Clinic panui

Health Clinic Panui
Kia Ora Tatou
K o k i r i M a r a e
H a u o r a a n d
S o c i a l S e r v i c e s

By now we should all be feeling refreshed and moving into the me-
dium/fast paced lane of life. We are almost into the first quarter of

this year already. Some of us have chosen to take a new path and
pace in life than that which exists at Kokiri Hauora and Social Ser-

February / March
vices, we wish them all well. The weather is still reeking havoc but
Inside this issue:
Kokiri Marae Hauora
Clinic Times

Are your tamariki up to date
with their childhood immuniza-
Nurse Only Clinics:
tions? Are you aware of what
Monday: 1pm
the immunizations given are for Meningococal B
Wednesday: 10am -12noon
and when they are given? If
1pm – 3pm
you would like to know more
Take Note: Please observe the
Well Women Clinic 2
call Hemi, Beverley or Anne on
above set times as our nurses
the following numbers,
have other duties to perform in
9201478 or 9201429
Free Dental Care
their day.
For all other enquiries phone

Whooping Cough
Meningococcal B Immunisation Program. Piki te Ora Ki te
Awakairangi PHO
The above campaign will start in the Hutt in May this year. It is a
national program aimed at children and young people aged 6mths Housing, Heating

to 19yrs. Kokiri Marae Hauora will have new staff on board to
and Health Study
work with our whanau and community. For more information: See
Sharon Reid or call 9394631

If you are new to this service the following is all the information you will need: Your Mas-
sage Therapist is Wai Williams-Taylor. For all enquiries or appointments for the Strand, con-
tact Wai on 04 5642740 or 04-3839228 or 0274033214
All Mirimiri clinic days and times are as follows:
Tuesdays at Kokiri Marae Hauora Clinic @ 7-9 Barnes Street Seaview
From 10am - 3.30. Call into the clinic for an appointment @ Kokiri Hauora clinic or call Carol
on 9397209.
Wainuiomata, 7A, The Strand,
Wednesday includes after hours clinic
From 10am - 9.30pm
Thursday through to Saturday
From 10am – 5pm.

Well Women Clinic:
Each month we provide a well women clinic which is a free service for women. We can assist
with all aspects of women’s health. As a prevention clinic we will support you or your whanau
member with Breast and/or Cervical screening. We have a smear taker on site and are able to
do smear tests free of charge. Our next clinic is on the 24th March ’05.
For further inquiries or to book call Carol on 9201477.

Free Dental Care:
Attention: All parents, caregivers and other whanau mem-
bers, if you know of any Rangatahi (teenager) in need of dental
care and have not made contact with a dentist in a while call
us here at the clinic where we will assist you with further infor-
mation including a list of participating dentists. Call Carol or
Beverley on 9201477 or 9201478.
While we are on the subject of dental care, the school dental
service provides free dental care for children at school based
clinics in a friendly, professional atmosphere. Dental care is
available for both pre-school and primary school aged chil-
dren. Parents are encouraged to enroll their children from
2years of age. This helps them to get use to the dental clinic.
For enrolment forms call into the clinic or call Carol on

NZ Women’s Lifestyle Study:
You are invited to take part in the “NZ Women’s Lifestyle

This study aims to encourage mid-life and older New Zealand women to become more
physically active to reduce the risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
Why is this study needed?
As we get older, our chance of suffering from heart disease or diabetes increases. About
one third of New Zealand women are not physically active.
This study is being carried out to find out whether a lifestyle program can improve the
health of mid-life and older New Zealand women over a period of two years.
Who can participate?
Women aged 40-72 will be invited to take part in this study. Women who could increase the
amount of physical activity in their daily life will be eligible to participate in this study. You
may have a medical condition that means we will ask you to see your doctor before you are
able to join the study.
What does the study involve?
You will meet with a study nurse who will ask you a series of questions about your health,
lifestyle, current medical conditions and any family history of disease. The nurse will check
your blood pressure, measure your height, weight and waist, and carry out a simple test of
fitness. This can take from one to one and a half hours.

PERTUSSIS; ( Whooping Cough)
New Zealand is currently in the midst of a pertussis epidemic which began in mid 2004 has
yet to reach its peak. The impact of this current epidemic of pertussis in the greater Welling-
ton region was noticeable at the end of last year, with a sharp rise in pertussis notifications
during the months of November and December (see Figure 1). There were 54 cases of per-
tussis notified during these two months. In comparison, there were 7 cases during this pe-

