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10475 Centurion Parkway N Suite 303
J. Douglas Green, Jr., MD, FACS Gordon F. TInley, MA, CCC-A
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Judith M. Nelson, MPAS, PA-C
William Eblin, Au.D, CCC-A
904 399-0350 Phone
Jacqueline Olson, Au.D, CCC-A
904 399-5914 Fax
Mary Jo Schuh, MS, CCC-A
Your physician has recommended that testing be performed on your balance system. To
ensure that you are adequately prepared, please read the fol owing guidelines.
** Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in your tests being re-scheduled.
• Women are asked to wear pants or shorts. Please do not wear stockings.
• Gentlemen are asked to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.
• Please refrain from wearing any skin lotions, moisturizing creams, make-up, mascara, etc.
• Please bring an extra shirt / blouse

• If your testing is scheduled in the morning, please refrain from eating breakfast.
• If you have an afternoon appointment, please limit yourself to a light breakfast.
Diabetics: Please notify the office staff so that arrangements can be made.
MEDICATIONS • Certain medications and substances are known to negatively influence balance testing. Because of this, we ask that you REFRAIN FROM THE FOLLOWING 24 HOURS PRIOR
medications for the control of nausea / dizziness, tranquilizers, sleeping
pil s, cold remedies, anti-depressants, and alcohol. If you are taking a medication that is
not on this list and have any questions or concerns, please cal our office nurse at (904)
425-4711. Please refer to the list below for common medications to avoid.
• Dalman
• Because of your symptoms, a combination of the fol owing tests have been ordered.

Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)
Test Time: approximately 30-45 minutes
Test Description: CDP is a test used to assess postural control. During this test, you wil
be asked to maintain your balance while standing on a platform that is sensitive to movements.
Rotational Chair Testing
Test Time: approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour
Test Description: Rotational chair testing is a highly specialized test used to determine
whether dizziness is originating from the inner ear or brain. During this test, you wil sit in a chair that rotates left and right at control ed speeds. Goggles are used to record eye movements that are used in test analysis. In some cases, you wil also fol ow moving lights with your eyes.
Videonystagmography (VNG)
Test Time: approximately 1 hour
Test Description: The VNG test battery evaluates balance function through the recording
of eye movements using special goggles. During this test, positional dizziness is examined, and you wil fol ow moving lights with your eyes. In addition, cool and warm water is introduced into the ears to assess the function of each inner ear separately.
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP)
Test Time: approximately 20-30 minutes
Test Description: The VEMP is used to determine if the saccule (organ in the inner ear)
and its connections are working properly. This test involves the placement of 3 electrodes on the neck and soft foam insert earphones in the ears. During this test, you wil look both to the left / right and hold the position for a period of 30 seconds to 1 minute while recordings are made. If you are unable to keep your appointment for any reason, please cal our office as soon as possible. When your appointment is made, a large amount of clinical time is reserved for your testing. If given advanced notice, we are often able to fil your spot with a patient who is scheduled for testing at a later date. Failure to cancel your appointment in advance wil result in the requirement of a deposit when your testing is re-scheduled. We look forward to seeing you!


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