contributing to the nationwide “Schaufenster
Elektromobilität” initiative with a project that aims to
demonstrate the possibilities of an automated production
line for Li-ion battery modules. Li-ion batteries are the
core components for any vehicle that features increasing
electrification. At the planned pilot production line in
Hannover, Germany, new production techniques and
As a leading provider of automotive batteries, Johnson
processes will be developed and demonstrated. Based
Controls is a part of the Hannover-Brunswick-Göttingen-
on these, prismatic Li-ion cells can be assembled into
Wolfsburg metropolitan region. Johnson Controls is
battery modules in an efficient way.
Johnson Controls Power Solutions will spend about EUR 2.8 million on the project. ExpEctEd bEnEfits of thE nEw production tEchniquEs: • Technological basis for future mass assembly of battery modules • Reduction of production costs through automated assembly • Adaptability for various dimensions and applications • Improved product quality by means of optimized and rangE of applications: The batteries are designed to enable electric mobility for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. However, as all vehicles increase their level of electrification the technology should also have a positive effect on batteries used in other types of hybrid vehicles (such as the 48-volt Micro Hybrid battery)*. In addition, the modules could also be used as components for storing renewable energy. projEct duration and costs: Johnson Controls Power Solutions will spend about EUR 2.8 million on the project, which will run from 2012 to 2015. The German About Johnson Controls Power Solutions
federal government is funding the project with approx.
Johnson Controls Power Solutions is the global leader in lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced batteries for Start-Stop, hybrid and electric vehicles. Our 50 manufacturing, recycling and distribution centers supply more than one-third of the about “schaufEnstEr ElEktromobilität”: world’s lead-acid batteries to major automakers and aftermarket retailers. Through
“Schaufenster Elektromobilität” is a project launched by the
our innovations we are building the advanced battery industry for hybrid and electric
German federal government that showcases the progress made in
vehicles. We were the first company in the world to produce lithium-ion batteries
electric mobility in recent years and highlights future developments. for mass-production hybrid vehicles. Our commitment to sustainability is evidenced The project is supported by the federal government with funding
by our world-class technology, manufacturing and recycling capabilities.Johnson Controls Power Solutions EMEA Am Leineufer 51 *The Micro Hybrid System combines a lead-acid battery and a low-voltage
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