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Avhandlingens titel
Determination of cell mass by direct x-ray absorption Fractionation and dose rate in radiotherapy. An experimental and clinical study of cumulative radiation effect Bone marrow biopsy in breast cancer. A clinical and morphological study Melanocytes, moles and melanoma. A study on UV effects Chromosome aberrations in realtion to malignant disease – a cytogenetic investigation Normal skin reactions in radiotherapy. Proliferation, progression and prognostic factors Treatment of localised prostatic carcinoma with reference to radiotherapy treatment methods, local cure, late side effects and development of a disease specific quality of life questionnaire Hormonal regulation of growth in human endometrial adenocarcinomas. Role of the p53 gene Cancer incidence after exposure to low dose and high dose ionising radiation Potential biological markers of tumour response to radiation therapy in head and neck cancers Hypothermia and radiation: effects on DNA, chromatin and cellular survival Radioimmunotherapy of experimental ovarian cancer with Astatine-211 – an in vivo model for consolidation treatment in women Matrix metalloproteinases in natural killer cells. Expression of MMPs, IL-2 activation, and killer cell interactions with Matrigel® and model tumours Spritual/existential issues in palliative care with special reference to patient with brain tumours and their spouses Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in Western Sweden – with a special focus on BRCA1 3171ins5 mutation Methodological aspects on excess cancer risk after exposure to ionizing radiation Intrinsic radiosensitivity and molecular targets for tumour radiosensitization of head and neck cancer with special reference to chromosomal instability and pentoxifylline Prognostic and predictive factors in laryngeal cancer treatment with radiotherapy Clinical and molecular studies of liposarcoma Nasophyngeal carcinoma: past, present and future directions Clinical outcome and prognostic factors in borderline ovarian tumors and invasive ovarian carcinomas in western Sweden New prognostic markers in stage III serous ovarian adenocarcinomas Moledular characterization of type 1 endometrial carcinomas Characterization of genetic alterations in ovarian cancer associated with chemotherapy response Novel biomarkers predicting long-term survival in breast cancer Migration of natural killer cells. Matrix interaction, locomotion and regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) by IL-2 and chemokines Quality of life and psychological reactions in women on first line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. Correlations to tumour response and predictive factors. Radiobiological effects of alpha-particles from Astatine-211 from DNA damage to cell death. Maintaining quality of life after prostate cancer diagnosis Optimization of radiotherapy in locally advanced lung cancer Towards improved physical and psychological health after radiotherapy for prostate cancer – avoiding long-lasting symptoms from the bowel and the anal-sphincter region after radiotherapy for prostate cancer Towards restoring health in testicular cancer survivors – cognitive dysfunction, missing a testicle and psychological needs Long-term symptoms after breast cancer radiotherapy Integrative genomic and survival analysis of breast cancer

Source: http://www.jubileumsklinikenscancerfond.se/upload_dokuments/20130318_Avhandlingar%20-%20Onkologi%202013.pdf

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