Figure 1. Pertussis notifications in the greater Wellington region
(excluding Wairarapa) by month reported, Jan 2004 - Dec 2004
The cases ranged in age from 1 month to 80 years with cases occurring in all age groups.
The highest number of cases was in the 10 -14 year old age group and 41% of cases were
aged over 20 years. There were 3 hospitalisations during November and December, all in in-
fants under 6 months.
To reduce disease transmission and limit the effects of the epidemic, continuing efforts to
ensure a completed course of vaccination against pertussis are essential. This includes the
booster doses at age 15 months and 4 years. The non-immunised are highly susceptible to
infection and immunity can wane with age, hence the importance of booster doses to protect
older children. The only contraindications to the pertussis vaccination are severe reaction
following a previous dose of pertussis vaccine, such as an immediate severe anaphylactic
reaction, or encephalopathy within the previous 7 days.
Notification on suspicion of a case of pertussis is encouraged. This allows for the manage-
ment of contacts as soon as possible to prevent further spread.
Cases should be excluded from school or work either until the completion of 5 days of a 14-
day course of erythromycin or until three weeks has elapsed from the onset of paroxysmal
Pertussis is not only a disease of childhood but can cause significant morbidity in adults as
well. Importantly, an infected adult can then pass the infection onto children, who are the
group more likely to be hospitalised or die from whooping cough.
The accepted procedure for the diagnosis of pertussis and confirmation of a case is by cul-
ture (or PCR) from a naso-pharangeal swab. In the vast majority of the cases notified, swabs
have been taken. However, the use of serology has been performed on some cases, either
instead of a naso-pharangeal swab or in conjunction with a swab. A single positive serology
result is not considered diagnostic of pertussis. The use of serology to confirm diagnosis re-
quires a second convalescence blood sample. Furthermore, serology cannot be used during
the year following vaccination, as it does not differentiate between antibodies from infection

Aukati Kai Paipa
Do you wanna give up smoking? See any-
one in the Aukati Kai Paipa Roopu. This
service is FREE. Come into the Hauora or
phone Sharon and Team on 9394631 dur-
ing normal business hours or leave a brief
message for someone to return your call.

Tu Kotahi Maori Asthma
These clinics are free and are held in the
Hauora clinic every second Monday each
month. If you would like to know more or
would like to book a time please call into the
clinic or contact Tracy or any of clinic or Tu
Kotahi Maori Asthma Team for further infor-
mation on 9397209 or 9394629

`What’s been happening in our world?
Hutt Union Health Service has been working on a project to improve access to primary
care & social services in the Pomare community – contact Muriel Tunoho for more informa-
tion at Pomare

The dental service has recently opened at the Whai Oranga Service for people enrolled in
Piki te Ora – contact Beau Markland for more information at Whai Oranga
Everyone is gearing up for the roll out of the Menz B campaign
Care Plus has started being rolled out in the services. Contact Jeannine for more informa-
tion about the criteria.
Coming up: revising our annual plan and health promotion plans and developing a mental
health pilot
Board members of Piki te Ora are: John Ryall, Diane Ruru (co-chairs), Jeannie Knapp,
Muriel Tunoho, Allie Preston, Cheryl Davies, Vera McDonald, Taniela Vao, Siloma Masina,
Nita Vaofusi and ex-officio: Sally Nicholl, Heather Webber, Teresea Olsen and Jeannine
Stairmand (co-ordinator)

Fees: Babies, children and youth aged under 18years $10
Adults $10. Subsidized access to after hours care
Whai Oranga o Te Iwi 564 6966
Pomare Union Health 567 6414
Petone Union Health 568 6392
Piki te Ora PHO Co-ordinator: 920 1491

Housing, Heating and Health Study;
He Kainga Oranga, the Housing and Health research programme. He Kainga Oranga carries
out research exploring relationships between housing and health. Who have a commitment to
do research that is relevant to people and communities and that will make a difference to peo-
ples’ lives.
In New Zealand in general, houses are cold and damp and are often not constructed well for
the climate. It is also known that in New Zealand many people suffer from asthma, which some
searchers have linked to the environment inside the home. In the Housing, Heating and Health
Study they will try to find out if getting a safe, energy efficient heater, improves both the symp-
toms of children with asthma, and the health and well being of everyone in the home.
To work out whether heating makes a difference to peoples’ health they are planning an inter-
vention study that will look at the difference in people’s health before and after they receive a
new form of heating. By the end of the study, every house still enrolled in the study will have
been insulated (if it wasn’t already insulated) and given a new type of heater.
It costs nothing to join the study; in return for the heater and maybe the insulation partici-
pants give He Kainga Oranga information about how they felt during the winter months. The
heater will be owned by the person who owns the house – if you rent the house, the heater will
be owned by the landlord. Participants will need to pay for the fuel they use in the new heaters
– as they would normally.
To be eligible for the study you will need to live in the Hutt Valley or Porirua areas. There also
needs to be a child between the ages of 7 and 12 years with asthma in your household and
your household must use a un-flued gas heater during the winter.
For more information and registrations call Tu Kotahi Maori Asthma or Cheryl Davies on

Ko k i r i M a r a e
H a u o ra a n d
S e r v i c e s


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