exhibited decreased occupancies, whereas amygdala and raphe nuclei had greater occupancies compared to mean subcortical occupancies (all p < 0.05 corrected). Regression analysis revealed a strong positive effect of pretreatment SERT binding on residual SERT binding (R2 = 0.92, β = 0.96, T = 15.10, p < 0.001). Similarly, high associations were found between Oldham’s transformation and absolute change after treatment across brain regions (r = 0.99, p < 0.001). That is, regions with higher baseline SERT BPND were significantly more occupied by acute SSRI treatment. Discussion: Our results indicate regional differences in SERT occupancy associated with acute treatment with SSRIs. _______________________________ *Corresponding author e-mail: 2013 Intrinsic Activity, ISSN 2309-8503; Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR)
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